added another 100 shares of XIV..currently down $350 which i don't mind showing at all
It's only money right? The market will correct at some time. :whistling
Are you using the fixed commission schedule? I only ask because I think you save more money and reap the add liquidity rebates with the tiered commission schedule.
once we don't go mad and risk too much..things will be fine..the market can go any way..down i lose some more..up i make some you is not a real loss until i close the trade..not like my es option trades which have expired worthless..will sum up the whole lot when all trades shown here are closed
main thing is i am not worried about it🙂
How did you come to that calculation did you leverage a lot? 100 pips to a yen. 118.68-0.95=117.73
Comé hai calcolato quello?
If you bought 10,000 USD/JPY @ 118.68 = ¥1,186,800/117.73 = $10,080.68
$10,080.69/$10,000 = 1.008 = 0.8%.
If you leveraged 12:1, then you would 9.6%.
1,200,000 USD/JPY @ 118,68 = ¥ 14,241,600/117.73 = $120,968 - (12*10,000) = $968/$10,000 = 9.6%
Comé WW ha calculato quello? Leva finanziaria?
Absolutely awesome. "Went to bed with anyone"? I hope you mean that figuratively. 😆
So, are you the fixed commission schedule? If so, you should really switch to the tiered commission schedule.
Simple - there is more than 1 way to trade dollar/yen (spread bet / futures to name the most obvious 2) there for, leverage is calculated differently, and margin applies.
Im not saying your calculations are not correct, they are, but you are talking about physical purchase price.
So my calculation - to make it simple to the way the majority are likely to play -
Acc $2,000
Risk 2% = $40
Stop $40/20 pips = $2 per pip
Gain = 95 x 2 = $190
190/2000 x 100 = 9.5%
New Balance $2190
What is the gain if its not 9.5%?
Not wanting to start a big debate, as I have seen that in the past, but it does show there are many different ways traders report returns, and if it is a private account it doesn't even matter, as long as the user is happy as Larry.
Hanno un buon week-end
Ciao for now
Not bad for 47!!
yes..i am looking at some different brokers..ib is fine for the small size..100 to 500 shares..once you go over that you are throwing away money..but for now they are fine..i like the charting program called quotetracker..or qt for the past you could subscribe..they do not allow any new subscribers now since tdameritrade bought qt..i might open a tda account to daytrade using i really like is ideal for daytrading..tws charts are crap..the basics are terrible..but they will not implement the simple additions..i have asked them many times..i gave up..waste of time
Not quite. The more shares you trade upon a monthly basis, the better the commissions become until you actually start to make money just by moving it around.
At a certain point on the tiered commission schedule, they charge $0.0005/share; however, most exchanges will pass through an add liquidity rebate of up to $0.003/share for equities greater than $1.00/share. You can end up receiving $0.0025/share just by placing a trade.
you are kidding right..this is a real woman:cheesy:
yes..but that requires a specific way of trading..which is not the way i do it..if my r/r is 1:4..which it is..and i can get 3 winners from 4 trades per day..which i know i can..then commissions will not bother me at all..they are just a small expense in the overall context
it is much more important to have your method working consistently..and you head in the right place
That is definitely important. I am not arguing with that. The commission thing is just a plus.
Now, now!