my journal 3

more investigation of flight routes and flat earth maps

I am trying to see if this one is correct, as no one else will provide me with an alternative flat earth map (I even asked Eric Dubay, who said the FES map is wrong, but he dodges my question repeatedly):

This seems all wrong, even with a spherical earth:

From dubay's website:
July 8, 2009 at 9:35 AM
Patrick Walker said...
Here is the problem of the macro scale maps like the one over Europe and north America: in a sphere flattened out onto a map such as the earth, the direct path is more of a curve. This is why when seeing flight paths, they are curves. You can not draw a straight line on a map to fly or sail straight. This also explains why Greenland is so big on a map when it land mass is so small. It would depend on the map's smoothing technique on how straight (or curved) the direct path would be.

The mirco scale holds water though.
January 1, 2015 at 11:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Hi again, Eric,

You're kind of trying to manipulate here. I am sorry to say that, but it is simply not true that everywhere on what we know today as Antarctica the compass points north in all direction. At least, no one claims that to be true but you. Plus the location of the pole is not determined only with a compass. Or are you suggesting that is the case? In order to be at the south pole the compass has to show north in all direction. What you said about it showing always north is not relevant as it shows north everywhere on Earth, but you don't say you're at the south pole when you're in London and the compass shows north, right? It has to show north in all directions!!! That is why I asked you about the polar stations. There are many of them and they are in Antarctica. If every point of Antarctica is the south pole then anyone staying at one of those stations would have the compass showing north in every direction, when this is not the case. They can also use a sextant and other equipment. You might say it is a hoax, but you have to explain how the hoax is done. Also, you need to show an alternative map with the real locations of the polar stations around this ice wall. The current distances between them are known, so you can't simply say that the distance from point A to B is 30000 km, when it is known to be only 1500 km, for instance. From your explanation, the only way this is possible is if everyone lies. There are many people who have been to Antarctica; not talking about the south pole. Are you saying that they all are stupid and have no clue how to use a compass and when they were there the compass was showing north in all directions, but they never noticed? Such argumentation only undermines the flat Earth idea. I would understand if you claimed that the south pole is only the point above which the stars spin, but to claim that any point in Antarctica is the south pole sounds wrong.

January 2, 2015 at 6:38 AM
Eric Dubay said...
I'm not trying to manipulate thanks very much, the ball-Earth establishment are the ones manipulating you and I'm trying to help you see through their lies. You're also manipulating with straw men, saying, "If every point of Antarctica is the south pole then anyone staying at one of those stations would have the compass showing north in every direction, when this is not the case." I never said that that, you're putting words in my mouth. I said the opposite pole is every point along the circumference, not every point in Antarctica! Then again you end your comment with, "but to claim that any point in Antarctica is the south pole sounds wrong." So you put wrong things into my mouth that I didn't say and tell me they're wrong. Congratulations. And you call me manipulative?

Longitude and latitude was and is used to define every point on a spherical earth. It doesn't work on a flat earth. The fact that it is possible to travel to every point on earth using longitude and latitude which only works on a spherical earth proves that the earth is spherical. Who uses a flat earth map!? Tell me Eric: Who uses a flat earth map? Who uses a map showing ice walls surrounding the earth with odd lines inconsistent with true longitude and latitude?

Ouch... latitude and longitude are a very good point. Our flat earth theory is really in trouble.

On the other hand, my curvature formula still holds scrutiny. The formula does not match the horizon videos and pictures.

If I had to bet, I would bet it is flat. But I have no idea how they are faking all the implicated things, such as:

1) longitude, latitude
2) flights going all around the globe, in a time that is coherent to spherical earth
3) satellite imagery (the one from weather forecasts)
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Many worthless freaks believe science is fact, while the Bible is a lie. I find that quite pathetic, since the only people who seem to come up with the actual 'proof' that science is fact are the scientists themselves. Well why wouldn't they? They have to protect their meaningless jobs.

I find that amuzing, since we know the truth. We believe in factual faith, where as they believe in 'science-fiction'. We are men of God, while they are losers of science.

Seriously, how are we meant to believe anything some worthless scientist tells us, when it is clearly a lie and fabrication to attack our God. ALL Scientists are in league with Lucifer, their plan to blast our heads so full of nonsense that we believe more in their far-out-trash, than God almighty.

Genetics, dinosaurs, men on the moon. All bull****. For every co-called fact they can give me, i can dismiss it as fabricated nonsense. It's already a well-known-fact that all the moon landings were faked. Man has never set foot into space, and I would be willing to bet that nothing else has either. All the pictures from so-called sattelites ... FAKE, all pictures from other plantes ... FAKE, and how can we believe most so-called fossils are truly what they say if their so-called carbon dating bull**** comes from these perverting scientists too? In truth - We can't.

Had I read this one month ago, or two months, I would have thought this guy was crazy. Reading it today, I am thinking "wow, this guy is wise".

We arrived to the same conclusion from two totally different points of view. I was researching false flag attacks. He was researching the bible. Others still have reached this conclusion after researching the occult, as satanic priests, like Mark Passio or John Todd.


Wow, my research is getting tougher and tougher. It was easier being agnostic. According to the top Christian experts I am at risk of damnation from many points of view (marked in bold):
Who Will Jesus Damn?

Here is a partial list from just a few scripture verses:

Hypocrites (Matthew 24:51), The Unforgiving (Mark 11:26), Homosexuals (Romans 1:26, 27), Fornicators (Romans 1:29), The Wicked (Romans 1:29), The Covetous (Romans 1:29), The Malicious (Romans 1:29), The Envious (Romans 1:29), Murderers (Romans 1:29), The Deceitful (Romans 1:29), Backbiters (Romans 1:30), Haters of God (Romans 1:30), The Despiteful (Romans 1:30), The Proud (Romans 1:30), Boasters (Romans 1:30), Inventors of evil (Romans 1:30), Disobedient to parents (Romans 1:30), Covenant breakers (Romans 1:31), The Unmerciful (Romans 1:31), The Implacable (Romans 1:31), The Unrighteous (1Corinthians 6:9), Idolaters (1Corinthians 6:9), Adulterers (1Corinthians 6:9), The Effeminate (1Corinthians 6:9), Thieves (1Corinthians 6:10), Drunkards (1Corinthians 6:10), Reviler (1Corinthians 6:10), Extortioners (1Corinthians 6:10), The Fearful (Revelation 21:8), The Unbelieving (Revelation 21:8), The Abominable (Revelation 21:8), Whoremongers (Revelation 21:8), Sorcerers (Revelation 21:8), All Liars (Revelation 21:8)

No wonder I had stopped being Catholic decades ago. If you go to the original link you hover the link and read all the quotes.

This one about the effeminate seems very unfair to me. I can't conceive of a fair God sending "effeminate" people to hell. After all, everything else goes in the direction of encouraging people to be polite, so "effeminate" is yet another "deficiency" that seems a discrepancy. Being "effeminate" is very close to extreme politeness.

Sometimes I think the bible was just a list of things that the lawmaker desired and instead of saying "I don't want you to be effeminate", he said "god doesn't want you to be effeminate".

Then, after this list of things making your life impossible, you hear Christians saying that god is infinitely generous. This is a nightmare. I am at risk of becoming agnostic again.

On the other hand, judging from their banners...


... these are not your standard Christians. Maybe they are Christian extremists. At some point I was wondering if they were joking, but I don't think so.

Wow... my choice is indeed between agnosticism, the satanic Catholic church or these guys.

...wait, wait... sure enough, I kept researching and understood that they're a fake Christian, satanic cointelpro operation: in America/mocking_god.htm
There is a website called landoverbaptist. They use the domain extensions of .com, .net, .org and others. I won't even link to their filth, because they say it's not appropriate for visitors under 18. Yet, they have a section titled “just 4 Kids,” which is highly contradictory. These are dangerous people. Their website has attracted millions of visitors, which makes it a serious concern.

The website fraudulently claims to be a Baptist Church. Instead, the website is a horrible mockery of God, Jesus Christ, the Bible and sin-hating, God-fearing, Christ-honoring, Christians. The website is pure evil, intended to mock Christianity, blaspheme the Lord Jesus and confuse people.
Yep, that's what I thought.

Here's another one:
Landover Baptist claims to be a church. Moreover, they claim to be the only church in America that understands the Bible! In fact, neither is true. Landover Baptist is a fraud. A joke. Their true purpose is not to spread the Gospel of our Lord, but to trick people - especially those who have not received the Word and Salvation or have been programmed by secular culture to distrust Christianity - into believing that Christianity is evil and rejecting it.

Ah ah, it did sound a bit too strict in condemning everyone to hell and also in rejoicing for others in hell. On the other hand, it does bring out the contradictions of the bible, because I am sure those quotes are correct.

So, OK, basically they are the equivalent for Christians of what Alex Jones is to conspiracy theorists:

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I might start reading something...

...written in 1798 by John Robison:

I wonder if the Illuminati were more powerful then or now.

Ouch! Robison writes, on pages 7-8, of how he discovered that freemasonry had been hijacked by the end of the 1700s:

Fascinating book. It now discusses, on page 9, the hijacking of Freemasonry by the French, in a direction of decadence, corruption, immorality and subversion:

So probably Freemasonry became corrupt during the 1700s.

Bingo! Same page:

The Luciferian nature of these elites emerged, under the pretense of Illuminismus, or Age of Enlightenment:

So this philosophy, going against religion, which seemed so appealing even to me, in reality turned out to be more about worshiping the devil than about atheism and rationality. Such a complex reality that we live in: I can never stop discovering it.

Furthermore, it is precisely reasoning that is leading to me understand that Jesus exists. I mean, demons exist and they are afraid of Jesus, so Jesus probably exists, too. I suspect he is outside the fish tank which we call "earth".

It makes you wonder... if this person, Robison, is in heaven. I mean, he exposed more than anyone else the corruption of freemasonry, risking his own life. What a nice person. I wonder if he is reading me from heaven right now.

If people can be possessed by demons, and spirits, then probably the soul exists, too. And then if the soul exists, then Robison might be in heaven.

page 9:

Let's compare it with wikipedia:

So, ok, it started in Munich in 1776, and eight years later in London. By the way, look at the date of May 1st, which is also Labour Day:'_Day#History

Total lie. It is May 1st for the same reason the Illuminati was started on May 1st, which I ignore.

So they were almost immediately stopped and then went underground and stayed underground until today.

One wonders why they outlawed them them. And why they allowed them to exist again, and when and where.

I would say that their power certainly increased, to answer my own question, in absolute terms and also in relative terms.

Indeed, if they outlawed them, they were at least trying. Now that even John Paul II has lifted the ban on freemasonry, now it is when we know (maybe even with Paul VI) that freemasonry has entered the Catholic Church, and all the Western governments -- we can see their masonic symbolism all the time.

So this was the pattern they followed:
1) the Illuminati, lead by Satan himself, set out to destroy governments and religions: 1600s (the group existed long before being established in Munich -- just think of flat earth and how the spherical lie was born -- maybe it was the Jesuits where it all began, in the 1500s)
2) religions and governments outlawed them: last 1700s
3) they kept working in secrecy and infiltrated the very institutions they wanted to destroy: by the early 1900s no US president was elected who was not an Illuminati, as John Todd confirms.
4) religions and governments, completely infiltrated, lifted the ban: late 1900s

In the meanwhile, they also controlled every other aspect of the culture and economy of the world. For example, spreading the lie of gravity, evolution, spherical earth, solar system and the universe... all to discredit God.

Helter Skelter (as John Todd called it) is near. Now the elite is all Illuminati, everywhere in the world. But they still do not completely control the peoples.

Furthermore, the Illuminati themselves are directed by the invisible army of demons lead by Satan. And, from what I understood, everyone is within this fish tank that we call "earth". Which is more like a coin, because it is a circle, it's wide 46,000 kilometers and has a height of only 5,000 km, including the dome and the sun in it. It is exactly like the Truman Show.

page 11:
The Association of which I have been speaking, is the Order of ILLUMINATI, founded in 1775, by Dr. Adam Weishaupt, professor of Canon law in the university of Ingolstadt, and abolished in 1786 by the Elector of Bavaria, but revived immediately after, under another name, and in a different form, all over Germany. It was again detected, and seemingly broken up; but it had by this time taken so deep root that it still subsists without being detected, and has spread into all the countries of Europe. It took its first rise among the Free Masons, but is totally different from Free Masonry. It was not, however, the mere protection gained by the secrecy of the Lodges that gave occasion to it, but it arose naturally from the corruptions that had gradually crept into that fraternity, the violence of the party-spirit which pervaded it, and from the total uncertainty and darkness that hangs over the whole of that mysterious Association. It is necessary, therefore, to give some account of the innovations that have been introduced into Free Masonry from the time that it made its appearance on the continent of Europe as a mystical Society, possessing secrets different from those of the mechanical employment whose name it assumed, and thus affording entertainment and occupation to persons of all ranks and professions.
Winrod professed strongly antisemitic views, earning him the nickname "The Jayhawk Nazi" (Jayhawk is a nickname for a Kansan). Winrod offered the following defense of his views in the introduction to his book The Truth About the Protocols which proclaimed the veracity of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: "After observing the title of this book, some will accuse me of being anti-Semitic. If by this they mean that I am opposed to the Jews as a race or as a religion, I deny the allegation. But if they mean that I am opposed to a coterie of international Jewish bankers ruling the Gentile world by the power of gold, if they mean that I am opposed to international Jewish Communism, then I plead guilty to the charge." Winrod believed the United States to be the chosen land of God and, when the Great Depression struck, publicly stated that it was the work of Satan. He believed Franklin D. Roosevelt was a "devil" linked with the Jewish-Communist conspiracy and that Hitler would save Europe from Communism.[6]

Page 5:
On July 14, 1856 Disraeli delivered a significant address
before England's House of Commons, in which he said, "It is
useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal, that a
great part of Europe—the whole of Italy and France and a
great portion of Germany, to say nothing of other countries—
is covered with a network of these secret societies, just as the
superficies of the earth is now being covered with railroads.
And what are their objects? They do not attempt to conceal
them. They do not want constitutional government ; they do
not want ameliorated institutions. They want to change the
tenure of land, to drive out the present owners of the soil and
to put an end to ecclesiastical establishments."

Full text here:
The noble Lord who introduced this question seems to think that the revolutionary spirit in Italy is obsolete and worn out—that there is no contest going on in Italy but between worn-out dynasties and some intelligent and well-educated persons of the superior classes, who desire his great specific for all evils—constitutional government. I do not think that that this is a true judgment of the Italian people or of Italy, There is in Italy a power which we seldom mention in this House, but without considering and understanding which we shall never rightly comprehend the position of Italy—I mean the secret societies. The secret societies do not care for constitutional government. They do not want existing society ameliorated, they want it changed; and they seek objects from such changes such as can never be obtained or secured by those enlightened institutions to 774 which the noble Lord refers. We know something more of these societies than we did. Since the outbreak of 1848 we have had means—not sufficient, but still we have had means of obtaining a knowledge of their numbers, organisation, principles, and objects; and without some consideration of these it would be absolutely impossible for us to form a conception of what would be the consequence of our interference in the affairs of Italy. It is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal, that a great part of Europe—the whole of Italy and France and a great portion of Germany, to say nothing of other countries—are covered with a network of these secret societies, just as the superficies of the earth is now being covered with railroads. And what are their objects? They do not attempt to conceal them. They do not want constitutional government; they do not want ameliorated institutions; they do nut want provincial councils nor the recording of votes;—they want to change the tenure of land, to drive out the present owners of the soil, and to put an end to ecclesiastical establishments. Some of them may go further. These are men of energy and determination; and do you think that, with their complete organisation, when Austria cannot interfere to occupy the kingdom of Naples, when the King is lectured on his throne by the Western Powers, and when, as the noble Lord says, the passions of the Italian people are roused, those societies will be quiet? We know what they did before. They rose, and their energy and their organisation carried everything before them. I am told that a British Minister has boasted—and a very unwise boast it was—that he had only to hold up his hand and he could raise a revolution in Italy to-morrow. It was an indiscreet boast, but I believe it not impossible, with the means at his disposal, that be might succeed. What would happen? You would have a republic formed on extreme principles, and there may be many intelligent and well-meaning persons—I do not say in this House—who would say, "And what then?" "Nothing can be worse," they would say, "than the present state of Italy; let us try a Red Republic, or even a republic of a still more fiery colour." But the question of Italian politics is not of that simple character. Rome is not far distant from Naples. The passage from Naples to the States of the Church is not difficult. You may have triumvirs again established in Rome; the Pope may again be forced to 775 flee;—and my hon. Friend behind me (Mr. Spooner) may say, "So much the better"—and not a cardinal may be left in Rome. What will be the consequences of that? You forget that the two great Catholic Powers of Europe—France, whose Emperor boasts in these very protocols of being the eldest son of the Church—that Ally with whose beneficent co-operation Italy is to be emancipated—if such a catastrophe should occur, France and Austria will pour their legions over the whole surface of the Peninsula. You will have to withdraw the British fleet; your admonitions will be thrown into the mud (as they deserve), and your efforts to free Italy from the occupation of foreign troops will terminate—as it terminated before—by rendering the thraldom a thousand times more severe, and by aggravating the miseries of the unfortunate people whose passions you have fired, and whose feelings you have this night commenced to rouse...

Page 9:
THE history of world revolution is bound up in the history
of a philosophy—or rather, a disease— known as Illuminism.

The believer in Bible truth discovers in this weird system
of occultism a demonic principle capable of warping and
twisting the minds of those who allow themselves to come
under its influence. The Satanic germ out of which
Illuminism unfolds is found in the letter of the Apostle Paul
to the Ephesians, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers
of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in
high places."

As there is a divine illumination which comes into the
soul of man through the revealed presence of the Holy Spirit,
so also there is a counterfeit light which poisons, blights,
blasts, destroys and produces moral decay. There are psychic
laws, black mental currents, which, if contacted, will bring
one under the conscious control of Satan. There are
"seducing spirits" capable of impregnating the human mind
with the "doctrines of devils".

There is a white light of spiritual illumination. And there
is a black light of Satanic illumination. "Satan himself is
transformed into an angel of light." Illuminism is rooted in
black magic. It produced a mighty wave of occultism in the
eighteenth century which even swept governments from their
foundations. And the end is not yet!

The one problem is that he supported Hitler against these satanist banksters... but Hitler was a satanist himself:

Why? Because obviously he did not have internet to check out things, including these videos.
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watch out this might be demonic, but it is pleasant

talking to angels/demons live:

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