Hes a question that no one answers except me.
How long have you been trading and what were your profits or losses each yr.
thats a starter lol.
My biggest loss was 6k over a few days many yrs ago-i would never go that deep again and my fiendish plan now is to make about 10-20 quid for half an hours work on the markets per day.i retired very young and have a nice lump sum and a pension-im not risking that bugger.so im looking at trading to keep my wife in costa coffees
it will all depend on what you are trying to achieve..and how much time you have set yourself to achieve it
i started in 1999..i had some money..so i decided i wanted to learn..not make money..profits were not my goal..learning the best ways were
at first i was very interested in daytrading..and being a thick paddy i had difficulty identifying the bid from the ask..FECK
results all over the place..make $500..lose it back..the cycle continued..but never really lost..held my own
i tried everything..futures..options..commodities..fx..everything except bonds..wasted loads of money on books..courses..trading rooms..
now that i was an expert..lol..i decided to join some forums..and..round 2006 i think..i met SOCRATES and The Bull on t2w..
everyone was ganging up on them..which i don't like..so i openingly backed SOCRATES..and what followed was The Bull showing me his option trading method on the ftse 100..
i traded away..made 85 trades without 1 loser..but..the thick paddy in me came out again..i was not happy with over 25k sterling profit..i now wanted 50k..so i started to increase my lots..not listening to The Bulls warning bout overtrading
wham..2007 slide..and me caught with a **** load of sold puts..needless to say i panicked..another mistake..resulting in me losing 17k sterling in one day
did i learn a lesson..you can bet your life i did..one i will never forget..
that shook me for about 2 months..then i went back..traded small size and made modest returns per 6 months..nothing to retire on..but nuf to keep me interested..and learning
i met one other..whom i will not mention..and he put it all in perspective for me..so that i finaly saw what i should be doing..and not what i wanted to do
i reverted to what i liked best..daytrading the us open..and.have since developed my own method..which is a combinatio of all i had learned..but with the correct way of thinking..as..most of what is shown is crap..and does nothing but stop you from doing what you need to do
trading is the easy part..your head is your biggest enemy..so without your head in the right place..as we say in paddy land..you might as well be ****.ing against the wind