
According to extensive road tests in the USA and Canada, Australia, Europe and now in Asia, Water4Gas technology can produce the following results for your vehicle, gasoline or diesel:

* Possibly double your mileage: Our road tests have achieved 50% increase on a heavy 350 V8 van, 56% on a Ford truck, 107% on a Toyota car. Imagine slashing your energy bills left and right!

* Clean up emissions that damage your health and the health of your family. When burned, the "Brown's Gas" we produce turns right back into water! No harmful chemicals are emitted from this system. Since your engine would take LESS gasoline and BURN IT MORE COMPLETELY, the overall effect is dramatic reduction in harmful emissions. You'll be able to smell the difference.

* Greatly enhance engine power and performance.

* Remove carbon deposits and prevent future carbon build up.

* Reduce engine temperature - protect your environment and your engine.

* You will notice a calmer, quieter and much smoother engine & gearshifts. This is due to the effect water has on the combustion cycle inside your engine.

* Enjoy a longer life expectancy of your engine, especially pistons, valves, rings and bearings.

Actually, having read it, it sounds quite a good idea. Its a US based thingy, & although they talk about people claiming IRS remits for using greener fuels - I'm not sure about the legality of it.

What do you think? (in the UK specifically) do you think it will be legal or illegal?

Actually, having read it, it sounds quite a good idea. Its a US based thingy, & although they talk about people claiming IRS remits for using greener fuels - I'm not sure about the legality of it.

What do you think? (in the UK specifically) do you think it will be legal or illegal?


remind me, what proportion of the cost of petrol is actually fuel duty that goes directly to the chancellors coffers?

EDIT: Fuel Tax - PetrolPrices.com
the above site is clearly biased, I cant find any news-site which shows fuel duty. even allowing for duty to be 60p, the actual cost of petrol is say 40p per litre to the customer, which allows oil companies to make billions of pounds of profit after costs. govt just collects billions for no work at all.
where will the shortfall of billions of pounds of fuel tax be made up from to pay people on benefits, education, health, etc.? Unless they lower the cost of buying a peerage, cant see it, myself.
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remind me, what proportion of the cost of petrol is actually fuel duty that goes directly to the chancellors coffers?

Around 70% isn't it :eek:.

If its not illegal, its worth a try maybe. If it is illegal, its probably because its not in the oil companies/car manufacturers best interests :devilish:. BTW - who owns a rather large slice of BP :?:
Whats happened to rossored?

He's been awfully quiet of late, just as that favourite watches thread got going!
Around 70% isn't it :eek:.

If its not illegal, its worth a try maybe. If it is illegal, its probably because its not in the oil companies/car manufacturers best interests :devilish:. BTW - who owns a rather large slice of BP :?:

Its probably not any more, as I believe diesel users can now use veggie oil duty free for the first 2,500 ltrs per year, sure its going to get goverments and companies on the back foot, they both want to centralise delivery for revenue generation, look at the US plans for hydrogen vehicles, world governments will probably want to legislate against self generation soon enough, starting in the US where the big companies have clout, then the rest of the world taking up that model.

Just think how big this could get, back to gas lamps for lighting and self made gas for heating, a freedom and independence from the system they won't allow to happen.
Wonderful scam! Run your car on water....
Website reminds me of those 'Holy Grail' type financial sites flogging guaranteed ways to riches.
Thanks for a good chuckle:devilish:

I don't think its a scam. It can hardly be labelled a scam when they are showing you the open source setup/equipment required to do this on the website - hence showing u what to do, even if u dont buy anything from them!

I have looked on a few motoring forums and there are normal people describing doing this proceedure with similar results to those stated. There are also other websites showing similar products.
Do You Want To Know RIGHT NOW How You Can Drive Around Using WATER as FUEL and Laugh At Rising Gas Costs, While Reducing Emissions and Preventing Global Warming?

In a lot of places bottled water still costs more than petrol over a quid a litre !! kin old scam that is. Genius. Where abouts do you fit that little jam jar looking thing? The wife keeps collecting bloody jars so I might have a tinker in the shed this avo. :D
Wonderful scam! Run your car on water....
Website reminds me of those 'Holy Grail' type financial sites flogging guaranteed ways to riches.
Thanks for a good chuckle:devilish:

I agree that the website looks terrible, and akin to a scamming website...
I don't think its a scam. It can hardly be labelled a scam when they are showing you the open source setup/equipment required to do this on the website - hence showing u what to do, even if u dont buy anything from them!

I have looked on a few motoring forums and there are normal people describing doing this proceedure with similar results to those stated. There are also other websites showing similar products.
It's true you can run electricity through water and release hydrogen and oxygen, and that if you don't blow yourself up first this could in theory be run into a petrol engine to substitute for some of the petrol. There's two problems... the electricity required to make a noticeable difference would be much more than that provided by the electrical system of a car, and secondly even if you did generate sufficient electricity, the extra load on the alternator would sap power from the engine. In a perfect world this would be another 'zero sum game' because the power lost to the engine would be balanced by the hydrogen generated. In the real world the inefficiencies of electrical generation and the internal combustion engine would see a negative effect on your bank balance. Sounds like brokers and my trading!:cheesy:
It's true you can run electricity through water and release hydrogen and oxygen, and that if you don't blow yourself up first this could in theory be run into a petrol engine to substitute for some of the petrol. There's two problems... the electricity required to make a noticeable difference would be much more than that provided by the electrical system of a car, and secondly even if you did generate sufficient electricity, the extra load on the alternator would sap power from the engine. In a perfect world this would be another 'zero sum game' because the power lost to the engine would be balanced by the hydrogen generated. In the real world the inefficiencies of electrical generation and the internal combustion engine would see a negative effect on your bank balance. Sounds like brokers and my trading!:cheesy:

You're wrong....

Water Car Run on WATER+Fuel. Hydrogen Save Gas=FREE ENERGY!
It's very simple. You don't change your engine or computer. A quart-size (95O cc) container is placed somewhere under the hood. You fill it with DISTILLED WATER and a little bit of BAKING SODA. The device gets vacuum and electricity (12 Volts) from the engine, and produces HHO gas (Hydrogen+Oxygen). The HHO gas is supplied to the engine's intake manifold or carburetor as shown below.....
The electrical connection is very simple - we have eliminated the need to use relays or any other complications. The device connects to the 12 Volts of your battery via the ignition switch, to prevent hydrogen production when the engine is off. The device is fuse protected and draws very little current, only 1-3 Amps! This takes 10 minutes or less to connect.
Due to our unique design - stainless steel SPIRALS rather than PLATES - this device produces HHO gas for less electric power out of your battery (compared to older technology based on stainless steel plates). The spirals are also very easy to make BY HAND, compared to the plates that require expensive machinery to cut and process.

Also see - Hydrogen Booster

I'm not saying i'm about to do this with my motor, but i don't doubt that this works and that people are doing it, having read accounts from normal people on unrelated forums that i googled.
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You're wrong....

Also see - Hydrogen Booster

I'm not saying i'm about to do this with my motor, but i don't doubt that this works and that people are doing it, having read accounts from normal people on unrelated forums that i googled.

if you google for the browns gas welders that use this stuff, they are generating their own gas, its patented technology I believe, so must work!, it doesn't take much of a leap of faith to imagine the benefits of direct injection of this gas into the manifold of a car! I mean these welders must be producing the gas at a fair clip or it wouldn't/ couldn't do the job.

A load of guys at work are interested in the link you gave JT, we're engineers and tinkerers, one guy runs his motorbike on acetone, another put a coil round his cars exhaust manifold which he pumps a small amount of water which obviously turns to steam which in turn is injected into the inlet manifold, this guy swears he gets a third more bang for his buck on the fuel he buys :idea:

a few years ago I found an article on the net of some guys in the US that did this to one of those big yank cars, they were running a second alternator to create the power to run the hydrogen generator ...these guys were getting forty+ mpg :-0

the big companies have all invested big bucks on this fuel cell technology, but you don't see any concrete stuff out in the real world, I suspect hydrogen tanks is the way they will go.
I'm not going to do it myself i don't think, as quite frankly i have enough hassles, but it would be an interesting experiment - if you are at least semi-competent under a bonnet.
I do 10-15,000 miles per year @ roughly 10p per mile. Petrol costs me say £1000-1500 per annum. Even if this method doubles my fuel economy, i am only saving £500-750 per year.
Although there are the added benefits of a smoother, cleaner running engine with more power, acceleration and less wear & tear on the engine, it does seem quite experimental still, and as i say its something i probably don' need the hassle with right now - people call me Ebenezer as it is :LOL:!

Do you know ? is that on a diesel engine or a petrol engine ?


petrol, dd, the guy seemed to know what he was up to ...ex automotive tech bod

Also recall a guy that did this on his 2 stroke suzuki 250, he had windscreen washer pump that sprayed water directly into the inlet manifold, that worked too :eek:

Don't ask how that all ended, lots of rust and corrosion I expect :LOL:
petrol, dd, the guy seemed to know what he was up to ...ex automotive bod

Also recall a guy that did this on his 2 stroke suzuki 250, he had windscreen washer pump that sprayed water directly into the inlet manifold, that worked too :eek:

Don't ask how that all ended, lots of rust and corrosion I expect :LOL:

or maybe hydraulicked ( spelling ???? ) the head off
