Mentor educating the unteachable

Re: Anne Widdecombe - I have no taste, I don't care and I have no shame.

Re: Poor analogies - you leave my chess playing fish alone.
Anyway, it's late and it's bed time, have to work tomorrow and have bigger fish to fry tomorrow,...😆😆😆I crack myself up....😎
Howard, I like your honesty and your integrity, comes across very nicely in your posts, I wish you good luck and will watch your posts with interest as it is very obvious your intensions are very positive. The downside of forums on t2w will become very apparent very quickly but I believe you will persist and make your own judgements...welcome and good luck..

That's kind of you. Thank you.
Anyway, it's late and it's bed time, have to work tomorrow and have bigger fish to fry tomorrow,...😆😆😆I crack myself up....😎

Thank cod for that. This plaice will only get better once you get the eel out of here.:whistling
All of this discourse, especially that which concerns material possessions and proof of ownership, puts me in mind of several quotes from Kin Hubbard. Hubbard was a journalist, cartoonist, and humorist. He was much admired by Will Rogers, the great radio auteur and satirist Fred Allen, H. Allen Smith, and Groucho Marx. He died in 1930.

"Boys will be boys, and so will a lot of middle-aged men."

"I'll say this for adversity: people seem to be able to stand it, and that's more than I can say for prosperity."

"It's what a fellow thinks he knows that hurts him."

"The hardest thing is to take less when you can get more."

"There's no secret about success. Did you ever know a successful man who didn't tell you about it?"

"Nobody ever forgets where he buried the hatchet."

And, as usual, I'll toss in a photograph of Bernard Baruch. Baruch lived his life in a generous and kindly fashion. He knew that wealth has no meaning without the intent to give back, share, and serve.

Well, here is a few of my sayings to go down in history from this time:

Don't talk about 'boys', you'll probably end up on some 'register'

People prefer prosperity

Actually, it's what he does not know which hurts him more

Ahem, I'd love to give that a go one day


They did in Lost!
@ODT and other Vendors, Mentors, Bull$***ers!
Call some live trades real time, if they're wrong then maybe it's the drawdown period, but continue to call, prove you are worth something!
If anyone pays any vendor or anyone without checking they're not being mugged then they are a mug!😉

Why bother wasting time on live calls, Why not just trade and make money.

A forum live caller gets the addage behind every intellect is an ordinary person expressing himself.

Here is the family owned resort
I don't have any beef with you and your postings - it is after all just the internet but even this bold claim of what would seem to be a significant custom build vessel based upon that mooring fee has aroused a morbid curiosity in me.

Dude, if you are genuine about owning a yacht, you should be able to answer these questions on basic seamanship and put us all out of our misery.

1) If you put your port engine into forward and starboard engine into reverse, tell me what you boat does if there are no effects of current or wind on the boat. The answer also depends on whether your boat is stern or shaft drive so I'll need to know that too.

2) Puerto Banus operates stern to moorings - can you tell me how you negotiate a stern to mooring without crashing into the dock?

3) If you are moored up to a dock on your port side and there is significant wind of say 30knots pushing your vessel onto the dock, how do you depart without causing significant damage to you expensive GRP hull?

4) What is the distress signal you should give if you're vessel is incapcitated but not in immediate danger? Also what channel you do this on?

5) What signs do you look for to see if somebody is in immediate danger of drowning (and I don't mean bobbing up and down in the water)?

Dude - if you can answer these coherently, I for one would believe that you may own a boat.

It is my brother's yacht , my backer whose money I trade.He owns it all .I ain't got a clue.
It is my brother's yacht , my backer whose money I trade.He owns it all .I ain't got a clue.

Good God, is that the best you can come up with? 😆😆😆😆

Here's the post that started all the trouble - I've highlighted what I feel to be a particularly pertinent part.

I only assume risk and get the rewards all day long , those macd and and all the fancy crappola are for failures and t/a mugs , thats why I am now sitting on my Yacht in Peurto Banus at the moment, whilst all the failures are trying to bash me from their little smelly garages.It is nice and sunny here.

Could you really not come up with a better lie, Demo? Are you lying now, when you say it's your brother's, or were you lying then, when you said it was yours?

Or would both be lies, and in fact the yacht does not exist?
Good on you for coming clean dude.

LOL Coming clean? It's a pretty limp attempt at wriggling out, not coming clean. Read his original post. Some people are pretty sloppy with language, but not that sloppy. You knwo whether it's your boat or your brother's.
LOL Coming clean? It's a pretty limp attempt at wriggling out, not coming clean. Read his original post. Some people are pretty sloppy with language, but not that sloppy. You knwo whether it's your boat or your brother's.

For me, it's about the fact he doesn't own one. Boat owners don't brag about their boats in an aspirational sense. Boat owners own boats because they love being on the water.
Good on you for coming clean dude.

Did you really expect not to run into a boat owner on this forum?

The point is :

If trader is good at trading , he will turn a simple $100k into $5m within 1 year.Thats equivalent to $100k a week.Why bother mentor services at noobs?

Somebody explained it it clearly why it is almost impossible to teach someone else to take risks in dynamic market set ups .

I do not think that the professions offer a sound base from which to practice market trading. In fact, they could be a drawback because of the illogicality of markets. Markets do not do what common sense, from a mathematical point of view, dictates.

That is why, IMO, systems will never work for more than a handful of traders who know how to interpret them.

It does not matter what your academic qualifications are. It only matters that you are an intelligent person capable of approaching trading from another angle and, whatever that angle is, it will be difficult to teach to others. A few will grasp it but most will not.

If we become successful traders, we must be thankful for that. Very few will understand what we do. Perhaps, we should be thankful for that, too.

Forget all the price action crap seminars and mentors on forex factory.Just another scam.

Good traders will not mentor others.They know it is impossible to teach others to be profitable.Mentors can be earning $10m a week within 2 years.


What crack you been smoking?

It must be even better than the sh1t I've been on all day, and that stuff was 👍. I'm popping some ludes now, then I'll be chasing the dragon for the rest of the night.

I'm pretty bombed on scotch as well, truth be told.