it may be unwise to try and predict short term movements based on charts for there are too many variables to try and predict..such as averaging in and mentioned
unless you know the size of the opening working orders..and what programme the algos are set for..then your odds of getting it right..based on standard chart very small
longer term analysis is a different matter entirely..we are only talking about daytrading the us open here
what is to find another way to enter..reverse trade..and exit the market..not based on standard chart analysis..but based on "something else"..that you have tried and tested..for many different instruments..and that you you do exactly what you need to do..and not get sucked in by looking at charts the wrong way
i am not saying you do not use charts..but..i might say that in the near TwC thread is going to be a testing ground for exactly opinion is that it might even be better to not use charts..but that will have to be proved with results
Hi Luidin, while I agree there is no point in predicting (I think I have been one of only a handful to have openly said out loud while many have their crystal balls on their desk....ohh sounds a bit wrong that) I am saying the traps can be read, this has nothing to do with prediction, it is merely observation & action in the moment !
Misdirection, clearing weak hands, taking of stops is all there is in the day trading arena, trap, clear, next, trap, clear, next, it is all there is.....continuous trapping & clearing/taking stops, all day every day.
Seeing market orders (spoofs aside) will get you no further than reading the traps. To see that a certain price may be gunned for will get you nowhere without reading movement, yes the movement has to be read, you must be aware of the false movement, but you will only recognize this with the reading of traps.
Definitely on the same page re standard chart analysis, it's all taken care of, as we all know these potential moves/scenario's are seen way before the print, the way to tackle the scenario is worked out way in advance of the print, mapping if you like.
Our job, as the fag end of the industry is to have a different approach, we don't have company target's, managers, office overheads, office politics, getting on a train at 5.30am to be in the office for 7am, so we do in fact have a massive advantage in many ways as lowly retail minions.
Anyway, as you say, people will interpret answers & advise in their own way.
You are a very inquisitive fellow, glad you came along (again