my journal 3

Not bad... I was listening to this radio broadcast:

And at minute 48 I came across this song by Otto Reutter:

But it's nicer when it's faster.

Wenn irgendwo mal was passiert,
Wird laut darüber debattiert.
So war es auch, als man korrekt
'nen Schieber hat ins Loch gesteckt.
Weil er den Staat betrogen hat,
Muß brummen er für diese Tat,
Paar Jährchen im Gefängnis dann
Der gute Mann.
Und dann wird's still . . . man hört nichts mehr —
Durch Amnestie kam frei bald er,
Wie er's gemacht, fiel ihm nicht schwer.
Jetzt ist der Gauner lange Zeit schon Millionär.

Wenn irgendwo mal was passiert,
Wird laut darüber debattiert.
Zuerst, da giebt's ein gross Geschrei -
Auf einmal ist die Sach' vorbei -
Zum Beispiel erst vor kurzer Zeit
Sprach man von Mirbach weit und breit
Der Name Mirbach ward genannt
Im ganzen Land -
Und dann wird's still . . . man hört nichts mehr —
Der Klingelbeutel bleibt jetzt leer,
Herr Mirbach ging - ist nicht mehr da -
Hat sich zur Ruh' gesetzt und träumt vom Conto K.

Der Feindesbund in Permanenz
Ruft ein so manche Konferenz.
Abrüstung heißt's da fromm und still,
Weil man nur noch den Frieden will.
Und jedes Land stimmt freudig ein:
Kein Krieg soll künftig möglich sein.
Die Konferenz geht friedlich aus,
Man fährt nach Haus.
Und dann wird's still . . . man hört nichts mehr —
Und rüstet weiter wie vorher.
Es kommt zum Krieg, man siegt und siegt,
Bis ganz Europa ruiniert in Trümmern liegt.

Die Friedenskonferenz, die war
Jüngst einberufen von dem Zar.
Nun hiess es gleich: Das Militär,
Das brauchen wir jetzt gar nicht mehr.
Der Krupp schmilzt jetzt die Kanonen ein,
Denn jetzt wird ew'ger Friede sein!
Mit Infant'rie und Reiterei
Ist's jetzt vorbei!
Und nun ist's still . . . man hört nichts mehr —
Ja man bekriegt sich wie vorher -
Der Bur, der schiesst - und England grollt:
Nun denkt Zar Nikolaus: das hab' ich nicht gewollt!

Wenn man mal in die Zeitung sieht,
Weiß man, was in Berlin geschieht.
Schon mancher Mord ist dort passiert,
Dem Mörder wird gleich nachgespürt —
Dann steht in jedem Zeitungsblatt,
Daß man ihn fast gefunden hat!
Ein Extrablatt wird ausgeschrien:
Sie haben ihn!
Und dann wird's still . . . man hört nichts mehr -
Der Kerl, der läuft noch frei umher,
Fährt übers Meer. — und, wenn er da,
Schickt er 'ne Ansichtskarte aus Amerika!

Vor vielen Jahren, wie bekannt,
Mal ein Professor was erfand.
(Professor Schenk was Neu's erfand.)
Da hieß es gleich: Durch diesen Mann
Bricht eine neue Zeit heran.
Ob Bub, ob Mädeln kriegt die Frau,
Weiß sie jetzt vorher ganz genau!
Die Sache ist jetzt kinderleicht:
Es ist erreicht!
Schon lang ist's still . . . man hört nichts mehr —
Die Sache geht g'rad wie vorher!
's kommt ganz drauf an, wie man's erwischt:
Mal kommt ein Junge, mal ein Mädel, mal kommt Nischt!

Ein Lehrling jüngst zum Schmause war,
Da gab's zu essen wunderbar.
Und auch zu trinken Bier und Wein,
Das nahm der Jüngling alles ein.
Es folgten Schnäpse hinterher,
Im Leibe ging's ihm schon konträr,
Dann raucht' Zigarren er wie'n Schlot,
O sapperlot.
Dann wurd' es still . . . man hört nichts mehr —
Der Jüngling ging ganz blaß umher.
Ein Weilchen drauf, traf ich ihn dann,
Da hatt' der junge Mann 'ne andre Hose an.

Ach, vor dem Weltenuntergang,
Da war wohl Jedem angst und bang.
Professor Falb hat's prophezeit:
Der Untergang ist nicht mehr weit!
Ja, diese Welt, so gross und schön,
Werd' im November untergeh'n -
Am dreizehnten Novembertag,
Da käm der Krach!
Und nun ist's still . . . man hört nichts mehr —
Die Welt steht g'rad noch, wie vorher.
Da sieht man doch: Professor Falb,
Kann auch nicht Alles - er versteht's nur halb und halb!


Hmm, I think he changed some parts. I can't really find the words when I hear the song. Let alone that I mostly only like the last part.
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I'm getting into telescopes (I bought one, from Celestron):
...Galileo’s telescope was now capable of magnifying about 10 times more than normal vision and but it had a very narrow field of view.
...Months passed, and Galileo’s telescope improved. On January 7, 1610, he turned his new 30 power telescope towards Jupiter, and found three small, bright stars near the planet.
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Yes, I can see the folks having lunch at castel sant'angelo, right here in front of me. Low magnification still, only 40x (still twice as much as what Galileo could see), because I didn't get the barlow lens and the 4mm eyepiece. I am more interested in seeing people than in seeing stars or the moon. For now.

I might post a few pictures of what I am seeing in the future.


New video suggestion:


Video game (arcade, flash, to be played online) suggestion: Shooter.swf
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Losing lots of money on GBL still, I even increased the contracts. Usual problem of mine, of doubling up on losers.

I've also sold all the other diversified positions to invest everything (except gold and silver) on GBL. I haven't lost that bad habit.

In the meanwhile I got refunded (after opening a claim on PayPal) for the 20 euros I lost on the cap I bought on Ebay (which got lost/stolen in the mail).

Maybe I was so frustrated about that 20 euros that I took it out on my trading, and lost 10k as a consequence.


Once again my anxiety played tricks on me. I hadn't received the Safety Baseball Bump Cap after a whole month, so I opened the PayPal dispute, then escalated it to a claim, then got refunded.

And then, then I received the cap, today. Yes, it did take 5 full weeks before it got here from the UK, which is a long long time (I am in Rome).

But I should have just waited a week longer. The same happens with my trading, all the time. I can't sit tight. I am right, but I can't sit tight, as Jesse Livermore put it.

Now I asked those guys in the UK to issue me a new invoice so I can pay them back. Being Italian, they're quite happy that I sent this email to them. They didn't expect me to be that honest, considering the country I am from.

Here is the cap:


It looks normal, but it's almost as strong underneath as a helmet. With strong plastic and foam and all that.

Very cheap (less than 7 GBP), looks good, and it will protect me from flowers pots falling off of balconies (lots of such situations here). Only problem is that the shipping cost me twice as much as the item. But you guys are right there in the UK, so you should all get one.

You should get one provided you walk in the street and this is what's above your head:


They look like bombs ready to be dropped on my head. If I die, it's a really bad deal, because I won't be able to keep running my systems.

When did I come up with this idea? When, two months ago, after a storm, I walked to work, and I saw one of these pots on the ground, broken. It could have fallen on my head.

But these look safely attached to the grid. The problem is that other people just place them on their window. Just like that. Then there's a little wind, and the plant moves, and the pot falls off the window.

A situation like this one more or less:


Maybe these are on the first floor, but the problem is that here they do the same thing on the fifth floor. I'm talking about buildings here, tall buildings (are they called "apartments"?), with many families in them. It's not like the US nor England, with little houses with the garden around them. This is where i found the broken pot on the ground, it was probably sitting on the window shown by the red arrow:


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I bought that Travelscope 70, which in the US is only 38 bucks in some places, except I had to pay 3 times as much here in Italy.

Now I am going to give it to anyone, the door man, or anyone who wants it, and will buy this one:

"Celestron 21063 AstroMaster 90 AZ Refractor Telescope" - as usual much cheaper in the US, here it's over 200 euros.

This one can easily go to 100x, WITH CLEAR AND SHARP IMAGES (not like the one I have now), regardless of eyepieces and barlow lenses which are only good to give you headaches.

The one I have cannot really go above 40x, so I could just give it to someone as a gift. I can't even sell it to anyone or I'd be in bad faith. It is not a telescope that I'd recommend.

Indeed, with a 40x magnification, you're much better off buying those Celestron binoculars that are 25x and much better quality:

The skymaster binoculars are excellent, but I gave them to an uncle who seemed to like them. At the island. So now, instead of buying them again, I got myself into telescopes, which have much more potential.

You see, binoculars don't really ever go above 25x, they just become more and more expensive, and more and more bull****. These I mentioned are only 100 euros, and they're all you need.

But telescopes, for every 100 dollars more you spend, go up another 40x in magnification. So, forget about binoculars, where even if I spent 5000 dollars, I'd still get 25x. Also, I would not want to spend too much on anything, or else I'd be living in fear, of them being stolen.

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Guys, I can't take it anymore. I've been waiting years for my positions to take off, and I've been always around 40k, with gold and silver at the bottom, never bouncing. GBL (Bund) being at the top, never falling, and JPY being at the bottom, too, and never rising. I am fed up. I've been losing my temper more and more frequently, and closing and re-opening these positions and others. I don't know what else to do.

On the one hand, I fear being at 40k forever, but on the other hand, I am fed up with this endless hoping...

And also, I can't be content with just 40k, after all these years of waiting, and going to the office day after day, always wondering "how much longer...?".

If I close these positions because of being tired of waiting, a few days later, I open them again. It just happened recently. I only had GC and SI, and then I opened everything all over again.

Then I had all those GBL, but I partially closed them...

A few days more and the EU elections will be over, and hopefully GBL will go my way (down).

I am fed up. All I ask for is to go above 50k, then I'll re-enable all my systems, keep just GC and SI and be content. Hopefully. I am tired, I am tired, I am tired.

I am tired of meeting bosses and various managers in the hallway overbearing and walking in the middle of the hallway expecting me to step to the side, whereas I don't feel I owe them any more space other than half the hallway. What the ****. I hate them.

This country sucks and there is no meritocracy, and I don't feel these people are entitled to any extra respect. If anything, less, because I know how they got to these high positions: by being dishonest and kissing up. And wasting time. Those who work, never get promoted. Those who don't work and waste time at meetings, get promoted.

I am highly demotivated, but unfortunately my positions are not taking off, which is the only way I could get out of this office, and quit my job. That is why I am so restless, because my life at the office sucks so badly.

I am so mad and upset that I am very very prone to take anything personally, including anything from the markets.

Worst possible mindset to trade.

I am so out of control that today I broke several of my healthy rules. I smoked 1 cigarette, I ate one ice cream, I even ate a cake and I drank a couple of beers. I am out of control.

I need to find a way to end all this anxiety. But I don't know what to do.

Now I've automated everything and I don't need to check on my automated trading once a day, as I used to do.

But I still can't stop doing it.

I check, I tamper... I mess up.

If I said "OK, I officially swear that I won't touch anything for a whole week", well, it won't work. I've sworn this so many times, and it didn't work.

I am tired, I am tired, I am tired.

I want to quit my job. But won't quit it.

I want to be flat. But I won't close my positions. And if I close them, then I open them again, pretty soon, in the hope of increasing my capital. For fear of missing out on a rise of my long-held positions (mainly GBL, GC, SI, JPY).

All my usual self-control is gone. I used to be able to control even my body. I wouldn't move a leg if I didn't want to. Now I can't even keep myself from eating cakes. Let alone placing trades.

I cannot keep calm, I am restless.


I can't learn German... anymore.

I can't keep my mind set on telescopes. Nor on binoculars (I gave mine to a relative).

I can't investigate nazism and hitler's biography...

I can investigate on tinnitus.

I can't do jack ****.

I can't... I am tired. I am tired.


I used to scratch my head when things didn't please me. Now I don't even care to do that anymore. I want to find something useful to do, such as learning a foreign language or similar. Instead I can't do anything. I cannot find the focus to do anything. I can only tamper with my trading, be restless.... I am tired of being myself.
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I am scratching my head again, and I am studying German again. Good movie maybe, watching it now:


It is not good at all.
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Pretty interesting, Michael Kaeding, "Professor für Europäische Integration und Europapolitik" at the University of Duisburg-Essen, is commenting the electoral results live, as a guest on the youtube channel of the European Parliament, within a program called "Election Night 2014" (it will continue for a few hours):

They have come a long way since I did my internship in Brussels, in the nineties.

The debate is not that good, as usual (they hosted a couple of the EU Commission Candidates debates and they had some problems as well), because they're trying to squeeze too much content and people into very little time. But at the same time what I appreciate is that we're really talking about the first attempt at having a European (public) Television, because this is indeed the EuroparlTV:
EuroparlTV is the web television of the European Parliament. The web TV channel aims to inform EU citizens about the Parliament's activities and how it's Members shape political developments and pass laws that affect people's lives acrossEurope.

Ah ah, I don't believe it... there's a spelling mistake: "...and how it's Members shape political developments...", with "it's" instead of "its".

All in all this web television is pretty likable and yet hilarious, with all its connection problems, speaking to journalists in dozens of other languages, connected from other countries, who often have problems hearing the questions from Brussels. They are talking to "George from Athens" right now.

There is so many guests, so much excitement about all the languages, all these accents, and all these countries involved that I can barely focus on the content of what they're saying.

They're very amateurish and incompetent but likable.

By the time these guys will become good at what they're doing, TV nor web-tv will no longer be used.

Now there's this guest who suddenly started speaking in French, answering a question in English, that he understood without any help from any translators.
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ah ah, excellent

"40% of domestic violence is against men in the UK. Violence is violence, no matter who it's aimed at".

well done

well done

you can't help but sing along

now listen honey while i say
how can you fix your mind to say you're going away

don't say that we must part
don't break my aching heart
you know you love me
through for many years
love me night and day
can't you see my tears
how can you leave me
listen while i say

After you've gone and left me crying,
After you've gone there's no denying,
You'll feel blue, you'll feel sad,
You'll miss the dearest pal you ever had.
There'll come a time, don't you forget it,
There'll come a time when you'll regret it.

Some day when you grow lonely,
Your heart will break like mine and you'll want me only,
After you've gone, after you've gone away

After you've gone and left me crying,
After you've gone there's no denying,
You'll feel blue, you'll feel sad,
You'll miss the dearest pal you ever had.
There'll come a time, don't you forget it,
There'll come a time when you'll regret it.

Some day when you grow lonely,
Your heart will break like mine and you'll want me only,
After you've gone, after you've gone away
Oh yeah
After you've gone, after you've gone away
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Taking a major beating on all my remaining positions at once: GBL (short), ZC, ZW, JPY, GC, SI

Lost about 40% of my capital compared to 2 weeks ago.

This is really unfair. I've been waiting all this time for GBL to reverse and it is still up there. Last time, when i gave up on it, it reversed. It was two years ago. It seems to me like someone is plotting against me.

I am afraid the reversal will start once I close all my positions. That's what has kept me waiting all this time. The fear that there is someone out there waiting for me to close all my positions, and screw me.

Not a perfectly rational state mind. Not optimal for trading. Next time I'll reach 45k, I will close everything except gold and silver and just let automated trading handle it from there.

I just need one more week and the situation might be right. At this point, I'd even be willing to let my remaining positions go at a balance above 40k.

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I am at about 45% of my capital as it was two weeks ago.

Huge losses on gold, silver, grains... and the bund, where I went short with everything I had.

I can't blame anyone but myself.

I was perfectly diversified, got bored, added one contract to the bund, and knew that I was screwing up right there, then two more contracts, three... then sold other things and bought more contracts.


The bund keeps rising and the others, where I am long, keep falling. And everything else that I sold, it is now going my way.

Yep, because i sold the winners and kept the losers.

Definitely a plot, someone's plotting against me. Probably within myself.


In the meanwhile, I recommend these two public radio stations, from Germany, which have excellent quality podcasts, university lectures basically, that's what every one of their podcasts is.


the clips can be found here:



Now I will just close my laptop and never look at the markets again, for at least a week. Then I'll see where my positions have taken my capital.
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wow, finally someone uploaded taxi driver on youtube:

actually there's another upload, too:

Both uploads are from the last 30 days. I don't think they will survive very long. Otherwise there'd be already 50 different versions of this film on youtube, and not just 2 versions from the last 30 months.
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A random thought I just had: what if my mistake is merely to never be afraid of losing money?

Maybe I simply don't fear losing money. Some people are not capable of trading because they're too afraid of losing money, whereas, maybe, I am incapable of keeping money... because I am not afraid of losing it -- in other words I don't really care about keeping it.

If this is the case, maybe it is due to the fact that I pretty much never spent any of the money I made. I never really knew what I could use it for.

I was always yearning to make more money, because 40k is nothing for someone who wants to retire. I would need at least 500k. So in a sense this urged me to gamble, because 40k is nothing, whereas 500k is the only kind of money I could care for, and be afraid of losing. In a sense, 40k is useless to me.

Flawed as it may be, this is what I probably have been thinking.

It is flawed because I could have improved my life with that 40k or merely what the 40k would have yielded if allocated to my systems (about 4k per month).

But I wanted more. If I happened to have 40k again, I don't know if I would stop there and let my systems trade. Now I feel I've learned my lesson, but I was saying the same exact thing each time I had fallen to 20k.

I was saying: at 40k I will stop.

I have exceeded it, and reached 47k. Did I stop and let my systems take it from there?


I wanted more.

I thought it was so close.

I was always postponing the end of my gambling (aka discretionary trading).

As a summary, and it is not the first I draw these conclusions, I would say that my problem has been the urge to make more money, while at the same time, it has also been what fueled my profit.

But how do I choose where to stop?

I always feel I should have stopped right after a big loss, like right now.

That's like wishing I had 20/20 hindsight.

Of course, I find myself thinking: how nice it would have been to have stopped right before this losing streak...

I don't think I've really discovered anything new about myself this time either. Maybe I have, or maybe I am past the point of reasoning and am caught in an endless loop and vicious circle. I don't see any real improvements, except my knowledge of the markets. And that sounds like a great thing, but you'll still blow out your account, because you'll never get 100% of your trades to be profitable. So the more important thing to learn is money management.

I was more prone to diversify than to use stoplosses, and it worked well. But I abandoned that, too, a few days ago, for my martingale on GBL, which caused me that 50% loss I've been telling you about.

I might get away, at least partially, this time, too.

Maybe I'll be able to recover, all the way... not to that 47k but to 35k, which is decent.

I should stop there, but if I get there, do you think I'll stop there?

I don't think so.

Once I'll be there, I'll try to get back to 47K, and then I'll forget about modesty, and risks... and I'll try to surpass my previous record capital, and reach... let's say 80k.

There's no end to my greed, not until someone will hand me that 500k I need to retire.
Vor der Kaserne,
Vor dem großen Tor,
Stand eine Laterne
Und steht sie noch davor.
So woll'n wir uns da wiederseh'n,
Bei der Laterne woll'n wir steh'n,
Wie einst, Lili Marleen.

Unsere beiden Schatten
Sah'n wie einer aus,
Daß wir so lieb uns hatten,
Das sah man gleich daraus.
Und alle Leute soll'n es seh'n,
Wenn wir bei der Laterne steh'n,
Wie einst, Lili Marleen.

Schon rief der Posten:
Sie blasen Zapfenstreich,
Es kann drei Tage kosten!
Kamerad, ich komm' ja gleich.
Da sagten wir Aufwiederseh'n.
Wie gerne wollt' ich mit dir geh'n,
Mit dir, Lili Marleen!
Lili Marleen ist der Titel eines Liedes, das in der Fassung von Lale Andersen 1939 zum ersten deutschen Millionenseller und zum deutschen und internationalen klassischen Soldatenlied wurde.

Deine Schritte kennt sie,
Deinen schönen Gang.
Alle Abend brennt sie,
Mich vergaß sie lang.
Und sollte mir ein Leid gescheh'n,
Wer wird bei der Laterne steh'n,
Mit Dir, Lili Marleen?

Another version:

Aus dem stillen Raume,
Aus der Erde Grund,
Hebt mich wie im Traume
Dein verliebter Mund.
Wenn sich die späten Nebel dreh'n,
Werd' ich bei der Laterne steh'n
Wie einst, Lili Marleen.

Google translate:
At the barracks,
Before the big gate,
Stand a lantern
And she is still in front.
So let us look back,
In the lantern we want to be,
As once, Lili Marleen.

Our two shadows
Meeting, Melding into one of,
Our love we had,
The same could be seen from it.
And all the people shall see it,
If we stand in the lantern,
As once, Lili Marleen.

Then the guard:
They blow taps,
It can cost as three days!
Mate, I'm coming 'yes same.
As we said goodbye.
How gladly would I go with you,
With you, Lili Marleen!

Your steps she knows,
Your own determined gait.
All evening she is burning,
She forgot me long.
And should be done me any harm,
Who will under the lantern,
With you, Lili Marleen?

From my quiet existence,
From this earthly,
Lift me as in a dream
With your lips.
When the night mists turn,
Shall I stand by that lantern
As once, Lili Marleen.

Pretty good translation/creation.

More info here:
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I did some more research on Lili Marleen and found very useful information on the Spanish wikipedia entry:
El soldado alemán Hans Leip (Hamburgo, 22 de septiembre de 1893 – Fruthwilen, cerca de Frauenfeld, Turgovia, Suiza, 6 de junio de 1983), tras ser trasladado durante la Primera Guerra Mundial al frente ruso, compuso una poesía en la que recordaba a su novia, Lilí, hija de un tendero de ultramarinos de su ciudad natal, y en la que narraba cómo se despedían ambos bajo una farola junto al portalón del cuartel. Según unos la segunda parte del nombre la tomó del de la novia de un amigo, mientras que según otros era el nombre de una joven enfermera que habría conocido en su puesto de centinela.

Los poemas de Leip fueron publicados en una colección el año 1937 y llamaron la atención del compositor Norbert Schultze (Brunswick, 1911 – 17 de octubre de 2002), ya por entonces un reconocido autor cuyas composiciones habían tenido una gran acogida por parte de la crítica y el público alemanes. El poema de Leip se titulaba Das Lied eines jungen Soldaten auf der Wacht ('La canción de un joven soldado de guardia') y Schultze le puso música ese mismo año con el nombre Das Mädchen unter der Laterne ('La chica bajo la farola') y no con el que ha pasado a la historia.

La canción fue estrenada al año siguiente, interpretada, aunque en un principio se negó a ello, por la famosa cantante Lale Andersen pero al principio no tuvo éxito, vendiéndose apenas 700 ejemplares del disco. Sin embargo, dos años más tarde, en 1940, ya comenzada la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un suboficial de una compañía acorazada alemana de reconocimiento que tenía el disco la dejó oír un día en una reunión informal en el cuartel y gustó tanto a sus compañeros que fue adoptada como canción de la compañía. El grupo fue enviado en la primavera de 1941 al frente del norte de África, formando parte del Afrika Korps, el cuerpo de ejército comandado por el Mariscal de campo Erwin Rommel.

Uno de los oficiales de la compañía, el teniente Karl Heinz Reintgen, había sido destinado antes a Belgrado (Yugoslavia) para hacerse cargo de la dirección de la emisora militar de esta ciudad y se llevó consigo el disco de Lilí Marleen. Desde allí emitió la canción por primera vez el 18 de agosto de 1941, dedicándola a sus compañeros que se encontraban en el desierto norteafricano. A Rommel le gustó mucho la composición y pidió que se incluyera habitualmente en las emisiones de la radio. Comenzó a tener un gran éxito y desde todos los frentes llegaron peticiones para que se emitiera, de modo que la emisora comenzó a radiarla todos los días a las 21 horas 57 minutos, como cierre de su programación. Debido a la potencia de la emisora, los soldados aliados también escucharon la canción y el tema fue adoptado en ambos frentes. Así, los soldados alemanes se sorprendieron cuando al hacer prisioneros enemigos comprobaban que conocían la canción.

Vor der Kaserne, vor dem großen Tor
Stand eine Laterne und steht sie noch davor,
So wollen wir uns da wiedersehen,
Bei der Laterne wollen wir stehen,
Wie einst Lili Marleen, wie einst Lili Marleen.

Unser beider Schatten sah wie einer aus,
Dass wir so lieb uns hatten, das sah man gleich daraus.
Und alle Leute sollen es sehen,
Wenn wir bei der Laterne stehen,
Wie einst Lili Marleen, wie einst Lili Marleen.

Schon rief der Posten: Sie blasen Zapfenstreich,
Es kann drei Tage kosten! Kamerad, ich komm' ja gleich.
Da sagten wir Aufwiedersehen. Wie gerne wollt' ich mit dir gehen,
Mit dir, Lili Marleen, Mit dir, Lili Marleen.

Deine Schritte kennt sie, deinen schönen Gang.
Alle Abend brennt sie, doch mich vergaß sie lang.
Und sollte mir ein Leids geschehen,
Wer wird bei der Laterne stehen,
Mit dir, Lili Marleen, mit dir, Lili Marleen?

Aus dem stillen Raume, aus der Erde Grund
Hebt mich wie im Traume dein verliebter Mund.
Wenn sich die späten Nebel drehen,
Werd‘ ich bei der Laterne stehen,
Wie einst Lili Marleen, wie einst Lili Marleen.
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beware of bitches in high heels

Just heard the neighbour lady slamming her door again, the umpteenth time in the last 5 years. I just noticed that she's wearing high heels most of the time, just like the other bitch at work.

I have developed a theory that seems to make a lot of sense. Most ladies wearing high heels are real bitches, either because they think they're hot and are prone therefore to be bitches, or because they want to look good and take advantage of looking good, which is a bitch's way of thinking right there once again, or because they want to be aggressive and be loud and once again they're bitches, or because they're uncomfortable in those shoes, and then once again they become bitches because of it. So, beware of these bitches wearing high heels.

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