my journal 3

The documentary they discuss:
Zanna is more than just a Songwriter, he is also a qualified Rifleman, Gun expert, Roman Gladiator and Italian Cook. Since he came to America he wrote (and produced) more than 100 songs.
But besides his musical talent, Zanna in his past life he has been a Music Manager, one of the youngest Music Business Publisher in Italy, a successful Internet Developer, Businessman, Roman Gladiator fighter, the first Roman Gladiator cook in the US with his Spartacus Cooking show, Wind surf instructor, World traveler, Rifleman... Romantic Poet.

As the Italian Poet Dante went to political exile in the XII Century, thus an Italian poet of our times has chosen the voluntary exile and a new adoptive Country... America!

Luca Zanna, was born in Rome Italy.

Luca’s unusual adult experience was the outgrowth of an unconventional childhood. He was born in Rome, Italy, and raised in the seacoast city of Anzio, one of the most pivotal places in the outcome of World War II. There, he spent much time with his maternal grandfather that he would often playfully sing to Luca about Arizona (Il Tango delle Capinere), where the young boy never imagined he would one day make his home. Living near the sea, Luca learned the love of freedom and wide open places, surfing and swimming almost daily. He also learned the price of freedom, on his many visits to the Cemetery of American Soldiers in Nettuno.

Ironically, he soon went to a Rome boarding school (Convitto Nazionale), in preparation for the day when he, too would enter the military academy (Nunziatella). His academic education included Greek and Latin, but his social education was even more profound. His free and rebellious spirit did not fit in a military academy so Zanna spent most of his time in punishment dreaming about freedom and one day becoming an American.

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It appears to me, that the "great" scientific fraud is that of the accepted theory of the heliocentric galaxy (the stationary sun being the centre), as opposed to the much more logical theory of the geocentric galaxy (the stationary earth being the centre). The following link explains it much better than I could:

Like I think you suggested earlier in the thread, I believe this was a concerted effort by atheist elites to destroy the belief in a supreme being/God, and/or to annihilate any importance we ascribe to ourselves as humans existing in the centre of the universe. If we're made to feel insignificant and helpless in the infinity of space, then we're much more easily manipulated by governments and nefarious controlling interests.

Yes, I agree. You edited it later so I only read it now. I can see why maybe you're not willing yet to go the extra mile and understand that it's not an atheist elite, but a satanist elite. In order to understand this, you first have to understand that there are demons (cf. "demon magicians" series of videos by Xendrius on youtube), and that they are afraid of Jesus (cf. exorcisms).

In your quest for the truth right now, you will probably benefit the most from listening to this John Todd video (he gave his life to tell us the truth - if there is a heaven, he is definitely in heaven):

More audios of John Todd can be found here:

He was born in 1949, probably the only true thing wikipedia says about him:
By the age of 23 he had been converted to Christianity, and exposed the Illuminati, until a few years, when they killed him, after framing him and putting him in jail.

I think you are on your way to understanding that this conspiracy has been going on for centuries, probably millennia, and it has been orchestrated by Lucifer himself.

It is a very complex situation we live in. One even wonders why god isn't doing anything at all.

We're probably sitting in a fish tank, on a shelf in his lab, and we're being tested like lab rats.

Once you understand the scale, the rest is quite simple. You're not surprised anymore by the quantity and extent of conspiracies around us.

I would like you to be in the same group as we are, the 0.01% who understand things. It is a scary position to be in, so isolated.

Out of 1 billion (the rest is busy making a living) we are probably just 0.01%. So that's what? Less than 100 thousand people in the world understand as much as I do, and I want to preach it to you.

As I said, this is a scary position to be in, so isolated and that is why I want you to be part of this anti-conformist elite of absolutely free thinkers, who do not assume anything about the reality that surrounds them, and who don't fear the ridicule from other humans.

But it is hard. Much harder than just being a 911 truther, as we both are.

The more truth I find out, the more I feel isolated. We're precisely as ants. But you guys are more ants than I am.

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Jack R Taylor

Jack R Taylor is the person who saved John Todd:!topic/alt.religion.christian.baptist/OBvGY8tVCMU
Pastor Jack Taylor did an audio cassette tape explaining his perspective on
the situation around the time the Christianity Today article came out. Do you
know anyone who has a copy of that tape? (Taylor was the pastor of the Castle
Hills First Baptist Church where Todd got saved.)

I wish I could talk to him and find out more about John Todd.

His Facebook page:

His personal website:

His Youtube channel:

Castle Hills First Baptist Church:
It is amazing how ordinary people still do not realize that the child-sacrificing elites are still the same as 3000 years ago, only now they hide it from us:

Stop watching TV right now, and stop going to the movies.
John Robison's Proof of a Conspiracy

I might start reading something...
Production Notes: This text was scanned from the retypeset 1967 Americanist Classics reprint, and the page numbering is from that edition. The 1967 edition modernized the typography systematically, except on the dedication page (particularly, substituting 's' for ƒ) but left the original spelling intact. Note that the 1967 edition makes no additional copyright claim on Robison's text (only on their modern introduction, which I have omitted). US copyright law requires extensive creative changes to a public domain text to allow a new claim of copyright. I have corrected in the usual way a few obvious typos (which may have been introduced in the 1967 edition), but all of the non-conforming spelling has been tacitly preserved. I have also added a (public domain) translation of the Latin epigram on the dedication page.

...written in 1798 by John Robison:

I wonder if the Illuminati were more powerful then or now.
Following is from the introduction to Robison's classic, first published in 1798. Authorship of the introduction is attributed to "The Publishers". Edition is the Americanist Classics Edition (Boston: Western Islands, 1967).

Very few people are aware that the intense drama of our twentieth century -- the life and death struggle between capitalism and Communism, freedom and slavery -- has its origins in the late eighteenth century. All Americans are aware that the Declaration of Independence was written in 1776. Few are aware that Adam Smith's *Wealth of Nations*, which provided the ideological foundation for capitalism and for the Industrial Revolution, was published in 1776. And fewer still are aware that in that same year, 1776, Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Canon law at Ingolstadt University in Germany, founded the Illuminati Order, a conspiratorial organization which embodied all of the goals, aims, and methods of what we now call Communism. All history books will tell you of the first event. A good many will tell you of the second. But practically none will even allude to the last. Why? When you know the answer to that question you know history better than the historians.

The two prime source books for our knowledge of Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati conspiracy are Professor John Robison's *Proofs of a Conspiracy*, first published in 1798, and the Abbe Augustin Barruel's impressive four-volume study, *Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism*, published in 1799, some months after the first appearance of Robison's book. Both men -- one a Professor of Natural Philosophy at Edinburgh University, the other a French clergyman -- writing in different countries and in different languages, without the one knowing the other, basically covered the same subject matter and came to the very same conclusions. Thus, we have two excellent works which tell us virtually all we need to know about the origin of history's most diabolical, long- range conspiracy.

Ouch! Robison writes, on pages 7-8, of how he discovered that freemasonry had been hijacked by the end of the 1700s:
I found that the Lodges had become the haunts of many projectors and fanatics, both in science, in religion, and in politics, who had availed themselves of the secrecy and the freedom of speech maintained in these meetings, to broach their particular whims, or suspicious doctrines, which, if published to the world in the usual manner, would have exposed the authors to ridicule, or to censure. These projectors had contrived to tag their peculiar nostrums to the mummery of Masonry, and were even allowed to twist the masonic emblems and ceremonies to their purpose; so that in their hands Free Masonry became a thing totally unlike, and almost in direct opposition to the system (if it may get such a name) imported from England; and some Lodges had become schools of irreligion and licentiousness.

It has accordingly happened, that the homely Free Masonry imported from England has been totally changed in every country of Europe, either by the imposing ascendancy of French brethren, who are to be found every where, ready to instruct the world; or by the importation of the doctrines, and ceremonies, and ornaments of the Parisian Lodges. Even England, the birth-place of Masonry, has experienced the French innovations; and all the repeated injunctions, admonitions, and reproofs of the old Lodges, cannot prevent those in different parts of the kingdom from admitting the French novelties, full of tinsel and glitter, and high-sounding titles.

Fascinating book. It now discusses, on page 9, the hijacking of Freemasonry by the French, in a direction of decadence, corruption, immorality and subversion:
...In consequence of this, the French innovations in Free Masonry were quickly followed in all parts of Europe, by the admission of similar discussions, although in direct opposition to a standing rule, and a declaration made to every newly received Brother, "that nothing touching the religion or government shall ever be spoken of in the Lodge." But the Lodges in other countries followed the example of France, and have frequently become the rendezvous of innovators in religion and politics, and other disturbers of the public peace. In short, I have found that the covert of a Mason Lodge had been employed in every country for venting and propagating sentiments in religion and politics, that could not have circulated in public without exposing the author to great danger. I found, that this impunity had gradually encouraged men of licentious principles to become more bold, and to teach doctrines subversive of all our notions of morality--of all our confidence in the moral government of the universe--of all our hopes of improvement in a future state of existence--and of all satisfaction and contentment with our present life, so long as we live in a state of civil subordination.
So probably Freemasonry became corrupt during the 1700s.

Bingo! Same page:
I have been able to trace these attempts, made, through a course of fifty years, under the specious pretext of enlightening the world by the torch of philosophy, and of dispelling the clouds of civil and religious superstition which keep the nations of Europe in darkness and slavery. I have observed these doctrines gradually diffusing and mixing with all the different systems of Free Masonry; till, at last, AN ASSOCIATION HAS BEEN FORMED for the express purpose of ROOTING OUT ALL THE RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENTS, AND OVERTURNING ALL THE EXISTING GOVERNMENTS OF EUROPE.
The Luciferian nature of these elites emerged, under the pretense of Illuminismus, or Age of Enlightenment:
The Age of Enlightenment (or simply the Enlightenment, or Age of Reason) is an era from the 1650s to the 1780s in which cultural and intellectual forces in Western Europe emphasized reason, analysis and individualism rather than traditional lines of authority. It was promoted by philosophes and local thinkers in urban coffeehouses, salons and masonic lodges. It challenged the authority of institutions that were deeply rooted in society, such as the Catholic Church; there was much talk of ways to reform society with toleration, science and skepticism.
So this philosophy, going against religion, which seemed so appealing even to me, in reality turned out to be more about worshiping the devil than about atheism and rationality. Such a complex reality that we live in: I can never stop discovering it.

Furthermore, it is precisely reasoning that is leading to me understand that Jesus exists. I mean, demons exist and they are afraid of Jesus, so Jesus probably exists, too. I suspect he is outside the fish tank which we call "earth".

It makes you wonder... if this person, Robison, is in heaven. I mean, he exposed more than anyone else the corruption of freemasonry, risking his own life. What a nice person. I wonder if he is reading me from heaven right now.

If people can be possessed by demons, and spirits, then probably the soul exists, too. And then if the soul exists, then Robison might be in heaven.

page 9:
I have seen this Association exerting itself zealously and systematically, till it has become almost irresistible: And I have seen that the most active leaders in the French Revolution were members of this Association, and conducted their first movements according to its principles, and by means of its instructions and assistance, formerly requested and obtained: And, lastly, I have seen that this Association still exists, still works in secret, and that not only several appearances among ourselves show that its emissaries are endeavoring to propagate their detestable doctrines among us, but that the Association has Lodges in Britain corresponding with the mother Lodge at Munich ever since 1784.

Let's compare it with wikipedia:
The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776.
So, ok, it started in Munich in 1776, and eight years later in London. By the way, look at the date of May 1st, which is also Labour Day:'_Day#History
May 1 was chosen to be International Workers' Day in order to commemorate the May 4, 1886 Haymarket affair in Chicago.
Total lie. It is May 1st for the same reason the Illuminati was started on May 1st, which I ignore.
The Illuminati—along with Freemasonry and other secret societies—were outlawed through Edict, by the Bavarian ruler, Charles Theodore, with the encouragement of the Roman Catholic Church, in 1784, 1785, 1787 and 1790.[2] In the several years following, the group was vilified by conservative and religious critics who claimed that they continued underground and were responsible for the French Revolution.
So they were almost immediately stopped and then went underground and stayed underground until today.

One wonders why they outlawed them them. And why they allowed them to exist again, and when and where.

I would say that their power certainly increased, to answer my own question, in absolute terms and also in relative terms.

Indeed, if they outlawed them, they were at least trying. Now that even John Paul II has lifted the ban on freemasonry, now it is when we know (maybe even with Paul VI) that freemasonry has entered the Catholic Church, and all the Western governments -- we can see their masonic symbolism all the time.

So this was the pattern they followed:
1) the Illuminati, lead by Satan himself, set out to destroy governments and religions: 1600s (the group existed long before being established in Munich -- just think of flat earth and how the spherical lie was born -- maybe it was the Jesuits where it all began, in the 1500s)
2) religions and governments outlawed them: last 1700s
3) they kept working in secrecy and infiltrated the very institutions they wanted to destroy: by the early 1900s no US president was elected who was not an Illuminati, as John Todd confirms.
4) religions and governments, completely infiltrated, lifted the ban: late 1900s

In the meanwhile, they also controlled every other aspect of the culture and economy of the world. For example, spreading the lie of gravity, evolution, spherical earth, solar system and the universe... all to discredit God.

Helter Skelter (as John Todd called it) is near. Now the elite is all Illuminati, everywhere in the world. But they still do not completely control the peoples.

Furthermore, the Illuminati themselves are directed by the invisible army of demons lead by Satan. And, from what I understood, everyone is within this fish tank that we call "earth". Which is more like a coin, because it is a circle, it's wide 46,000 kilometers and has a height of only 5,000 km, including the dome and the sun in it. It is exactly like the Truman Show.
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Wow, just great. I wrote "the earth is flat" emails (with proofs and explanations) to about 5 relatives and 5 friends and no one wants to answer my objections. They just don't reply at all, whereas usually they reply, nicely, politely, quickly. I don't mind losing friends over this. I am completely isolated, but as we say in Italy, it is better to be alone than in bad company.

The two who replied both insisted that it is Fata Morgana mirages, which it's not, at all. Then one of them is a physicist so he keeps insisting on the "refraction" concept. Since he cannot accept that the earth is flat, it must be refraction for him. And he refuses to look at the huge evidence I have gathered, because he says that i first have to understand the concept of refraction and its formulas, and obviously this means that I have to say "I agree, it is refraction". So that is what I told him, "OK, the earth is spherical, sorry to have wasted your time", but now he's not OK with my reply and wants to brainwash me in a skype session. So pathetic. Instead of seizing this opportunity to learn, he assumes he's right and I am wrong, and that he has to educate me. In the meanwhile he discards 90% of the pictures / videos, and all the other evidence. He just wants to focus on one photograph and convince me that it is a mirage. Until I agree on this, he won't move any further, because he claims this is the scientific method. I now consider him a fool. And I told him he was the last one whom I have tried to covince.

This is the same guy, the physicist, whom I had asked: what is -2^2, and he insisted that it returns 4, whereas it returns -4 because exponentiation has higher precedence than the minus:
There exist differing conventions concerning the unary operator − (usually read "minus"). In written or printed mathematics, the expression −3^2 is interpreted to mean −(3^2) = −9, but in some applications and programming languages, notably the BASIC programming language, the application Microsoft Office Excel ...
Even on that occasion, he copped out of admitting that he was wrong. He will probably cop out of this one, too, if he ever finds out that the earth is flat.

It's hard with this guy. He wants to divide all my evidence one bit at a time, so he can explain it away. So, with the flights, if we ever get to that part, he will probably take it one airline at a time, and explain to me why that airline has no direct flights between continents in the southern hemisphere. By doing so, observing one thing at a time, he will overlook the overwhelming evidence of a flat earth. I must not confuse him with paid shills, who abound on the flat earth society forum. I know he is not a paid shill, although he argues like one. Or maybe they're not either, but then I can't understand why some of them spent 5 years arguing against the flat earth on the flat earth forum.

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Wow, excellent finding by a reader:



I found this problematic flight for my flat earth theory, in that from Sydney(Australia) to Santiago(Chile) this direct flight only takes 12 hours and 30 minutes, which seems in line with the spherical earth theory.

I will need to investigate the speed of this airplane and see if it really exists and if regular people can book a flight on it, because it could be a scam, to deceive the flat-earthers.
11356 Km - Flight distance between Sydney NSW and Santiago

This, too, speaks in favor of this spherical theory, in that it says that it actually might take even longer than 12 hours and 30 minutes:
Time and Distance Calculator Results
Departure Location
Name: Arturo Merino Benitez Intl
Santiago, Chile
Latitude: 33°23' 40" S
Longitude: 70°47' 38" W
Elevation: 1555 (Feet) Arrival Location
Name: Sydney Intl
Sydney, Australia
Latitude: 33°56' 46" S
Longitude: 151°10' 38" E
Elevation: 21 (Feet)
Distance: 6,135.01 (NM) / 7,061.55 (MI) / 11,362.04 (KM)
Trip Time: 13:35 (includes 15 minute bias and air speed at 460Kts)

This flight does exist...

...and it does take 12 and a half hours...
Twenty-six passengers were struck down with gastroenteritis 30,000 feet in the air today, turning an already arduous 13 hour and 51 minute flight into a trip from hell.
The passengers, a tour group of Australian teenagers and their teachers, were on Qantas flight QF28 from Santiago, Chile to Sydney when they became violently ill just a few hours after take off. the normal cruising speed:
Mach 0.85
(567 mph, 493 knots, 912 km/h)
11,362 km / 912 = 12 hours and a half

Now, if the flight exists, and if it does fly at the regular cruising speed, then how does this fit into the following map?


Given that mainstream flat earth theory has it that the earth's diameter is 46,000 km, and that the distance is at least 3/4 of a diameter, that is approximately 35,000 km, how can that flight cover that distance in just 12 and a half hours?

So it is time to redraw this map and remove it from all the videos that mention it, which is practically all flat earth videos.
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