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FAQ Can You Recommend a Mentor, Coach or Trading Course?

ICT's YouTube channel was useful to me and I think he gives plenty away to trade well. It will work for some and not for others but that is the nature of courses and mentors.
Frankly I only know one forex trader who make money and he worked his backside off for years. Don't try and outsmart the market, you will lose. Stick with longer term trades, with indexes ,ideally learn to trade options. Do intraday stuff for fun
I am not sure why you are looking for a mentor or coach when there is so much information about forex trading on the internet. When you type a keyword, a lot of websites come up with information that is enough for a trader.
Not sure if people are looking for a system or a coach- the 2 are different beasts. Coping with losses is hard, cutting short winning trades is also a habit of newbies. I know, after 20 yrs I'm still a newbie.
It is not possible to become 100% profitable when the market is so unpredictable and you have no other option than to take a risk.
Depends on what you mean by 100%. There can be losses of course but overall you can make profits with the right approach. I've been trading options for 20 years and have had 3 losing years in that time- goes with the territory, but overall have done very well. I don't need to predict the unpredictable, but options trading is not for the chancers and gamblers. It requires a fair amount of learning and a decent ' trading pot'
I like the SMC style Supply and Demand trading so a couple of those are on YouTube.
Also just Google S/D trading in Images there are some nice schematics that you can save and use for reference
Yes, the sources you’ve listed are indeed useful for new traders. But, I will also suggest that new traders must practice on demo accounts to implement the concepts they have learned. Practice helps consolidate the learnings.
I took a crash course on forex trading by the name of ‘Six Figure Capital’, which was a great course for me, as I had a decent base in trading. But, those who are learning the concepts of forex for the first time should opt for a more comprehensive course, then it is on Udemy.
I always look for free resources and trust me the internet has everything on it, one needs to search wisely for the trading terms and should be clear what she/he wants to learn. I think self-learning helps us to understand trading better and referring to podcasts and educational trading videos also fulfills the need of a course.
Courses that cost money are put up on pirate bay torrent Almost everyone knows about it and many people use it. It turns out that you can pass for free what they sell for money. Not quite. Let me give you a very accurate comparison. Products in the trash, you can buy clothes and groceries in the store. Yes, it costs money, and, unfortunately, there is not always enough money for what you really want. But this way you get the product in the package, fresh and unused by anyone.
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Courses that cost money are put up on pirate bay torrent Almost everyone knows about it and many people use it. It turns out that you can pass for free what they sell for money. Not quite. Let me give you a very accurate comparison. Products in the trash, you can buy clothes and groceries in the store. Yes, it costs money, and, unfortunately, there is not always enough money for what you really want. But this way you get the product in the package, fresh and unused by anyone.
Really, how do you know the product fits.
Find something you have no affinity for - USDJPY for example, develop a system, backtest it, then try to break it- if it works, trade it. You don't need psychology if you have a winning method. Well you do a bit,- dealing with the profits
As I've said successful traders have mentors- most of them start in a professional environment. The chances of doing ok with a home setup and no support is about 2% -Because it's easy to enter the fray but hard to win.
You seem to know a lot about markets,since you have paid a lot of money in trading gurus why dont you show us your value as a trader with live traders to prove your point.
I imagine the rest 98% all have mentors 🤔,its good to read forums,there is always things you can learn.
You seem to know a lot about markets,since you have paid a lot of money in trading gurus why dont you show us your value as a trader with live traders to prove your point.
I imagine the rest 98% all have mentors 🤔,its good to read forums,there is always things you can learn.
I once paid for an Optionetics course which was moderately helpful. I had a very short spell of being mentored bit I was not in a good place at the time. My success is after 15 years of finding what works for me, but I could fast track anyone with the right attitude. But I have no interest in doing that for money. I have been trading options since the last century, I'm an idiot but clearly something is working.
Everyone is succesful untill you tell him to show live trades in both direction, then suddenly they start excuses like ''i dont have to prove anything'' and other crap,will you open a trading journal with live trades to show us how succesfull you are after spending all these money to your succesful mentors?
I once paid for an Optionetics course which was moderately helpful. I had a very short spell of being mentored bit I was not in a good place at the time. My success is after 15 years of finding what works for me, but I could fast track anyone with the right attitude. But I have no interest in doing that for money. I have been trading options since the last century, I'm an idiot but clearly something is working.
Ok,i believe you, i am sure you are the best, will you show us live trades in both directions, or you will start the same excuses your mentors give to the succers they sell their stuff?
Everyone is succesful untill you tell him to show live trades in both direction, then suddenly they start excuses like ''i dont have to prove anything'' and other crap,will you open a trading journal with live trades to show us how succesfull you are after spending all these money to your succesful mentors?
Trading journal no good. Needs to be called on here with a stop at time of entry. Easily done, anything else can be played around with