my journal 3

BBC's World at War- The Final Solution

very well-made documentary, which is not only focused on the treatment of jews, but also, and most of all, on the psychology and ideology of nazis

lots of useful data, too
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St Nazaire Raid
The explosive charges in HMS Campbeltown detonated at noon on 28 March 1942, and the dry dock was destroyed.[64] Reports vary on the fate of the two tankers that were in the dock; they were either swept away by the wall of water and sunk,[65] or swept to the far end of the dock, but not sunk.[66] A party of 40 senior German officers and civilians who were on a tour of the Campbeltown were killed. In total, the explosion killed about 360 men.
Since it exploded a few hours after this film was shot, then it means the Wochenschau kept from the German public what really happened.
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A big help in understanding hitler is in this clip, at minute 1:00 to 1:15, clip from 1919 or 1920, where you can understand his narcissism/exhibitionism:

The same clip can be seen here, at minute 16:

It says it is a DAP demonstration.

The DAP existed only before February 1920 (after that, it was renamed as NSDAP), and this video (which, they say, is the first one with Hitler) does not feature any swastikas, and, since here it says the swastika started in May 1920...

...then this must mean that the video is from 1919 or early 1920.
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America's Nazi Secret with Author John Loftus

Nazi War Criminals Escape Route Provided By Vatican~The Rat Lines DVD

Tony Gosling : The Nazis were never defeated - Truthjuice Bristol
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swastikas in the new 5 euro bill?

Der neue 5 Euro Schein mit Hakenkreuzen

Moneytown: Beim Geld scheiden sich bekanntlich die Geister und sogar die Freundschaft hört dabei oftmals auf. Dies gilt nun ganz besonders für den nagelneuen 5 Euro Schein. Gottlob braucht man eine Lupe um die Sauerei korrekt zu sehen, sonst wären wohl schon einige Leute längst auf die Barrikade gehüpft. Andere Menschen sehen eben nur eine nette Verzierung in dem Kleingedruckten, andere wiederum wollen da zweifelsfrei en masse Hakenkreuze erkennen. Wir überlassen die Beurteilung einem jeden Betrachter selbst, hier ein neuer Schein (Muster) in vollerBlüte Pracht.

OK, I've waited long enough. I need to get back to trading.

But first I need to make sure that I am ready, and being ready means being free from emotions.

There are 4 simple simple emotions and/or manifestations thereof which I can easily monitor on a daily basis, and which I will need to monitor in the next few days to see if I can get back to trading or not: ACDC.


If I can completely get rid of these 4 emotional states, then I am ready to get back to trading.

I will monitor them in the next few days.

A nice Galliano performance:
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Think about it, Heidi is a good learning tool, because the language is simpler.

Furthermore, it has a few things in common with Hitler. Both were born in the 1880s. Both went from the mountains to the city. Both were nice to animals:


They were both wearing shorts, and liked trees and nature:


One goes to Munich (after Wien) and Heidi goes to Frankfurt. Both go to Germany, one from Austria and one from Switzerland. And then everything goes wrong. He becomes violent, and she meets Fräulein Rottenmeier.

Drei Jahre später, als Heidi acht Jahre alt ist, erscheint jedoch Heidis Tante Dete und nimmt das Mädchen mit nach Frankfurt am Main, wo sie die Gesellschafterin der gelähmten Klara Sesemann werden soll. Klara akzeptiert Heidi als ihre neue Freundin. Nur die Hausdame, Fräulein Rottenmeier, ist nicht begeistert. Vor allem ist sie entsetzt, als sie erfährt, dass Heidi nicht lesen kann. Klaras Grossmutter schafft es, Heidi davon zu überzeugen, lesen zu lernen.

Title song:

Heidi, Heidi,
deine Welt sind die Berge.
Heidi, Heidi,
denn hier oben bist Du zu haus.
Dunkle Tannen, grüne Wiesen im Sonnenschein,
Heidi, Heidi,
brauchst Du zum glücklich sein.


Heidi, Heidi,
komm nach haus,
find Dein Glück,
komm doch wieder zurück.

Dort in den hohen Bergen lebt eine kleine Maid,
gut Freund mit allen Tieren, ist glücklich alle Zeit,
im Winter wie im Sommer, auch wenn alle die Herden ziehen,
am Morgen und im Abendschein, wenn rot die Alpen glühen

Heidi, Heidi,
deine Welt sind die Berge.
Heidi, Heidi,
denn hier oben bist Du zu haus.
Dunkle Tannen, grüne Wiesen im Sonnenschein,
Heidi, Heidi,
brauchst Du zum glücklich sein.


Heidi, Heidi,
komm doch heim,
find Dein Glück,
komm doch wieder zurück.


I watched the whole first episode and understood most of it. This is going to be my thing for a while. It's perfect for my level of German.

At the end of it was very moving, at minute 22:05, when they look at each other quietly for a few seconds and then he says "Ich glaube ich kann mich an dich gewöhnen", "I think I might be able to get used to you":

This is clearly a masterpiece and it will bring you to tears in some moments. Heidi was probably the most successful series, at least in Europe, of a long series of Japanese "anime" based on classical novels:
World Masterpiece Theater (世界名作劇場 Sekai Meisaku Gekijō?) is a Japanese TV anime staple that showcased an animated version of a different classical book or story each year on 7:30 p.m. on Sunday. It originally aired from 1969 to 1997 then resumed in 2007.

The first several series were produced by Mushi Production and then by Zuiyo Eizo, and then by Zuiyo's successor Nippon Animation, which was officially established in June 1975 during the run of A Dog of Flanders. In both cases, the series originally aired primarily on Fuji Television. Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata both worked on several of the series. World Masterpiece Theater as produced by Nippon Animation lasted for 23 seasons, from A Dog of Flanders in 1975 to Remi, Nobody's Girl (家なき子レミ, Ie Naki Ko Remi, Sans Famille) in 1997. Nippon Animation restarted the series in 2007 with the release of Les Misérables: Shōjo Cosette, which premiered on BS Fuji on January 7, 2007, with Porufi no Nagai Tabi (The Long Journey of Porphy) subsequently airing on the same network beginning on January 6, 2008, making it the 25th World Masterpiece Theater series. The most recent and 26th series is Kon'nichiwa Anne: Before Green Gables (lit. Hello Anne ~ Before Green Gables).

To date, only three series were ever dubbed in English for the American market: Tom Sawyer (1980), Swiss Family Robinson (1981), and Little Women (1987). The anime satellite television network, Animax, who also aired numerous installments of the series across Japan, later translated and dubbed many of the series' installments into English for broadcast across its English-language networks in Southeast Asia and South Asia, such as Princess Sarah (小公女セーラ, Shōkōjo Sēra), Remi, Nobody's Girl (家なき子レミ, Ie Naki Ko Remi), Little Women (愛の若草物語, Ai no Wakakusa Monogatari), and others. The serials also found success in Europe, with Anne of Green Gables (1979, Miyazaki's last work for Nippon Animation before leaving the studio), Heidi, Girl of the Alps as well as the aforementioned Princess Sarah.
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Heidi's Japanese theme song (the original):

every single version I have heard so far, even the Chinese has that peculiar idiotic "Holalahidi" Alpine sound:

And yet, Chinese vs JP/ES/PT vs German/Italian/French/Afrikaans have 3 different melodies. I have to assume that the first theme song was by the Japanese and therefore they first used that peculiar Alpine sound. (This cartoon show basically did not exist in English).

Every single one has that element except the arabic one, which to my taste sucks really badly:

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very moving second episode

this child is happy with very little and that's how all children are before their mind is ruined by society

we should preserve children from social contact

even from negative family members such as my dad for example

also, children should not go to school

heidi has a good grandpa, a good friend, and that is enough

sure maybe she will be retarded

but not evil


in fact i just finished watching the whole show and towards the last few minutes heidi chases a frog and bothers the sleeping dog, so she's a ****ing whore already and she might as well be sent to school to interact with the other assholes.

in fact children should not be born at all
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wow, very interesting

BELLE KNOX has a point: the tuition costs in the US are prohibitive

I was just speaking of school and how useless it is (cf. previous post)

you pay 60k per year to learn nothing

then, at the end of your college "education":

1) you have wasted 6 years of your life in the company of idiots
2) you have thrown away almost half a million dollars
3) you get a piece of paper that tells your prospective employer that your parents were rich
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gosling - i totally trust this guy, after hearing about 40 minutes of his video on Bormann (and other subjects)

he is on the left
he has the courage to speak out on the truth
he cares about people (min. 30 to 40)
he takes risks
he is definitely in good faith

the entire talk is about nazism and how it spread out in the world, in Europe, and in the UK
very much of the talk is related to many "conspiracy theories" (=truths denied by mainstream media)

Some notes I am taking while listening:

minutes 44-45
prinz bernard, a founder of bilderberg, was a nazi throughout his life

min. 50-51
they think they are in charge but they are not completely in charge. They have great delusions of power.


after about an hour of it, I have to admit that he does take a very large approach and ends up talking more about finance and the UK than about Nazism, although that is partly his point: that nazism continued in the UK under that form. It is hard to agree with all his points, but he's certainly informed and in good faith. He just draws a bit too many conclusions.

He's not really good at synthesis, or doesn't care for it, and he gets too much into detail for a lecture where he is supposed to link nazism to today's UK's government.

However he does make a good synthesis in the first 20 minutes and at minute 1:11.

Basically his point is nazism oppressed people as an open dictatorship, whereas today's government oppresses people by pretending it cares about people, letting them talk, and then still not listening to them and behaving as a dictatorship.


I gather he is from Bristol and he works at a radio.

It was very interesting but, given the title, "Tony Gosling : The Nazis were never defeated - Truthjuice Bristol", it was for me a complete disappointment. He hasn't shown me anything as far as the title suggested.

He did show that he has great culture and intelligence. But he hasn't given me as much evidence as I expected, regarding the link between nazism and today's politics.


another video with him. Wow, this is even better:
Bilderberg 7/7 9/11 New World Order & Diana, Now That's Weird, Tony Gosling EMTV

Amazing 3-minute synthesis of 911 real truth minutes 16 to 18!
Tony Gosling really is the most mature and intelligent conspiracy theorist I have ever heard, right up there with James Corbett. If you have to listen to just 2 people, do listen to these two.

excellent summary of 77 as well, a few minutes later

definitely my favorite British conspiracy theorist

more on him at corbett report...

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Jonathan Meades: "...the tragically obedient German people...", very interesting expression, at minute 2:


good show, conspiracy theories meet medicine

vinny eastwood has an amazing voice and such a pleasant way of talking

rick simpson is so modest, so honest and so generous... what a pleasure to listen to them talking, about politics, and medicine
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America's Nazi Secret with Author John Loftus

On the British and American financiers of Nazism and how they got away. There's also a lot more, such as the Vatican, Kissinger, and more. It is quite depressing...

Lord Haw-Haw instead didn't get away. He got executed by the British government just for having a pro-Nazi radio program. Not fair. Those who financed Hitler from start to end, they completely got away.

That's why we shouldn't watch TV and buy the corporate lies. The small guys get killed for having Nazi ideas, the big guys get away for war profiteering instead, from both sides at the same time.

Come on. Wake up.

Hitler and Saddam were saints compared to the US presidents, such as the Bush family, who are murderers and profited from war, and got away with it for generations. I hope the dumb Americans will wake up, but I doubt it, as even the Europeans are not much smarter.

It's quite depressing to see how we still get screwed by the powerful ones, despite thinking we live in democratic countries.
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Murder of Jeff Hall
Hall bragged that he was teaching his eldest son Joseph to use night-vision equipment and to shoot a gun.[11] Eventually, the ten-year-old child told police how he took a .357 revolver from a shelf in the closet, pulled the hammer back, aimed the gun at his father's ear while he was asleep on the couch, and shot him.[2]

Joseph admitted to police that he was tired of his dad hitting him and his mother. His 26-year-old stepmother, Krista, also said that Hall had been violent with her and the son, sometimes losing self-control and kicking his son in the back. He punished his children in varying extremes on a daily basis. The police report said that the house was filthy, with the floor littered with clothes, and the odor of urine. Many weapons were accessible to the children.[2]

I am now watching more US neo nazi videos, and find them very interesting, probably even wiser than the regular US politics, such as BUSH, lol, the no. 1 murderer of this century:

These guys might be violent, but certainly wiser than the average american.

wow, this guy is an amazing debater, J. T. Ready, the nazi in the second half i mean:

Yep, I guess he was a little too good at debating, so they silenced him and made it look like an accident, as usual, or rather... they made it look like he killed everyone... the usual lies that happened with 911 truth witnesses (all unlikely accidents, suicides and murder-suicides):
On May 2, 2012, Ready entered his home in Gilbert, Arizona, and fatally shot his girlfriend Lisa, her daughter Amber, Amber's boyfriend, Jim Hiott, and Amber's infant daughter Lilly.[3] He then fatally shot himself.[20][23][24] A 9-1-1 call made from the house referred to an argument before the call was interrupted by gunfire.[25] A teenager in the house at the time was in her bedroom and heard an argument, but survived the incident without being shot.[25]

More on JT Ready:

... there you go! Told you so:
BREAKING NEWS: JT Ready and others Murdered by you know who!

He makes some very intelligent points. I agree with at least half of what he says, and he shows great culture and intelligence.

Best neo-nazi debater i have heard so far.

Yet more good ideas and good public speaking:

Anyone who doesn't obediently fit in the democrat/republican box is dangerous and is silenced in the US, with whatever means necessary.


another one of these neo-nazi intellectuals, with an amazingly long and detailed metapedia entry:

Unfortunately I don't have enough time to delve into this wealth of knowledge.

Yep, just as wise, probably even more things I can agree with. He has more culture, and a bit less speed in debating and less appealing to the public.

Probably not as likely to handle weapons, yell "sieg heil!" and to be accused of murder-suicide. If they kill him, they will make it look like a normal car accident.

wow, he said what I thought, in the first 15 seconds: you're not going to get anywhere in america waving a swastika banner. Right. You're only going to get killed by the government. All these right wing leaders seem to have been killed by the government. Look it up, i am not exaggerating. Whether neo-nazi or pro-gun, these activists all seem to die young.

very interesting documentary, showing all points of view -- it is not easy to make a documentary that shows every point of view without taking sides, in any way

wow, masterpiece

great resource on intelligent analysis of racial issues:


OK, wait. I just noticed that not all of them are good. I now have to find out who the authors of the good ones are. I guess it has to do with VICE related videos, which happen to be on social analysis.
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VICE on the KKK

only problem is the reference to oklahoma bombing, which was organized by the government, and they don't say it
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VICE on Israel


all you ever have to do to understand Israel is watch this documentary

in part 3 (of 5), one settler says, very clearly and understandably, how the jews have been persecuted for a long time and now all they ask is one country to be in, and he says: the arabs, they have 22 countries to pick from, we only have one, and now half of it. It's really hard to blame this type of thinking, considering the persecution they have suffered

if the west really cared about palestinians and israelis, here's what the governments should do: relocate all palestinians to the west, giving them very good accomodations, and leave all of Israel to the jews. The Palestinians are not that many:

actually israel has plenty of money -- i wonder why they don't do it themselves, offering a lifetime pension to all palestinians who leave

this set of VICE documentaries is a masterpiece: white supremacists, israelis, KKK members... they are the best tool to understand people from different backgrounds, from within. Absolute masterpiece.
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Another masterpiece by VICE, dolls for adults, that look like real babies:

Once again, they present facts without judging. Soundtrack by Dagobert.