my journal 3


I decided to embark on a comedy search on google, and to find out what people think about us "conspiracists". I am sure I will come across a lot of stupid people, and a lot of intelligent answers, too.

Why are there so many conspiracy theories? - Yahoo! Answers
Why are there so many conspiracy theories?
I don't understand why people believe that our government was behind 9/11
I'd have expected that some naive person asked this question on yahoo answers. Let's see if they replied "because it's true", as I am expecting.

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

There are a lot of crazy people out there.
There we go: this is the stupidity I was also expecting.

But also all the other answers are very stupid and disappointing.

Let's move on to more Yahoo! Answers questions.

Why are there so many conspiracy theorists? - Yahoo! Answers
Why are there so many conspiracy theorists?
For instance, there's the people that think the moon-landing was fake. I think this webpage thoroughly disproves that:…

Then there's those who think that 9/11 was faked. This video, in my opinion, disproves those who say that the plane was a CG image
And for those who think that our government did it... I don't know how you can be so stupid.
Again, a very naive question.

Oh, my god, another idiot answering the question:
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

People are programed to seek out patterns. We are encouraged to by a release of dopamine.

Also, in my personal opinion, people are always trying to gain power. You take a situation like 911 when people are searching for answers and somebody comes along and pretends they are handing out the truth. And by listening to these people rant about the government and "the man" instead the power is just being transfered to them.

Why are there so many people who believe in stupid conspiracy theories? - Yahoo! Answers

Why are there so many people who believe in stupid conspiracy theories?

Why do people believe in such nonsensical conspiracy theories like "9/11 was an inside job" or "New world order" Why is there such nonsense like this out there. Also I see many people flock to people like Alex Jones a crazy conspiracy theorist. I don't understand why people believe these types of things! Is it just to rebel against the status quo?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

People here this stuff and listen to the ridiculous "evidence" and think it makes sense plus they dont want to accept the truth as for what it is and want something totally untrue to be true. They also use it to hate on others. There just dumb.
It is disappointing and at the same time hilarious to see what the non-awakened are thinking.

Why are there so many conspiracy theories on YouTube? Do people actually buy into this garbage? - Yahoo! Answers
Why are there so many conspiracy theories on YouTube? Do people actually buy into this garbage?
After arguing with a friend about the existence of some of the more prevalent conspiracy theories I decided to check into it for myself. I turned to you tube amongst others and I have to say I am surely not convinced. From the 2012 conspiracy to a bunch of garbage on the existence of secret societies that control our world at its root core.This all proven apparently by Disney movies and the britney spears trainwreck! lol How many people actually believe this? Do people believe everything they watch? That's the terrifying part!
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

It's the Village Idiot syndrome. Once solitary and ignored, they can now share their fantasies with other village idiots, thanks to the internet in general and YouTube in particular.
Just ignore them. If no-one at all commented on their videos, they'd just hate it.
This is hilarious and yet so wrong. I am the village idiot, all right, like Einstein was. Too bad, the average "conspiracy theorist" is anything but stupid or ignorant.

But another user advised to use this excellent website, which is a concise summary of all conspiracy theories (funny how he wrote something like "yeah, they're outlandish" and then he gave him a website that concisely sums up all "outlandish" but true theories):
Summaries, Information Centers for 9/11, media, war, health, energy, elections cover-ups

And here is the usual psychiatrist approach to conspiracy theories (he doesn't bother to verify them, but analyzes the patient believing them):
Why People Believe in Conspiracies

After a public lecture in 2005, I was buttonholed by a documentary filmmaker with Michael Moore-ish ambitions of exposing the conspiracy behind 9/11. “You mean the conspiracy by Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda to attack the United States?” I asked rhetorically, knowing what was to come.

“That’s what they want you to believe,” he said. “Who is they?” I queried. “The government,” he whispered, as if “they” might be listening at that very moment. “But didn’t Osama and some members of al Qaeda not only say they did it,” I reminded him, “they gloated about what a glorious triumph it was?”

“Oh, you’re talking about that video of Osama,” he rejoined knowingly. “That was faked by the CIA and leaked to the American press to mislead us. There has been a disinformation campaign going on ever since 9/11.”
Complex conspiracies are difficult to pull off, and so many people want their quarter hour of fame that even the Men in Black couldn’t squelch the squealers from spilling the beans. So there’s a good chance that the more elaborate a conspiracy theory is, and the more people that would need to be involved, the less likely it is true.
Awesome reasoning, but wrong. The conspiracies he doesn't believe are self-evident, yet he doesn't bother to check them - just assumes they cannot happen.

Oh, no wonder! The author is a psychologist:
Michael Shermer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shermer completed his master's degree from California State University in experimental psychology in 1978.[13]
What a ****ing idiot he is... despite all his knowledge.

Let's keep reading, because he sounds a lot like my father and other idiots such as Jonathan Kay. Arrogant idiots who become stupid by how knowledgeable and arrogant they are.

Why do people believe in highly improbable conspiracies? In previous columns I have provided partial answers, citing patternicity (the tendency to find meaningful patterns in random noise) and agenticity (the bent to believe the world is controlled by invisible intentional agents). Conspiracy theories connect the dots of random events into meaningful patterns and then infuse those patterns with intentional agency. Add to those propensities the confirmation bias (which seeks and finds confirmatory evidence for what we already believe) and the hindsight bias (which tailors after-the-fact explanations to what we already know happened), and we have the foundation for conspiratorial cognition.
Fascinating reasoning and yet wrong once again. I am not saying all this deception is produced by the Reptilians or the Illuminati. I am always saying instead that I know we're being deceived but I wonder who's at the top, and I know that the government is part of it for sure, but I don't know for sure who's behind it and even if there's someone behind or if this is simply the consequence of a generalized greed and corporate power gone out of control. I did not say who the mastermind is, because I don't have such facts. Certainly the freemasons exist, other secret societies exist, too... but I don't know how they're involved in this. But to say that 911 was done by Bin Laden is laughable. And the same applies to his disproving all the other conspiracies based on psychological explanations of us patients. You goddamn moron: take one day to study the evidence there is instead of discarding it from the start.

Very intelligent comment on the bottom of the article itself:
2. Bob In Pacifica
06:50 PM 8/21/09
People often believe in conspiracies because they are the most logical explanation. And scientific models don't necessarily translate. As Shermer invokes the JFK assassination we can start there.

If one considers that the CIA may have been behind the murder of Kennedy there are immediate problems with investigating the hypothesis. One problem isn't that "people can't keep their mouths shut" as G. Gordon Liddy told Shermer. In fact, there is a book out titled SOMEONE WOULD HAVE TALKED that investigates the many people who have talked. Rather, the problem is to figure out who is telling the truth and who is lying. My suggestion to Shermer is that Liddy is not very reliable and his history in intelligence would give him a motive to be dishnoest in these matters.

Another problem is that the CIA (and I'll use the organization here as the American intelligence community generally) has large and publicly unknown resources to influence the media. One need only review findings of Congressional investigations of the seventies. So reporting, or for that matter the general opinion as reflected in the media, has been influenced to some unknown extent by CIA allies in the press. When Stone's "JFK" came out about 90% of Americans believed there was some kind of conspiracy to kill JFK but it was nearly impossible to find that opinion within mainstream media commentary.

Why should the CIA be suspected? Because they have been behind many coups and assassinations before and after JFK's murder.

In 1992 then-CIA Director Robert Gates refused to declassify a report about the man who posed as Oswald in Mexico City a month and a half before the assassination. If someone were posing as Oswald, trying to create a myth of Oswald getting in touch with the Soviet embassy and the Cuban consulate before the assassination, then Oswald simply was not a lone nut. That there were reports of another Oswald in the Dallas area and a third in New Orleans on the same day suggests the intelligence practice of using doubles with the same identity.

While many documents are still classified (like tax and work records of the Oswalds) there has been a lot of new information declassified in the 1990s, almost all of which seems to be ignored by the mainstream which is quite content not to "go there".

When Shermer invokes JFK's murder as an example of paranoia and conspiracy theory he gives "rational thinking" a bad name. It is sometimes rational to mistrust people whose business is deception.
Oh, and this, too:
3. TooMany
05:29 PM 8/30/09
Please read about operations Mongoose and Northwood to get some insight into the proclivity of people with power to conspire to deceive the public. Note that the only reason that Operation Northwood came to light is that Robert McNamara kept a copy of a secret document which was supposes to be destroyed. The public would never have been the wiser had it not shown up in his papers after his death decades following this plan.

Rather than look down upon those who question what is presented to them by the media and government, you might try some questioning yourself.

Regarding 9/11, take a very close look at the videos of the three World Trade Center buildings collapsing. Are you really seeing three unprecedented, fire-induced collapses of structures made largely of steel? Unprecedented events require careful examination. Without hard evidence it is relatively easy to dismiss correct conspiracy theories. Even the fire departments admit that evidence that would normally be carefully examined in the event of a collapsed structure in a fire was deliberately destroyed.

How is it that our massive air defense system was unable to pursue even one of four airplanes known to be hijacked? How easy it was to slam one into the pentagon! By gosh we are defenseless!

Regarding your disbelief in the possibility of keeping something earthshaking secret, consider the two years of secrecy involving thousand of people that created the first atomic bomb. Most of them didnt even know what they were working on.

Conspiracy theories are not all crazy. They are frequently formulated from undeniable facts that are conveniently brushed aside by groups and interests that have the power to do so and the need to hide the facts. You don't have to silence everyone who might come forward with information; you only need discredit them as you attempt to do in your article.
More intelligent readers:
7. Gavin Cato
09:58 AM 9/10/09
How did the government keep the Manhattan Project and D-Day a secret? According to Shermer is would be impossible for so many thousands to stay quiet. How did the 19 flight school dropouts and their assistants keep a secret? How does Shermer decide which conspiracy is improbable and which gets his stamp of approval?

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8. apache
10:14 AM 9/10/09
in my opinoin the reason conspiriacies are easy to suspect but hard to prove is that humans regularly engage in conspitorial behavior, have you ever attened a work "meeting" or professional confrence? If so look up the definition of conspiracy. They are everywhere but most are realitivly benign and ineffective
Too bad there's 140 of these great intelligent comments and I can't read them all.
Last edited: free world stock market quotes and charts

I am still hanging on to my ZN trade. I couldn't do otherwise because I am below 2000 so if I closed it, I could not place any more trades.

It looks good though, right now, because the BUND seems to have topped, and these guys behave very similarly.

I wonder why the BUND is considered more precious than the ZN. Yeah, because that's what it says if you look here:
Germany Government Bond Yield & Interest Rates - Bloomberg
U.S. Government Bonds, Treasury & Municipal Bond Yields - Bloomberg

For the 10-year yield the US has 1.43 and Germany 1.24. Is this related to the reliability of a nation?

The futures, which have an inverse relationship relative to the yield, rise when the EURO and the stock indexes fall.

But I don't know the exact relationship and why it is like that.

What seems strange to me is that you'd have a rise of these futures in a situation like 911, when it would seem to me that a government becomes weaker. Yes, ok, the stock indexes fell, so the inverse relationship would have the bond futures rise, but, from a fundamental analysis point of view, I don't understand why they didn't both fall. I wonder what you need for both bonds and stocks to fall at the same time. For example, civil war in the US should make both fall at once, because you'd also lose hope that the government will return you the money you lent it.

So, given the ongoing loss of credibility and the coming crisis of petrodollars, I would expect ZN to keep on falling no matter what, but I am not seeing it.

According to us "conspiracy theorists" now the thing to buy would be seeds, and other survival things, such as bullets, guns, water, food... some buy gold of course. Anything but stocks or bonds. So I don't see why the bonds do not start falling. I don't have time to go in the past and check what events made them fall together with stocks.

Unfortunately at least for now I missed yet another train (the one that departed in January 2012, when i got started on automated trading again), and I am trading with peanuts, while the systems went all the way up to the 30k I was hoping for, but I wasn't smart enough to just let them trade and sit around doing nothing. I could have studied all I've studied without trading, but I didn't do it. This because of my compulsive gambling... I wonder if it's all gone by now, given all the psychological insights acquired in the meanwhile.

A related excellent link is this:
World Interest Rates


This is even better:
World Interest Rates

Again, this might be defective reasoning and deficient information, but I am wondering how much more the ZN could rise, given that the interest rate is now 0.25%. And given that they have an inverse relationship (ZN and interest rates). And given that, at least judging by the rest of the world, no one is below zero, and only Switzerland is at zero, and Japan is at 0.1% and then there's the US. I wonder if that is why the ZN is worth less than the BUND: maybe because there could be further rate cuts by the ECB, and much less potential for it by the Federal Reserve.
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Wow, while looking for interest rates, I happened to get on the CIA factsbook or similar, and then I browsed the website a little bit, and it's almost grotesque that this assassination agency has a page for children, I really cannot figure out how this could be:

What kind of lying and deception to the american people do you need to conceive a CIA page for children? A lot.

No, please!? The CIA page with games now:

This is one fascinating website.

Let's keep reading:
The employees of the CIA provide intelligence (or information) to the President, the National Security Council, and all other government officials who make and carry out US national security policy.

We do not make policy or even make policy recommendations. That’s the job of the US executive branch, such as the State Department or the Defense Department. We provide these leaders with the best information possible to help them make policy involving other countries.

A lot of people still think that our employees lurk around in trench coats, send coded messages, and use exotic equipment like hidden cameras and secret phones to do their job. (You know, all those things you see in the movies or read about in spy novels.) There is a little of that, but that’s only part of the story.
Right, not everyone in the CIA is a hit man.

We fulfill our mission in two ways:

We give accurate and timely intelligence on foreign threats to our security.
We conduct counterintelligence or other special activities relating to foreign intelligence and national security when the president asks us to. (Through counterintelligence, we prevent our opponents from obtaining secret information, and in some cases, we spread disinformation to confuse them.)
The problem is how you define "opponents" and "secret information" and "other special activities".

Also, fascinating how they say "we are held accountable by the US Congress" and only act "when the president asks us to". I think JFK would have a different opinion on this.

There's the "Operation History":

I wonder if they're lying more to children by simplifying or to adults by lying regularly. There's going to be a lot of reading to do on this website.

Fascinating subject. Check out their youtube channel:

NCS Careers Advertisement - YouTube

CIA Careers Advertisement - YouTube

Ah ah, what a bunch of nice people...

I cannot rule out that there are also nice people in the CIA. But they definitely have a department in charge of assassinating people, presidents, americans included, kidnapping children, brainwashing them... mk ultra, organizing domestic terrorism. What an amazing agency. I wonder if I can find a similar gestapo ad, or similar. Just close your eyes and imagine yourself back in the 1930s, in germany. I am sure you could have found some nice SS.

Speaking of which. I could not find any old gestapo commercial but there's still some nice film which give us a sense of what they were doing in nazi germany and how it compares to america today.

Ok, this one below ain't going on for sure in america today:

Nazi PSYOP on Jewish Immigration - YouTube

No, wait. Similar things went on with the "Islamist terrorists" propaganda. But not as bad as this nazi propaganda.

Nazi Propaganda in the 1930's/40's - YouTube

This is different, too. Propaganda has changed a whole lot. It makes you wonder where the propaganda went. I heard that now it's in movies and subliminal, "predictive programming" I heard somewhere. It is not as blatant as it used to be 80 years ago. Because progress has changed the mass media quite a bit.
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It's amazing how progress is destroying the world. Progress has created beautiful things such as the internet, and yet it also created big entities that kill people: governments, armies, banks, big pharma, big oil... to the point that everyone is working more than ever, everyone is sick more than ever, and very few are enjoying life. Yes, certainly someone at the top will manage to enjoy his entire life without working for one day. But even at the top, I am sure there'll be plenty of people working hard, to get richer.

And what do the people at the top enjoy? I suppose they'd enjoy living in a non-polluted place and not getting sick. Which is the same thing everyone could have enjoyed if progress didn't happen.

Ultimately, without progress, we would have been farming. Now farming is a dream to many. We mostly live in the cities, work all year long, get sick, and get nothing in return for this. There's really no point in all this, except knowledge. If one cares about knowledge, then progress was worth it. If one cares about enjoying himself, then progress, at least in the way it has evolved, is disappointing.

Follow my point: you create airplanes, wonderful. Create cars, trains. But then big oil makes you use oil for all this,kills diesel, and then big oil buys big pharma, prohibits hemp, and medicine is affected by people wanting to make money. And then these rich people suppress cures and inventions that would make their oil useless. In the meanwhile they also buy the press and the government. And then they create wars to make more money. Then they create terror attacks to get more oil. And all along they keep making laws that suit their interests, so they don't even have to kill and loot secretly - it is all legal.

I guess we could say that progress is good, but the side effect of this process was that it concentrated power in a few hands, and these people are not good, because if they were, they would not have gotten where they are. I mean, the nice industrialists succumbed to the evil ones. I don't know if this is a natural thing, but it appears it's what happened, judging from where we are now. Cheating triumphed over honesty. Lies triumphed over truth. Good succumbed to evil.

Or maybe it's different. You see, the Nazi lost, and they were certainly worse than the US and the Allied, and then we could say that good triumphed over evil, but then good soon turned to evil. Back in the 1940s good nations allied together to fight evil nations (germany, italy, japan), but now these very nations have become evil.

Now Germany was replaced by the US, Italy was replaced by UK, and Japan by no one, because Japan really sucked.

I don't know about the other nations... who's good. Maybe sweden, denmark, iceland, norway... these are the few places that are ok, germany, too, maybe.

Maybe switzerland is a good place to live.

I don't know, things are different today. And there's good people in every country of course. But it is true that the US is promoting more evil than any other country. And this is striking considering all the propaganda that is widely spread around the world about how good they are: the land of democracy, freedom... and all the usual things.
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Excellent article and website, which did the opposite of what i did, because I started from 911 and realized medicine's lies, whereas they started from medicine lies and saw the truth about 911:
Jumping rope and 9/11 truth - how the sheeple have been trained to avoid unpopular truth about WTC 7
Those second-grade classmates I grew up with, you see, are all in the forties now, and they're probably working in government, or local businesses, or perhaps even at the FDA. And while they probably eventually learned how to properly count rotations and such, they no doubt fail to see the obvious in other things such as the readily evident fact that the WTC 7 building was brought down by demolition charges.

Here's a great (and short) video introducing all this. It's called "This is an Orange"

WTC7 -- This is an Orange - YouTube

Today's "national IQ test," if you will, is whether people yet realize 9/11 was an inside job. To watch the WTC 7 building fall into its own footprint, demolition style, and somehow fail to grasp that this was a carefully-planned demolition job is just as idiotic as not being able to count how many times you jump rope. IQ-impaired people may grow up and look like adults, it seems, but they are no more intelligent at understanding events in the world around them. And 9/11 is perhaps the best test in recent times at exposing the lack of raw intelligence that's still surprisingly common in our society today.

At times, people who cannot understand the simple things around them are described as "morons." This is not meant to be insulting; just factual. "Moron" is a description of a very low IQ individual, having an IQ between 50 and 70. It means they can "work under supervision," says This is the perfect description of people who think 9/11 was pulled off by terrorists and that WTC 7 collapsed due to office fires. They are able to think "under supervision" -- to believe what they are told -- because they can't think for themselves.
Nice article and great points, but unfortunately propaganda and misinformation have made the official story also believable for non-morons, who are assuming the media would have reported the truth, and that political opposition would have attacked bush. Unless you can't get past this prejudice of relying on the opposition and on the media, you will never grasp what's going on in the US today.

The fairytales go on and only become increasingly ridiculous with each one. They've become so absurd, in fact, that the U.S. government has now been forced to rewrite the laws of physics in insisting the fireproofed steel beams used to construct the WTC 7 building magically melted from common office fires and all experienced total structural failure at exactly the same moment!
It really takes a moron to deny the truth on WTC 7, but all it really takes is to not be informed about it. And to not want to learn about it. And this is the case with the majority: they don't see any reason to doubt the official story. Because they assume the media is doing its job of reporting the truth. Which is a big assumption, but I was one of them until 2005, then from 2005 to 2012 I assumed this thing was limited to 911. Then in 2012, I realized this thing is huge and has been going on for over a century, and involving practically all US presidents, one way or another (in some cases they got killed).

For anyone to believe that WTC 7 collapsed from a few office fires (which were extinguished at the time of the collapse, by the way), they seriously have to be a complete moron. And yet, to my great surprise, a great majority of the public actually believes all this. They've swallowed this official story hook, line and sinker. Like good little marks lining up in the drive-through lane of Brainwashes-R-Us.

But remember: These are the same people who couldn't count a jump rope in elementary school. These are the same people who don't understand basic economics and how their money is stolen from them through the printing of fiat currency. These are people who have no idea there's fluoride in their water, or that the mainstream media consistently lies to them and runs complete hoaxes as actual news. If you get right down to it, you see, most people simply aren't able to understand even the fundamentals of the world around them.

Abandoning science in order to stay politically correct

My favorite part in all this is when you see mainstream "scientists" and physicists come out and declare that questioning 9/11 automatically qualifies you as a "conspiracy theorist," by which they maliciously attempt to discredit everything you say by tagging you with a label. You see, they're so desperate to remain popular and go along with the conventional storyline on 9/11 that they're willing to make themselves look like complete morons by denying WTC 7 was a controlled demolition.

To these scientists, I suppose, being politically correct is far more important than being scientifically accurate. If the White House announced that the wind was created by trees moving their branches, all these scientists would no doubt go along with that, too. Or, hey, maybe the sun is a giant woodstove in the sky and we need to send it more wood or it will burn out and leave our planet a lifeless block of ice. But such is the fabric of the modern scientific community, which is steeped in all sorts of downright hilarious fictions and fairytales about vaccines, psychiatric drugs, consciousness and even the laws of physics itself.

The primary argument about WTC 7, by the way, really has nothing to do with the temperature at which structured steel loses its integrity, or how hot the fires burned in WTC 7. Rather, it is a question of how did all the support columns for the entire building simultaneously shatter and bring the building down at free-fall acceleration into its own footprint?

Only an IQ-challenged individual would say this could happen from anything other than a deliberately planned demolition job. Even in severe earthquakes, large concrete-and-steel buildings don't fall straight down into their own footprints.
Yeah, right on. The problem is that people do not want to trust you when you tell them about WTC 7, and rather than not being curious, they're actually trying to avoid the subject. The subject bothers them, but they do not admit why. They prefer to think or at least to say "we will never know the truth". Nope. The truth is quite clear. The problem is that you don't want to know it. The truth is that these things could not have happened without the government being involved, and the media being involved. And the opposition being involved or at least keeping quiet (or getting killed in some cases).

The truth is that the government has been doing before and after 911 a lot of other such things. The problem is that the same thing went on in the UK and Spain. It's going to be just awesome when all these idiots are taken to concentration camps and I am proven right. The problem is that maybe instead all the awakened people will be taken to concentration camps, and the sheeple will be left alone.

Once you realize the truth about WTC 7, you realize that 9/11 had to have been an inside job. Whether that statement is popular or not, it is the only conclusion supported by the rather obvious facts. And just as I dared to shout "One!" in the second grade, even as all my moron classmates were counting to ten, today I dare to shout the same obvious truth about 9/11. WTC 7 was brought down by controlled demolition. It is as obvious as the sun in the sky (which isn't a woodstove, by the way), and no amount of blabbering idiocy by a crowd of wannabes can change the cold, hard facts about the laws of physics.

I would also say to those who still somehow believe the government's ridiculous story on 9/11 that if your opinions are formed primarily by what's popular, then you're not a clear thinker. Politically correct opinion is almost always flat wrong. But some sheeple feel so compelled to go along with the herd that they will actually delude themselves into believing anything as long as their peers go along with it. Can you say "Weak-minded?"
That's right, just as I said. Just the same way I reason.

I prefer to operate with a strong mind powered by clear, independent thought. I operate a lot like Galileo in that I will declare the Sun to be the center of our universe even if everybody else says the Earth is in the center. I don't care whether declaring the truth is popular at the moment or not. Even a thousand people shouting in disagreement with the laws of physics does not alter those laws. Crowds can be dead wrong. In fact, history shows they usually are.

I'm the kind of guy who openly shouts the Emperor has no clothes. Why? Because on the 9/11 issue, the Emperor is walking through the streets butt naked, even as the rest of the IQ-challenged people hold their fantastical delusions of seeing whatever they've all agreed should be there. The economy is in a recovery! America is a land of freedom! The terrorists are out to get you! Television news reports the truth! If you see something, say something! And sure, the Emperor wears glorious flowing robes made of magic thread, and the government is creating new jobs, too!

You know? The evidence on 911 being an inside job is so much and so overwhelming that it gives me a stomachache to read about it, let alone spelling it out to the sheeple. I am tired of trying to convince the sheeple. I heard yesterday on alex jones this caller who said he showed the documentary "dreams from my real father" to convince his girlfriend of the truth, to "awake her", he said. And he said that she finally became "awake" by watching it. Well, my opinion is that you should not have a girlfriend who's not awake about these facts, because it would be a bad choice - a retarded person, with a weak mind, who doesn't think for herself.
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Artificial Sweetener Disease; a new breed of sickness
(NaturalNews) Artificial Sweetener Disease (ASD) is sweeping across America, affecting tens of thousands of consumers, and Western medicine calls it anything but what it really is, so that doctors can prescribe expensive pharmaceuticals and set up "check up" appointments for the following weeks.

Call it recurring headaches, unbearable migraines, depression, anxiety, muscle pain, arthritis flare ups, buzzing or ringing in the ears, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's disease, inflammation, even acid reflux, but don't call it ASD, or the patient may stop consuming synthetic sweeteners, and then not schedule more doctor visits.
This is so true, and yet once again, it is treated like 911, a discredited "conspiracy theory".

The popular saying that "there's not enough artificial sweetener in any specific product to cause health concerns" is a lie, especially now that in 2011 there are synthetic sweeteners in over 25% of all food, drink, gum and candy available. This cumulative effect has created ASD, and thanks to little or no regulation of chemical agents in food, it's not going away any time soon.

There is no prescription drug, and there never will be one, that cures the problems that artificial sweeteners create. In fact, over 70 percent of reported cases of fibromyalgia, chronic depression, IBS and acid reflux are caused by consuming chemical agents which have been approved by the FDA for consumption. (

Cancer may be the distant, long term result of consuming chemicals, but ASD is the short term consequence, and it is very serious. If you look to prescription drugs to cure these "chronic ailments," then you will experience even more side effects from the prescription medicines, and maybe worse ones than you already have.

The good news is the cure for Artificial Sweetener Disease is absolutely free and involves no doctor, no health insurance co-pays, and has zero side effects. Here is the secret cure for ASD: throw away your sugar free gum and candy, and then trash all foods and drinks you have that are labeled "light" and "zero." Read the labels on everything, so you can filter out all artificial sweeteners from your products, including aspartame, sucralose, sorbitol, acesulfame-k, aspartic acid, and saccharine.

As an alternative to poisoning yourself, try Xylitol or Stevia in order to cut calories, or simply eat more organic vegetables! If problems persist, take a list of everything you ate this week to your Naturopath or Nutritionist to analyze. Remember, if you're getting sick from moldy bread, don't look for a prescription drug to cure you, just stop eating moldy bread.
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Another false flag attack appears imminent; here's how to protect yourself and your family NOW
(NaturalNews) In the tragic aftermath of the Aurora, Colorado shooting which has all the earmarks of a staged "false flag" event, a follow-up false flag now appears imminent.

What was the purpose of the attack?

Once you realize the attack was planned, funded and carried out for a deliberate purpose, the obvious question becomes: For what purpose was it carried out?

The answer to that question is found in many places, including the novel 1984 by George Orwell, in which the nation state is locked in a perpetual state of fabricated war in order for the government to maintain total control over its population. It is now well established that the Oklahoma City bombing was conducted for much the same purpose, as it explained in the outstanding documentary "A Noble Lie" (Oklahoma City Bombing | Murrah Federal Building 1995 | A Noble Lie). Do not make the mistake of thinking you know the true history of Oklahoma City unless you've seen this documentary. Had the Oklahoma City bombing been carried out today, during the time of the ubiquitous internet, it would have been almost instantly revealed to be a staged false flag attack. The official explanation of the event is so self-contradictory -- and the cover-up so sloppy -- that it only succeeded due to a mainstream media monopoly which existed at the time but has since been shattered by the rise of the alternative, independent media like NaturalNews.

The real history of the world -- not the fairy tale history you were taught in government-run schools -- is a history of government groups and leaders staging events to blame them on their enemies. The "false flag" tactic is so remarkably effective that it has been used since the time of the Romans and continues to this day. Anyone who does not yet realize this truth is simply ignorant of factual history. America's public school system, of course, is run by the government itself which selectively alters accounts of history to fit its present-day political fairy tale.

What we learn from the open-minded study of history often shatters whatever youthful illusions we may have been taught in school. As it turns out, individuals in government who insatiably seek power are not just cruel and inhumane; they're often sociopathic. They have a disease, and that disease makes them think they can create a perfect world if everybody else would simply do as they're told. This disease quickly festers into tyranny; and tyranny into genocide.

Once this disease takes hold of their minds -- as it routinely does with Senators, Presidents, dictators and others who incessantly seek power -- there is absolutely nothing they won't do in order to feed their desire for yet more power. Tactics used by these tyrants throughout the history of the world include stuffing ballot boxes, conducting assassinations, blackmailing enemies and of course staging false flag attacks to justify an expansion of power. See Operation Northwoods for an open admission that the U.S. government carefully plotted, planned and was about to carry out its own false flag terror attack in order to justify war: Operation Northwoods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The real question to ask yourself in all this is, historically speaking, how did the 9/11 attacks help President Bush, for example? If you recall, he used the tragedy to boost his own ratings in the polls to an astonishing 80% support level, then staged a "heroic bull-horning event" by climbing a heap of rubble and ground zero and delivering a supposedly impromptu -- but actually well prepared -- speech that helped lay the groundwork for the liberty-crushing Patriot Act that still haunts the ghost of a free America to this day.

President Clinton reportedly credited the Oklahoma City bombings for strengthening his reelection in 1996. One well-placed bomb, it seems, can alter the fortunes of major political players. Never mind the fact that, in retrospect, all the evidence available today clearly and irrefutably points to the event having been staged by rogue elements within the U.S. government itself. Again, see the film "A Noble Lie" for a full review of the stunning evidence.

Similarly, President Reagan has the staged embassy hostage crisis in 1980 to thank for his victory over President Carter. Those hostages were released the very same day Reagan was sworn in as President. "The hostages were formally released into United States custody the following day, just minutes after the new American president Ronald Reagan was sworn into office," reports Wikipedia. (Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The point of all this is that crisis always concentrates power into the hands of the government. Therefore, staging crisis accelerates that concentration of power. Because power is what all ambitious government operatives ultimately seek, this is the primary purpose of staging a false flag attack in the first place.

The lower Obama gets in the polls, the greater the risk of a large-scale staged event

If Obama were high in the polls right now, with no risk of losing his re-election bid in November, the risk of a large-scale false flag attack in the months ahead would be minimal. It is the risk of him losing the election that creates the high risk of a false flag operation. Curiously, Obama himself may have absolutely no knowledge of any of this.

Most likely, the kind of dirty work that results in false flag attacks is carried out by "handlers" and unelected power brokers who control much of what transpires on the world stage. As long as these power brokers see Obama's second term as a positive thing for shoring up their global control, they will pull out all the stops to make sure he gets reelected, including (but not limited to) staging a false flag event that Obama himself may not even be aware of until the last minute. It's easier for his reaction to the tragedy to appear sufficiently authentic, after all, if he's actually not in the loop.

Why the next false flag may be orders of magnitude larger

If the Aurora Colorado shooting was just a warm-up, a truly paradigm-altering false flag event would have to be something orders of magnitude larger and more horrifying. To really tip the scales in favor of total government control and the complete annihilation of all remaining liberties in America, a truly massive event would have to be staged (or allowed to transpire) such as:

• The release of a nuclear "dirty bomb" in a major U.S. city.
• The ICBM nuking of a major U.S. city.
• Nuclear power plant sabotage leading to meltdown.
• The mass poisoning of Americans via a water supply chemical attack.
• The release of a deadly biological weapon.
• A large-scale bombing on the scale of 9/11.

For the purposes of seizing control over the nation, the more visually horrifying the attack, the better. This provides video footage that can be played over and over again on the evening news, searing into the minds of the public the visual horror of an attack which is blamed on a selected political enemy or even an entire political movement.

Because of this, you can expect the next false flag to be:

• Very large, killing not just a dozen people but thousands.

• Very bloody, for the purpose of showing such images on the news.

• Timed to support the election of whichever President the global controllers want in office. Let's analyze this briefly:

False flag timing: Before the election or after the election?

If an attack happens before the November election, it would support Obama and help him get reelected. If Romney wins, on the other hand, and an attack happens after the election but before the inauguration, it would support Obama declaring Martial Law and seizing control of the country under emergency powers. If Romney wins and an attack happens after the inauguration in January, it would support Romney's and make him appear heroic much like Bush in 2001. This would soon be followed by a Romney-led push for more restrictions on whatever freedoms or liberties could be conceivably tied to the attack by the mainstream (lying) media.

So the TIMING of these events tells you a wealth of information about the PURPOSE behind them. If no false flag events are witnessed between now and early 2013, it would indicate that the global controllers feel power is trending in their direction anyway and no special intervention is necessary.

False flags also tend to take place when the global controllers detect a "wave of liberty" starting to gain traction among the populace. When talk of liberty or the Bill of Rights begins to rise above the usual drone of infobabble, a false flag is often staged and then blamed on so-called "extremist" speech, which inevitably boils down to any speech that questions the credibility of Big Government. If you listen carefully to the rhetoric of any White House, you'll discover that "extremism" means anything that does not agree with that particular administration's political agenda. In 1943, growing your own food and even selling fresh milk was considered an act of patriotism -- victory gardens! But in 2012, selling fresh milk is considered a criminal activity associated with the "sovereign" movement which, itself, is linked to so-called "extremism."

This, itself, should be a red alert warning that tyranny has arrived. When the simple pursuit of life, liberty and happiness is equated with extremism by the government, it's a sign that we've all fallen deeper down the rabbit hole of tyranny than you might have suspected.

As further evidence of false flags being used to stifle the rise of liberty, consider this: The Oklahoma City bombing was staged just as "right wing" ideas were gaining audience share on talk radio. Regardless of whether you prefer the adrenaline jolt of Alex Jones or the hypnotic drone of NPR, the attempted blaming of Rush Limbaugh following the Oklahoma City bombing was one of the most cowardly and absurd political attempts to censor free speech that our nation has ever witnessed. We may or may not agree with Rush, but if we are true Americans, we must at least agree that the man has the right to speak his mind.

Similarly, in 2001 as the "patriot movement" was gaining steam, the 9/11 attacks turned the tables on the freedom movement and resulted in the suffocating "Patriot Act" being passed that gave the government vast new police powers for surveillance, arrest, detention and more. Never mind the fact that building 7 was never even hit by airplanes and yet was quite obviously brought down by an expert demolition team using a highly engineered maze of intricately-timed explosive charges that had to have been placed in the building weeks in advance (

Whatever next false flag event is being planned could be the final nail in the coffin for American liberty. Obama has already put in place the NDAA that denies Americans due process ( He promised to never use it, but that promise will, of course, be instantly revoked once a sufficiently large attack takes place. One nuclear explosion, placed not only in the right city, but more importantly in the right narrative context via the media and government, could condemn an entire generation of Americans to suffocating under the boot of tyranny, stripped of all rights, enslaved by a dictatorial police state regime that they falsely believe is protecting them from the very terrorism it initiated.

One attack away from total surrender

Today, America is just one large false flag event away from surrendering to total government dictatorship... assuming the horrifying event can be properly blamed on the right parties -- in this case, anyone who believes in the U.S. Constitution or the Bill of Rights, or even someone who is a supporter of the ACLU and the concept of "civil rights."

In the footsteps of a sufficiently large false flag attack -- something on the scale of a nuclear attack on a major U.S. city, for example -- you can expect all the following to be rolled out:

• TSA on street corners, in shopping malls, movie theaters, a total police state rollout.

• Domestic units of the U.S. military running patrols, going door to door and demanding everyone's firearms. (Already happened in New Orleans following hurricane Katrina.)

• Frequent roadside checkpoints run either by the TSA or the military, complete with bulletproof checkpoint booths, strip searches and frequent sexual molestation by TSA pedophiles and perverts. (

• The activation of FEMA camps and the hustling of "economic refugees" into those camps to be starved to death or exterminated, all in secret. Watch the "lost" episode of Jesse Ventura's "Conspiracy Theory" show on FEMA camps right here:

• The abolishment of the Second Amendment and the forced confiscation -- at gunpoint -- of all guns from private citizens, thereby concentrating control of those guns in the hands of the government. This imbalance of power is always necessary right before governments commit mass genocide.

• Total government control over the internet. An outlawing of all online speech that criticizes the government or reports the truth about anything. Only the White House version of events (fairy tales) will be allowed. All else will be censored or shut down.

• The "secret disappearance" of journalists, activists or anyone who dares to ask legitimate questions about what's going on.

• The inevitable rise of an underground railroad information network which seeks to expose the lies of government and the real story behind the false flag attacks.

• A massive, nationwide rollout of spy drones to surveil all Americans from the sky.

• The recruitment and deployment of at least 500,000 new "citizen spies" who work as informants for the Department of Homeland Security and are given cash rewards for calling in accusatory reports about their neighbors, family members or even their own parents. "My daddy said he didn't like the government!" "Don't worry, little boy, agents are on their way to make an arrest..." Watch for the rolling out of thought crimes enforcers like those depicted in the sci-fi movie Minority Report.

• The complete abolition of freedom. No home gardens, no weapons in the hands of citizens, no public protests, no banking privacy, no choice in anything that really matters. This is what's coming if another sufficiently large false flag attack is rolled out in America.
Excellent analysis of the situation and potential scenarios.

For review, here's how a biological false flag would likely be structured:

Development of biological weapon with under 5% mortality but high spread rate --> False flag biological weapons release --> Blame framed on convenient enemy --> Outbreak of fear multiplied by the media --> CDC calls for mandatory vaccines --> People line up for vaccines --> Vaccines are laced with stealth infertility viruses --> Population reduction goal accomplished.
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FAQs — Central Intelligence Agency
9. The CIA has been accused of conducting assassinations and engaging in drug trafficking. What are the facts?

The CIA does neither. Executive Order 12333 of 1981 explicitly prohibits the CIA from engaging, either directly or indirectly, in assassinations. Internal safeguards and the congressional oversight process assure compliance.

Regarding past allegations of CIA involvement in drug trafficking, the CIA Inspector General* found no evidence to substantiate the charges that the CIA or its employees conspired with or assisted Contra-related organizations or individuals in drug trafficking to raise funds for the Contras or for any other purpose. In fact, the CIA plays a crucial role in combating drug trafficking by providing intelligence information to the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the State Department.

* See: Overview of Report of Investigation Concerning Allegations of Connections Between CIA and The Contras in Cocaine Trafficking to the United States
I like it how they reply to my questions and doubts. I need to investigate this FAQs further in the future. I think they lie.

Otherwise the CIA is awesome. If, as they say, they do not kill people, neither directly nor indirectly. Or maybe it's like Clinton and "sexual relations", so the CIA defines "conducting assassinations". They kill people, but they don't "conduct assassinations". They "terminate" people.
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how to cure cancer in 1 page

This is so cool. Doctors would want you to go through surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, but this web site tells you how to cure yourself from cancer in just one page:

And it works. Whereas the other method has a 5% success rate, just because they catch cancers so early that after 5 years the patient is still alive (but still dies later), and that's the threshold to say that the patient is healed.

Only thing I don't like about that web site is that they mention everything, including laetrile, nutrition, and hemp seeds oil, but they do not mention hash oil (rick simpson's oil, made from the plant).

By the way, I received all the bottles of hemp seeds oil and I've been drinking it, using it on my face, hair... I'd be bathing in it, if it didn't cost so much. I also received the seeds, which I planted on the porch. Receiving the seeds is legal. Eating them is legal. Planting them is legal, but growing the plant... I think that's where it becomes illegal, or maybe it becomes illegal when I cut the plant and smoke it. No, I remember it becomes illegal when the plant grows. So I am not doing anything illegal yet.

The point is that I don't even want to smoke it, but I want to eat it, so to cure any potential cancers in my body, which for sure I have, like every one of us living in civilization.

Andrew sisters with Danny Kaye - Civilization (the good version) - YouTube

Each morning, a missionary advertises neon sign
He tells the native population that civilization is fine
And three educated savages holler from a bamboo tree
That civilization is a thing for me to see

So bongo, bongo, bongo, I don't wanna leave the Congo, oh no no no no no
Bingo, bangle, bungle, I'm so happy in the jungle, I refuse to go
Don't want no bright lights, false teeth, doorbells, landlords, I make it clear
That no matter how they coax him, I'll stay right here

I looked through a magazine the missionary's wife concealed (Magazine? What happens?)
I see how people who are civilized bung you with automobile (You know you can get hurt that way Daniel?)
At the movies they have got to pay many coconuts to see (What do they see, Darling?)
Uncivilized pictures that the newsreel takes of me

So bongo, bongo, bongo, he don't wanna leave the Congo, oh no no no no no
Bingo, bangle, bungle, he's so happy in the jungle, he refuse to go
Don't want no penthouse, bathtub, streetcars, taxis, noise in my ear
So, no matter how they coax him, I'll stay right here

They hurry like savages to get aboard an iron train
And though it's smokey and it's crowded, they're too civilized to complain
When they've got two weeks vacation, they hurry to vacation ground (What do they do, Darling?)
They swim and they fish, but that's what I do all year round

So bongo, bongo, bongo, I don't wanna leave the Congo, oh no no no no no
Bingo, bangle, bungle, I'm so happy in the jungle, I refuse to go
Don't want no jailhouse, shotgun, fish-hooks, golf clubs, I got my spears
So, no matter how they coax him, I'll stay right here

They have things like the atom bomb,
so I think I'll stay where I "ahm"
Civilization, I'll stay right here!
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Ingesting Rick Simpson's "Hemp Oil" - Forums
In California - it is not legal to make solvent processed concentrates. This is not the case in Oregon. This needs to be changed in California, but till then, we in Oregon enjoy greater liberty.
A friend of mine is on this - he started 2 months ago when his doctors told him the cancer in his liver and pancreas would kill him within 6 months or so. His doctor now can not find any trace of the cancers. Please do not start the argument pro or con that hemp oil cures cancer. I know it helps many people I personally know very well.
Damn, I wish I lived in Oregon.