my journal 3

Possibly a good LONG opportunity on ZW in the next few days, starting tomorrow:


But I am still learning to understand how grains move. It looks good, but it could also fall another 20 points straight. They're not at all like forex, nor like stocks. They're more like natural gas, at least the way it used to be, when it was higher than it is now (now it tends to go up).

Grains could be kind of awesome actually, because they look like they either go up big time or go down big time.

They're not like stock indexes or ZN, that can go, on a daily basis, up, down, up, down... for weeks. Grains go more like big up day, big up day, big up day, big down day, big down day, big down day. They're the ideal thing to trade with a stoploss and no takeprofit.

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Look, this video is pretty strong, but it's mistaken:

Islam evil religion - YouTube

You can't just take the most violent muslims and compare them with the most peaceful atheists/other-religions. You need to compare the crusades with the jihad, compare the WASPs dropping the atom bombs on japan, doing the witch hunts... this is a mistaken reasoning. These people just want to hate muslims. Take the peaceful muslims and you'll see that they're just as peaceful as the most peaceful jews or catholics, or atheists.

Either an isolated hater, or part of the agenda to rule the middle east (something like: "we can bomb them with drones, because they have an inferior and evil culture...").
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usual false flag in syria, 300 dead this time:

They bomb the citizens, so they can blame it on assad and get public opinion enraged, so the US and NATO can take action against assad. And all this for oil, pipelines, and geopolitics. Sick sons of bitches.

Same thing that happens with the mass shootings. They enact these things, whether real or false (plenty of evidence of both) so they can promote their gun-control agenda.

Always remember to stay away from crowds. It's almost always a bad idea to be in a crowded place. Stupidity and violence come out of crowds. In this case, violence targeted a crowd. crowd = bad, usually.
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the two syrian dannies

Good analysis here:

War on Syria: A New Plan? - YouTube

Danny Makki must not be confused with another young syrian, Danny Abdul Dayem, who looks like him, but who's on the other side of the conflict, spreading disinformation rather than good analysis:

"Syria Danny" and His Many Staged Interviews - YouTube

Obviously, the first one has had much more from life, more money available as he grew up, so we can by all means forgive the other danny for trying to catch up with any lying and misinformation as he thinks reasonable. But let's see things for the way they are. One is analysing reality, and the other is inventing it.

In the same way I can't blame the israelis for hating the muslims, and the muslims for hating the israelis. But neither is being objective.

Probably the second danny is being paid by the americans to spread propaganda, whereas the other one was born rich. So can we blame him? Nope. But we should be aware of his lies. In many ways the syrian conflict is about a struggle between the rich and the poor. Many supporters of assad are rich and cultured (take syrian girl for example), and those on the other side seem to be poor.

Can you blame the poor for being less refined and gentle than the rich? Nope. But what is going here is that the richest (the US) are exploiting the poor and most desperate to help them get even more resources than they already have. And this is clearly totally unfair. A good example of this concept is this video:

Tunisian Ex-Jihadist Tells Tunisian TV Why he Stopped Fighting Alongside the FSA in Syria - YouTube
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"my name is robbie parker..."

The US are on their way to nazi germany: they stage several shootings (for real or fake) and then comes the media, the president with his fake crying, and the celebrities with their propaganda (most of them in good faith i suppose) to eventually push their agenda for a police state:

Demand A Plan to End Gun Violence - YouTube


Sandy Hook Fraud: Robbie Parker (Actor!) - YouTube

Sandy Hook Shooting Exposed as False Flag Attack Pt. 1 of 2 - YouTube

Sandy Hook Shooting Exposed as False Flag Attack Pt. 2 of 2 - YouTube

This is just the latest false flag in a long list of similar events in the last few decades, but now with the digital media and the internet some of us are understanding things. The majority is still sleeping, and they call us crazy on a daily basis - it's hilarious. Just like they said in matrix... "they will fight to defend the system":

Matrix is a system - YouTube

I am not sure whether the false flags are actually increasing or if we just notice them more because of the information available today on the internet. I think in the US they're increasing. We had many false flag here in Italy in the 1970s but now they're doing it in the US.

Gee... what an actor, lol:

Sandy Hook School Shooting Hoax Fraud Robbie Parker Actor Exposed Smiling Laughing then Fake Crying - YouTube
During the information age individuals gained the ability to transfer information freely, and to have instant access to information that would have been difficult or impossible to find previously.
This acting don't work no more for those who entered the information age and exited the (tv) matrix. But just the "ability to transfer information freely, and to have instant access to information" is not enough. You have to be willing to receive that information, and therefore you need to put in the time to do some research - even some research on youtube would be enough. But most of the people are still within the matrix because they do not use the internet for research but only for entertainment, and still rely on the tv news for their information.
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No Viable Connection Between Peter Lanza & US Senate LIBOR Hearings
It seems the alternative media has been caught in purveying disinformation concerning the recent shootings in Connecticut, the father of one of the shooters, Peter Lanza and the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) scandal. In fact, research proves that Lanza has no ties to the LIBOR debacle, nor is there documentative evidence that Lanza is scheduled to testify at an up-coming hearing regarding the technocratic scheme.

One alternative media source claims that: “Peter Lanza was scheduled to testify in the ongoing global LIBOR scandal. In what could only be described an amazing coincidence, the father of Colorado Batman shooter James Holmes, Robert Holmes, was also a LIBOR witness in his position with FICO.”

No citation links are provided to corroborate this assertion – simply the illusory connection is made which seems to be enough to shift an entire social meme and cause distraction from the actual factual evidence emerging about the shooting; as well as the implications of this event with regard to the 2nd Amendment.

The rumor circulating the internet is based on assertions without evidence, which is being paralleled with the assumptions made about James Holmes’ father and another alleged connection to LIBOR simply because Holmes’ father is a computer economist at FICO. In fact, a known disinfo agent was the originator of the Holmes/LIBOR connection, although the alternative media masses continue to repeat the lie without checking their facts.
Discretionary trading still going fine. I keep making a little money every day, then have a day when I lose some of it but not all of it. Something along this pattern:

I guess I am pretty satisfied. What I have been learning is to be content with what I made or be content with what I lost, without trying to succeed at all costs. It took me over a decade to learn this. This as far as exits.

As far as entries, another thing I have been learning is to observe a market all day long before entering it. There's no rush to enter. Even if you miss what seems the biggest opportunity, there will still be a minor opportunity later, in that same market. You get more by observing for hours than by rushing. Better to be too slow than too fast. You can't go wrong by abstaining from entering. The more you wait and observe, the more your trade is likely to be profitable.

Ultimately, what I have learned is that I can be confident enough to exit losing trades, because I am confident in the fact that I am profitable. You get to a point when the only thing still keeping you from being profitable is realizing that you can be profitable, which in turn allows to exit losing trades (because you know you are capable of making money with other trades), and makes you profitable. However, it's not enough to think you're profitable to be profitable, because you still have to be able to spot oppotunities. So, only once your entries are good enough, you get to that point where all you need to be profitable is to exit the losing trades. So by all means, I could not replicate this profitability with random entries. I need entries like mine, where 3 times out of 4, the trades I pick are profitable, and I must realize that, and therefore exit without regrets those trades where I am mistaken.

I don't have it down to a formula, but if I am still here after 4 months, starting with just 4k and having over 14k now, then it is not chance.

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