Re: £400 a day ftse trading

I think maybe Lyall was scared off by all the negativity and who can blame him.

Chilltrader you missed out one that maybe applicable to Lyall and it goes something like this :

'- Visited T2W for help and advice, all I got was negativity even when I assured them that I tried the system and it worked for me. I'm now doing okay for a newbie and the system continues to earn me cash but I'm not going back to T2W because I know they won't believe me.
Shame really because they will never know how well I'm doing (or how badly I'm doing), I'd like to go back there and let them know but their attitude to me just wasn't fair.....'

I think many members should just listen for a while instead of instantly slagging something off even when they have not tried out the system or software or whatever. It is so so easy to knock something before you know anything about it, in fact it is so easy to do this that it equates to the worst kind of ignorance and blinkered vision.

I've said this before but I will repeat myself, many seasoned traders believe that you can only become successful at trading if you work for years with blood, sweat and tears and study this and study that. They quote betting banks you have got to have and percentage size of bets and how much you will lose and you have to know this and you have to know, resistance, pivots, fibanacci, you have to use stop loss, you mustn't use stop loss, you have to day trade, you shouldn't day trade etc etc etc. Yawn yawn yawn....

Now wonder newbies disappear from the forum before you can say jack sh*t !

There are no rock solid rules for trading, there are far too many variables. No one trader can say a definite rule on any part of it. No one trader can categorically dismiss any one idea or method and dismiss it to everyone. If a method of trading (or system as we call it, as a method can be classed as a system) is reported as being successful by someone then who are we to slag it off before we have even tried it ?

By the same token, if a system is reported as a failure then who are we to confirm this if we haven't tried it. It may be that whoever tried it found it to be successful and really didn't want anyone else to use it because of this.

None of us know for sure if anything works until we try it ourselves. Some systems are tweaked a little by some and not by others, some traders understand a trading 'rule' differently to another trader, traders have different styles, diferent tempraments, different values on their bank and securities.... the list is endless.

Many traders use numerous bits of information to make a decision, the successful ones stick ridgidly to their rules, kick emotion out the room and go for it. The novices bring emotion along in buckets, value their bank more than seasoned traders due to inexperience and begin to change the rules because the chart looks like it will do this or that in the next candle etc etc.

Now maybe, just maybe, if someone put a set of trading rules together (based on their success), a firm staking plan, a strict money management guide and gave the correct trading tools and software together, do you not think that if a certain kind of individual listened to everything and traded strictly to all the rules and used the software and platforms how they should be used and attached little or no emotion to their trades, do you not think that they could indeed earn money at trading in a reasonably short time ?

Of course they could !

Don't fool yourselves that what you know and what you do is only successful in your hands, life isn't like that and trading isn't either. None of us are indispensible.

We all know that 95% of people who trade are not successful but this doesn't mean that all systems are failures, we all use systems for goodness sake so why on earth some members choose to slag them off beats me.

More and more people are trading now than ever before, the power of the interent and new technology has made this possible and will continue to do so, the 95% will soon become less, the more systems, the more software, the more discussion, the more acceptance, the better.

The market is so huge there is enough room for all of us. And if we do not investigate new tools, software and systems then the seasoned traders will eventually get left behind.

If they do not embrace new technology and new ideas then :

The Learned of the Past soon become the Students of Today

I don't care who you are or which industry you are in or how good you are (or think you are), no one person knows it all, no one person can dismiss a method or idea until they have at the very least tried it.

The possibilities are indeed endless



Long time no word?

Which of the following is applicable to you?
- Retired in Bahamas (or some other exotic place), & trading occasionally - after erm.. "dealing" with
the blonde and brunettes ;-)

- Filing for bankruptcy

- Still slogging it out 9 - 5 & putting in that measly trades when time permits

Eager to hear from you !

Best Luck
I was referring mainly to day trading but there is no definitive answer to it really.

It has been said in some quarters that 5% of the world's traders make money while 90% lose and 5% break even. Some sources report over 80% of day traders lose money after transaction costs, about 1% of individual investors account for 50% of day trading.

Most day traders do not publicly disclose their results but we can piece together the various sources of information (Google, Yahoo finance, CNN etc) and come to some general conclusions.

Recent estimates of the number of dedicated "day traders" (that operate at day trading firms) are in the 5,000 range

Others estimate that there may be another 250,000 people that use some kind of software or dedicated systems to trade full time from home. These people should be differentiated from the more than 5 million people that have online accounts and that might occasionally place one or more day trades

In many industries a small percentage of the players make the majority of the profits and I see no reason to thinkthat day trading is any different.

For the typical investor, day trading isn't investing, it's gambling.
So they should conclude that if you want to gamble, go to Las Vegas; the food is better ;-)

Betfair is also a good example, it has grown at phenominal rate because it has made things easier for normal folk to place trades and bet, the 'winners' and 'losers' ratio and many sources have stated that again 95% of punters do indeed lose. Spread betting companies are doing the same by making things easier, no longer do
professional traders have the knowledge and monopoly.

I think the 90-95% of losers figure is probably an accurate one.

With regard to the 95% estimated figure reducing, this is just my opinion based on many observations.

The economy is suggesting that there could be a recession, mortgages are going through the roof and generally people are concerned financially. Whenever this happens people try to find alternative forms of income and as trading is now more accessible and advertised more (just like Betfair became more popular) then people will use this
opportunity more.

As people become more aware they generally get better at doing it, more systems and methods and software will be introduced and these things will continue to improve, therefore making things easier for the 'newbie' and giving a higher success rate. So for me, this is a natural progression and common sense.

I am only giving my opinion based on what I read, see and hear and all these suggest a new influx of traders, along with new tools and ideas to support this massive market.

With more tools and systems and software being introduced they will consequently be improved, the improvements will result in better results and so this is why I conclude that the 95% will indeed be reduced.

The possibilities are endless.


How do you know this and what is it based on ?

Hi, i know this isn't my argument but there are a number of interesting points here. You've mentioned some pretty good home truths, but there are a few other things i don't understand:

Most day traders do not publicly disclose their results but we can piece together the various sources of information (Google, Yahoo finance, CNN etc) and come to some general conclusions.
What method enables one to do this?

he economy is suggesting that there could be a recession, mortgages are going through the roof and generally people are concerned financially. Whenever this happens people try to find alternative forms of income and as trading is now more accessible and advertised more

Interesting idea, but i think one of the biggest hallmarks of a recession is increasing risk aversion across the population in general (precautionary savings rise, luxury spending falls etc.). The UK geezer is inherently more risk averse than the US man-on-the-street, the former would never contemplate buying or selling an option, he doesn't know or care about how to profit in falling markets, and with all the news and flashing pictures of city dealers in seas of red the last thing he equates with 'financial markets' is the notion of opportunities.

To pre-empt a tired argument that 'this isn't a normal recession', let's remember that a great psychological pre-requisite for a recession is that people somewhow believe that factors are fundametally different from the last recession, and that we're more exposed to economic dangers than ever before, hence the fear and risk aversion kicks in.

But the banks are broken, property is to the dogs gone, so where is safe to put your money? I don't personally know anything about the no. of retail accounts opened recently (i'm not sure whether the 5 million you mention is global) but i think the cash flowing back into stocks is assisted by investors fleeing moribund asset classes, remember commercial property is going belly up these days, just look at the no. of unsold properties in Allsops or Cushman Wakefield auctions. Equities represent good value (check corporate profitability since 2000), and are still considered a safe haven for institutions and hedge funds looking to get out of other asset classes. Perhaps more retail investors are switching to spreadbetting, but retail investors in this country have a negligable effect on everything tbh.

Spread betting companies are doing the same by making things easier, no longer do
professional traders have the knowledge and monopoly.
Professional traders, or at least institutionals working on the other side of the spread will always always always have an informational advantage over you, the day this advantage is eroded they will quit to work in executive search or something equally hollow and devoid of humanity. For more elaboration on the virtues of the spreadbetting firms please see the appauling service CMC offers to the members of this site, many forums.

Best of luck
In my view whatever the percentage is now it is unlikely ever to change. Success is not about systems and is more about the emotions and discipline which are unlikely to make any form of step change.

As people become more aware they generally get better at doing it, more systems and methods and software will be introduced and these things will continue to improve, therefore making things easier for the 'newbie' and giving a higher success rate. So for me, this is a natural progression and common sense.

I am only giving my opinion based on what I read, see and hear and all these suggest a new influx of traders, along with new tools and ideas to support this massive market.

With more tools and systems and software being introduced they will consequently be improved, the improvements will result in better results and so this is why I conclude that the 95% will indeed be reduced.

The possibilities are endless.


"Financial memory" of each generation is no more than about 20 years at best.

The economy benefited greatly from the new life changing technologies.

Soon stock market trading became America’s favorite pastime as investors jockeyed to make a quick killing.

To the average investor, stocks were a sure thing.

- Events leading up to the 1929 Stock Market Crash

In program trading, computers perform rapid stock executions based on external inputs, such as the price of related securities. Common strategies implemented by program trading involve an attempt to engage in arbitrage and portfolio insurance strategies.

As computer technology became more available, the use of program trading grew dramatically within Wall Street firms.

U.S. Congressman Edward J. Markey, who had been warning about the possibility of a crash, stated that "Program trading was the principal cause." [Of the 1987 stock market crash]
I think most of us arrive at our conclusions by either the vibes we get from the industry or we
Google our subject and form an opinion based on what we find.

I think generally you maybe right regarding the 'UK geezer'being more risk averse compared to say a
US 'man on the street'.

You are absolutely right that he doesn't care about profit in falling markets etc etc..... but he does care about
making more cash to offset his/her predicament, and because he cares about this and wants to find a way out of the
debt he may have aquired he will look at other opportunities. The business opportunity market is booming and people
do buy information products that promise untold riches, so although he doesn't care about 'city dealers' etc he is
sold such products as spreadbetting in a clever marketing way so as not to flash these visions of city dealers in
front of him. All he sees is the possibility of making money and easily.
Hence these people are introduced to a market that they wouldn't normally dream of entering because the sales pitch
is so inviting from the marketing companies that mailshot the business opportunity market.

For example, companies such as Streetwise Marketing have executed marketing campaignes selling trading systems
selling for well over £2000 to people who have never traded before. Why ? Because this information is sold in such
a way that it creates the vision of earning big bucks for sitting in front of your pc for a few hours a day. These
marketing companies use such brilliant sales copy that you instantly picture yourself learning a 'new trade' and
working from home earning big time.

I think your views on the recession and property are spot on, I couldn't agree more.

Your comment 'institutionals working on the other side of the spread will always always always have an
informational advantage over you...' Maybe this is true but we need to quantify how much this advantage will actually
affect what the small guy is trying to achieve.

Trader333(Paul) - Success in trading IS about systems, it is about systems, emotions and discipline. We all use
some kind of system, if we use indicators, support and resistance, fib, pivots etc etc etc then we are using these
tools as part of our system in my opinion, these enable us to make a trading decision.

I think many traders are so averse to the word 'system' (due probably to the system sellers out there, bless them ;-))
that they immediately dismiss the word like the plague. A system is a method, it is nothing to be ashamed of, we all
use a method to execute our trading tasks.

The possibilities are endless.


Hi, i know this isn't my argument but there are a number of interesting points here. You've mentioned some pretty good home truths, but there are a few other things i don't understand:

What method enables one to do this?

Interesting idea, but i think one of the biggest hallmarks of a recession is increasing risk aversion across the population in general (precautionary savings rise, luxury spending falls etc.). The UK geezer is inherently more risk averse than the US man-on-the-street, the former would never contemplate buying or selling an option, he doesn't know or care about how to profit in falling markets, and with all the news and flashing pictures of city dealers in seas of red the last thing he equates with 'financial markets' is the notion of opportunities.

To pre-empt a tired argument that 'this isn't a normal recession', let's remember that a great psychological pre-requisite for a recession is that people somewhow believe that factors are fundametally different from the last recession, and that we're more exposed to economic dangers than ever before, hence the fear and risk aversion kicks in.

But the banks are broken, property is to the dogs gone, so where is safe to put your money? I don't personally know anything about the no. of retail accounts opened recently (i'm not sure whether the 5 million you mention is global) but i think the cash flowing back into stocks is assisted by investors fleeing moribund asset classes, remember commercial property is going belly up these days, just look at the no. of unsold properties in Allsops or Cushman Wakefield auctions. Equities represent good value (check corporate profitability since 2000), and are still considered a safe haven for institutions and hedge funds looking to get out of other asset classes. Perhaps more retail investors are switching to spreadbetting, but retail investors in this country have a negligable effect on everything tbh.

Professional traders, or at least institutionals working on the other side of the spread will always always always have an informational advantage over you, the day this advantage is eroded they will quit to work in executive search or something equally hollow and devoid of humanity. For more elaboration on the virtues of the spreadbetting firms please see the appauling service CMC offers to the members of this site, many forums.

Best of luck
"Financial memory" of each generation is no more than about 20 years at best.

I'll go along with that.

How many of the younger generation scoff at the notion of interest rates hitting 15% -

yet if my memory serves me right - it's happened twice in my lifetime!

Success in trading IS about systems,

If it were that simple then why do two people using the same "System" never get the same results ? If I wanted to use an appropriate word then I would use method. I have seen numerous systems work for a while and then fail and the main reason is that Systems are not adaptive enough and even those that have tried to be adaptive still fail (look at the Quant systems that were great to start with and have since lost billions). In my view you cannot have an emotional system because the context is out of place. I also know of traders who trade by instinct and are hugely successful and there is no system used at all. If success were down to systems then we would all use the same one that has been proven to be better than all the rest and yet we don't.

If it were that simple then why do two people using the same "System" never get the same results ? If I wanted to use an appropriate word then I would use method. I have seen numerous systems work for a while and then fail and the main reason is that Systems are not adaptive enough and even those that have tried to be adaptive still fail (look at the Quant systems that were great to start with and have since lost billions). In my view you cannot have an emotional system because the context is out of place. I also know of traders who trade by instinct and are hugely successful and there is no system used at all. If success were down to systems then we would all use the same one that has been proven to be better than all the rest and yet we don't.


Hi Trader333

Random question!

Your avatar - is it a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger?

I've always wondered, but never been 100% certain one way or the other!

I am the system seller...

Let me introduce myself, I am the system seller you have recently been referring to.

I'm pretty new to forum posting btw, so hope my ettiquette is ok...

Been reading your posts with great interest, and firstly a big thankyou to 'Cofton' as he is right in everything he has said so far and he speaks for the minority of us system sellers who do have a credible product.

I'm not hear to fight my corner and try and justify some of the negative remarks as I realise that people who have made these remarks have obviously been stung in the past by systems that are overly expensive, complicated and make absolutely wild claims about what you can potentially earn.

My system does work, and has been working for my 100+ members who I must add none have had any reason to take advantage of my refund policy, as they are consistently making descent profits on a daily basis. I also run a genuine update service each trading day showing my members where the entry points have been for the day and also don't shy away from e-mail support for my current system customer base.

I read a remark about how so many people constantly have different results to those the seller claims to also get during a trading day, but this system has been devised in such a way that nearly every single trade are the same for each & everyone using my system.

I also read the usual remark about "If the system is that good, then why sell it?", well the answer to that question is the fact I do trade it myself. I also want to help others make money too believe it or not, and yes there's also no harm in making a bit of extra cash by selling my simple idea as well, I mean it's no effort to send a system on to someone and make a couple of extra quid. This is what some system sellers do.

Anyway enough of the justification, I always say that feedback and testimonials speak in volumes, most of you have seen my Ebay feedback, (user id: Thejester9) which is 100% genuine. Some skeptics in this thread just can't seem to grasp that a descent system does actually exist and is being run successfully by myself, and purchasers have taken some of their time to provide some great feedback. They don't have to do this, the Ebay feedback tool is not compulsory, but they have as they truly believe they have found a system that actually works and is extremely simple to trade.

As Cofton says, "don't knock it until you try it"

My system isn't currently on sale on Ebay, because I don't list it every week, because i'm not that greedy. I also have to gauge how busy my support service is going to be with any new clients. So for the next few weeks at least i'm just selling a few copies through my website. Here you will find up to date results, which can be back tracked if you take the small risk and purchase a copy and see for yourself.

Skeptics, no negative comments please... I'll be happy to take any negative comments on board if you actually can prove my system doesn't or will not work.


Billybiglix (aka Neil)
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Hi billiybiglix,

I'll start with stating my position as to let people know where I'm coming from.

I am a skeptic and believe this to be twoddle.

This is why:

If you really care and want to 'help' people out like you say then why not do it for free, this is important when most that buy these systems are in a desperate need to trade and come to you in the hope that it will work. They certainly dont doubt your kind words as this is human nature. (which is a good trait - but is constantly abused by others, usually others that sell stuff - ie, salesman like yourself).

The system is 'turn £100 into £3,000 in 1 month'.

That is 2,900% per month, you say you trade the system - you would make enough to help others for free. So why sell it? give it away. It wont damage the market.

The term help is derived from doing something for someone else because they care and is done at ZERO cost. If a charge is made (however small) then this clearly falls into a business proposal and forms a business relationship only.

You are NOT doing this because you care, you are doing this for money to fill your pockets only as a business venture.

Lets look at 2,900% per month as you boast.

1st month we've got as you say,
2nd month = £90,000
3rd month = £2,700,000
4th month = £81,000,000 (thats million billybiglix and I dont see you anywhere on the rich list - unless you prove otherwise)
5th month = ERROR on a standard 8 digit calculator.

But you get my point, something is heavily and obviously flawed. But bear in mind you state the sky is the limit and you can start off with a higher balance.

My conclusion is that you are just another vendor selling another crappy system.

P.S, apologies to all other T2W members if I sound extremely critical, a bit rude maybe and very cynical.

Let me introduce myself, I am the system seller you have recently been referring to.

I'm pretty new to forum posting btw, so hope my ettiquette is ok...

Been reading your posts with great interest, and firstly a big thankyou to 'Cofton' as he is right in everything he has said so far and he speaks for the minority of us system sellers who do have a credible product.

I'm not hear to fight my corner and try and justify some of the negative remarks as I realise that people who have made these remarks have obviously been stung in the past by systems that are overly expensive, complicated and make absolutely wild claims about what you can potentially earn.

My system does work, and has been working for my 100+ members who I must add none have had any reason to take advantage of my refund policy, as they are consistently making descent profits on a daily basis. I also run a genuine update service each trading day showing my members where the entry points have been for the day and also don't shy away from e-mail support for my current system customer base.

I read a remark about how so many people constantly have different results to those the seller claims to also get during a trading day, but this system has been devised in such a way that nearly every single trade are the same for each & everyone using my system.

I also read the usual remark about "If the system is that good, then why sell it?", well the answer to that question is the fact I do trade it myself. I also want to help others make money too believe it or not, and yes there's also no harm in making a bit of extra cash by selling my simple idea as well, I mean it's no effort to send a system on to someone and make a couple of extra quid. This is what some system sellers do.

Anyway enough of the justification, I always say that feedback and testimonials speak in volumes, most of you have seen my Ebay feedback, (user id: Thejester9) which is 100% genuine. Some skeptics in this thread just can't seem to grasp that a descent system does actually exist and is being run successfully by myself, and purchasers have taken some of their time to provide some great feedback. They don't have to do this, the Ebay feedback tool is not compulsory, but they have as they truly believe they have found a system that actually works and is extremely simple to trade.

As Cofton says, "don't knock it until you try it"

My system isn't currently on sale on Ebay, because I don't list it every week, because i'm not that greedy. I also have to gauge how busy my support service is going to be with any new clients. So for the next few weeks at least i'm just selling a few copies through my website. Here you will find up to date results, which can be back tracked if you take the small risk and purchase a copy and see for yourself.

Skeptics, no negative comments please... I'll be happy to take any negative comments on board if you actually can prove my system doesn't or will not work.


Billybiglix (aka Neil)
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Hi Billybiglix (aka Neil),

Me again,

I see on your web site a few very unprofessional spelling mistakes, the website also stinks to the rafters with dodgy behaviour.

I also see that you've published screenshots of using their graphs.

These are not free to publish in the sense of a business venture and have sent a link of your website (including screenshots) to there London office for further inspection and verification.

IT-Finance offices in London for purchase or permission of usage:
UK office ([email protected])
9 Orme Court
London W2 4RL
United Kingdom

and there link:
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Hi Billybiglix (aka Neil),

Me again,

I see on your web site a few very unprofessional spelling mistakes, the website also stinks to the rafters with dodgy behaviour.

I also see that you've published screenshots of using their graphs.

These are not free to publish in the sense of a business venture and have sent a link of your website (including screenshots) to there London office for further inspection and verification.

IT-Finance offices in London for purchase or permission of usage:
UK office ([email protected])
9 Orme Court
London W2 4RL
United Kingdom

and there link:

Well thanks for your comments Lee. I appreciate the claims seem pretty wild, but by using a compounding system, it has been possible to make this kind of money, however most people don't like compounding systems which is why i've only qouted at £10 per pip on my results page. As for the charts being displayed on the website, I have permission from Capitalspreads who have been sent a link to the site and have confirmed it is ok to include these in my listing, and I now have a referal scheme with them.

Explain to me then why you think that not one of my current customer base (which include people who have traded for years and a couple of newbies) have said anything bad about my system apart from 2 guy's who again tried to assume just 1 hour after buying a copy that the system wouldn't work and tried to get a copy for free. Two people out of 100 or so copies sold is a pretty good success rate don't you think?

I'm not in a habit of selling crap systems that I believe won't work on the unsuspecting public, as I have been there before and spent thousands myself on about 10 different ones, which never really lived up to their claims or where just too complicated.

In answer to your question about giving them free, there is no harm in me making a bit of extra money on the side. I do also use my own time which I could be using to do something else, for the daily updates and also the e-mail support I provide. I could charge a few hundred pounds for this system like the mutitude of other similar systems and seminar opportunities available on the net.

It's obvious that you too have been victim to the large number of unsuccessful systems which just haven't delivered. I qoute a sales pitch just like most other system sellers, and this system can provide around 30 - 45 pips profit on average per day. I wouldn't put my good feedback reputation on Ebay at risk for example if I didn't think I had a product which delivered.

As I say don't knock it until you've tried it. It seems like you will find fault with anything anyway, but there is a more positive side to life which has to be explored.


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You answer very honorably Neil,

98% satisfaction is very good.

There is no harm in you making a bit of money out of doing it.(but this is called business not helping).

It 'could' be one of an extreme few that is genuine(but I dont believe for a minute the exhorbitant claims).

I feel you would get a fantastic result in advertising your system here if you took just one person(and theres many) that is struggling or looking for guidance and showed him/her the way, charge them after the event then they can pay you as much as they feel fit.

In other words, prove that it works in real time simply by posting signals only,(no one would know how this system works by doing this as you are instructing only, so no secrets disclosed).

A typical example of vendors is to post AFTER the event, I got in here and got out there and look at this entry, and oh, theres a losing trade to show you some kind a reality).

By posting real time you will find many joining you so you can 'help' them.

You can always post random and if I understand your sytem it is scalping so by the time someone has seen the thread/post the trade would be over, so not enough time to profit from it (although I'm sure you wouldn't mind someone taking a little money, that is what your doing). By doing this (un-edited) people/potential clients will then flock to become millionaires in 3 months by using just £100 which is less than your system costs.
In answer to your question about giving them free, there is no harm in me making a bit of extra money on the side.
Why do you need extra money on the side when you can have 2,900% return per month as you say. Put all your energy into your system, and you should be a billionnaire in no time. You see, there's contradiction here....
Why do you need extra money on the side when you can have 2,900% return per month as you say. Put all your energy into your system, and you should be a billionnaire in no time. You see, there's contradiction here....

Appreciate what your saying, my situation is that we have just had a new baby boy though, so most of my resources are used to help out with him and the missus, so I can't currently trade my system all day. There isn't much more energy I can put into my system as it's that simple to trade, which is why I was able to find the time to develop and write it in between my trades before he was born.


Appreciate what your saying, my situation is that we have just had a new baby boy though, so most of my resources are used to help out with him and the missus, so I can't currently trade my system all day. There isn't much more energy I can put into my system as it's that simple to trade, which is why I was able to find the time to develop and write it in between my trades before he was born.



Hi Neil,

Sorry bud, nothing personal.

This just sounds even more contradicting and extremely dodgy.

You say the system can be used by people who hold full time jobs, you go on to say that anyone can use it in their spare time, you state you have spare time to 'help' others but here you state you haven't got time to trade it all day, before you state you did use it.(very vague, like all system vendors)

Even if you do use it only once a day "Even trading for just 1 day a week will produce you a substantial 2nd income ". Your quote on your site, not mine.

Sounds like your trying to profit off others because you cannot profit enough with this 'system'.

Apart from that, congratulations on your new baby boy.