my journal 3


Lake Michigan, 130 kilometers away:


According to wikipedia's formula...
View attachment earth_radius_curvature-drop_formula.xls

...the drop should be 1.3 km, that is to say 1300 meters. No way that you could see the lights, so they had to write an article explaining it away:
Usually, of course, you can’ t see Milwaukee because the Earth is curved and Milwaukee’s tallest buildings are below the horizon. However, once in a VERY great while, the lights of Milwaukee will bounce off a temperature inversion and then become visible along the lakeshore here in Michigan.

Sure! The lights are "bouncing off a temperature inversion"! Why didn't I think of it before? It's like a frisbee that bounces on water, if you throw it the right way.

The fact is that this journalist might be in good faith, because he could find no other way of explaining the event (the other explanation being that there was great visibility and the earth is flat). He might be in good faith but still wrong, because the "temperature inversion" mistakenly refers to the Fata Morgana, which has a description, even on wikipedia, different from what we see ( as well):
In an inversion, the normal pattern is reversed, and distant objects are instead stretched out or appear to be above the horizon, leading to the phenomenon known as a Fata Morgana or mirage.
A Fata Morgana is an unusual and complex form of superior mirage that is seen in a narrow band right above the horizon.

Horizon calculator, for anyone wondering how raising the camera might affect the calculations:

So... no Fata Morgana, no offsetting from camera height and yet we see no evidence of the earth's curvature.

Yuk! You guys have been brainwashed so deeply that no one even raises this objection.

It is evident that NASA is a fraud, from the Moon Landing to the ISS interviews to the satellites... google it. You will find plenty of videos that show it is all a fraud. Yet, the brainwashing has been so deep that the objections I raise will be discarded by everyone without even checking anything.

What a disgusting world. This is not what I had expected. A world that says one thing and does another. A world that seems to promote truth and intelligence and instead promotes lies and stupidity.
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Air bubbles in space?

Come on, you sheeple, wake up!

Hmm, they forgot the camera man on the moon.

I am so disappointed. I tried again convincing my mom about the flat earth, but she will just keep ignoring all the evidence (official formulas from wikipedia, official photographs, videos from anyone, "reliable" sources and not just "conspiracy theorists") and replying "why would they do it?" and "why would galileo lie to us, he was even persecuted by the inquisition...", "why would columbus lie to us?"... she doesn't even know if they actually said anything about the spherical earth, or if they were freemasons, occultists or had an agenda... pathetic people.

She says she was taught that way and so it must be true. She believed it all her life and so... wow, my own parents. What a disappointment.

Forget about my father. He is so arrogant that if I ever approach him about 911, he usually starts moving his arms around nervously as if he wanted to beat me up.

Such a disappointment to see how even the brightest people are limited.

These are the steps with the sheeple:

1) you show them the formulas
2) you show them the pictures and videos
3) you confront them with the discrepancies

then they react with one or both methods:
1) deny their own ability to understand science and doubt your formulas (even if they come from wikipedia)
2) start saying "if it were like this, everyone would know by now"
3) demand that you explain to the motive behind such a conspiracy (which I know but would take even longer)

It doesn't matter to them that they are confronted with evident discrepancies. They just dismiss the discrepancy by saying "there is no reason why anyone would do anything like that" (such as attacking his country in the case of 911, or hiding the fact that the earth is flat for 500 years) and "there is no way that they'd be able to hide it from so many people".
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FLAT EARTH Clues Part 4 - Shell Beach - YouTube

in the last 3 minutes he seems to make the chilling hypothesis that there is no god and that the authorities know that there is an exit, know how to exit, and they are keeping us inside knowingly

whereas my thought until now was that the authorities themselves cannot get out

What if instead Lucifer was really the absolute boss and God and Jesus Christ never existed?

What if the elite worked for Lucifer, because there is no other god and the rest were an invention to keep us fighting and keep the Christians peaceful?

I don't think so, but that is what he seems to suggest.

If the elite were able to exit, his claim in another video that nuclear bombs in the late 1950s tested the higher boundaries of this dome would not make sense. I think the elite, too, is boxed in.

More related reasoning and some answers to all these doubts are here:

still not very convincing - he is great at explaining flat earth but not the reasons of the cover-up
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he seems contradictory in supporting first a theory that the elite don't know what the earth is like and then a theory that the elite is deceiving us
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FLAT EARTH Clues Part 8 - Creative Force

he says not to be depressed because we are neither in jail nor lab rats, which is what I was thinking

tower of babel

ok, so he starts by saying not to be depressed that we are not lab rats, and then he depresses me even more by explaining that we are lab rats

he never mentions any faith, such as Christianity, but then he concludes the video by almost assuming there is an afterlife. It does not make any sense, especially after clarifying that we are indeed lab rats and that wars and suffering are a necessary price for expressing our artistic abilities. I am very disappointed with his analysis. I would have preferred if he had just said he has no idea.
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own comment & Flat Earth Clues Part 5

min 1-2-3

he is dutch and lives in dusseldorf

how he is a rebel and sometimes disrespectful to god as well, but he feels god will be ok with it -- I think just the same way

more from his channel

I totally agree once again - excellent editing

here, too, even a better job:

he's a real artist:

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On body, brain, soul, science, secret services and mainstream media.

Demonic possession is when a demon inhabits your body. I think there is also spiritual possession, in the sense that there are good spirits and bad spirits, called demons.

I think these possessions exist. Cf. paranormal researchers and their videos.

If they exist, this might also mean that the soul exists alone, without the body.

This could also mean that it exists eternally and therefore that there is an afterlife.

Official science does not study these things, but if it did, such facts would probably have been already defined.

Probably the secret services know all these things already, just as they know many things the mainstream media does not tell us.

That is to say even God and Jesus could be the subjects of scientific research, and would deserve to be, but they are not.

For example, if we acknowledge that demonic possession exists, that demons exist -- and both facts are provable.

Then the step to prove that exorcisms exist is a very small step.

I would say that exorcisms are provable.

At this point, we also know that they work in the name of Jesus, so Jesus is also scientifically provable.

But unfortunately we are kept ignorant on all these subjects, and so I have to be my own scientist, researcher, professor, and student.