my journal 3

Here's my recap on what I think of life, death, religion, god and devil.

We're sitting here in this dome (flat earth plus the sky, and about 12 km of earth and water underneath, after which you just bounce).

We don't know who put us here, but religion tells us some features of this "god", lab technician who is keeping us in the fish tank.

Whoever did this, he's leaving us here, almost has forgotten us here altogether, with the devil, who, very much alive and ever-present, and also super-powerful, in the centuries has gotten man on his side, at least the elite.

However the devil is probably trapped, too, in the same fish tank as we are. But he's much more powerful.

So he had us convinced, along the centuries, of evolution, the universe, the planets and of our intelligence and capabilities, probably has helped us a whole lot, too.

Then we have those who followed Jesus' word, and, according to the bible, it seems that he values people who are simple and poor and who suffer, so basically the opposite of those who produce progress.

These people worship him, but this worship doesn't make too much sense to me. I will try to follow his rules, but I cannot honestly say that I consider him "infinitely" loving and generous as they like to repeat. After all we are stuck here in the fish tank, with a lot of problems, and death at the end. And we don't even know what exactly awaits us afterwards.

Take it as you will, maybe it's called "blasphemy".

I could say my parents are generous, because they created me and gave me everything they have had during their life and even more.

But would I be able to call them generous, if they kept me locked up in a room, and killed me at let's say 30 years of age, and left in the same room a couple of violent people who periodically abused me?

They would be called monsters. I won't do the same, but the reasoning would lead me in that direction.

big bang theory, evolution, spherical earth, solar system... are all clearly elements of a science suggested to us by the so-called "devil". There is clearly an agenda. Largely implemented through freemasonry, that is worship of the devil.

Deceit, and human sacrifices characterize such worship.

so, although I cannot honestly speak of God's and Jesus' "infinite" generosity, I can say that deceit and hurting others is definitely not my thing, so I would tend to opt even for a God... whom I haven't met. As long as he doesn't also ask me to die for my faith, as the Bible seems to state.

Otherwise I'd be stuck between two powerful entities, one asking me to kill others for him and the other asking me to be killed for him. Very tough choice. The devil on the other hand doesn't seem to promise eternal life... so maybe it is easier to be killed... but suffering is not my thing either. Yet one cannot even kill himself, or it seems that he will go to hell.
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Flat Earth - Under the flat earth finally explained

This guy explains a lot and very fast and very simply. Maybe he is wrong, but he gets to the point very quickly.

He says that when we die our energy goes up as stars, and sometimes we come down -- very interesting amd maybe wrong, but everything else he says makes sense

He is so convinced about this point, that stars are souls, that he uses it as his name on youtube.

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This is an excellent reptilian eye-shift, but in fact it is called demonic possession -- check out video below at minute 00:18

I can't understand if it's reptilians, demonic possession or if it's a synonym. I don't think so. I think "reptilian" is a disinfo term.