5 minute Skim? A mite noisy I find 😉
But the newly acquired Darth Vader helmet filters it out rather well 😀
Thanks for the encouragement folks. 😎
Remember that second grade of suckers in "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator"? The ones who study at length what people say about the market but, crucially, fail to scrutinise the market itself in any depth at all? Sure, they can repeat a torrent of trading aphorisms to make them feel secure and superior to rank beginners, and they'll always use stops, oh yes, but because they never actually bother to study the market itself, with all the pain, discipline, visual acuity, memory and persistence that takes, they last in her clutches perhaps three dismal years, during which their optimism fades and their capital dies an inexorable death of 1000 cuts.
That used to be me. Well, perhaps the wine exaggerates, but consistent profitability has been, shall we say, sporadic in the Frugi household. 🙄 But thanks to the copious pearls of guidance I have found nestling in seemingly ordinary threads on t2w, I am at last starting to form a meaningful relationship with the market. We don't like each other one bit of course, but there is at least a growing sense of equality. I have read a metre of trading books in my time but this hands on dark side stuff (and the odd divergence, pretty please!) is by far and away the business.
Chartman - Sorry I'll be more considerate with my palette next time. I can barely read it myself for what it's worth! And I do of course include your good self in the above clumsy eulogy, despite your conversion to the dark side being consummated a mere week ago :cheesy:
Skim - Ranges rule, trends aren't cool - I'm with yuo there (oops my keyring has suddenly spawned a sharp instrument...)
Even the boss likes the dark side... 😀