my journal 3

I was coming home today and I had my usual blasphemous thoughts.

Animals are very similar to us. Why don't they get to go to heaven? Why are they eaten by other animals? There is no way that lions will ever learn not to eat antelopes so god is condemning antelopes to be eaten by lions, since he created both animals.

Given such a god, how can I say, like other Catholics, that god is infinitely generous? He does not even give me the certainty of eternal life.

I mean, if after all this reasoning, I were to say that god is infinitely loving and generous, I would first of all be insincere, and break one of the ten commandments, and second of all, I would be kissing up to god, in order to get eternal life. In both cases, they don't seem good behaviors.

So what choice, knowing and thinking all these things, do I now have?

Should I pretend and say like the others, almighty and all-loving god, I adore you?

I just bring myself to doing that, because it seems insincere.

Furthermore, given these thoughts how could I ever give my life for my faith in god? I don't even the certainty that such a god exists. For all I know we seem to be in a huge cylindrical fish tank, as part of an experiment. A fish tank where he threw in some sharks, and some demons as well. It seems quite close to the Colosseum, and we are very close to gladiators.

I won't risk eternal damnation by saying what I probably deep inside think and that is that god seems to be even cruel.

All I can do at this point is try to follow his commandments, at least those that do not contradict one another. I can't make myself believe that god created me to adore him no matter what. In other words, I am not going to kiss up to god, just as I don't kiss up to my boss at work. In the same way I won't lie to god, just as I don't lie to my boss.

I want eternal life and I am going to try to get it, if it is possible at all, but I can't go against those that seem healthy and good principles, such as sincerity and honesty.

It seems to me that Christians who say that god is so loving and so generous are instead afraid of god and kissing up to god, just like many employees who say beautiful things about their bosses, especially when their bosses are able to hear them.

I can tell you from now that sooner or later I will be begging god on my knees, which is even more than kissing up. However, that day you will know that I am not being sincere whatever else I happen to say. Now I am being rational and I am telling you these blasphemous thoughts, that is that I don't find god that generous or loving.


more reasoning

Now that I realized about flat earth, I also realized that we are in a tank, from which we can't get out. It is like cylindrical fish tank.

Someone says there is Jesus, a loving Jesus, on the other side, waiting for us. But all this loving is not being shown to us right now. We are asked to be faithful and believe this story.

But who says that on the other side there will be a god who rewards faith, or even gullibility?

What if there is a god who values intelligence?

What if I managed to make both hypothetical gods happy?

Now, it seems that dying on the cross is not a requirement for going to heaven. So wouldn't it make sense to avoid that course of action? Also, just in case I am wrong about the whole thing...

Another thing. What if we are just an experiment in a lab, that seems huge to us, but in fact we're nothing but a fish tank in a lab, where they threw in some demons, some animals, humans and some hopes, such as resurrection, god, Jesus... and then sat and watched. This is chilling an hypothesis, but it cannot be ruled out and it seems quite possible.

In the meanwhile, my dad has spent his whole life to try and change the Italian political system for the better, while we're probably nothing but someone's experiment.
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earth's diameter is 12 km.

If you go 28 km above the earth's surface, you see all flat on the horizon, no curvature at all:

I ask you this. Take a tennis ball:


It has a diameter of 7 cm. How far away do you have to distance it from your eye to see that it is a tennis ball, in other words, to see that its edges are round?

Isn't 14 cm away (twice its diameter) enough to realize that you are seeing a ball?

There you go, flat earth. You can look at all those MIG videos, and you see that we are on a flat earth. The fact that a conspiracy has been ongoing for 500 years doesn't make this invalid. It invalidates all your other assumptions. Sorry for breaking the news to you so abruptly. Well, I've been showing you related documentaries for days.

They fooled us not for 10 years, not for 100, but for 500 years.

Behind this conspiracy there can only be Lucifer himself. Now I finally know who's behind all these conspiracy theories. And we're probably nothing more than fish tank in a lab somewhere, where someone, whom we call God, is testing us, as we test things on animals in our labs. He put us in this fish tank and he's also placed Lucifer and other demons in it. This is much crazier than any movie, but it's the way I can summarize my findings. Of course I still hope I will be pious enough and will pray so that god will give me eternal life, but don't ask me to say like other Christians say, that god loves us and he is infinitely generous. That would be like kissing up to your boss, who is treating you like crap. Even if Adam and Eve really screwed things up for us, why do I have to pay for their mistakes?


Sorry about this one, my mistake. The earth has a diameter of 12 thousand kilometers and not 12 kilometers.
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How sad, umpteenth argument with my father.

Today he was telling me about the risk of a war with Libya and I brought up that everything is being orchestrated by the US, and was showing him the Foley siblings who laugh during the interview (after their brother was supposedly decapitated), but he got mad, even raging, because he says that I can't possibly link everything to US false flag attacks. He was waving his arms, and seemed like he almost wanted to beat me up.

I said to him to not get mad at me because I was showing him unpleasant truths, and to confront the truths. He would not look at the video, saying it was faked and that the source was unreliable. The same behavior he had when he was being shown the 911 controlled demolition videos. He found excuses to not look at the evidence.

So at the end I just told him: look, each time you do this and discard all the evidence I show you, so be it, I will never show you anything again. You are extremely arrogant, and I will leave you in your ignorance. Don't tell me I didn't warn you.

Man, this guy is truly an arrogant idiot. I really cannot believe he was involved in Italian politics at the highest level.
I might have made another mistake (as I made with the MIG plane flying above the earth, cf. two posts ago), this time with the sun rays.

The picture i posted here:

That picture does show some discrepancies. The sun cannot be as far away as they say. But if I follow the sun rays, then the sun seems to be only 50 km above the earth's surface and this cannot be possible either. So, in itself, that photo does not prove the earth is flat, because the rays not being parallel would pose an even bigger problem and suggest that the sun is right above the clouds.

I need more proofs that the earth is flat.

I tried to send this in a message, but I couldn't find the attachment option; maybe there isn't one. Snapshot of the video:


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I tried to send this in a message, but I couldn't find the attachment option; maybe there isn't one. Snapshot of the video:

Thanks. I see your point about the shape of the horizon. It could be from the shape of the glass, too, though:

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Have you heard the story about Columbus's problems with his crew? As some tell it, the crew nearly mutinied because they regarded the earth as flat, and feared they might sail off its edge.

"It was exactly the reverse," explains Johnson. "There was a dispute out on the ship, but it was because Columbus was a flat-earther. The others believed the earth to be a ball, and they just knew that they were falling over the edge and couldn't get back. Columbus had to put them in irons and beat them until he convinced them they weren't going over any curve, and they could return. He finally calmed them down."

Johnson believes that the ball business—though it goes back to the Greek philosophers—really got rolling after the Protestant Reformation.

"It's the Church of England that's taught that the world is a ball," he argues. "George Washington, on the other hand, was a flat-earther. He broke with England to get away from those superstitions." If Johnson is right, the American Revolution failed. No prominent American politician is known to have publicly endorsed the flat-earth theory in the past two centuries. Nevertheless, Johnson contends that this nearly happened right after World War II, not for the U.S. alone, but for the entire world. Consider the United Nations:

"Uncle Joe (Stalin), Churchill, and Roosevelt laid the master plan to bring in the New Age under the United Nations," Johnson discloses with confidence. "The world ruling power was to be right here in this country. After the war, the world would be declared flat and Roosevelt would be elected first president of the world. When the UN Charter was drafted in San Francisco, they took the flat-earth map as their symbol."

unseal04.gif;,earth is a globe;,c0


This seems to be a confirmation that it all started with secret societies and the occult. Lucifer instructed the freemasons and the others to actively spread this idea of the earth being a globe.

Probably they were behind the American and the French revolution. Maybe Liberté, égalité, fraternité were just a good side effect of an evil plan. Maybe so is progress.

One could even wonder what is wrong with these innovations, and I will answer right away that, whereas God and Jesus don't ask human sacrifices, Lucifer does. So just based on that, I prefer God and Jesus. And also by what Jesus preached.

But other than this, I still feel that we're all like lab rats in an experiment that sits in someone else's huge laboratory, huge to us, but probably very small to them. Just like microbes feel under the microscopes probably.
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It appears to me, that the "great" scientific fraud is that of the accepted theory of the heliocentric galaxy (the stationary sun being the centre), as opposed to the much more logical theory of the geocentric galaxy (the stationary earth being the centre). The following link explains it much better than I could:

Like I think you suggested earlier in the thread, I believe this was a concerted effort by atheist elites to destroy the belief in a supreme being/God, and/or to annihilate any importance we ascribe to ourselves as humans existing in the centre of the universe. If we're made to feel insignificant and helpless in the infinity of space, then we're much more easily manipulated by governments and nefarious controlling interests.
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Yeah, thanks for the links and I see all your points. About the horizon and the earth being round. And about the hijacking of science by the elite.

Regarding the elites, in case you are not fully convinced yet, they worship Lucifer, and Lucifer does exist, and he coordinates them. They make blood sacrifices to Lucifer, too.

Look at these videos about the demon magicians:

Hear John Todd:

The world is presently being led by what used to be called "witches". John Todd was one of them.

funny situation here:
phelps accuses jones of being a jesuit shill, while normally jones and phelps are both accused of being zionist shills

so here you are left wondering if they're both lying, if phelps is not a zionist maybe or if jones is both... so confusing

the fact is that someone who is a jew may not be a zionist and someone who is a zionist may not be a satanist and a satanist may dislike jews... so you can't really group anyone and rely on them to stay in the group you have placed him in.

The most reliable method to detect shills is however how much publicity and success they achieve: the more successful and undisturbed they are, the more you can rely on them being free and speaking their mind.

Just like for us. The more friends we have, the more public figures we are, the less we can speak out and then in turn, the more the elite favor us, the more we have been in their favor, and the more we are liked to be in their favor in the future, in order to preserve what we have.

so in this case i trust phelps more
Unbelievable. I did a search online and could not find yet any earth curvature calculators:

If the earth was round, this would be readily available, as it would be useful for sailing, shooting and building and binoculars and telescopes...

No excel function either:

Also on forums, dozens of posts, but no one is able to provide a working link to a calculator:

Nothing at all. No calculators available. There are online calculators for everything, but not for the earth's curvature.

No one even lists the curvature in the metric system, so I will have to convert it.
Suppose that the earth is a sphere of radius 3963 miles. If you are at a point P on the earth's surface and move tangent to the surface a distance of 1 mile then you can form a right angled triangel as in the diagram. Using the theorem of Pythagoras a2 = 39632 + 12 = 15705370 and thus a = 3963.000126 miles. Thus your position is 3963.000126 - 3963 = 0.000126 miles above the surface of the earth. 0.000126 miles = 12*5280*0.000126 = 7.98 inches. Hence the earth's surface curves at approximately 8 inches per mile.

Ok, here it is: per km, it is 12.63 cm.

So, something that is 20 km away, would sink about 3 meters.

Aren't these about 20 km away and do they sink?

I wish there were some canoes in the water -- if it were so, it would be the final proof, because a canoe would be completely hidden from sight.
The Bedford Level Experiment is a series of observations carried out along a six-mile (9.7 km) length of the Old Bedford River on the Bedford Level, Norfolk, England, during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It was an attempt to determine the shape of the Earth. Early results seemed to prove the Earth to be flat, but most later attempts to reproduce the observations firmly support that the Earth is a sphere.

Ok, 10 kilometers would yield 1.3 meters of sinking.

The first investigation was carried out by Samuel Birley Rowbotham (1816–1884), in the summer of 1838. He waded into the river and used a telescope held eight inches (20 cm) above the water to watch a boat with a five-foot (1.5 m) mast row slowly away from him.[a] He reported that the vessel remained constantly in his view for the full six miles (9.7 km) to Welney bridge, whereas, had the water surface been curved with the accepted circumference of a spherical earth, the top of the mast should have been some 11 feet (3.4 m) below his line of sight. He published this discovery under the title Zetetic Astronomy using the pseudonym Parallax in 1849 and subsequently expanded it into a book published in 1865.[5]
Hmm... I see. He says it should be 3 times as much as I was expecting. Probably they corrupted the data recently.

Ok, look at this ship, at minute 8 and 9. Even with the fake values given recently, the curvature cannot be seen at all:

more proofs at minute 6 to 10 of this documentary:

Long discussion on curvature calculations here:

wow, this is a very powerful video, because it shows no curvature whatsoever at at least 10 kilometers, that according to any calculation (they're still arguing on the forums) would implicate a fall of at least 1.3 meters:

Also the fact that these folks are arguing endlessly on the calculations for the earth's curvature and you cannot find one definitive reliable source or calculator online is telling us a lot about the scientific background of this fairy tale. Everyone says the earth is a globe, but no one cares to find out how to adjust calculations based on this "fact".

Ok, I found a sentence in a sub-entry here:
The Horizon curves by: sqrt(radius^2 + distance^2)-radius, equivalent to distance^2/R*2. At 100 km, it descends 784m.

Ok, i put it on excel and figured it out so that it works, at least according to their example. I mean the example matches their formula at least.



It seems that the formula, CIA-controlled wikipedia's, yields 8 meters dropping every 10 km.

So the earth is flat. All you have to do to realize it is to look at the video of the ship, which I will post again:

Even if you were to tell me that this ship is only 5 km away, it would still require a 4 meters of its waterline being hidden from our view, yet it's not the case.


Look at minute 1:12, how even Pentax says that the ship is at exactly 8 km of distance, and so the drop should be 5 meters, and yet we see the sea foam. No waves, but sea foam, and don't tell me that is higher than 5 meters.

Another great related video:


wow, breaking news, we're really in the Truman Show, all of us. Check this out:

60 kilometers away and you can see all the buildings of Chicago. They should almost be completely hidden due to the earth's curvature.

Here's another one, 46 miles away:


Do all the calculations you want:

Major feeling of living in the Truman Show. We are lab rats, at the mercy of God. He'll decide when to stop this experiment. In the meanwhile, he is testing us. And so I can't really say, like others do, that he's infinitely loving. This is like kissing up to my boss -- I don't do it.

I knew I was on to something when they felt the need to defame a "flat-earther" from 200 years ago:
Following allegations of sexual misconduct he reinvented himself as an itinerant lecturer...
As if he had become a "flat earther", writing scientific proofs in books, because of "sexual misconduct"...


It is quite sad. With my latest discovery of the flat earth I am getting a lot of insults and isolation. Friends... I only had one or two, or even up to 10, but none of them seems to be interested. They're not treating as crazy, but the mere fact that they don't get convinced is pretty disappointing. Because if you don't investigate the matter after I tell you, it can only mean that you don't think that I am right, and don't even bother to check because you don't care about the research that I've done. I am quite disappointed.

There are very few support groups for people who know the truth, even on the web. Even on the forums for the "flat earthers" there's a majority of "round earthers" making fun of us.

Even the 911 truthers are not that advanced.
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