Re: £400 a day ftse trading


'If it were that simple then why do two people using the same "System" never get the same results ?'

The answer is quite simple really, firstly you say 'never get the same results..' which is nonsense,
sometimes you may get two people getting the same results and sometimes not, the answer cannot be 'never'.

When two people do not get the same results then it is normally because of one of a few reasons, either emotion,
bad money management, or maybe one punter has understood the system in a different way to the other.

Let's get one thing straight, whether you are a system hater or not you cannot change certain variables and human
beings by nature vary and so do their personalities which means you will indeed get different results.

But one thing is absolutely certain, if a system is clear and concise and the people who operate it work it
exactly as laid out, without emotion and methodically with the information given then you will definitley
get the same results, period. There is no argument about this even if you hate systems.

The appropriate word incidently is not necessarily 'method'. If you look up 'system' in the dictionary it means
'method' but again I detect this 'I refuse to use the word system in my vocabulary because I am a professional trader..'
type attitude ;-) (just joking guys)

'you cannot have an emotional system because the context is out of place'

It is not the system that is emotional, it is the user. How can a system on its own possibly be emotional ? It is
the human factor that creats emotion.

Yes you are correct there are traders that are successful by instinct but they are few, the majority of successful
traders use the many tools available and they combine these tools to creat their own system, sorry 'method'
as you prefer this terminology ;-)

'If success were down to systems then we would all use the same one'

If we were all robots without individual personalities then yes. But we are human beings and all different which
means we all have different opinions and ideas of success and how we achieve it. We do not have access to the same
information or may not even want to have access and also put the work in to discover what is available.

It is just like saying that we should all be driving the same car, the car may do exactly the same miles per gallon,
is just as comfortable, the same guarantees, the same price, the same spec etc etc etc but we as individuals choose
our own things based on our tastes and personality. It is exactly the same with systems or methods or teachers,
we choose our own guru, we choose our own software, we choose our own system, whatever we think works best for us.

The possibilities are endless.

Hi Neil,

Sorry bud, nothing personal.

This just sounds even more contradicting and extremely dodgy.

You say the system can be used by people who hold full time jobs, you go on to say that anyone can use it in their spare time, you state you have spare time to 'help' others but here you state you haven't got time to trade it all day, before you state you did use it.(very vague, like all system vendors)

Even if you do use it only once a day "Even trading for just 1 day a week will produce you a substantial 2nd income ". Your quote on your site, not mine.

Sounds like your trying to profit off others because you cannot profit enough with this 'system'.

Apart from that, congratulations on your new baby boy.

Many thanks. It can be traded just 1 day a week, but i'm making the money I need by selling the system at the moment, I also do hold down a full time job as well, and i'm lucky enough to get the chance to trade most of the signals during the day. I've just taken a week or two out to help with the new arrival full time.

I still get chance to answer any e-mails, but believe it or not, not that many customers call upon my support at all, because as I say the system is so simple to operate anyway.

It only takes about 30 mins or so to send my daily updates out of an evening, by that time he's well asleep..


Hi Neil,

O.k, I see where your coming from.

I wish you well with your new family member and hope you do well with your system but I'm sorry to say I won't be buying.

Good Luck bud.

Many thanks. It can be traded just 1 day a week, but i'm making the money I need by selling the system at the moment, I also do hold down a full time job as well, and i'm lucky enough to get the chance to trade most of the signals during the day. I've just taken a week or two out to help with the new arrival full time.

I still get chance to answer any e-mails, but believe it or not, not that many customers call upon my support at all, because as I say the system is so simple to operate anyway.

It only takes about 30 mins or so to send my daily updates out of an evening, by that time he's well asleep..



As a businessman (and not a system seller before anyone starts ;-)) I just wish I could have warned you before you
posted on here. You are beating your head against the wall by trying to defend yourself. Not that you
should even need to defend yourself, you are allowed to sell something that works, it is not a crime so please do not
let people tell you otherwise.

The problem you are faced with is that people generally want something for nothing, because you have committed the
almighty sin of selling a system you will automatically get ridiculed and some people will fire all sorts of
accusations and things at you in an attempt to get your system for nothing. Or you will be asked to post 'free'
trade advice and then some bright spark of a trader will work out what you have done. Your system is then free for
all and worthless, hence you have lost your second stream of income. Don't fall for it mate.

Even if you did 'give it away' for test purposes then the answer you will undoubtedly get is that 'oh yes, it's
an old method used years ago and it doesn't work long term...' You see, as far as many system haters are concerned
there just isn't a system out there that can possibly work. How could there be ? Some of these people have had
to work for years to earn their cash trading, they've lost loads of cash learning and sacrificed much of their time
learning their trade. It would really hurt wouldn't it to find out that there is indeed a system that could allow
someone to trade and earn cash without having to go through what they wet through.

It's not their fault so you must try to understand.

You have been accused of selling a 'crappy system' and that it is 'twoddle' and 'dodgy behaviour'
from someone who hasn't purchased your system but you still replied with dignity (well done for this).
Does this not tell you the type of person you are dealing with ? These people do not understand business so you are
wasting your time defending what you do.

They will even stoop to reporting your website to a third party, I mean how sad is that ?

The same person said that 'help' apparently comes at 'ZERO cost'. What ? No where in any dictionary does the word
'help' mean free. The AA and RAC help me when my car breaks down but it ain't free mate. I went to college and they
helped me learn but it wasn't free. Nothing in this world is free but this type of person thinks that they should get
things for free.

But you see, you're a system seller so the rules are apparently different.

The thing I do not understand is that if you wanted to try something that was advertised in a TV advert then you
would go to the shops and buy it. You wouldn't walk into the shop and say 'hi there I want to take this and try it,
if it works I'll come back and pay you for it...' ??

What planet are these people on ?? Everybody in business sells something or sells a service and they get paid for it.
This is called free enterprise and the world works in this way.

Someone else said that you should give it away because you already earn enough with your trading. What ?
Again what planet are they on ?

Bill Gates is the richest man on the planet but this doesn't mean he now gives his software away for free to
everyone and no one expects this.

But again, you are a system seller so the rules are different.

Buyers or potential buyers always have a choice, they buy or they don't buy, no one is forcing them to do one or
the other yet many become 'tyre kickers', they look but think of all the reasons not to buy.

They will find any excuse to not part with their money, it makes me wonder how they ever make a trade ! And where
systems are concerned then their 'excuse' not to buy and try is to slag the system off.
This is because it is the easiest thing in the world to do and most people that want freebies all the time do the
things that are easy. Unfortunately they will eventually realise that life is not that simnple.

My advice to you Billybiglix is to continue to do what you do, sell via Ebay and your websites and I for one wish you
well. Do not be dragged into giving your system to anyone, you already offer a guarantee and this should be enough.

If someone cannot afford it then they will have to wait until they can, for those who can afford it but are too
tight or haven't got the balls to send you the money then they will just have to wonder whether or not it works.

But until they are able to at least try the system then they should refrain from bad mouthing you with comments like
'crappy system' 'twoddle' and 'dodgy behaviour'.

Quite honestly this person should be ashamed of himself, his comments and attitude do not reflect everyone here
in T2W, please believe me most of the members here are okay.
Even some of the other system seller haters will at least give you some benefit of the doubt.

And before I get the comments that I am a system seller myself, I am NOT a system seller, I am a businessman and I
try to defend other businessmen or women that are creating income for themselves. If I feel that they are
selling a product or service which is honest and there is evidence of good customer service and the customer is
not being ripped off then I will stand their corner.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

cofton - you talk a lot 😴... i want to reply but dont have time to read through it all, let alone reply on all of your points
Cofton, Free speach allows me to voice my opinion which is what I've done.

Me and Neil have already reached an understanding without you sticking your big nose in

Get a life mate and climb back in to your hole.😆

This system seller doesn't need you backing him up.

And by the way, the AA/RAC "help you", that is their job, thats what you pay them for.
It is a business transaction...and you call yourself a business man..😆😆😆😆

Apologies to other T2W members that have to see me stoop to such levels as this moron.

As a businessman (and not a system seller before anyone starts ;-)) I just wish I could have warned you before you
posted on here. You are beating your head against the wall by trying to defend yourself. Not that you
should even need to defend yourself, you are allowed to sell something that works, it is not a crime so please do not
let people tell you otherwise.

The problem you are faced with is that people generally want something for nothing, because you have committed the
almighty sin of selling a system you will automatically get ridiculed and some people will fire all sorts of
accusations and things at you in an attempt to get your system for nothing. Or you will be asked to post 'free'
trade advice and then some bright spark of a trader will work out what you have done. Your system is then free for
all and worthless, hence you have lost your second stream of income. Don't fall for it mate.

Even if you did 'give it away' for test purposes then the answer you will undoubtedly get is that 'oh yes, it's
an old method used years ago and it doesn't work long term...' You see, as far as many system haters are concerned
there just isn't a system out there that can possibly work. How could there be ? Some of these people have had
to work for years to earn their cash trading, they've lost loads of cash learning and sacrificed much of their time
learning their trade. It would really hurt wouldn't it to find out that there is indeed a system that could allow
someone to trade and earn cash without having to go through what they wet through.

It's not their fault so you must try to understand.

You have been accused of selling a 'crappy system' and that it is 'twoddle' and 'dodgy behaviour'
from someone who hasn't purchased your system but you still replied with dignity (well done for this).
Does this not tell you the type of person you are dealing with ? These people do not understand business so you are
wasting your time defending what you do.

They will even stoop to reporting your website to a third party, I mean how sad is that ?

The same person said that 'help' apparently comes at 'ZERO cost'. What ? No where in any dictionary does the word
'help' mean free. The AA and RAC help me when my car breaks down but it ain't free mate. I went to college and they
helped me learn but it wasn't free. Nothing in this world is free but this type of person thinks that they should get
things for free.

But you see, you're a system seller so the rules are apparently different.

The thing I do not understand is that if you wanted to try something that was advertised in a TV advert then you
would go to the shops and buy it. You wouldn't walk into the shop and say 'hi there I want to take this and try it,
if it works I'll come back and pay you for it...' ??

What planet are these people on ?? Everybody in business sells something or sells a service and they get paid for it.
This is called free enterprise and the world works in this way.

Someone else said that you should give it away because you already earn enough with your trading. What ?
Again what planet are they on ?

Bill Gates is the richest man on the planet but this doesn't mean he now gives his software away for free to
everyone and no one expects this.

But again, you are a system seller so the rules are different.

Buyers or potential buyers always have a choice, they buy or they don't buy, no one is forcing them to do one or
the other yet many become 'tyre kickers', they look but think of all the reasons not to buy.

They will find any excuse to not part with their money, it makes me wonder how they ever make a trade ! And where
systems are concerned then their 'excuse' not to buy and try is to slag the system off.
This is because it is the easiest thing in the world to do and most people that want freebies all the time do the
things that are easy. Unfortunately they will eventually realise that life is not that simnple.

My advice to you Billybiglix is to continue to do what you do, sell via Ebay and your websites and I for one wish you
well. Do not be dragged into giving your system to anyone, you already offer a guarantee and this should be enough.

If someone cannot afford it then they will have to wait until they can, for those who can afford it but are too
tight or haven't got the balls to send you the money then they will just have to wonder whether or not it works.

But until they are able to at least try the system then they should refrain from bad mouthing you with comments like
'crappy system' 'twoddle' and 'dodgy behaviour'.

Quite honestly this person should be ashamed of himself, his comments and attitude do not reflect everyone here
in T2W, please believe me most of the members here are okay.
Even some of the other system seller haters will at least give you some benefit of the doubt.

And before I get the comments that I am a system seller myself, I am NOT a system seller, I am a businessman and I
try to defend other businessmen or women that are creating income for themselves
. If I feel that they are
selling a product or service which is honest and there is evidence of good customer service and the customer is
not being ripped off then I will stand their corner.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.


Exactly Cofton. System vendors are businessmen trying to create an income for themselves. They are not traders, they are businessmen. Well said Cofton, I couldn't agree more.
When two people do not get the same results then it is normally because of one of a few reasons, either emotion, bad money management, or maybe one punter has understood the system in a different way to the other.

That was the whole point of what I was saying. Systems on their own are at best only part of the whole method that is needed to be consistently profitable. I have nothing against system sellers and I have even developed some highly profitable ones in my time. However, the mechanics of this on its own has rarely been enough to ensure the end user is able to make money consistently. Addressing the issues of risk management (which is generally misunderstood) and emotions are more critical in my view than the actual system used and this is why results can differ vastly.


Yes I agree entirely. Sorry I misunderstood your take on the matter in your post. I think we actually agree generally. Although I have come across some system sellers that actually trade as well and this is a refreshing change.


Well your comment just confirms you are one of the people out for a free lunch. If you can't be bothered to read my post (which would take all of 3 minutes to read) then please don't comment at all.

Your 'yawn' comment tells me enough about you to know I do not wish to comment further and will not reply to any of your future posts.

cofton - you talk a lot 😴... i want to reply but dont have time to read through it all, let alone reply on all of your points

You are upset because you know I am right and you have not the intelligence to reply in a civil manner,
hence your insults.

Don't apologise to to the forum members. they can clearly see you are out your depth with this post.

I have no problem with you using the 'free speech' card but you must also accept that I have free speech as
well and I am entitled to my view also.

'sticking my big nose in' as you so rudely put it is what forums are all about, but it is obviously oblivious to you. In your world you can say what you want but if anyone disagrees with you then you result to insults. Time to grow up pal.

'Get a life mate and climb back in to your hole' - again I would say grow up pal.

'This system seller doesn't need you backing him up' - I will back up who I want when I want. Remember the
'free speech' part you quoted ?

'And by the way, the AA/RAC "help you", that is their job, thats what you pay them for.
It is a business transaction...and you call yourself a business man'

That is exactly the point I was making, just the same as you pay for a system.
You said in your ealier post that 'help' is at zero cost which is wrong. Do you not understand, what are you on mate ?

I do not normally reply to people who are down right rude but in this case I have made an exception.

Read your posts again and then tell me I am wrong.

You did indeed make many unfair comments, 'crappy system', 'twoddle' and 'dodgy behaviour' all spring to mind and
I found this to be unfair. You also reported the poor guy to another website which I felt was uncalled for.

Then you have the cheek to reply and call ME the moron !!

I will sleep well this evening.


Well your comment just confirms you are one of the people out for a free lunch. If you can't be bothered to read my post (which would take all of 3 minutes to read) then please don't comment at all.

Your 'yawn' comment tells me enough about you to know I do not wish to comment further and will not reply to any of your future posts.

Not cant be bothered, Cofton, unlike you, I am busy trading you know. I pay attention to my screens. I do reply in between trades, but cannot possibly spare 3 minutes reading and then 10 minutes responding. Especially not now, when Dow opened. Whilst you been talking and talking, I made 74 pips :clap: Maybe it's the case of "The person of the greatest talk is the person of the least work"?!?
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I stand repremanded aquamarina ! You're absolutely right and well done for making 74 pips !

I don't trade on Fridays, in fact I'm just leaving for the pub :clap: but if I was trading then I would not have the time either so I applaud you for making sure business comes first.

Have a great weekend

Not cant be bothered, Cofton, unlike you, I am busy trading you know. I pay attention to my screens. I do reply in between trades, but cannot possibly spare 3 minutes reading and then 10 minutes responding. Especially not now, when Dow opened. Whilst you been talking and talking, I made 74 pips :clap: Maybe it's the case of "The person of the greatest talk is the person of the least work"?!?

You are wrong...and still an imbecil. Sorry mate, I just dont like you.

I'm entitled to my opinion and my opinion here is that you dont have one.😆

We both have something to bring to this forum but the only thing you should bring from now on is silence.:cheesy:

Let it be known that I fully respect vendors more when they actually trade the system they are selling. The saying, 'practice what you preach' springs to mind.

By constant commenting on how great this system is of Neil's is only highlighting it more in a bad light.

Neil and myself are at an understanding and I wish him well and good luck.

Now, I'm prepared to forget about this and apologise to you for being rude and am prepared to shake hands and let sleeping dogs lie.

How about it.
How on earth can anyone open with :

'You are wrong...and still an imbecil' (and spelt incorrectly of course)


'I just dont like you' ??

and then make it even worse with a comment like :

'and my opinion here is that you dont have one' ??

And even worse (if you can imagine) he follows up with :

'the only thing you should bring from now on is silence....'

This guy must be smoking something really strange ;-)

Then we have :

'By constant commenting on how great this system is of Neil's is only highlighting it more in a bad light.'

I don't care how good or bad it is, I don't sell systems, I'm not even interested in whether or not they work,
I trade with a system (or method depending on your views) that works for me and that suits me fine.

My issue here is that certain members slag businessmen off that are trying to be successful by selling what they
feel to be a good proposition and that there is nothing wrong with this.

The only things I hate in life is ignorance, blinkered vision and forming an opinion without any experience of
the product, plus of course any abuse and insults that someone may feel appropriate.

'Now, I'm prepared to forget about this and apologise to you for being rude and am prepared to shake hands and
let sleeping dogs lie'

Okay, so you open with 'I am an imbecile' (spelt correctly this time) and 'I don't like you' and 'I don't have an
opinion' and 'I should be silent....'

And then you say you are prepared to :
'forget about this and apologise to you for being rude and I am prepared to shake hands and let sleeping dogs lie' ?

Well excuse me, but if you are proposing to apologise and you open with insults (again) such

'Imbecile' and 'I don't like you' and 'you don't have an opinion'

well I'm afraid I am a bit reluctant to accept your 'apology'.

But having said that, I am a very forgiving person, we all have a 'bad moment'
and all get caught in the emotions of discussions. Plus I have in the past also reacted quickly and realised
afterwards that I was wrong, we all do don't we ?

If your apology is indeed genuine then I am happy for us to shake hands and move on.

I am not here to antagonise anyone, I have opinions just like any other member and I just like to put my point across
(in maybe a long winded way) but I feel I have something to offer the forum and I hope my views will be taken
in the right way.

Sorry if I have upset anyone, it really wasn't intentional.

I remain as always with the view that :

The possibilities are endless.



You are wrong...and still an imbecil. Sorry mate, I just dont like you.

I'm entitled to my opinion and my opinion here is that you dont have one.😆

We both have something to bring to this forum but the only thing you should bring from now on is silence.:cheesy:

Let it be known that I fully respect vendors more when they actually trade the system they are selling. The saying, 'practice what you preach' springs to mind.

By constant commenting on how great this system is of Neil's is only highlighting it more in a bad light.

Neil and myself are at an understanding and I wish him well and good luck.

Now, I'm prepared to forget about this and apologise to you for being rude and am prepared to shake hands and let sleeping dogs lie.

How about it.

I'll let it be known that I'm not a keyboard warrior and I certainly dont hide behind my computer.

I talk to people on the net as I would the same if it was face to face.

I dont agree with your posts but like I said, agree to disagree. 2 people with two totally different views are not a good mix.

My apology is genuine for my rudeness only.

My hand is out if you wish to shake.