
The introduction of water (HHO) steam cleans the engine into the bargain apparently, according to the link i posted - thus extending the life of the engine and making it run better.

Water Car Run on WATER+Fuel. Hydrogen Save Gas=FREE ENERGY!
# Greatly enhance engine power and performance.

# Remove carbon deposits and prevent future carbon build up.

# Reduce engine temperature - protect your environment and your engine.

# You will notice a calmer, quieter and much smoother engine & gearshifts. This is due to the effect water has on the combustion cycle inside your engine.

# Enjoy a longer life expectancy of your engine, especially pistons, valves, rings and bearings.
Water powered car hits 127mph

which is a good bit faster than my car!... Fred Marriott and the Stanley Steamer of 1906

You're wrong....
yep, and we will just have to get the politicians to repeal the 2nd law of thermodynamics while we're at it
petrol too expensive? Just run your car on water: Motoring Discussion forum

But the dodgy website I love best on the subject is this one... The car that runs on water | This is Money
Apparently you just have to spin water round quickly to turn it back into hydrogen. Classic. Maybe thisismoney should stick to money?
which is a good bit faster than my car!... Fred Marriott and the Stanley Steamer of 1906

yep, and we will just have to get the politicians to repeal the 2nd law of thermodynamics while we're at it
petrol too expensive? Just run your car on water: Motoring Discussion forum

But the dodgy website I love best on the subject is this one... The car that runs on water | This is Money
Apparently you just have to spin water round quickly to turn it back into hydrogen. Classic. Maybe thisismoney should stick to money?

Ok so i'm meant to trust the word of another set of forum dwelling amateur sceptics who haven't even tried it, over the documented accounts of real people on unrelated forums who HAVE actually done this with their cars and are seeing the results....

I wouldn't do it personally, and i am not saying that its a good idea to try, but as i & LMQ have stated, people are doing this type of thing successfully.
Ok so i'm meant to trust the word of another set of forum ....
No JT, the object of my posts was precisely that you can't trust a random website to confirm something you'd like to believe. However both the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics are pretty well established I'd have thought (well outside of nanotechnology and big bang theory anyway:)), and blatantly flouted by this entertainment.
No JT, the object of my posts was precisely that you can't trust a random website to confirm something you'd like to believe. However both the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics are pretty well established I'd have thought (well outside of nanotechnology and big bang theory anyway:)), and blatantly flouted by this entertainment.

Very true.

But what about the people who ARE doing this successfully - as per LMQ's colleagues, and the independent people in the motoring forum/s that i have mentioned, non affiliated to anyone or any product :confused: - How do you account for them?
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Very true.

But what about the people who ARE doing this successfully - as per LMQ's colleagues, and the independent people in the motoring forum/s that i have mentioned, non affiliated to anyone or any product :confused: - How do you account for them?

You quote Water Car Run on WATER+Fuel. Hydrogen Save Gas=FREE ENERGY! which is the most obvious scam website I've ever seen, flogging e-books at $97 a pop.

Then there was Hydrogen Booster , the 1st 3 links of which all go to Hydrogen Garage LLC selling kits for $870. HydrogenGarage links back to waterpoweredcar.com. Another of their links bears a remarkable similarity in style!

LMQ's colleagues are squirting water directly into their engines, quite why that would help I'm really unsure but it is certainly not the 'technology' we were discussing elsewhere. Another of his colleagues was welding with gasses produced by the electrolysis of water. This is 100% proven old technology...if you pass a current through water you certainly will get hydrogen and oxygen, did it at school decades ago. But there is a cost...you have to generate the electricity...that requires power...probably from the national grid in the case of the welders, but from petrol in our car example.

Anyway getting a little bored with this...how about.....
You quote Water Car Run on WATER+Fuel. Hydrogen Save Gas=FREE ENERGY! which is the most obvious scam website I've ever seen, flogging e-books at $97 a pop.

Then there was Hydrogen Booster , the 1st 3 links of which all go to Hydrogen Garage LLC selling kits for $870. HydrogenGarage links back to waterpoweredcar.com. Another of their links bears a remarkable similarity in style!

LMQ's colleagues are squirting water directly into their engines, quite why that would help I'm really unsure but it is certainly not the 'technology' we were discussing elsewhere. Another of his colleagues was welding with gasses produced by the electrolysis of water. This is 100% proven old technology...if you pass a current through water you certainly will get hydrogen and oxygen, did it at school decades ago. But there is a cost...you have to generate the electricity...that requires power...probably from the national grid in the case of the welders, but from petrol in our car example.

Anyway getting a little bored with this...how about.....

Did you not watch the video clips on the website? one was even from the TV news demonstrating the set-up.

Also, search youtube for this type of stuff....

I just find it interesting the extent to which people will go to argue their personal point of view/belief, when the facts/evidence etc. would indicate differently, thats all. But hey, lets not fall out over this :cheesy:.
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Only in America...


Some "dirtbag" in Polk County Florida who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop ended up "executing" the deputy who stopped him. The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range. Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed.

A statewide manhunt ensued. The low-life was found hiding in a wooded area with his gun. SWAT team officers fired and hit the guy 68 times.

Now here's the kicker:

Naturally, the media asked why they shot him 68 times.Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, told the Orlando Sentinel:

"That's all the bullets we had!"
Did you not watch the video clips on the website? one was even from the TV news demonstrating the set-up.

Also, search youtube for this type of stuff....

I just find it interesting the extent to which people will go to argue their personal point of view/belief, when the facts/evidence etc. would indicate differently, thats all. But hey, lets not fall out over this :cheesy:.

Arthur C. Clarke quote on new ideas:

“New ideas pass through three periods:
1) It can't be done.
2) It probably can be done, but it's not worth doing.
3) I knew it was a good idea all along!”

(had to google to find independent evidence, but I had read them ages ago when reading one of his novels.)
Arthur C. Clarke quotes

Some "dirtbag" in Polk County Florida who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop ended up "executing" the deputy who stopped him. The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range. Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed.

A statewide manhunt ensued. The low-life was found hiding in a wooded area with his gun. SWAT team officers fired and hit the guy 68 times.

Now here's the kicker:

Naturally, the media asked why they shot him 68 times.Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, told the Orlando Sentinel:

"That's all the bullets we had!"
A police dog killed!!!???? Look, the fuzz get what's comin; to 'em, but the dog!

Christ! Gimme' a gun - I'm gonna shot him some mo' fo' sure...
At the time of writing this my stats say that I've made 1.35 posts per day...I should finish my posts once I start them...0.35 of a post is simply unacceptable.
Saw a good punch up on saturday night in town. 4 good-looking girls (not the boilers who usually engage in this type of thing :eek:) 1v1 + 1v1. It had been brewing for a few minutes as a crowd gathered in anticipation. It took place in the road, between all the parked up taxis. One girl was knocked to the floor, lost her shoe in the scuffle etc. The other 1v1 was a hair pulling contest, which ended when one of the girls grabbed the others head, slammed it on the taxi bonnet and the taxi driver got out & started playing hell with 'em!:eek: The pretty & slender blonde head-slammer, aged around 19, looked like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, moments later after she dusted herself down :LOL:.
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Try googling "half man half tree". Oh my gawd!

OH, MY, GOD :eek::!:.

I just saw the photo appear in the corner of my eye, and luckily stopped myself looking at it properly, before hitting the home button. I am happy with that outcome thankyou very much!