my journal 3

Page 97 of "Terra firma: the earth not a planet, proved from scripture, reason and fact":
I would also remark that when the sea is undisturbed by
waves, the hull can be restored to sight by the aid of a
good telescope long after it has disappeared from the
naked eye, thus proving that the ship had not gone
down behind the watery hill of a convex globe, but is
still sailing on the level of a Plane sea.
Look how intelligent, sexy, ironic and funny can seem people who are wrong, and lying to you:

I never told you about this.

Starting a couple of days ago, with the beginning of March, the orangutan has retired, so now I am finally enjoying a quiet day, without his loud yawning, singing, shouting, humming, whistling... there's nothing more pleasant than being away from rude people.

I am so glad he left. I feel like I am on vacation.
Ah, ah... bingo! The earth is flat, you morons!
Cap Gris Nez and Cap Blanc Nez — the white and grey cliffs of Calais that face the White Cliffs of Dover — offer stunning views across the Channel.

Picture of Dover taken from the French beach:


Plus you've got the chemtrails in the same picture, so two blatant conspiracies that people ignore in just one picture.
The shortest distance across the strait is from the South Foreland, 33.1 kilometres...

Ah, ah! Bingo! An 85 meters drop (using the official Wikipedia formula, which on excel is "=RADQ(A9^2+B9^2)-A9"):
The Horizon curves by: sqrt(radius^2 + distance^2)-radius, equivalent to distance^2/R*2. At 100 km, it descends 784m.


The cliff face, which reaches up to 350 feet (110 m)...

So, from the beaches of France, the most we should be able to see is the tip of the cliffs, and yet we see the whole thing!

When I get home I will try to see if I can even get a zoom of this, to show you that we even see the beach.

The only reason people across the world still think that the earth is flat is because they don't know the curvature formula.


Ah, ah, hilarious. I just found someone saying that from Liguria they are able to see Corsica, which is at least 180 km away, and according to the formula this should keep you from seeing the first 2.5 km!!!

Let alone the fact that the mountains are actually much farther (at least another 50 km farther, which implicates a drop of 4150 meters), so Corsica should be invisible altogether.

But, once again, you see the whole thing, so that the experts are forced to say, as usual, that it is a mirage, event which leaves this observer quite puzzled...
Presunti esperti in scienze geografiche e matematiche ci avvertono che la visione è frutto di un effetto ottico, come dicevamo, tendente ad avvicinare per rifrazione il soggetto visivo. Un po’ come i miraggi della Fata Morgana, nel deserto.
Infatti, proclamano, dal livello del mare, la curvatura della crosta terrestre dovrebbe nascondere alla nostra vista, la quasi totalità dei profili montuosi (1389 - 2707) a 180 Km. di distanza.


He is puzzled because he cannot allow himself to reach the conclusion that it is all a lie. The "experts", he says, tell him that it is a mirage, but he is not quite sure what to make of it...

So here's what they do: if you can't see it, it is because of the earth's curvature. If you can see it, then it is because it is a mirage... LOL

CORSEGA set.jpg

You morons! You really make me upset.

With this great gift of the internet, you still haven't been able to decipher even just one of the many conspiracies that have been revealed to you.

You disgusting humans!

Here's another "mirage", 130 km away:

You are really pissing me off...
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.


OK, I got home and even found the videos of Corsica, not only from Ventimiglia (189 km to the Monte Cinto peak) but from Genova, (227 km to Monte Cinto, which implicates a drop of 4043 meters, so that you can only argue in favor of a mirage at this point or accept flat earth:

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Doesn't the Earth's drop only come into effect, for the observer, at the horizon? According to Wiki:

For an observer standing on the ground with h = 1.70 metres (5 ft 7 in) (average eye-level height), the horizon is at a distance of 4.7 kilometres (2.9 mi).

So that means, past the visible horizon, Calais to Dover is only 28.4 kms, which is when the Earth's curve drop allegedly comes into force. Therefore we have to account for this in the curve/drop calculations. As a result it should be a 63.3 metre drop from Calais to Dover past the horizon. This means that we should be able to see 46.7 metres of the highest part of the cliff face (110m), or 43% of the cliff face.

Wouldn't you say that this equates approximately to the photos here? To me, it looks like I can see about half of the highest part of the cliff....


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Doesn't the Earth's drop only come into effect, for the observer, at the horizon? According to Wiki:

For an observer standing on the ground with h = 1.70 metres (5 ft 7 in) (average eye-level height), the horizon is at a distance of 4.7 kilometres (2.9 mi).

So that means, past the visible horizon, Calais to Dover is only 28.4 kms, which is when the Earth's curve drop allegedly comes into force. Therefore we have to account for this in the curve/drop calculations. As a result it should be a 63.3 metre drop from Calais to Dover past the horizon. This means that we should be able to see 46.7 metres of the highest part of the cliff face (110m), or 43% of the cliff face.

Wouldn't you say that this equates approximately to the photos here? To me, it looks like I can see about half of the highest part of the cliff....

First of all, why would you feel the need (to support your delusion maybe?) to cheat on the data? The distance, even according to CIA-controlled Wikipedia is 33 km at the very least, so this has nothing to do with your 28 km.
The shortest distance across the strait is from the South Foreland, 33.1 kilometres...

Be my guest:

33 is not 28, and especially we don't even know if the picture I posted was taken exactly at the spot of the shortest distance. But even if it were taken there, the drop would still be 85 meters, so you would be seeing the top 25 meters, which is certainly not what we see in my picture:


Second of all, if Dover doesn't convince you, what about Corsica, that at 189 km away should be completely hidden from sight? The highest mountain is Monte Cinto at 2706 meters, but the drop is 2803 meter. We should see nothing at all.


I think you should look up the terms "denial", "cognitive dissonance" and "self-deception", but unfortunately no psychologist would then be able to help you, because they're all out to cure me and people like me who see the truth.

I gave you an opportunity to rise above all these ants that surround us and look at what you are doing! You are fighting the truth, with all possible means, even lying to yourself.

I am getting tired of preaching the truth... it's not just you. It's everyone. You guys are so disappointing. I can't believe you're intelligent when it comes to things that are commonly accepted, but when it comes to things that go against the majority, then you stop reasoning.

So one wonders what your reasoning is worth. Maybe you guys just go with the majority without even engaging in any critical thinking.

It's as if you said: "what do the others think? Then I'll think like them". Or "yeah, it makes sense, but since 99.99% don't agree with me, I'll stop reasoning". Or: "since it goes against many other assumptions I have about the world, then I will discard this evidence" (cf. cognitive dissonance).

I guess that's why I was a bad student. Because I would not accept and memorize what the teacher told me but I wanted to understand it first.


OK, I got home and even found the videos of Corsica, not only from Ventimiglia (189 km to the Monte Cinto peak) but from Genova, (227 km to Monte Cinto, which implicates a drop of 4043 meters, so that you can only argue in favor of a mirage at this point or accept flat earth:

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page 19:

Exactly the same as today:
From documents which fell into the hands
of the German government it has been discovered that
his organization possessed dreadful poisons and had
no hesitation about using them when to do so might
serve to silence an enemy or advance their cause in
other ways.

The Illuminati killed then as they kill today with secret methods.

page 21:
While other systems of Dluminism had previously
existed, Weishaupt's became the Illuminati. It is well
attested that his Order assumed fundamentally the
right of life and death. To his group it meant nothing
to snuff out a life if in so doing their sinister aims
were advanced. Hence the use of strange poisons and
weird medicines. The use of chemicals and such things
shows an unmistakable link between the Illuminati
and Rosicrucianism, both of which had a common
Rosicrucianism, Ron Paul.

Here's a quote on how they infiltrated Freemasonry, page 18:
At last Weishaupt was ready to announce, "That
we shall have a Masonic lodge of our own. That we
shall regard this as our nursery garden. That to
some of these Masons we shall not at once reveal that
we have something more than the Masons have. That
at every opportunity we shall cover ourselves with this
(Masonry). All those who are not suited to the work
shall remain in the Masonic Lodge and advance in that
without knowing anything of the further system."

Thus, he succeeded in creating a super-Masonry
with himself in the position of dominant power.

Page 21-22:
While Barruel, a Catholic, was assembling his ma-
terial about the plot in France, another scholar by the
name of John Robison, a Scotch Protestant, was carry-
ing on a similar investigation in the British Isles.
Robison's book was published under the imposing title
"Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and
Governments of Europe, carried on by secret meetings
of Free Masons, Illuminati and Reading Societies, col-
lected from good authorities by the Author, Professor
of Natural Philosophy and Secretary of the Royal
Society of Edinburgh." The work was published in

After examining the writings of Barruel, Robison
wrote, "This author (Barruel) confirms all that I have
said of the Enlighteners, whom he very aptly calls
Philosophists ; and of the abuses of Freemasonry in
France. He shows, unquestionably, that a formal and
systematic conspiracy against Religion was formed
and zealously prosecuted by Voltaire, d'Alembert and
Diderot, assisted by Frederick II, King of Prussia ; and
I see that their principles and their manner of proce-

— 22 —

dure have been the same with those of the German
atheists and anarchists.

"Like them they hired an army of writers; they
industriously pushed their writings into every house
and every cottage. Those writing were equally cal-
culated for inflaming the sensual appetites of men
and for perverting their judgments. They endeavored
to get the command of the schools, particularly those
for the lower classes; and they erected and managed
a prodigious number of Circulating Libraries and Read-
ing Societies. They took the name of Economists and
affected to be continually occupied with plans for im-
proving Commerce, Manufactures, Agriculture, Fi-
nance, etc., and published from time to time respect-
able performances on those subjects.

"But their darling project was to destroy Chris-
tianity and all Religion, and to bring about a total
change of government. They employed writers to
compose corrupting and impious books — these were
revised by the Society and corrected until they suited
their purpose. A number were printed in a handsome
manner, to defray the expense; and then a greater
number were printed in the cheapest form possible and
given for nothing, or at very low prices to hawkers
and peddlers with the injunction to distribute them
secretly through the cities and villages."

Bingo! Just turn your TV on and you will see that these trends had already been analyzed over 200 years ago. Now we're right in the middle of it, so people don't even notice it anymore. You can see this by the simple fact that people turn their TV on. If people were aware of this, they wouldn't even want to have a TV. But they slowly got more stupid, more vulgar, more violent... so that now they almost need this unhealthy poisonous drug, and don't even realize what it's doing to them, how it's corrupting them and manipulating them -- and keeping them from thinking, and wasting their time.
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Last night I was talking to my aunt, and I was telling her about the ongoing demonic plot to destroy Christianity, which has continued for thousands of years, on which she agreed (unlike on flat earth). I also noted that, despite this demonic plot, which produces wars and everything, since right now Satan is completely in control of the United States, there has been a tendency for humans, along the centuries, to improve their living conditions... maybe not their morality, but their standards of living.

It's odd: as Satan increasingly gained control of the leaders of the world, especially the Americans, Jesus Christ seemed to gain control of the peoples.

For example, take Europe. Death penalty is gone. Animals are being treated better. Gladiators don't exist anymore.

So I find it odd, because whereas on the one hand, the demonic agenda is being implemented, but on the other hand Christian values seem to be spreading.

Take human sacrifices for example. It is my guess that elites still carry on with human sacrifices as they did 4000 years ago. But now they're not doing it in public anymore. They have to hide.

It seems to be that "good" is advancing among humans, whether Christians or atheists.

It's as if we had clear chart, showing the morality of the masses vs. the morality of the elites.

Just as the spread in income between the richest and the rest is increasing, so is inversely correlated their morality.

The peoples are getting better all the time and their curve is going up in terms of morality.

The elites are getting worse all the time and their curve is going down.

As this happens, there is an increasing necessity for the elites to hide.

The gap in morality between the elites and the people has been increasing.

At the same time, the elites, especially in the USA, have been implementing a gradual corruption of humanity, through TV, cinema, music, medicine.

They have been spreading drugs and immorality, and ignorance through the education system.

So, on top of dumbing the peoples down, the elites have been trying to degrade them morally.

Despite their efforts to corrupt their peoples, the gap between the elites and the underlying peoples is huge.

I don't know how all this will end, but I can forecast mainly two outcomes:

1) the extremely corrupt elites will manage to corrupt their peoples, so that Satan will have complete control of the situation -- and mind you, Satan has been planning this thing rationally all along, for hundreds of years. I know it is sounds funny and oversimplistic but it is not. This is exactly the way it is. Satan is real, and it thinks like a regular person, although he is practically invisible.

2) the good peoples (in general) manage to get rid of the corrupt elites.

That is why the elites are planning the RFID chip (mark of the beast), because they are afraid of a revolution against them. If they manage to dumb the elite down further and to implant these chips in them, then it's game over, not only for Christians but for all humanity. Because at that point, they will be able to kill anyone they want, at will.
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bingo! earth proven to be flat with 2 Wikipedia entries

Oh... wow, wow, wow! Bingo...! Genius...!

Magnificent discovery...

I just found out that CIA-controlled Wikipedia itself cannot hide the flat-earth as far as (all) lighthouses.

Take this:

Range 23 nautical miles (43 km; 26 mi)
Height 216 feet (66 m)
... but if you put two and two together, you get:


Let us imagine a boat where someone is standing 2 meters above the water, and looking at a lighthouse that is 66-meter tall. How far away will he be able to see it?

Well, the calculator, and all Pythagorean formulas, say "34 kilometers". Yet Wikipedia asserts that sailors will be able to see it as far as 43 km.

So, according to Wikipedia, we will be able to see this lighthouse (and it's the same for the other lighthouses), despite the fact that it will be beyond the horizon, as calculated by Wikipedia's formulas.

So which one is it? They cannot both co-exist. Well, Wikipedia doesn't always lie. In this case, they are not lying about the lighthouse, but they are lying about the curvature formulas, for the simple fact that there is no curvature, as the earth is flat.

Furthermore, since no one wants to be sued, I am sure lighthouse authorities will provide values on the safe side, rounded down by a whole lot. However, even these cautious values are telling us that the earth is flat.

This fact itself destroys the argument of refraction, because lighthouse authorities, just as they will be cautious on providing range estimates, will also certainly not be relying on "mirages" and "refraction" for their lighthouses to be seen by sailors! Just imagine: "If you are lucky and there's refraction, you will see a mirage of the lighthouse as far as 43 km away... otherwise you'll just have to crash against the rocks".

So, the conclusion is that lighthouses provide conservative values regarding the range at which the lighthouse will be seen and without relying on any sort of "refraction" (imaginary phenomenon anyway, used to explain away other discrepancies). And these very lighthouses ranges, as listed by wikipedia, are the perfect proof that there is no earth curvature. Face it, we cannot even hypothesize that all the lighthouses are providing faulty ranges (therefore there is no curvature):

In my opinion, this is the simplest and best argument to date, because it totally uses the establishment's sources (the shills at wikipedia). In other words, Wikipedia pages on lighthouses all prove that the earth is flat, when compared to more shills, either at wikipedia or elsewhere:
The Horizon curves by: sqrt(radius^2 + distance^2)-radius, equivalent to distance^2/R*2. At 100 km, it descends 784m.

Bingo! Earth proven to be flat with 2 Wikipedia entries (curvature formula, and lighthouse).

Now it will be useless to show this to anyone, because these guys are so in denial, that, like my physicist cousin, they might tell me that the earth's radius is wrong by a thousand kilometers.

They will say this invalidates my formulas, and, since I cannot measure the real radius of the earth, it is game over. I guess they will do anything... like they say in the Matrix, "they will fight to protect it":
The Matrix is a system, Neo, and that system is our enemy. When you are inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters, the very minds we are trying to save. Until we do, these people are part of that system and that makes them our enemies. You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be unplugged and many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

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Christians themselves are so brainwashed by mainstream media that they don't even believe the parts of the Bible that are actually true, such as the fact that the earth is the center of the universe and that it is not moving.

I reminded my aunt, who is very religious, of what the Bible says about the earth, and she said that the Bible is not right about everything, because it was written by humans who were ignorant.

Coming from someone who prays for several hours per day, you can see how far the demonic agenda has been implemented. I am just a former agnostic who has recently discovered a few things on Youtube that don't let me be agnostic anymore.
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