I will write something, just for the sake of it. I don't have any specific in mind yet.
I am about to leave for my two-weeks vacation, to the island.
Each time I leave for this summer vacation, I say to myself that it is the last time I go to the island as a vacation, because before the next year, I will have quit my job and
moved to the island, but each September, here I am, leaving for the island, as the destination of my holiday.
Lena Horne & Gabor Szabo Something - YouTube
I don't know what it will take to quit my job. My parents have manipulated me into thinking... have
convinced me that it is a sin to quit my job... it is a sin, unless i have reached humongous amounts of money, such as... a few millions. So what happens is that in my desperate attempt to reach a huge amount of capital, I keep going from a few thousands to a few dozen thousands, and then back down to a few thousands, on and on. Year after year. Because I push my luck and risk management to unprofitable levels. Now I am at the top of the range again, and I will try hard to break above the range, instead of going back down, for the umpteenth time.
Lena Horne - In My Life - YouTube
Partly, the trick of not going back down will consist of forgetting about my trading.
Partly, I will achieve it by not trading discretionary, because I still haven't figured that one out, and I'd end up blowing out my account again. So, hopefully, I will manage to keep myself from trading discretionary, and I will let my systems trade, especially now that they're entirely automated, with their risk/money management formula. Cfr. this post:
Yep, it's all automated now. Everything. There's no discretion in my automated trading. What was left of it, until last March when I came up with that formula (cfr. above post), was that I had to choose which systems and how many contracts they traded.
Another important element that will give me some extra tranquility is the decreasing of the hours spent at my job. Right now I am leaving at 14:30. If I could manage, by anticipating by half an hour, and by decreasing from 6 daily hours to 5 and a half, then I could leave at 13:30.
That'd be a miracle, if I manage to obtain that schedule from my bosses. Considering we're at war - given that they're so evil and unfair and dishonest.
It'd also be a miracle if I can keep my schedule as good as it is now. But, who knows... maybe in October, when it's time to ask for a new schedule, there might be hyperinflation, economic and/or financial collapse, and no one will mind my request and next year, if the bank is still around, I'll get to go home at 13:30 for the new schedule. If that happens, then I'll definitely be relaxed, relaxed enough to stay at my job and not tamper with my systems, out of despair and from wanting to quit my job.
So, it boils down to: 1) forget about my trading, 2) not trade discretionary, 3) decrease the hours at my job.
But there's also a #4: I will meet that math professor, and we'll focus on discretionary trading. We might come up with some profitable methodology, and then my compounding rate will at least double.
But, no matter what I achieve, I must not see the end of my job as imminent. If I do that, then I will feel like rushing things and I will lose everything. I must brainwash myself into forgetting about my trading - while working on it (lessons with math professor).
I must brainwash myself into feeling like a regular person, like a carefree person. Like an idiot, almost. Only as far as the advantages idiots have (95% of people).
In this sense, I am once again reminded of that quote by brian lund:
Ask yourself this question, and be honest. What’s more important to you, having everyone you know idolize you because you’re “trader”, but lose money, or have everyone think that you are just some schlub who works in an ice cream store, while in fact you are really making a fortune in the markets?
In other words, it will help to not talk about my trading to other people, because that in turn would put pressure on my trading. And, since they already know that I'm trading, I should let them keep thinking that I just keep on making some and losing some, without ever increasing my capital. I must let them think, as they mostly do, that my trading will never produce any real profits. So, even if I told them the truth, that right now it's going well, I should also add: "but, as usual, I might lose everything within the next few weeks".
I should favor tv over pc. The more I am at my computer, the more I stress out and work. The more I watch tv, the more carefree and stupid I get, and that is what I need right now. Of course I am not saying I should be drinking beer and similar. Just the relaxation part of being an idiot. I will still follow my raw vegan diet.