my journal 3

By far, of all these 1930s-1940s German hits, the largest amount has Ilse Werner in them, as a singer. I'm going to post again the best one of them all:

Now, this song is from 1941:

Go find me a song that sounds as good and modern as this one. It's hard.

Wenn mir dein Mund nun tausend Flüche aufschwörst
wenn Du auch klagst und weinst.
Was heut’ geschah, hat unsere Liebe zerstört,
nie wieder wird’s mehr wie einst.

So wird’s nie wieder sein.
Bei Kerzenlicht und Wein,
bei süßen Träumerein.
Beim wandern durch die Felder,
irgendwo im Sonnenschein.
Wie herrlich das war.

So wird’s nie wieder sein.
Bei zarten Melodien,
beim Feuer am Kamin.
Wie fühlten unsere Herzen
wie im heißen Fieber glühen.
Wie herrlich das war...

Go back to these posts for other hits by Ilse Werner:

Amazing lady!

She did all of her whistling. I just recently found out. You heard her in the clip above, and in almost every other song she sings.

Excellent actress, excellent singer, beautiful, spoke I don't know how many languages, and she could even whistle:
Der Komponist Werner Bochmann erkannte eine besondere musikalische Fähigkeit von Ilse Werner: ihr Pfeiftalent. So betätigte sie sich schon zu Anfang der 1940er Jahre als Schlagerinterpretin und Kunstpfeiferin. Diese Fertigkeit setzte Werner später ebenfalls als Musical-Sängerin ein. Die kleine Stadt will schlafen geh’n, Wir machen Musik, Mein Herz hat heut’ Premiere und der ihr 1960 ein Comeback verschaffende Hit Baciare sind mit ihrem Namen verbunden. Als Ilse Werner den Titel Sleigh Ride (Schlittenfahrt) von Leroy Anderson einspielen wollte, schrieb ihr der Komponist Martin Böttcher innerhalb von 56 Stunden das komplette Arrangement nach Anhören einer alten Schellackplatte, weil zu dieser Zeit keine Noten des Titels erhältlich waren.

Werner spielte in den Jahren danach vorwiegend auf der Bühne. Sie brillierte 1969/70 in ihrer Lieblingsrolle Anna in dem Musical Der König und ich im Stadttheater Bremerhaven (mit Ferdinand Dux als König von Siam). Des Weiteren trat sie mit Show- und Lieder-Programmen auf kleineren Bühnen auf und hatte immer wieder Auftritte in Fernsehshows und -Serien.

In einer Aufnahme von Ohne Dich der Band Die Ärzte war sie mit einem Pfeif-Solo vertreten. 2004 nahm sie gemeinsam mit dem Lisa Bassenge Trio eine neue Version von Wir machen Musik auf. Die Schwerter Operettenbühne führte September 2002 mehrfach eine Bühnenfassung des Films Es leuchten die Sterne auf, in der Werner am 13. und 14. September Gastauftritte hatte, bei denen sie sang und pfiff.

UFA Münchhausen 1943 Full Version

I got the title from this excellent list:

Can't understand much German yet, but this is a clever comedy. Even by just looking at what happens in the first 5 minutes.ünchhausen#Literature
The fictionalization of Münchhausen began in 1781–1783, when seventeen tall tales attributed to him appeared in the eighth and ninth volumes of the Vademecum fur lustige Leute.[3]

An English version was published in London in 1785, by Rudolf Erich Raspe, as Baron Munchausen's Narrative of his Marvellous Travels and Campaigns in Russia, also called The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen.[2] It remains unclear how much of Raspe's story material derives from the Baron himself, but the majority of the stories are based on folktales that had been in circulation for many centuries before Münchhausen's birth.[2]

In 1786, Gottfried August Bürger translated Raspe's stories back into German, and extended them.[2] He published them under the title of Wunderbare Reisen zu Wasser und zu Lande: Feldzüge und lustige Abenteuer des Freiherrn von Münchhausen ("Marvellous Travels on Water and Land: Campaigns and Comical Adventures of the Baron of Münchhausen").[2]

The real-life Baron Münchhausen was said to be deeply annoyed that his name had been dragged into public consciousness as the Lügenbaron (German: "Baron of Lies") through the publication of stories under his name.[4]

In the 19th century, the story had been expanded and translated into numerous languages, totaling over 100 various editions.[citation needed]

On the movie:
Der Film wurde am 3. März 1943 anlässlich der Feier zum 25-jährigen Bestehen der Ufa uraufgeführt, die als „Betriebsappell“ im Berliner Ufa-Palast am Zoo stattfand.[4] Bis Ende 1944 hatte er 18,7 Millionen Zuschauer und war damit einer der erfolgreichsten Kinofilme der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus.
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Hans-Jürgen Massaquoi
Hans-Jürgen Massaquoi (January 19, 1926 – January 19, 2013[1]) was a German American journalist and author. He was born in Hamburg, Germany, to a white German mother and Liberian Vai father, the grandson of Momulu Massaquoi, the consul general of Liberia in Germany at the time.

In his autobiography, Destined to Witness, Massaquoi describes his childhood and youth in Hamburg during the Nazi rise to power. His biography provides a unique point of view: he was one of very few German-born biracial children in all of Nazi Germany, shunned, but not persecuted by the Nazis. This dichotomy remained a key theme throughout his whole life.

Massaquoi lived a simple, but happy childhood with his mother, Bertha Nikodijevic. His father, Al-Haj Massaquoi, was a law student in Dublin who only occasionally lived with the family at the consul general home in Hamburg. Eventually, the consul general was recalled to Liberia, and Hans Massaquoi and his mother remained in Germany.

The daily life of the young Massaquoi was remarkable. He was one of the few mixed race children in Nazi Germany, and like most of the other children his age, he thought about joining the Hitler Youth.[2] There was a school contest to see if a class could get a 100% membership of the Deutsches Jungvolk (a subdivision of Hitler Youth) and Massaquoi's teacher devised a chart on the blackboard which showed who had joined and who had not. As this was filled in after each person joined, Massaquoi felt left out, and he recalled saying, "But I am Mother says I'm German just like anybody else".[2] He then persuaded his mother to let him join the Jungvolk. He went to register at the nearest office but he faced hostility...
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meaning of "nieder" in German

Undoubtedly "nieder" in German is an adjective/adverb that means "low/down":

So, when I read "Niedersachsen" (one of the 16 German states), which translates to "Lower Saxony", I expected something in the south, with another state further north called "northern saxony". Right? Wrong, as you can only find the sea:


In the same way, when I read there's an Austrian state called "Niederösterreich", I expected it to be in the South. Nope, once again it is in the north of Austria:österreich


I don't know what to make of this. I tried looking it up on wikipedia, but couldn't find an explanation. Until now I thought that north was above south, and that if you called something "south region of xy", you would also have a "north region of xy".

... wait!

Unless what they mean by "low" is not "low" in latitude by in... altitude.

This addresses but still doesn't answer my question:

By the way, this brings up an even closer detail of my doubt:

Why is it called "lower saxony" and it is instead above "saxony"?

The only option is still that we're talking about altitude vs. latitude.

Plenty of people ask the same question on the web, but no answers yet to be found. Not the right ones at least. I don't care about who named it so, but why is it called "lower", given its latitude.

The only option now is to look into how and why Holland is called Niederlande.
Der Landesname Niederlande (im Plural) ergibt sich aus der Geschichte. Die Niederlande waren Ende des Mittelalters ein Teil des Herrschaftsgebietes des Hauses Burgund. Deren Länderei gliederte sich im 15. Jahrhundert unter Karl dem Kühnen dann in die oberen Lande (Herzogtum und Freigrafschaft Burgund und Nebenländer) und die niederen Lande (Flandern, Artois mit der Picardie, Brabant, Holland, Luxemburg u. a.).[4] 1482 gelangte das burgundische Erbe an das Haus Habsburg. Dessen Erblande gliederten sich seinerzeit schon in Nieder-, Inner- und Oberösterreich (um Wien, Graz und Innsbruck), die Küstenlande (an der Adria) und die Vorlande (am Oberrhein). So blieb lediglich die Bezeichnung Niederlande – burgundische Niederlande bzw. habsburgische Niederlande (im Burgundischen Reichskreis Spanische Niederlande, dann wieder Österreichische Niederlande).

A little better now, but not clear yet.


I could only find something on the Netherlands in the French entry:
Le nom d'« États de par-deçà » vient par opposition aux « États de par-delà » (Bourgogne proprement dite et Franche-Comté), le nom de « Pays-Bas » vient du die niederen [Rhein]lande, qui a été traduit en français par « les basses terres [rhénanes] » et donc les « Pays bas [rhénans] »...

So, as far as Niederlande, we can agree on the fact that "nieder" means "low" in the sense of altitude.

But I could not find anything similar on Niedersachsen and Niederösterreich.

The only thing I can do now is look up the average altitude of these 3 places.

... bingo!

It is not easy to use this "Google Maps Find Altitude" page at first, but if you first enlarge the map and then click on it, on bottom it gives you precise data on the altitude of wherever you click.

And guess what: the places I checked, all of them, were right. And these three regions of Niedersachsen, Niederösterreich and Niederlande all have very low altitudes.

Niederlande has between minus some meters to plus 10 meters.
Niedersachsen has from a few meters to maybe 50 meters (in all cases I clicked in several places).
Niederösterreich of course is in Austria, so it is clearly higher, but it has the lowest altitudes of Austria.

Furthermore in German "south/north" are "Süd/Nord", so there should be no reason to intend "nieder" as "low" in latitude. So this should put the issue to rest, except it's too bad that I can't read anything on the web confirming my version.
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(Music Video) Pablo Casals - Saint-Saens' The Swan (1925); Featuring Anna Pavlova (1907)
Another music video I made with 78rpm record and old Silent film footage.

Pablo Casals plays Saint-saens' famous piece "The Swan (Le Cygne)" for HMV in 1925. One of his earliest electrical recording, and one of his most famous recording ever made.

I put the silent film footage of the famous Russian Ballerina, Anna Pawlowa (1881.2.12 ~ 1931.1.23), dancing her most famous work, "The Dying Swan", choreographed for her by Michel Fokine in 1905. This footage was filmed by Pathe Freres company on June 18th, 1907. The film was originally filmed on the standard 35mm film format, but unfortunately, the only surviving Pathe materials of this footage is some 9.5mm print copies for 'Domestic Uses". And what I have in my collection (this version featured here) is a Russian 16mm print copy from 1961.
Anna Pavlovna (Matveyevna) Pavlova (Russian: Анна Павловна (Матвеевна) Павлова; February 12 [O.S. January 31] 1881 – January 23, 1931) was a Russian prima ballerina of the late 19th and the early 20th centuries. She was a principal artist of the Imperial Russian Ballet and the Ballets Russes of Sergei Diaghilev. Pavlova is most recognized for the creation of the role The Dying Swan and, with her own company, became the first ballerina to tour ballet around the world.
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Got you!

I caught these guys who made Top Hat copying from the Germans.

Die Drei von der Tankstelle, 1930:

Top Hat, 1935:

Although the Top Hat clip is more pleasant -- unbeatable in fact -- the idea of these lovers courting each other in the rain was by the Germans. Don't tell me it's a coincidence.

Or maybe both copied from someone else. Although I don't know where, because musical films had only started 2 years earlier:


Later in that (German musical) film, the Comedian Harmonists perform the same song:

They're the precedessors of the Swingle Singers:
In some ways Comedian Harmonists might be called the first German boy group. Inspired by the American group 'The Revelers', Harry Frommermann published an ad in a local newspaper, auditioned and finally founded an ensemble consisting of 3 tenors, a baritone, a bass and a pianist.

After considerable training they met with initial success and rose to immense popularity. Sold out shows, records and movie appearances crowned their success.

However, the advent of Hitler's regime smashed their plans, as three group members were Jewish. They split and both parts tried to repeat the success with replacements - the Jewish members in the United States and the other three in Germany. Neither of them succeeded.
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Guys, very bad problems at work.

A couple of bitches are ganging up on me, just because I've criticized them and made them feel stupid for the past few years.

Now they want to find some mistakes in what I do, the two of them, and are accusing me for some non-existent mistakes. I am really pissed off. I want to kill them. Although I guess I had it coming.

I pay for being an intelligent hard-working person among lazy idiots, and for not disguising it, and for not getting out of this office earlier.

For how many years have I been complaining about these idiots? Well, obviously, being so honest, my opinion shows even at work, and every once in a while I have to take an unmotivated beating from these morons, who want to get back at me for making them feel stupid. And dishonest. And lazy. And everything else despicable.


Anyway, great progress with the German rivers. Now I know 34 of them and can place them on the map, thanks to this great exercise here:

I have just beaten my own personal record and belong to the top scores of the week, too:

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Yeah, I think I am getting it, finally.

I am starting to understand why two female colleagues, aged about 55 years old, pretty harmless in general, are trying to bother me, harass me, in their joint effort of the last week, which I would term "mobbing".

Ok, here's the deal.

I've always thought that most of my colleagues were:
1. dishonest (for not working)
2. lazy (for not working hard)
3. rude (for whistling, singing, yawning out loud, etc.)
4. stupid (which is the consequence of being too lazy for too long)

Well, being so outspoken and honest, I didn't exactly tell them what I thought, but it did somehow show, or was told by others whom I had complained to. All I told them once is that they were not meticulous and precise.

Well, now these two bitches have finally decided to get back at me. For what? Not for working hard, but for despising them, more or less.

So I guess I had it coming, for being honest about them.

I guess it bothers people to be told that they're stupid if they already feel stupid (although I didn't exactly tell them so).
I guess it bothers people to be told that they're lazy and dishonest, earning a salary they don't deserve, if they feel precisely that way. And that I did think, and say to others, who might have finally told my colleagues: which I don't mind at all. In fact, I always wanted my colleagues to know what I thought of them.

The only odd thing is that one of these two bitches is also one of the only 2 colleagues that I appreciate: polite, hard-working... we were great friends until recently.

I guess, by hearing me say so much crap against all the other colleagues, she somehow felt included in the group I despised and got fed up with me altogether.

So basically the mobbing now consists of the fact that whatever I do that could be a mistake or less than perfect, they... -- actually just the former friend blames me, and then the other bitch nods with her head in agreement. Pretty low-intensity mobbing but it doesn't feel too good, especially coming from someone I considered a friend, for years.

Also this. Since they're usually polite, and would find it hard to abstain from replying when I leave at 14.00 (due to my part-time schedule) and say "Bye, see you tomorrow", what they're now doing is they leave at 13.45, so they don't have to greet me when I leave 15 minutes later.

My prediction is that this thing will last about one more week, due to how good I will be at handling them. Indeed, I'll treat them like a soldier treats generals, or like a healthy person treats a madman. I will apologize for my non-existent fictional mistakes, and say "Sorry, I'll be more careful in the future..." or something like that. I'll agree with them. I really want to see how far these bitches can push their ridiculous and unfair mobbing -- especially against someone who, while he did make them feel like lazy idiots (because that's what they are), he also helped them several times per day when they asked for help. For years I've kept going from one desk to the other to help them with their computer problems.

Bitches. This is how they repay me?

Theirs is an untenable position.

And at the same, I did dare too much by telling them the truth and, without realizing, making them feel stupid and dishonest.

I'd have nothing against someone who's stupid. But I have plenty against someone who turns into an idiot by not working ever, and talking about soccer all day long instead of working - basically those who turn into idiots by being idiots. And of course, throughout my life I've gotten into trouble for saying out loud how much I despise these idiots around me. Because, often, the person whom I complained to, also felt included in the group of the idiots. This has happened to me everywhere: in Maine, in Massachusetts, in Rome... and in every country I lived in.

Smart, conscientious, hard-working people are not supposed, somehow, to tell stupid, sloppy, lazy people what they think of them. I gotta get this through my head.
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update on the situation at work

Here's the summary of what happened and its dynamics:
1) I worked in great quantity and quality
2) I was overloaded with work by my boss, to compensate for colleagues who slacked off all day long
3) out of being stressed and feeling a sense of injustice, I complained maybe a little too much to my boss and to the colleagues themselves about their being loud, slacking off, and all their many awful characteristics (they should be fired basically)
4) as a consequence, I was hated and harassed back by some of the colleagues who felt criticized by me

So far so good.

This is the news from today.

After not talking to the 2 bitches for 2 days, today one of the two evil bitches had a question for me, so she had to be nice, and I immediately helped her, as I always help anyone who needs help at work. So she thanked me a lot, and so basically now I am only at war with one of the bitches, my former friend. Basically the only colleague (together with another male colleague) whom I never ever criticized in all these years.

One more thing: she always goes to lunch with another colleague, a secretary, and this one didn't reply to me when I said "ciao", upon meeting her in the stairway.

But another fact is that today when I said "ciao" as I was leaving, all the colleagues, even both 2 bitches, replied "ciao" to me.

So this means that now I am only at war with the bitch who went to lunch with my former friend and now former bitch as well, since she replied to my farewell expression (or just "farewell"? Or "salute"?). Well, the bitch didn't reply to my salute after I helped for years with her questions. She is an evil bitch, too.

So what did I learn from this situation? It is not good to say the truth, and understandably so. People don't like to be told that they suck, for whatever reason, and especially if it is the truth!

If they slack off and they're told they're stealing their salary, they don't like it!

If they slack off for so many years that they become ignorant about computers, and you tell them, they don't like that either!

If they suck at something because they wasted too many hours talking about soccer, they don't want to be reminded of it!

If they bother you because they are rude, like the chimp at my office who yawns out loud... well, he didn't seem to mind my criticism, but he just keeps on doing it, provided that even anyone told him, after I've been trying to let him know for years.

So the lesson is: to keep quiet at work and not tell anyone what is wrong, who is doing something wrong, why they should not be doing it... nothing at all. You cannot tell the boss, nor can you tell any of your colleagues, because this bitch was simply a colleague whom I complained to, while telling her how much I appreciated her -- after 6 years of this, she turned against me!

No more criticism, no more complaining at work. OK, however, to complain here, and to other people outside work. NOT OK to discuss orders, to polemicize at work with anyone. No more complaining or criticizing at work.

That's it. I have learned my lesson.

One more, super desirable, extra objective would be to stop complaining altogether. I don't mean to stop noticing what is wrong and what is unfair, but to stop mentioning to anyone, and even myself. It's ok to notice it, but if you can't do anything about it, it's not... it is probably a waste of time to keep mentioning such things to people.

In other words, I am talking about accepting the reality of life. Accepting reality for what it is, rather than endlessly comparing it to what it should be.
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Guys, very bad problems at work.

A couple of bitches are ganging up on me, just because I've criticized them and made them feel stupid for the past few years.

Now they want to find some mistakes in what I do, the two of them, and are accusing me for some non-existent mistakes. I am really pissed off. I want to kill them. Although I guess I had it coming.

I pay for being an intelligent hard-working person among lazy idiots, and for not disguising it, and for not getting out of this office earlier.

For how many years have I been complaining about these idiots? Well, obviously, being so honest, my opinion shows even at work, and every once in a while I have to take an unmotivated beating from these morons, who want to get back at me for making them feel stupid. And dishonest. And lazy. And everything else despicable.


Anyway, great progress with the German rivers. Now I know 34 of them and can place them on the map, thanks to this great exercise here:

I have just beaten my own personal record and belong to the top scores of the week, too:

View attachment 176724

I have just broken my previous record in the German rivers. Not only 34 out of 34 but it took me about 1 second to locate each of the 34 rivers:


Now I am in the best scores of the month as well. There's people who take even less time: I don't know how they can do it.

I mean the time you have available is 3 minutes. I scored 201,513 and the top score is 218556. I take about 20% of the 3 minutes available, to guess all rivers correctly, so that is... 36 seconds, which is about one second per river. How can they do it in less time and still get everything right by 1) knowing the answer and 2) not clicking in the wrong spot by mistake.

I'll find out as I keep practicing. It's becoming a useful addiction.

133,512 is the "zeitbonus".

So this means that roughly two thirds of the score is determined by how much time you take. Also, 2000 points if you guess at your first try, and 1000 at your second try... this means you don't get penalized by very much by clicking in the wrong place once or twice, out of rushing.

I think I am gathering correctly also where they take the bonus from: the seconds you did not use multiplied by 1000.

So, 134 are the seconds that i did not use, so it really did take me 46 seconds after all, rather than 34 I was guesstimating.

So, provided that this "Sophiee", who scored 218,556, didn't make any mistakes, she had a bonus of 218,556 minus 68,000 (which is what you get for guessing all rivers correctly) = 150,556.

A bonus like that means that it only took her 29 seconds to guess all 34 rivers, so a bit less than 1 second to guess each river.

Pretty much ****ing impossible. How is her brain wired?

I could go, at best, from 46 seconds to 40 seconds. 29 seconds is out of the question.
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This is hilarious but it might be true and therefore scary:
In total, 997 RFID positive individuals were identified out of 2955 individuals screened. This corresponds to roughly 1 in 3 individuals screened, as shown in Figure 1. Individual frequency by region can be seen in Figure 2. Additionally, tooth fillings were identified as the predominant location for RFID chips. Fifty seven percent of RFID chips identified were located in tooth fillings.

Who wrote this article?
John T. Brugle, Ph.D

Founded in 1943 as one of America’s first independently-owned nuclear science facilities , The Wyoming Institute of Technology has been at the forefront of scientific research and advancement in the United States for more than seventy years, serving as a leading voice in a wide assortment of fields, from environmental issues to medical science to consumer tech and beyond.

It seems very much like a crappy website, despite the distinguished name...

Analysis: This bogus news story comes to us by way of National Report, a satirical website that specializes in spoofing hot-button social and political issues — for example, the implantation of RFID microchips in human beings. There are currently more than a dozen articles referencing microchip implants on the site. All are complete fabrications.

A story published in 2013 claimed that mandatory chip implants were underway in the small town of Hanna, Wyoming, allegedly per a little known provision of Obamacare. The article raised such a ruckus that the town clerk spent several days fielding phone calls from fearful citizens all over the United States.

As to the cited "study" that supposedly revealed the extent of surreptitious microchipping in America, there is no evidence that such a study was ever conducted. There is no such organization as the Wyoming institute of Technology (a website purporting to be the home page of the Wyoming Institute of Technology is clearly a hoax — check the titles of their "research" papers), nor could I find record of the existence of the study's so-called "lead scientist," John Brugle, Ph.D.

Yeah, this time it might be fake news indeed.

Goddamn ****ers wasting my time when there are already so many true conspiracy theories (JFK, moon landing, 911, chemtrails, fake shootings and mass murders in the US).
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Now, of all the things I've seen so far, studying Germany and German, this is the first one that is pretty scary, the same patriotic song, sung by the nazis and the present german soldiers:'_einen_Kameraden

(minute 3 to 4)

On the other hand, someone will object that both this song and the Iron Cross existed long before Nazism, and that this is the reason they're keeping them both (as well as the national anthem):

Maybe we should even argue that no country should have any patriotism altogether, not just the one country that has given birth to nazism.
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