Can anyone recommend a Mentor or training?

As a newbie I could probably do with coaching/mentoring as I am sure my wins are more by luck than judgement with my Forex trades. Can anyone recommend someone on the forums who might be interested in taking on a Padawan learner?

I don't need a lot of time and I pick things up quickly, but it would be great to some direction to make sense of the wealth of information out there.

Clearly I wouldn't expect this for free, but I would want someone experienced and recognised as offering sound guidance.

If there are no good mentors out there, can anyone recommend any good Forex training?
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. . .If there are no good mentors out there, can anyone recommend any good Forex training?
Hi TT,
Welcome to T2W.

A good a place as any to start is by carefully going through the links provided in the welcome e-mail you were sent when you joined. Just as you wouldn't take driving lessons and ask your instructor 'what's a steering wheel?', 'what's a brake?' or 'what's an accelerator?', you want to have a grasp of the basics before paying for tuition.

Finding a good mentor / trainer is a minefield for the unwary, so tread very carefully; fools rush in where angels fear to tread! Before parting with any money, be sure to read both these FAQs:
How Can I Distinguish Between Scams and Reputable Vendors?
Can You Recommend a Mentor, Coach or Trading Course?

Hi TT,
Welcome to T2W.

A good a place as any to start is by carefully going through the links provided in the welcome e-mail you were sent when you joined. Just as you wouldn't take driving lessons and ask your instructor 'what's a steering wheel?', 'what's a brake?' or 'what's an accelerator?', you want to have a grasp of the basics before paying for tuition.

Finding a good mentor / trainer is a minefield for the unwary, so tread very carefully; fools rush in where angels fear to tread! Before parting with any money, be sure to read both these FAQs:
How Can I Distinguish Between Scams and Reputable Vendors?
Can You Recommend a Mentor, Coach or Trading Course?


Hi Tim,

Thank you for your considered response. I have gone through all the links in my welcome email and have consumed dozens more articles from T2Win since. I am embarrassed to say I didn't find the excellent 'Can you recommend a Mentor...' article you posted. Having read it and concur with all points, I still would like to find someone I can use to clarify my thinking.

I don't want tips, or stock picks. I am not looking to copy anyone else's trading strategy or methods. I want to develop a strategy and system that works for me and there will be times when things don't go as I expect. If I have someone I can talk to for 30/60 minutes a week to run those scenarios by, show them my trades and get a different perspective on how I am doing things, I think it will help.

Following on from the Football analogy, I am in the game and I am on the pitch playing. I feel like I am in a penalty shoot out. The worst thing for me has been on my first penalty I scored an unbelievable goal and I mistook that for a formula for success. I now question if it was blind luck. I want to get to the point that my strategy means I know exactly where I want to place the ball. With practice I want to refine my skill so I kick the ball perfectly accurately. I see the keeper as the markets - I can't affect him. Sometime I will score and sometimes the keeper makes a save, but as long as I have the strategy and the skill I should win the percentage war over the long term.

My problem is that as a newbie, things happen that make me question am I even facing the goal.

There is a great point in the article you posted about starting a blog/diary and if I take it seriously (which I am), there is a chance that people will respond with comments and advice. I will do that and see if at least it helps me understand what I am doing.


Troubled Trader
You don't need a mentor or training.

I see or assume you're just a baby in this (trading) world...well, keep on learning and doing and practicing...and sooner or later...a light bulb will go off in your head...that you will find the right product and idea to trade.

No one will necessarily guide you to a direct obvious road to riches.😈
the world and people just doesn't work like that.
How to find a Trading Mentor ???


This is the first time I have EVER entered a forum. That said I've never needed to until now!

I wonder if anyone has any useful advice please?

I'm pretty new to the markets. Am doing extensive research, reading every book I can find and making myself dizzy studying charts and learning about technical analysis. It's going well; I'm determined and enjoying the challenge. Have made a handful of (modestly sized) real trades, managing money and risk appropriately and am up, however have a long way to go! Largely focusing on FTSE 350 stocks, and FTSE100 index spread-betting (I hope that’s not a dirty word in here?).
A lot of the reading I've been doing points to the fact that a new trader will benefit hugely from a trading mentor. Can anyone advise as to how one finds such a person as I'm conscious walking through Bristol on a Saturday afternoon asking people if they can help probably isn't going to get me the right result! Seemingly trading mentors are quite difficult to find?!!? Hoping someone out there might disagree and have some useful advice?

Any thoughts greatly received and thanks in advance!
You don't need a mentor or training.

I see or assume you're just a baby in this (trading) world...well, keep on learning and doing and practicing...and sooner or later...a light bulb will go off in your head...that you will find the right product and idea to trade.

No one will necessarily guide you to a direct obvious road to riches.😈
the world and people just doesn't work like that.

No need to assume, I freely admit I am a novice trader. I agree continued learning and practice is the best way to learn.

Your last sentence however, seems to be at adds with the rest of the thread. At no point am I asking for someone to 'guide you to a direct obvious road to riches'. I don't think that road exists. I am all about the long game, learning slow and steady. Minimising my losses so that over the long term I can be profitable.

I still think there is value in having someone I can talk trading with, but in the meantime I will start a blog and see where that takes me. Until then, the search continues!


Troubled Trader
No need to assume, I freely admit I am a novice trader. I agree continued learning and practice is the best way to learn.

Your last sentence however, seems to be at adds with the rest of the thread. At no point am I asking for someone to 'guide you to a direct obvious road to riches'. I don't think that road exists. I am all about the long game, learning slow and steady. Minimising my losses so that over the long term I can be profitable.

I still think there is value in having someone I can talk trading with, but in the meantime I will start a blog and see where that takes me. Until then, the search continues!


Troubled Trader

i think a tutor is a good idea. beware geeks bearing gifts tho
There are various good training programs around. Obviously there is some frog kissing involved.

This ebook was really good. I do not know if theis specific strategy will suit you (it takes a certain mindset) but even if not there are things to be learned about trade plan structure and other good ideals.
Hi Troubled Trader - Trading systems are notoriously difficult to copy exactly, even from a trader who is making their own system work. This is more to do with each one of us having individual attitudes to trading, risk, the value of money, individual levels of TA ability, time available, how long a trade should run, willingness to pore over charts or news or financial releases etc. etc., than with the micro-detailed merits of particualr systems.

I was once advised if you don't know the right way to start a particular job, wherever you start is therefore not automatically wrong, so just start somewhere and adapt from there. At the risk of getting all Eastern, setting out on the road to a better place is more important than finding a map to your destination.

So why not pull a system together from what you have read, make sure it is customised to your lifestyle and account size and chosen markets, and start paper trading. Feel free to post the outline up here but stand by to have it knocked about. But then that's the point - you can't get a magic formula / Holy Grail off a shelf, you have to make your own.
I would stick with the site. Trade 2 win offer plenty of free information to get you started.

First of all set up a demo account and start trading. Trading is very much practical so trade!!

Learn the basics, plenty of threads for beginners.

Once you start trading you will soon find out what you need to learn in order to improve.

When you are ready to invest your hard earned cash I would suggest copying someone who is already successful. This way you can continue to learn whilst making money or at least breaking even.

If you have the aptitude, you will be able to, over time apply a strategy meticulously so that you can consistently make profits from the market by yourself.

Trading is not something that can be learnt by just reading. The information you require to trade is the foundation but the practical application is what makes you profitable.