my journal 3

Continuing from previous post.
Italy and Italians have the largest collection of surnames (cognomi) of any ethnicity in the world, with over 350,000.[citation needed][3][4] Men—except slaves—in ancient Rome always had hereditary surnames, i.e., nomen (clan name) and cognomen (side-clan name). However, the multi-name tradition was lost by the Middle Ages. Outside the aristocracy, where surnames were often patronymic or those of manors or fiefs, most Italians began to assume hereditary surnames around 1450.
Similar story in England and in the rest of Europe. So this means those people with "Bottai" as a surname must have emigrated to Germany between the 1500s and 1700s. I doubt that anyone would keep the same job across generations for longer than 200 years.

What a damn idiot... I just checked and look:


Just 3 Bottai. This means all my conclusions are irrelevant. Regardless of that color of the map misleading me yesterday. It's only 3 and no inferences can be drawn.

They might have been barrel-makers emigrated to Germany 400 years ago, in order to make more barrels in the region of German wines, or they could have emigrated to Germany 40 years ago (most likely), after ceasing to be barrel-makers for several generations.


By the way I came across this very precious link on last names and their mapping around the world:

It lists many useful resources.
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Ilse Werner - So wirds nie wieder sein

Wenn mir dein Mund nun tausend Flüche aufschwörst
wenn Du auch klagst und weinst.
Was heut’ geschah, hat unsere Liebe zerstört,
nie wieder wird’s mehr wie einst.

So wird’s nie wieder sein.
Bei Kerzenlicht und Wein,
bei süßen Träumerein.
Beim wandern durch die Felder,
irgendwo im Sonnenschein.
Wie herrlich das war.

So wird’s nie wieder sein.
Bei zarten Melodien,
beim Feuer am Kamin.
Wie fühlten unsere Herzen
wie im heißen Fieber glühen.
Wie herrlich das war...


Another nice song, Die kleine Stadt will schlafen geh’n:

other nice version, same song:

holy cow, the arrangement reminds me of one of those 1970s songs by Gainsbourg.

Die kleine Stadt will schlafen geh’n,
die Lichter löschen aus,
vom Himmel Sterne nieder geh’n,
still ist ’s in jedem Haus.

Doch, ich such’ vergebens Ruh’,
mein Herz sehnt immer sich nur nach Dir,
fall’n mir dann die Augen zu,
erscheint im Traum Dein Bild stets vor mir.

Leer ist mein Leben ohne Dich,
Dich brauch’ ich immerzu,
nun liegt im Mondenschimmer,
die kleine Stadt und Duhuhuhuu,
mich flieht der Schlaf noch immer,
ich finde keine Ruh’.

dunno what it means yet


Why isn't this lady as famous as... Judy Garland? Same age, same hits, same success. Same qualities. Only one problem: she's German, at the time the Germans lost the war.
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Not much to say, except that today at work I noticed once more how those who work hard are relied on and told to work more, and... and those who slack off are left alone.
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Wochenend Und Sonnenschein - Comedian Harmonists

Comedian Harmonists - Das Wirtshaus an der Lahn (Foxtrot)
The group's success continued into the early 1930s, but eventually ran into trouble with the Nazi regime: three of the group members – Frommermann, Collin, and Cycowski – were either Jewish or of Jewish descent, and Bootz had married a Jewish woman. The Nazis progressively made the group's professional life more difficult, initially banning pieces by Jewish composers, and finally prohibiting them from performing in public. The group's last concert in Germany was in Hannover on March 25, 1934 after which they sailed to America on SS Europa and gave several concerts. Fearing internment if they stayed abroad, however, they eventually returned home amid bitter internal disputes.

Frommermann, Cycowski, and Collin subsequently fled Germany and formed a new group, which performed under the names "Comedian Harmonists" and "Comedy Harmonists" with a new pianist, bass, and high tenor. The remaining members in Germany likewise replaced their counterparts in a successor group named "Das Meistersextett" (as the authorities forbade an English-language name). Neither group was able to achieve the original success of the Comedian Harmonists, with the German group stifled by political in-fighting and heavy censorship, as well as the war draft (call-up); the emigrant group was unable to find work in America due to hostility to German entertainers, and they were unable to return to Austria, where they had enjoyed extensive success in the 1930s. The Bulgarian Asparuh Leschnikoff /Leshnikov/ returned to his fatherland in 1938 and started a successful career. By 1941, both groups had broken up. Although all members survived the war, they never re-formed after the war.

They also made a movie on them:
The story of The Comedian Harmonists is more than a story of their music. It is a classic tale of the mercurial rise and tragic fall of exceptionally talented performers. Sixty-five years after their preeminence, they are little known in the United States. But, as we shall see, this has begun to change. In the meantime, gaze upon this dapper group of men in wonder. They were something special! (Click the image for a better look.)

I can offer no better introduction to the music of this exceptional group than that found in the notes by Charles Haynes accompanying CD 7000 - The Comedian Harmonists, released in 1993 on the "Flapper" label:

The idea of singers vocalising to make humorous mimicry of music conceived for instrumental forces must be familiar to many from the Swingle Singers' renderings of Bach in the 1960s. ... The concept in fact dates back a good deal earlier. Late in 1927, a gifted but unemployed German singer/comedian named Harry Frommermann thought of trying to form a male voice quintet to explore this genre. Frommermann had been inspired by hearing records of an American group, "The Revelers". Their aim would be not merely to vocalise, but to give renderings of a variety of different kinds of song, the accompaniments to be provided orally, supplemented discreetly on occasion by a piano.

Some brief historical perspective is in order. In 1927, Frommermann, seeking to compliment his own rich tenor voice, placed an advertisement in the Berlin Lokalanzeiger, soliciting other members for the quintet.
The German group The Comedian Harmonists formed in 1927 after hearing some records of The Revelers. According to Douglas Friedman's book The Comedian Harmonists (2010), both groups appeared on the same bill at the Scala in Berlin in August 1929 and became good friends.

To be noted that there is twice more information on The Revelers in the German entry:


Back then, in Germany, they were bigger than the Swingle Singers -- I think -- although the Swingle Singers... I like them better, hmm, and they're probably better.


Making of the movie:

Clip of the part with the comedian harmonist who was still alive:

Roman Cycowski, jewish, from Poland, 97 years old.

If you're in a country that loses the war, your musical group loses, too, at least back then. If you're an actress, same story. I hadn't thought about it. Now it might be different.


After all, it is impossible to compare them to the Swingle Singers, given that this group never stops singing, changing members continually. But for the very few years they were active, from 1928 to 1934. I guess we could call it the most famous a cappella group ever:
The Comedian Harmonists were an internationally famous, all-male German close harmony ensemble that performed between 1928 and 1934 as one of the most successful musical groups in Europe before World War II.
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zarah leander - nur nicht aus liebe weinen

I like this one, because I understand what she sings.


After investigating a few hundred people from Germany and Europe and seeing what their relationship with the Nazis was, I am tired. I never find out anything interesting: it seems that those who were involved got away, and didn't really pay for it. In fact, I don't know what, if anything, any of us would have done in the same situation. And if you were a SS, that might have taken even more guts than doing nothing at all.

I am fed up with looking up who was a nazi, who did what, and who got away. I will still read biographies, but without caring much to find out if a given German was a nazi or not. For this zarah leander singer, I am not gonna look her up. Who cares what she did. Almost all Germans were Nazi in the 1930s.
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Third post or so, on the "Lili Marleen" song.

I came across a version by Willy Fritsch:
Willy Fritsch, geboren als Wilhelm Egon Fritz Fritsch (* 27. Januar 1901 in Kattowitz; † 13. Juli 1973 in Hamburg), war ein deutscher Schauspieler.
Born in Poland, but... usual crap -- he was "German", they say. I am not going to look him up to see if he was a nazi or not, and for now I won't study poland and see how many germans there were. It seems that half of the German singers or actors were not actually from Germany, but from Russia, Czech Republic, Austria, Sweden... I can't really understand this. On the other hand it's like for the US, where on wikipedia you read that so and so were "Russian-American tennis player" (Navratilova probably) just because she moved to the US when she was 30 years old.

Anyway, here's the story with this singer and intepreter of Lili Marleen:

As you notice, everywhere there's an "R" he pronounces the alveolar trill:

Which is something quite rare, that even Lale Andersen didn't do when she sang "Lili MaRleen" (everywhere in the song she does) during Nazism

...after that, the alveolar trill seems to decrease quite a bit, in every field, even the same song sung by the same Lale Andersen has no alveolar trill a few years after the war:

This made me wonder where Fritsch was from, Poland... or maybe let's look up his last name on the map, because if his father was Austrian or southern German that might have given him even more of an alveolar trill:!WORLD-EUROPE


Not much can be told by this map. Let's move on to another subject. Today I am exhausted from work. In summary, the situation is always this (wherever you work in the world): those who don't work are left alone, and those who work hard, are told to work harder.
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irgendwo, irgendwie, irgendwann...

Willy Fritsch and Lilian Harvey - Heut Sollte Sonntag Sein Für Meine Liebe

Lilian Harvey - Irgendwo auf der Welt (Slowfox)

Du hast mir heimlich die Liebe ins Haus gebracht (1931)

Lilian Harvey & Willy Fritsch - Du hast mir heimlich die Liebe ins Haus gebracht (Foxtrot)

Lilian Harvey & Willy Fritsch : Ich tanze mit dir in den Himmel hinein!

Liebling, mein Herz läßt Dich grüßen

I told you, forget about it. I am not gonna look up if these two singers were nazi or not.
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Die Goldene Sieben / Igelhoff - Das solistische Orchester

This Peter Igelhoff is extremely good a composer, but his voice usually sucks. Except in this case here above. Because maybe he didn't have to sing that loud.

I am going to give you my german mp3 playlist sometime ("irgendwann"). There's already 40 excellent songs in it. In my mp3 player they're divided in these groups:

1) storm trooper marches
2) war-related (anthems, war songs, lili marleen)
3) 30s and 40s

Then I also have a bunch of radio podcasts, about 150. You won't believe the quality of German radios. They don't just have one good radio with culture and quality content, like we have in Italy. They have what we have here multiplied by 30. And the podcasts, we practically have none of those, whereas every one of these 30 quality radios has hundreds of ordered and categorized and searchable podcasts.
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Richard Tauber - Schöner Gigolo (1929)

Dude, this was actually the original version:
Leonello Casucci (Calabria, 1885 – 1975) è stato un compositore italiano.

Compose nel 1929 la melodia della canzone “Gigolò” con il testo di Enrico Frati. La Canzone ebbe grande successo all'epoca e il testo fu tradotto in tedesco da Julius Brammer divenendo "Schöner Gigolo, armer Gigolo". La canzone divenne globalmente nota quando Irving Caesar la adattò in lingua inglese col titolo di Just a Gigolo.

Versioni ed interpretaizoni della canzone[modifica | modifica sorgente]
- Leonello Casucci - Richard Tauber (Schöner Gigolo, armer Gigolo)(1929)(prima registrazione)
Schöner Gigolo, armer Gigolo (auch Der arme Leutnant) ist ein populärer Schlager, der 1928 von dem italienischen Komponisten Leonello Casucci (Musik) und dem österreichischen Libretto-Schreiber Julius Brammer (Text) verfasst und 1929 im Boheme Verlag (Wien, Berlin) veröffentlicht wurde. Als Just a Gigolo wurde er in der englischen Fassung von Irving Caesar ein angloamerikanischer Popstandard und etablierte sich auch als Jazzstandard.[1]
Schöner Gigolo, armer Gigolo,
denke nicht mehr an die Zeiten,
wo du als Husar,
goldverschnürt sogar,
konntest durch die Straßen reiten.
Uniform passée, Mädchen sagt Adieu,
schöne Welt, du gingst in Fransen.
Wenn das Herz dir auch bricht,
mach ein lachendes Gesicht!
Man zahlt, und du mußt tanzen.
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Weintraubs Syncopators

Max Hansen and Weintraubs Syncopators (footage) 1932
Stefan Weintraub (* 1897 in Breslau; † 10. September 1981 in Sydney) war ein deutscher Jazzmusiker (Piano, Schlagzeug), Bandleader der Weintraubs Syncopators und australischer Mechaniker.
...In 1933, The Weintraubs were on an international concert tour when the Nazis seized power. With the majority of the band members being Jews, Stefan Weintraub decided not to return to Germany and they embarked on an eventful tour of Europe, Russia, Japan and China before arriving in Australia in 1937 but again they struck trouble at the outbreak of the war in the Pacific, when the authorities categorised them as 'enemy aliens'...
This says everything about us "conspiracy theorists" and the mainstream government/media:


In other words, Sandy Hook and Boston Bombing are government hoaxes. And so is 911, as I've been saying for years.
By far, of all these 1930s-1940s German hits, the largest amount has Ilse Werner in them, as a singer. I'm going to post again the best one of them all:

Now, this song is from 1941:

Go find me a song that sounds as good and modern as this one. It's hard.

Wenn mir dein Mund nun tausend Flüche aufschwörst
wenn Du auch klagst und weinst.
Was heut’ geschah, hat unsere Liebe zerstört,
nie wieder wird’s mehr wie einst.

So wird’s nie wieder sein.
Bei Kerzenlicht und Wein,
bei süßen Träumerein.
Beim wandern durch die Felder,
irgendwo im Sonnenschein.
Wie herrlich das war.

So wird’s nie wieder sein.
Bei zarten Melodien,
beim Feuer am Kamin.
Wie fühlten unsere Herzen
wie im heißen Fieber glühen.
Wie herrlich das war...

Go back to these posts for other hits by Ilse Werner:
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I am going by film awards now. This is the best award I found:

I go through the list of movies that won the award (there's a lot of more awards), and find them easily on youtube, because we're talking about over 60 years ago for the first movies in the list.

For example, now I am watching this one, which is just great:

Amazing documentary...

Eine andere Zeit - Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter - Die Dokumentation

Look at minute 6:20. The soldiers marching look like they could be from today. Look at their faces, haircuts, expressions, everything.
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Amazing etymology and word origin that makes learning languages so much easier!

When I was thinking "how am I going to remember that "captain" is "hauptmann" in German...? I noticed -- can't remember how it came to my mind -- that in "captain" there is a Latin root of "caput", which means "head". In Italian "capo", so that's easy for me to remember.

But then I also realized that.... that "haupt" could as well derive from "caput". All you need to change is the "C" for an "H" ("aspirated"?).

Anyway, here is the confirmation:
HAUPT, n. caput.
A. form und verwandtschaft.
goth. haubiþ; alts. hôid, nd. hôvet, hoofd; altnfr. houvot, hôvit, niederl. hoofd; ags. heáfod, altengl. haved, heved, neuengl. head; fries. hâved, hâfd, hâd; altn. höfuð, schwed. hufvud, dän. hoved; ahd. houbit, mhd. houbet...

So that "captain" is the same exact thing as "hauptmann".

... so much fun to learn foreign languages.

Just like today I learned that Just a Gigolo is an Italian song, totally Italian, that was translated and made famous by an Austrian singer:

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Remember that story I told you on how I don't want to research the nazis any more and see who got away (almost all of them)?

It is frustrating. And nothing is to be learned from it -- actually yes. In every time, in every country, people conform, and therefore this is normal, and they're beasts, regular beasts like my colleagues, who have no independent thinking, critical thinking. Idiots who watch soccer all the time and talk about it, too.

So, no point in finding out if in Nazi Germany there were idiots like in Italy today.

But I did come across some people in the past and I can still write down the big famous nazis who got away, and so I did and here is my list of those who got away:
Leni Riefenstahl - movie director (actress, too)
Alfred Weidermann - movie director
Heinz Rühmann - movie director (and famous actor, too)
Herbert von Karajan - conductor
Elly Beinhorn - aviator


It is not a nazi hunt however, because I am disgusted with all people all over the world. Nothing to do with nazis. Think of this: the Americans went to liberate Europe, and at the same time they did not allow black people to serve in the army together with them. They had special units. So they really had little to teach to Germans. It's just that people are disgusting in general, because they have no critical thinking.
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