
They were talking about a newspaper article on sky news last night that was detailing how many immigrants have come to live in Britain since labour came to power in 1997. 2.7 million. This is greater than the population of West Yorkshire they said (2.1 million). It is also greater than the population of Wales (2.1 million) & greater manchester (2.5 million) - thats a lot of people :eek:. I'm not sure if this was just the number of people entering britain (without subtracting the number of people who have left) or not.

Regardless, It seems that those who oppose this, in todays political climate, are falsely labelled a racist, by the political correctness police.
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That is another option for some belts. But not all belts allow this, particularly belts without a traditional buckle, with a buckle that clips into the hole.
This belt was also reversible (reversible buckle fitted), which ruled this option out.
Also, the buckle end is oftewn fitted with a non-standard type of fastening screw/bolt etcc. that you'd struggle to find an every day household tool to undo. ANd thats b4 you undo any stiching that is present.

But yes, i like your general thinking DB, and in many belt cases, it would work :idea: :clover:.

Take it to any of the large stores( doesn't matter if you bought it there, or not) and they'll cut a bit off or put another hole for you.
Take it to any of the large stores( doesn't matter if you bought it there, or not) and they'll cut a bit off or put another hole for you.

I'll admit it - I could actually have undone the buckle end with a screwdriver, as there are 2 tiny screws. I did see these before, but one of the screw heads was damaged, so i think i subconsciously ruled this option out :confused:. I shortened it last night, all be it after drilling 7 more holes into it :eek:. :whistling.
just watched Horizon on the BBC Iplayer - pretty good.
All about how human decision-making is essentially emotive.
(no link as its massive. just go to BBC - BBC iPlayer - Home, then select "A to Z", then find "Horizon")

And can be manipulated by something called "framing".

One element could be trading-related;
New York cab-drivers have a tendency to have a target of money before calling it a day.
this means on "fast days" they hit their targets sooner, and go home. on "slow days" they take longer to make their money.
However, logically, they should work the most on the fast-days, irrespective of targets. and call it a day sooner on slow-days, since they know those days are tougher to make money on! (something for the profit-target chasers to mull over)

manipulating people: experiments show that subliminal framing affects our decisions.
two different groups were taken through an exercise where they were finally asked to rate the employability of a designated person they were introduced to.
One group that were asked to hold a cup of coffee during the preliminaries believed the designated person was a good prospect. a second group asked to hold a glass of coke and ice decided the person was not a good prospect!

Dean Radin: for all you edge-of-science PSI types:
the latter part of the program introduced Radin and his belief that we subconsciously use precognition.
A series of random pictures were shown to subjects. their skin-conductance were measured, and compared to the "emotion" of the picture. however, some subjects showed that their skin-conductance started to change BEFORE the picture was shown; ie, seeming to anticipate the emotion that the picture would elicit once shown.

weird fact: in air wars since WW1, 4% of pilots accounted for 40% of all kills.
I'll admit it - I could actually have undone the buckle end with a screwdriver, as there are 2 tiny screws. I did see these before, but one of the screw heads was damaged, so i think i subconsciously ruled this option out :confused:. I shortened it last night, all be it after drilling 7 more holes into it :eek:. :whistling.

you could just find a room with a higher ceiling.
Watched a documentary film last night about people who commit suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. "The Bridge". In 2004, 26 peple did so.
It showed footage of jumpers jumping off (quite disturbing really :(). The rest was interviews with friends/relatives etc.
Its around 220 feet above the water, and hitting the water is like hitting concrete for most, apparently.

One of the guys jumped off aged about 24 at the time around 8 years ago. After he let go, he knew that he didn't want to die, so decided in the 4 second fall to go feet first, try to remain straight, so that his sturdy shoes would take the impact. He hit the water & thinks he went 40-50 feet under, not knowing which way was up or down. He eventually came up to the surface, felt something brush by him, and thought - Great! i've survived jumping off the bridgee, now a sharks going to eat me! It turns out they were seals that had formed around him, the only things keeping him afloat. He believes they were sent by the lord. He found the whole experience really alien & scary, like as though if you had an alien burst out of your stomach or something. He shattered 2 vertabraes in his back.

Having been across it the GG bridge myself, it certainly makes it feel quite spooky looking back, although at the time i was not aware that it is the worlds most popular suicide spot.

Golden Gate Bridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Golden Gate Bridge had the longest suspension bridge span in the world when it was completed in 1937...The Golden Gate Bridge is a frequent site for suicide. After a fall of approximately four seconds jumpers hit the water at 75 miles per hour (120 km/h), which is nearly always fatal.

An official suicide count was kept, sorted according to which of the bridge's 128 lamp posts the jumper was nearest to when he or she jumped. The count exceeded 1,200 when the count ended in 2005, and new suicides were averaging one every two weeks.[32] There were 34 bridge jump suicides in 2006 whose bodies were recovered, in addition to four jumps which were witnessed but whose bodies were never recovered, and several bodies recovered suspected to be from bridge jumps. The California Highway Patrol removed seventy apparently suicidal people from the bridge that year. [33] Currently, it is said that a person jumps off the Golden Gate Bridge every 15 days.
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Any CSI fans out there?

I've never watched it b4, but have watched about 10 episodes in the last week, and have found it good. Despite the 15-16 minute of adverts during each 1 hour show.

Its amazing the tools/technology that the CSI's have at hand to help them, & how the smallest of details leads them to crack the case.

I reckon this program must make some people who do this job in the real world feel like amateurs, due to the excellence of the CSI's on the program. Still, it must be a good educational tool for real-life CSI's.

Not sure that this type of program is a good idea overall though, as it potentially shows crack-pots how to commit a crime & remain undetected.:cool:
Any CSI fans out there?

I've never watched it b4, but have watched about 10 episodes in the last week, and have found it good. Despite the 15-16 minute of adverts during each 1 hour show.

Its amazing the tools/technology that the CSI's have at hand to help them, & how the smallest of details leads them to crack the case.

I reckon this program must make some people who do this job in the real world feel like amateurs, due to the excellence of the CSI's on the program. Still, it must be a good educational tool for real-life CSI's.

Not sure that this type of program is a good idea overall though, as it potentially shows crack-pots how to commit a crime & remain undetected.:cool:

I'd rather read a book.
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Any CSI fans out there?

I've never watched it b4, but have watched about 10 episodes in the last week, and have found it good. Despite the 15-16 minute of adverts during each 1 hour show.

Its amazing the tools/technology that the CSI's have at hand to help them, & how the smallest of details leads them to crack the case.

I reckon this program must make some people who do this job in the real world feel like amateurs, due to the excellence of the CSI's on the program. Still, it must be a good educational tool for real-life CSI's.

Not sure that this type of program is a good idea overall though, as it potentially shows crack-pots how to commit a crime & remain undetected.:cool:

oh, damn it! have to post. cant stay away!

yep, CSI is a very entertaining program. but it follows a very clear, unambiguous, linear path. it doesnt show where the science gets messy, inconclusive, open to multiple interpretations, or rely on statistical analysis for inferred proof.

the suspected IRA pub-bombers were considered guilty because a test showed that they handled explosives. but it turned out the test also gave a positive result when handling the varnish of playing cards.

there is a thread about a miniscule amount of cannabis on someones SHOE (thats the thing you use to walk about town in) resulted in a hefty prison sentence.

there was a recent article about how a large percentage of £20 in London have traces of cocaine on them. by definition, a lot of people have traces of a class-A drug on them, and if the level of sensitivity was set "just-so", most would be in prison. (where, incidentally, they could probably get coke in more significant quantities).

I could go on....
(yes, I love all that CSI stuff, but more fun to see how you could nullify the evidence. oh, and in real-life it takes aaaaggggeeeeesss for them to get results, not in one afternoon.)

I am addicted to T2W, arent I? :cheesy:
oh, damn it! have to post. cant stay away!

yep, CSI is a very entertaining program. but it follows a very clear, unambiguous, linear path. it doesnt show where the science gets messy, inconclusive, open to multiple interpretations, or rely on statistical analysis for inferred proof.

the suspected IRA pub-bombers were considered guilty because a test showed that they handled explosives. but it turned out the test also gave a positive result when handling the varnish of playing cards.

there is a thread about a miniscule amount of cannabis on someones SHOE (thats the thing you use to walk about town in) resulted in a hefty prison sentence.

there was a recent article about how a large percentage of £20 in London have traces of cocaine on them. by definition, a lot of people have traces of a class-A drug on them, and if the level of sensitivity was set "just-so", most would be in prison. (where, incidentally, they could probably get coke in more significant quantities).

I could go on....
(yes, I love all that CSI stuff, but more fun to see how you could nullify the evidence. oh, and in real-life it takes aaaaggggeeeeesss for them to get results, not in one afternoon.)
Perhaps they're just quicker in the US, shorter waiting lists etc ;).

I am addicted to T2W, arent I? :cheesy:

Yes. "Trendie clearly deserves a glittering award" :clap:

I've jsut realised how you post a link to a single T2W post. With this post, post 329, just click on "#329" and this single post opens in a new window. Copy & paste the link, & bobs your uncle!
So how can a door be 'ajar', when a jar can't be 'adoor'? Isn't that racialist?

Here's one: girls say 'come on guys' when they refer to each other sometimes, but guys never say 'come on girls' when they speak to each other.....

How comes when people speak crap english to us we're still really impressed that they speak another language, but when we speak their language crap back to them they don't even understand us!

We say 'that dinner was fit for a king!'...what would a king say if they ate such a dinner?

Wat would be so good about a cure for Alzheimers? The way I see it is you've got two choices when you're old: you can sit there thinking that your wife is dead, friends are dead, family never see you and that you need to wear incontinence pads, or you can sit and jabber away contentedly that you invented the banana.....and someone wants to SELL you a drug to get you out of this state?!?

Why don't hamburgers contain ham?

Why is a near-miss called a near-miss when essentially things don't hit?!? Surely it's a near-hit! 'I nearly hit that!'....

Why don't people want prisons in their neighbourhood? Surely if prisoners broke out they wouldn't hang around?!?

How do you pre-heat something? surely it can be hot or cold......right? So how do you pre-heat it? Heat it before heating it?

Why do people drive to a gym in order to run on a treadmill? Why not just run to the gym and back and save on the subscription?

Why are fossil fuels not considered carbon-neutral? The energy didn't come from space did it?!? Biofuels are carbon neutral if you harvest the energy after a few days, but if you leabe it a few million years it becomes polluting!

Has anyone ever got 'on' a plane for a flight like they were told? Or did they get in it?

Well it is for random stuff......
So how can a door be 'ajar', when a jar can't be 'adoor'? Isn't that racialist?

I don't know but many times I've found the word AJAR has come in handy for using up the letter J in Scrabble, especially if you can get it on a triple letter/word score :cheesy:.

Went to see the Ricky Hatton fight on saturday, 57000 fans raising the COMS roof - what an atmosphere! A solid performance from Ricky IMO!

Saw quite a few celebs also afterwards - leaving ringside and at the exit gate -
Mike Tyson, Frank Maloney, Amir Kahn (& his dad!), Paulie Malignaggi, David Haye, Neil Morrisey, Bryan Robson, Chris Kamara, Calum Best, Coleen Mclaughlin, Johnny Nelson, Billy Graham, "Ice" (off gladiators), Paddy McGuinness, Ben Shephard.....

A fun event!
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T2W Podcasts - does anyone actually listen to them?
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