Ftse day trading system from piptastic

cool@calm you have an enoumous nob coming out the front of your head mate, Piptastic is the best place on the net to learn or trade (live room) Damon is totally genuine and nice person and i think you should ring him up and apologise he has put alot of time and effort into piptastic and the last thing he needs is a prick like you slagging him of behind his back. Damon has many members at Piptastic not because there deluded but because they make money and its a great place to be.
How do you mean? The bitter posts seem to have stopped. If Piptastic traders want to talk to each other we do it via Damon's forum or the Skype group we set up.

Works for us. YMMV.


Hi Phil

Thanks for the reply. I am a complete novice to this payed my £20 and think it is the best £20 I have ever spent. Trying to educate myself which is working but discipline is my problem. How do I find the forum and the skpe group.
Sorry if I am being thick
Hi Phil

Thanks for the reply. I am a complete novice to this payed my £20 and think it is the best £20 I have ever spent. Trying to educate myself which is working but discipline is my problem. How do I find the forum and the skpe group.
Sorry if I am being thick

The forum is part of his "membership deal" which you cand find on his site. The Skype Group is free but by invitation only. PM me and I'll send you the details.

Hi, I have recently purchased the cds and subscribed to the membership and trading room. It does seem like really good value and i have learnt alot but cool and calm does have a point concerning the stop losses. If i am aiming for 10 pips but placing a stop around 25 pips away then all it takes is a couple of bad trades and then I will need 5 good trades to break even. This is the one thing that doesn't make sense to me using the pivot method. Can any of the more successful piptastic traders explain how it has worked for them using this method. Thanks.
I've been with piptastic since janualry 2011. It has transformed me from a loser into a consistent winner. All my trades have a bigger stop loss than the profit target, yet I am successful - why? Simple anser - I have more winning trades than losing trades, about 7 to 1. 1 loser at 10-20 pips, 6 winners at 5-10 pips = winning strategy!

Anyone still trading this?

I have been trading the piptastic £19.99 CD trade for a couple of weeks now. I mainly trade in the evening and couldn't get enough movement on the S&P (suggested in ebook) to make it work. Emailed Darren and on his advice now trade the Dow which has given me 5 trades in 4 days. All trades were winners but a bit early to say whether it delivers continously or not.

I will keep testing this and if it is successful I may join the live room. Happy to keep people posted on my success or failure if there is interest?
Hi Bigstuff
I have been useing pipstastic methods for a couple of years and attended his january course.

Very helpful as it teaches discipline on trading and finding one of the many methods to make
regular pips.
Take it slowly and study your losing trades to see why.
Try and make 10 pips and stop or dummy trade the rest of the day to gain experience
May i wish you lots of luck,eventually you should be able to read charts and see potential set ups
on a daily basis

Thanks for the advice.

I'm planning on compounding as Darren recommends so I will build my bank carefully. I'm currently going in every time I get a signal but I'm using very low 10p per point so risk is not a worry and giving me opportunity to learn. As I up my trades I will resort to 10 pips a day.

Do you take part in Darren's live room at all?
Hi bigstuff (cool name!), I subscribed to Piptastic about 3 months ago. I would say that i have learnt more from the site than anywhere else but i still have a long way to go. There are some really good methods on his site and a good forum. I have realised that no method can make you a good trader, it is mostly psychology, disciplince and money management. Be careful with the Dow because it can be very volatile.

His trading room is good too. At the moment i am still finding it all frustating and demoralising when i am losing but i think thats what everyone goes through. He has alot of videos on his site too and for the cost it is really worth it. Although, one negative, i have written emails to him that have had no reply and also requested a one to one which didnt get a reply. That did **** me off a bit as this is part of what you pay for. However, the subscription is not alot of money and i think it has been worth it even if i am still losing! But that is really down to me and hopefully one day there will be light at the end of this long long tunnel!!!! 🙂
You've had some good advice.I only trade as and when i see good set ups and use Advanced charts and set alarms where i think the action is going to be.
i tried the chat room but found it a distraction,excellent for beginners.
Take it slowly as it looks easier than it is
good luck
Have you tried automating it at all? I know Tradestation allow some automation and can it be traded on MT4 or is that only for currency?
Anyone give an update on how this is going?

How what is going Al?

Piptastic (mostly) does what it says on the box. It's an excellent education service with decent mentorship from Damon, especially via the live rooms.

I don't personally know of anyone who has gone full time yet and made big money using any of the taught methods. Though this may well be a matter of application and psychology. YMMV.

I admit it troubles me greatly that the piptastic forum is not full of tales of success, profits and photos of the great holiday, fantastic car, castle in France 🙂 that members have bought with their profits. But full of questions about methods and "was this trade OK?" questions.

There are one or two regular posters who report "success" but not many more. I'm probably a **** but if I were doing regular 10+ pips a day at £100+ a pip I'd be flaunting my success for all to see, and to act as an incentive to others who were struggling.

There is a thread called "success" that has IIRC posts from just 2 successful traders.

Damon is a stand-up guy but trading is very, very hard to do successfully and consistently. I haven't managed it yet.

My suggestion would be to join, learn, and PAPER TRADE for a good while so you feel confident. This is in fact Damon's advice. He's very clear on this point and has even done a detailed webinar on the subject. The membership costs are IMO very reasonable. The live rooms are OK, but Damon only suggests trades, you don't see him trade often, It does happen but it's not a regular feature. If you joined, learned the methods and joined a few evening live rooms you'd learn a lot and might even make some pips.

This is what I'll be doing (again) this winter.


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Thanks for your comments.
My reason for asking was that the thread has been dormant since December 2011 after what looked like a promising start. It would be nice to hear if anyone still trades this and what their track record is.
Hi, Al Sheltone
As per bigphil22s reply, take the advice. Damon is one of the better trading educators, however, you have a lot of work to do. I think it is very difficult to teach people to trade and hats off to Damon. Learning to trade is hard and despite peoples efforts, not everyone will succeed. Using some elses system, you need to understand the entry/exit rules, properly backtest it yourself,demo trade and then move onto live when you can demonstrate consistancy. This will take a long time and it is down to each individual - how long is a piece of string! I have spent 6 months developing my trend trading system and I cant count the hours I have spent on it.
The good thing about Damon is he doesnt make outrageuas claims and there are plenty of resouces to learn from.
Please don't let this dampen your spirits, determination is the key. If you need a trading educator, keep away from people who make outrageous claims. If you want any advice, I am happy to help, just PM me.
