Ftse day trading system from piptastic

Lovely reply, of course he gives his phone number, i have spoken to him and met him myself but you will eventially learn the same as all the others before you, that his systems do not work and his daily results are false. I have been trading full time now for well over 3 years very successfully (including piptastic methods during that period) and can assure you that risking more money than you could potentially win on each trade is suicidle, just speak to any full time trader and they will all tell you that their potential reward for each trade is always, at minimum, equal to the risk but usually more. This is the only way that you will make profits from trading. Damons piptastic methods speak for themselves e.g. 5 pips reward for at least 15 pips risk is ridiculous, and some are worse than that!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you believe that he is actually trading his own methods then you are a bigger fool than i thought, just google his dingy house and look at the old second hand car that he drives.
Lovely reply, of course he gives his phone number, i have spoken to him and met him myself but you will eventially learn the same as all the others before you, that his systems do not work and his daily results are false. I have been trading full time now for well over 3 years very successfully (including piptastic methods during that period) and can assure you that risking more money than you could potentially win on each trade is suicidle, just speak to any full time trader and they will all tell you that their potential reward for each trade is always, at minimum, equal to the risk but usually more. This is the only way that you will make profits from trading. Damons piptastic methods speak for themselves e.g. 5 pips reward for at least 15 pips risk is ridiculous, and some are worse than that!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you believe that he is actually trading his own methods then you are a bigger fool than i thought, just google his dingy house and look at the old second hand car that he drives.

What is it with the personal attacks? Why call Piptastic Traders fools? You have made your point with regard to that fact that you disagree with some of the methods employed by Piptastic but then you say you are using some of the methods. I don't understand? His daily results are false? Hmmm. I think the only thing that is false is your claim that they are.

Anyway, I will carry on being 'a bigger fool than you thought' and carry on hitting my trading targets thank you very much.

Have good day cool&calm
As for the other replies/comments, i'm not bitter or argumentative regarding piptastic, its that i've had the experiences of damon/piptastic for well over a 1 year period during which time at first he seemed like a genuine and helpfull guy but then it all turned into promoting and touting his own sales at every opportunity, and there are many other ex-members that i am still in contact with who all feel the same. Eventually everyone can work the guy out for the fake that he is. The person who is claiming 500+ pips a day is not using piptastic methods to achieve it. I know who he is. Yet again this is a case of damon using bull**** results to reel you all in. I only posted on here to enlighten people to the fact that all that glitters is not gold and hopefully then people will start to examine damon/piptastic more closely and realise that what i am saying is true.
what is it with the personal attacks? Why call piptastic traders fools? You have made your point with regard to that fact that you disagree with some of the methods employed by piptastic but then you say you are using some of the methods. I don't understand? His daily results are false? Hmmm. I think the only thing that is false is your claim that they are.

Anyway, i will carry on being 'a bigger fool than you thought' and carry on hitting my trading targets thank you very much.

Have good day cool&calm

i can assure you that i did not say and do not use his methods!!!!!!!!!!
Hello guys, i just stumbled across this forum on the internet and felt compelled to comment on the piptastic (craptastic) way of trading. Having experienced it myself and luckily avoided all of the piptastic pitfalls, as have many others i know of, i can assure you that the craptastic methods of trading will never make you any money. The risk/reward ratio's of his methods alone are a joke!!!!!! The only person making money with pip/craptastic is damon himself from memberships and dvd sales. I'm sorry to be so blunt but this bloke is really beginning to p**s me off with all of his false claims and ridicullous methods which by the way are all freely available on the internet. DO NOT BE FOOLED BY HIS CLAIMS AND WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING ATTITUDE.
All the best with your future trading.

As for the other replies/comments, i'm not bitter or argumentative regarding piptastic, its that i've had the experiences of damon/piptastic for well over a 1 year period during which time at first he seemed like a genuine and helpfull guy but then it all turned into promoting and touting his own sales at every opportunity, and there are many other ex-members that i am still in contact with who all feel the same. Eventually everyone can work the guy out for the fake that he is. The person who is claiming 500+ pips a day is not using piptastic methods to achieve it. I know who he is. Yet again this is a case of damon using bull**** results to reel you all in. I only posted on here to enlighten people to the fact that all that glitters is not gold and hopefully then people will start to examine damon/piptastic more closely and realise that what i am saying is true.

I think there are enough positive comments on here to show that many people are able to trade using Piptastic methods. i dare say there are some who failed for whatever reason and now want to blame someone else for that failure, that`s a normal human response. Just accept you were not able to make the methods work and move on.
i can assure you that i did not say and do not use his methods!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry my misunderstanding - I have been trading full time now for well over 3 years very successfully (including piptastic methods during that period

I apologise unreservedly oh great one.
Sorry my misunderstanding - I have been trading full time now for well over 3 years very successfully (including piptastic methods during that period

I apologise unreservedly oh great one.

WOW!!! Really clever!!! What that means is that during the 3+ years period that i have been trading full time, i tried a tested the piptastic methods
I have never heard Damon mention 500 pips a day, I would guess the average pips per day for a reasonable succsessfull member is betweed 10 to 100 a day . Compound that over 12 months and see what you get. If I was you I would apologise to Damon and get back on board.
I think there are enough positive comments on here to show that many people are able to trade using Piptastic methods. i dare say there are some who failed for whatever reason and now want to blame someone else for that failure, that`s a normal human response. Just accept you were not able to make the methods work and move on.

I did not fail and so therefore have no-one to blame - i tried and tested his methods to evaluate if they are usefull to add to my trading portfolio and concluded that they do not work and have moved on already with continued success
Just to clarify, Damon mentioned one trader who makes 500+ pips a day, the average is between 10 - 100 pips/day as far as I know.

I did not fail and so therefore have no-one to blame - i tried and tested his methods to evaluate if they are usefull to add to my trading portfolio and concluded that they do not work and have moved on already with continued success

But others are making them work? So your accusations are false.

I failed miserably to learn to play the piano, I don`t go round calling all pianists/piano teachers lying cheats though.

I just accept that they are better than me and will continue practicing hard on the triangle.
I did not fail and so therefore have no-one to blame - i tried and tested his methods to evaluate if they are usefull to add to my trading portfolio and concluded that they do not work and have moved on already with continued success

Who's the Top Trader then - look at you.

Aaaanyway. Must leave it at that as us 'crazy fools' have bank loan application forms to fill in. Its been an experience and a pleasure dear boy.

All the best for your future trading but I am sure you wont need my compliments.
I have never heard Damon mention 500 pips a day, I would guess the average pips per day for a reasonable succsessfull member is betweed 10 to 100 a day . Compound that over 12 months and see what you get. If I was you I would apologise to Damon and get back on board.

I was just replying to the other person on here who claims that damon is saying that. I didn't claim that damon is saying it. I just happen to know who and what he is talking about.
Sorry about that chiggy I must have missed that session but you know what it like when you have got your own personel cash point must have been drawing out again.
AMAZING - I only came on here to offer some helpfull advice regarding piptatic, but obviously damon has still got you all so deluded with his beliefs and trading bull**** that i will say goodbye and leave you all to your unequalled trading psychologies!!!!!!!!!! Best of luck!!!!!!!!! You'll need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well as far as I know. I was new to trading when I joined Piptastic and Damon has taught me all I know. I normally hit my target of 15pips a day in the morning. I could go for more but I'm more than happy with 15pips after compounding up. I ow everything to Damon, for all the help he's given me. I don't know where I'd be without him. I could go on singing his praises but I don't feel the need to, when I know many other people have done really well under his guidance and more than happy to be in the Piptastic family. 🙂

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FAO : Calm&Cool

Well, well, well aren't you just an impressive keyboard warrior polluting this thread with your ill informed, misguided and factually incorrect opinions.

I've got to be honest, I don't for one minute believe your actually a former piptastic member because if you were you wouldn't be making the false claims that YOU are.

You've obviously come onto this thread looking to get a rise out of people and for that I congratulate you because you've been successful to a degree - however, that is purely down to the fact that the statements you make cannot be any further from the truth. In reality I think your just another bitter system seller/failed trader whom is envious of Damon's success on both a trading and business level.

Answer the following if you can :

If Piptastic's trading results are fake then how come they can be verified/questioned daily via his blog video or members debrief sessions that take place within the membership site?

As for questioning whether Damon trades his own methods, then you would know (if you were a former member) that he undertakes live (realtime) rooms several times a week where he talks through live trades using his methods constantly throughout the sessions?

Regarding your comment that said methods are 'freely available on the internet' - to a degree that may be the case, but is that such a bad thing?. Damon has never claimed that all of the methods he trades are exclusive to him/Piptastic - indeed what he is attempting to do is train people to become technical and fundamental based traders - learning to trade just as the professionals do, so that you are of the same mindset as them for the majority of the time. If you have hours/days/months to spend trawling the internet for this information then fair enough - personally I don't and would prefer to go to a one stop/quick fix shop for that information for a nominal fee/cost.

I think the most upsetting elements of your posts (and the reason why you were so successful in getting a reaction) have been your personal comments in relation to Damon himself and things like his car and house etc.. What gives you the right to look down your nose at a fellow human being and pass comment on their personal possessions etc.?. I know loads of people with flash cars and big houses, but they don't sleep well at night because their personal credit is maxed out and they are struggling to make their next mortgage/finance payments on said house and car - that may impress someone like you, but it doesn't impress me because I know however big my house or car may be, there is always going to be someone with a bigger car/house somewhere in the world (people who do get hung up on things like this tend to have an inferiority complex - is that you per chance?). I believe the fact Damon's car and house are paid for outright and that he isn't materialistic deserves respect and shouldn't be dissed. Contrast that with one former (and bitter) piptastic member who was always giving it large and making out he was billy big time to the trading world, whilst all the time he was claiming Jobseekers Allowance and draining the state of vital resources/benefits that someone more deserving could have taken advantage of.

Finally, I'd lay a bet now that if you compared and contrasted the trading bank balances of active Piptastic members, compared to failed/ex Piptastic members then i'm sure we would come out favourably, so I don't think we need to visit the bank manager for a bank loan just yet - maybe thats why your so bitter about things - you couldn't scrape the funds together to maintain your membership fees and are therefore jealous/envious of what your missing out on. At the end of the day some of us are capable of trading and taking things on board/learning, whereas some of us are not - we all know you are either a failed trader or competing inferior system seller, so don't be too hard on yourself either way.

In conclusion, if you have something constructive to add to this thread then type away - its a free country after all - otherwise though, please just crawl back under your rock and keep your warped, false views to yourself.

Cheers and the best of luck with your trading