Making £8k a month on the FTSE

hi mrptrademan,
i would like to know where/how did you learn trade. i am very new to trading and would love to gain more knowledge and understanding.
thanks in advance
I very much doubt that MrP can trade. He's provided nothing of any substance in this thread that a 14 year old GCSE student couldn't come up with after half an hour's 'research' on the net. As has been mentioned earlier, I suspect the whole thing is a tease from someone with too much time on their hands and low self esteem. If your question is serious, I suggest you look to gain more knowledge and understanding from members who have clearly demonstrated that:
A) they know what they're talking about
B) they are experienced traders and, ideally, consistently profitable ones.
There are many members who fulfil one or both of these criteria and will be very willing to help you in your quest. As things stand, MrP definitely isn't one of them.
...... Look forward to seeing you all on other threads and learning more. Bowing out
Mr P

And just what are you going to do on other threads?🙄

The gauntlet was laid down for you and in typical scammer fashion (not that you're one but you're being mighty suspect) you're "bowing out". Yeah yeah. All you had to do to raise your credibility was share more information. No one said you had to share EVERYTHING - just enough to demonstrate that you are for real. You know what T2WIN is all about so don't expect to be 'understood'?!?!? All you have to do is give some clear evidence to the contrary. We're willing to give you the benefit of the doubt IF you can give us something to work with.

Instead you want to go into hiding acting as if everyone's saying you're a fake. Don't be a baby, just prove you're not and share why you're here.

Is it to educate and help others, to brag, to sell, to learn, to tease, to annoy .... what?

You don't have to be a philanthropic 'Trader_Dante', but you can take some steps to show you're for real. You have not done that yet so don't expect the sympathy.

Definitely not cool Mr P.

I have been getting email alerts ever since i left this thread..........and there annoying me now as clogging up my email !!

and i am not surprised one bit where this has ended....

the fact that he has started to teach his children sounds like he is taking you guys for a fool....

stop wasting your time on this thread, there are much better threads out there
does anybody know how to stop getting emails about this thread whenever it is updated?

come and join us and learn with live calls and live trades, no silly gimmicks or promises to get rich quick!!

we all learn off one another and help one another from the very little we know?

you are all welcome

go to the top of this page:
select "Thread Tools" from the red-bar.
one of the drop-doen options is "Unsubscribe from this thread".
I very much doubt that MrP can trade. He's provided nothing of any substance in this thread that a 14 year old GCSE student couldn't come up with after half an hour's 'research' on the net. As has been mentioned earlier, I suspect the whole thing is a tease from someone with too much time on their hands and low self esteem. If your question is serious, I suggest you look to gain more knowledge and understanding from members who have clearly demonstrated that:
A) they know what they're talking about
B) they are experienced traders and, ideally, consistently profitable ones.
There are many members who fulfil one or both of these criteria and will be very willing to help you in your quest. As things stand, MrP definitely isn't one of them.

Thanks for the advise 🙂 could you please recommend couple of (UK) books that i could read about strategy to use when trading. I am very new to trading and have been trading for the last few months but i would like to learn more about trading strategy and what kind of analysis to be successful investor.
Thanks for the advise 🙂 could you please recommend couple of (UK) books that i could read about strategy to use when trading. I am very new to trading and have been trading for the last few months but i would like to learn more about trading strategy and what kind of analysis to be successful investor.
Hi Z,
That's a tricky question to answer. The reason why is best explained with an analogy. Suppose you acquired a building plot and had the time and money to build your own house - but knew nothing about building. You resolve to find an online forum for builders (assuming such a thing exists) and ask them to recommend a book which has some good designs, so that you could select one and try to build it on your plot. Again, assuming such a book exists, what is the likelihood of the design(s) meeting your requirements /specifications, being appropriate for the site and getting planning permission etc.? You take my point, I hope. This course of action is unlikely to result in a great house that's well built. So, with regards to trading, I'd say you need either to learn to do it yourself, or to entrust your hard earned cash to another trader to trade on your behalf. If you scroll to the foot of the page, you'll see 'Trading FAQ' which will answer many basic questions and provide good insight as to what you're getting yourself into. One of the FAQ's is, of course, recommendations for good books - which I've linked for you here:
This message is for all the newbies that have been desperately pleading with MrP to share the secrets of his system:

If it looks to good to be true; it probably is!

As far as I am concerned, if MrSpreadBetting can put his system out for review by trusted members of this forum, then so can everyone else. And until they do, I will take claims of mega-riches and blonde pole dancers with a pinch of salt.
so was mrptraderman a scammer?
oh dear.

was there anything to be salvaged from the past 250 or so posts?
did newbies really PM him asking for more info?

does anyone want my system? profits NOT guaranteed.