I like. Emotional intelligence,, spiritual intelligence.
Let's not get too carried away talking about upbringing and environmental factors. For now, let's stick to the present.
i disagree hh..the whole point of any discussion is to reveal the truth based on facts..which is very hard for most..due to many reasons
the nitty gritty of trading is really the easy bit..that i know from experience..and ..we have mentioned the most difficult bit many times.."the head" as i like to call it
all discussions should be ultimately concerned with sorting out the head..for that is by far what matters most in relation to trading..again..providing adequate experience is already acquired..which most here seem to have done
Let's not get too carried away talking about upbringing and environmental factors. For now, let's stick to the present.
Talking about the head is one thing, I would prefer to not digress too much. Epigenetics (the impact environment plays in shaping genes and the genome) is a field that is not very inviting to this forum as few people can effectively participate in that discussion. I would prefer to talk about what they are currently doing and using to avoid mistakes.
I do not agree with you.
A conversation is a conversation and il be very limiting if is set by rules.
Talking about the head is one thing, I would prefer to not digress too much. Epigenetics (the impact environment plays in shaping genes and the genome) is a field that is not very inviting to this forum as few people can effectively participate in that discussion. I would prefer to talk about what they are currently doing and using to avoid mistakes.
Im not aware of the saying as such but im away of the experience, in trading in particular.you are aware of the saying..
i know "exactly" what to do..but i just can't do it !
there are many reasons for this..can be anything to genetic..upbringing..education..social environment..family situation..aging..etc..and to make radical changes is extremely hard..as..pinpointing the exact cause..or causes..can be very difficult..even for so called "professionals" in this field
i believe awareness is the fist step..correct knowledge is the second..and changing ones habits is the third..and most important..but as i keep saying..knowing is not doing..doing causes pain..and no person likes pain..well..no normal person that is!
I do not agree with you.
A conversation is a conversation and il be very limiting if is set by rules.
Im not aware of the saying as such but im away of the experience, in trading in particular.
Agree we are mentally shaped in many ways. In an insane world its hard not to be insane. Id say re pain, that we are the cause of most of our own pain through compulsive thinking.
Alright. Let's have at it. I would enjoy dicussing epigenetics and psychology. How do you think our genes play a role in trading?
Have you spent any time reading Eckhart Tolle?
No mystic voodoo about from my stand point. No mind or no thinking is the bulk of it, that you dont take your thoughts too seriously.
Im done for the night i think, but good to explore the topic. Is 90% of it imo.
i see hh's point and your point..we run the danger of bringing up religion..which i have nearly done 🙄..and thus some people might be offended..resulting in many off topic posts
we will try not to digress too much..but i think we all accept..at this stage..that "the head" is far more important than the method used..so..as hh has said..if maths can eliminate the problems with the head..then they should be looked at very seriously..as they may have the solution that many have being looking for
either way..once we stay civil and try not to offend anyone..we will be fine
personally..i am aware of certain "traits" that were passed from my mother to myself..and from me to my eldest daughter..my other 2 children do not show any sign of these traits..so..upbringing is ruled out..as they were all brought up in the same environment..and more or less the same conditions
it is actually hard to believe at times how we act the same way!
your thoughts?
Sorry, not disrespect from my part only clarification.......
Math cannot resolve problematics with the head, only awareness can in my experience....
My yoga class is due, good conversation...
no..but will give him a quick look over..i have done this many times..so..i can tell very quickly if what they say is just the same old stuff rehashed..or something worth more investigations..i will let you know my thoughts on same