my journal 3

Today I have to read/listen to this:
The Corbett Report | Corbett Report Radio 256 – Operation Betrayus: From Benghazi to Brennan

Yes, because the conspiracy theorists I am following are saying (cfr. yesterday's post) that Petraeus was going to say that Clinton told him to order the stand down so that Stevens would be killed in Benghazi, and would not be a threat to her. I have to see what Corbett thinks of it.

If I were sure that i'd study this instead of watching a move I'd go home and do that. But I might instead use the time to place some trades so going to a movie might be better, a better choice for preserving my capital. Yeah, because I might have become profitable, but I also know that in a given state of mind I am not profitable, and that is precisely when i am in "I am god" mode or in "revenge trading" mode. Right now I am in "I am god" mode because yesterday I made 3000 and all with my discretionary trades (about 8 trades, all profitable).
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you know, people really suck

I am here working my ass off as usual, while my colleague, like almost everyone else here, went for his daily coffee break, which will last half an hour, after coming two hours late, and saying to me that he was at the hospital - he's going to the hospital every day according to the excuses he makes up

so he came two hours late, ate his nuts, made a couple of (personal) phone calls, then went on his coffee break

in the meanwhile there's a demonstration outside in the street, I can hear them loud and clear, yelling a lot of things, and even I heard a bomb, another one just now... whistles blowing, car horns, helicopters flying by... all that crap.

by the voices it's students, yeah, it says here, too:
Scuola, sciopero Cgil e proteste quattro cortei in città, rischio paralisi/ Diretta - Roma -


Yep, these are fascist students, because they're yelling a bit too much, there's the italian flags, the clashes with police and the skin heads... definitely fascists.

Anyway the reason i say people suck is that these cocksuckers are protesting because they want a job or a better education, whatever bull**** reason they have. But then, they'll become employees like my colleague here and 90% of these idiots here, and won't work at all. Just like these students are protesting so they can skip school, they'll later become members of the union so they can slack off even more.

People suck, or rather: Italians suck.
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...didn't go to the movie, came home instead, didn't trade at all - it's now 6 pm so the worst urges are over (usually I trade right away as soon as I get home, out of frustration), and am listening to some conspiracy theories, as usual. Listened to the Corbett Report on Petraeus, and am listening to it for the third time, because it's really dense with information:
The Corbett Report | Corbett Report Radio 256 – Operation Betrayus: From Benghazi to Brennan

Funny how alex jones wastes half of the time repeating things he's been saying for years, whereas Corbett keeps providing new information and reasoning throughout his radio show. There's no comparison between the two as far as depth. At the beginning all I cared is for someone to say that 911 was an inside job. Now I am getting more selective and i also care how they say it.


Interesting find. There's a truther who's also a veteran and also an investment fund manager:
Antonio Buehler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
...After graduating from Stanford in 2006, Buehler took a position with Houlihan Lokey as an Investment Banking Associate in New York City. After one year, Buehler left Houlihan Lokey to launch Cardinal and Crimson Capital, a search fund structured private equity fund. Buehler partnered with an MIT and Harvard Business School graduate that he met while interning at Infosys in India during business school, but opted to exit the partnership after his partner sourced only one investor.

In March 2008, Buehler launched Trophy Point Capital,[7] a private equity fund focused on acquiring and actively operating middle-market businesses. Buehler received the backing of private equity investors, business leaders and academicians, including Paul Milgrom, Jim Southern and Jerry York...

There it is:
Trophy Point Capital

There's a lot more on him in that wikipedia entry, that for once is not biased against a truther.

He keeps on getting arrested for standing up to cops to defend other people.

Undercover Austin Police Department cop (Justin Berry #6134) caught on film - YouTube

APD cop Sebek #3454 assaults activist and refuses to give name and badge number - YouTube

APD protecting the people of Austin from jaywalkers - YouTube

Buehler runs into Berry #6134 on Sixth Street - YouTube

Funny state of things in the US. On the one hand, you have abuses to the point of "indefinite detention", 911, chemtrails, and more. I mean, the government gets away "legally" wih anything. At the same time, since the country is living a lie, the lie we see in movies, and the government has to pretend that you're actually "free" and that it looks after your human rights, some courageous people like antonio buehler can push this to the point of harassing (dishonest) cops, with his camera and his questions. The amazing thing in this case is also that this guy harassing the cop is the managing director of an investment fund.
Trophy Point Capital

Antonio F. Buehler – Managing Director

Antonio is the Founder and Managing Director of Trophy Point Capital. Antonio is a proven leader who has overcome many obstacles to lead various organizations to new levels of excellence.

Raised in a single-parent household in an Eastern Pennsylvania coal mining town, Antonio Buehler was the first in his family to graduate from high school. He attended the United States Military Academy at West Point, and then...

Here's another one of these heroes standing up to cops and filming them:

Chicago Police Roadblock - YouTube

Normally, they'd beat him up, but if a person knows his rights and knows the laws and has guts, then usually this is what happens... they don't know what to do, and they call the attorneys.

PINAC | Photography is Not a Crime

It's really an amazing subject, considering how much the government is getting away with nowadays.

I remember once I was trying to defend a guy selling merchandise in the street from cops who rudely asked him to get up and leave, and immediately they asked me if I was a lawyer, then when I said no, they said something to make me leave such as "stay away and don't interfere with police...", so I had to give up, also because until then I hadn't realized they were cops, I certainly didn't know the law, and probably that guy was breaking the law by selling things there... very different situation and balls from the guy in the video above. If I saw police brutality I think I'd walk away, if not run away.
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Yesterday, while trading NQ and some others, I found that an interesting and useful concept is "ambush":
ambush - definition of ambush by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

I was... ambushed by the markets.

Having decided that I'll trade, because overall I can be profitable - if I am willing to exit at a loss sometimes - these metaphors, such as watching out for "ambushes" by the markets, can be useful.

It is useful, when you're trading, to know that something can go wrong and you have to be ready to retreat. Other than that, other than those ambushes, with all the things I know now, trading is easy. Provided you have accepted the concept that there will be ambushes.

I mean, there's situations where you don't know where it will go, and you stay out, and that's most of the time as far as I am concerned: if I look at TWS, I usually do not find situations where I should place a trade. Then there's situations where you feel like saying "hey, it's clear where it's going to go" and that's when you should trade, but still being aware that it could be an ambush. That's about it. Of course everything is also about that intuition of where it's going that I can't quickly describe, because it's made of so many things, including for example what time of the day it is. For example, if it's the night, Central European Time, and you're trading the US (futures) markets, then you better go back to sleep because they're unpredictable. There's no way you can predict **** during the European night. Good times instead are 8 CET, 9 CET (opening of European markets), 14.30 (news release), 15.30 (opening of US markets), 16, 22.

Then there's the day of the week. That's important, too. Then there's the news release, then there's the holidays to consider... so many things, that you know, but I could not translate them into a formula.

Basically though your intuition is capable of considering the most important things, as an efficient formula would, but some of us have flaws in their character that keep them from being profitable. Such as wanting the market to go exactly where you expect it to go and not being flexible. And that's when things start going wrong. But if you're ready for ambushes, then you can trade profitably - I think. Not proven yet, because the more I am right, the less I am ready for ambushes. Well, we'll see. So far in the last 2 and a half months I did make 100% each month (on the original capital of 4000), which doesn't seem like a lot, because of the past experience of losing it all over again, but it is profit. I mean, it is still there right now, so I must have been doing something right.


but let's try to narrow it down a bit further

I can only do top and bottom picking, maybe because I am anticonformist. I cannot stand to be in a herd, so if I see a movie that's popular, by definition I think it sucks, and so on for all fads. This way, maybe, when i see the markets going somewhere in a trend, I immediately try to look for reasons why all these people are wrong. I guess both in social and financial terms we could say that i am "anti-trend".

Getting back to the comparison to what I do with movies, if I see a movie that no one told me anything about, because I don't listen to people, and I don't watch sneak previews, then I can watch it objectively, and sometimes find it a masterpiece. And then i don't mind if I find out that later people say it's a masterpiece, or even if they said it before me, but I didn't know about it. If instead, I hear the movie is a masterpiece, then I can't watch it, or I am very biased against it. In the same way, if I am one of the first people to hop on the new trend, then I don't mind other people getting on it after me. But if the new trend is already established and underway, even if it started an hour ago and presumably it will last days, then I still cannot trade along with it. There's other chart formations and it's really more complex than this, but this is a good summary. In other words, I have to catch the first part of the trend, and, just as i am repelled by people, I am repelled by trends that are underway.

So ok, this is the way I am and therefore I cannot trade otherwise, or rather: let's see if I can be profitable without changing this one thing about my character. We then notice that basically the market is either in a trend or range most of the time and it's rare to see those big reversals I need. BUT.

But if you look at 16 markets like I do, things are different. You're going to find, 16 times more frequently, situations that are overbought or oversold, which is what I need.

Still, most of the time, you look at the markets, and they're not right for trading.

Then, when I see a good situation, I am usually right, because even if it doesn't turn for days, it does turn around for at least 30 minutes, which is kind of my timeframe and duration of trades, at least the discretionary ones.

So, what could go wrong?

That i am wrong and it keeps on going down, while I am long, and then the big problem I have is denial: I don't recognize what i called the "ambush" and I double up, triple up... and pretty soon I have blown out my account.

That's the only trap for me. It's like being a bunch of japanese soldiers and their "banzai attack", it's called, which means they don't retreat, don't surrender, but keep fighting to the death. But the thing is that i engage in this banzai attack without even acknowledging that I am going to blow out my account.

When it comes to trading i need some more copping out, which I am really good at doing in real life. I only pick fights that are worth fighting and where I know I have chances of winning.

Yep. I remember i was running a bicycle race in highschool and it was all uphill and I was one of the last people in it, and I said to myself "what the ****" and i turned around and went back home. Then on the school newspaper the next day they wrote that i "quit". That's right. If it's not worth it, especially with trading, you should quit, instead of fighting to the death like I do. I gotta work on this concept and become a quitter, financially speaking. Quitter: "a person who gives up easily". You must give up on your beloved positions easily, unless you want to blow out your account. As they say, "don't fall in love with your position". You must not commit to your position. You have to be on your toes, because what looks like an easy trade, might be an easy trade, but it could also be an ambush.

For example, entering long where the two green arrows point (without knowing what would have happened afterwards), would have appeared to me as an "easy" trade, but it could have also been an ambush:


Had it fallen lower, through the so-called "support", I would have, usually, persisted, doubled up, tripled up, without acknowledging that I had been ambushed. You see, my type of setup is such a high-probability trade (by being very overbought/oversold), that 1) I usually get it right, at least for the first 30 minutes since entering, and 2) I am in denial when I get it wrong. If I can solve this problem of being in denial, then I am definitely a profitable discretionary trader. Once you're open to the concept of "ambushes", It's not hard to identify an ambush and see when the trade isn't working. What is very hard is to acknowledge you were wrong and are going to lose money instead of making it. It has to do with pride and not wanting to be wrong. Here at the office, too, I am very bothered if I am accused of mistakes, because it's rarely the case, and usually it's someone else's mistake. I am a perfectionist, and it bothers me so much to be accused of making a mistake, even if by the almighty markets, that I have a hard time exiting a losing trade and escaping an ambush. It is as if I told the markets: "look, I am right about this trade - it's someone else who's making mistakes". The problem is that even a mistake by someone who's investing money in the wrong direction becomes the market, it becomes fact, it becomes reality, it becomes the truth. And whereas in real life I would rather be right alone, than wrong with everyone else, in the markets this doesn't make any sense. Because if you are alone in your position, then you're wrong by definition. Unless of course everyone else follows you in the same position, which is what I am trying to do with top and bottom picking. So, basically, if after a few minutes, no one follows me, then it's time to get out, whether at break-even or at a loss.


There. It was definitely an ambush, which means I was wrong in my prediction of a long-term reversal:


But I would have made a few dollars by getting out early after realizing it had failed. At the same time, if instead I had expected the reversal to be a certainty, which is always the case with me, I would have risked blowing out, because I would have stayed in the trade as it fell, and would have doubled up endlessly, in complete denial. In some cases of course it works, because it eventually reverses, and that is why I don't blow out my account each time I am wrong. But it's the right way to trade. No doubts about it.
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Damn me and my openness and inexperience and transparency.

I am noticing, but I may be wrong and paranoid, that when my time entries/exits get triggered, I am getting a crappy price, because when I do an open buy or a close buy, prices go up and it's not me because I only trade 1 contract. When I do an open sell or a close sell, prices go down, before and after I do. So this could be either of these two things:

1) coincidence and paranoia
2) the guys who got hold of my systems gave them away or are using them massively. Either way this would be against our agreement, but there's nothing I can do about it, least of all prove it.

I'll have to monitor the markets in the future to see if this is the case or I am just being paranoid. So far I've noticed it each and every time I checked, on YM_ON, NQ_ON, NG_ID_02. I've checked like 10 instances of it, and each time there was a fall/rise at the precise time my systems enter/exit. And of course since they're time entries and exits, it would make no sense for this to happen - I mean it's not like I am entering when there's volatility or certain price patterns. I'll have to monitor in the future, to see if I am just being paranoid or #2 is the case.

There's even a third possibility, other than #1 and #2, and it's that I've been hacked - I don't know much about hacking, but if you can get into my computer, here in Rome or in the server where I run my systems, then you can also take my systems. I don't know which one is preferable. To be hacked or be cheated. I trusted those guys so I'd prefer to be hacked. But by being hacked the feeling is better but the damage is bigger. I have to decide between moral and financial damage...

On the other hand, if the systems keep working, I'll keep using them. And they seem to work still. But this price behavior, should it continue, is certainly not normal, because there's a 50-50 chance for price to go up/down at a given time. And the chance of it happening ten times out of ten against me, that chance is 0.50^10 = 0.1%


oh well i was an idiot but there's nothing i can do about it now, so let's double-check it, but even if it's the case, there's nothing i can do about it except blaming myself forever about giving away my systems - definitely i am not perfect. But I've been screwed once too many to trust anyone anymore.
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Hey, actually this starts out crappy but then it grows on you

Across the Universe - The Beatles, cover Neutrynos - YouTube

there's something in the way he plays, maybe the fact that you can tell that he likes it, and he's not that bad, and also the fact that you can tell that he's not showing off at all - he's got 22 views, that's the kind of video i like, a video made by someone who's not hoping to be successful and is just doing it for the hell of it... kind of like with trading and movies, if the trend is underway i don't like to get involved with it

Wow, same thing applies to this other song he plays:

You've got to hide your love away - Dudu - YouTube
Ok, maybe I was wrong and paranoid, because today there didn't seem to be a dip/drop (synonyms, I just found out) in my traded futures at the time my systems exit their long positions.



I'll keep monitoring in the next few days, weeks, months, years, decades. Damn me, and damn those mother****ers for expecting me to show them my systems. And damn me for showing them. But I was desperate. And damn me for being desperate.


Daily-candles chart on ZN. This is what looks like a very easy trade, and I don't think you could go wrong, whereas you stand to make a lot of profit, by going short on ZN, which has never been any higher than 134, it's overbought and declining/hesitating, and today is a Friday, most bullish day of the week.


Can't really go wrong by going short on ZN now and staying short for a week. And if you lose, you lose nothing. If you win and it goes down, then you make at least a thousand per contract. Yep, go short on it and stay short for a week, until next Friday evening. Or even two weeks if you're very patient. On the other hand, I can only wait probably one day or two. Even though I'll try to hold my two short positions for a whole week. I'll also lower my takeprofits to 133'005 and 132'10, because there could be one of those sharp drops that don't last.


Capital at a mere 10k, because yesterday the systems lost 1200 dollars on two separate NG trades. So far, in over two months, the systems have made no money.
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oh my god... not again

there's this pathetic scene of my roommate pontificating to a newly hired employee and telling him how neatly he works and how neatly people should work.

i wonder if this guy, who's been here and has been working hard for the past 2 years, i wonder if he has any idea that the preacher only works like 15 minutes per day or half an hour or even an hour during the hardest days of the year

what a shameful scene

This newbie came into the room to drop a few papers and the preacher kept him, and started preaching - i guess he misses our talks, since I quit listening to him a while ago. I listened to this guy telling me for over a year about how properly he does and we should do things, and yet I see his bull**** so clearly: comes late, phone calls, coffee breaks, extremely long lunch breaks (at least 2 hours), phone calls, bull**** conversation... no work at all - and he pretends his conscience is clean! always talking about his honesty and sense of duty... it's so awful

I remember when i told my boss and all my bosses that I slack off one hour a day: they don't want to hear it, because they say we have to assume that everyone works all the time. They say "do not tell your boss or anyone that you're not working all the time" pretty much. But do you prefer someone who works 80% of the time and is honest about it or someone who works 10% of the time and pretends he works all the time? I guess here bull**** is preferred.
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Potential opportunities for today:


LONG on ZC (corn)

awesome opportunity for a LONG on ZW (Wheat):


As I said before, long term (one or two weeks) short on GBL and ZN.

LONG on HG (copper) but possible ambush, as it could break support

same exact situation for CL: they've both been hanging in that area for too long - it looks suspicious, might be an ambush

finally, an excellent long opportunity on the EUR, because it has clearly reversed to the upside, but it has fallen a bit yesterday (so it's at once bullish and oversold, and it's oversold in the longer timeframe, too), and yet it's a long and the fall was pretty big, and the dollar is always weak, and today it's a Friday:


I am going to rank these opportunities in a descending order from best to worst:

1) multiday short on ZN-GBL because they're unlikely to rise much more
2) multiday LONG on ZW, because it's so so oversold, and slowing down - the chart speaks clearly
3) LONG on EUR
4) LONG on ZC
5) LONG on YM, NQ, ES
6) LONG on CL-HG

I didn't mention NG because the way it looks right now, I am neutral on it.

Now I've only got the margin for one discretionary trade, so I need to pick just a couple of potential markets. I'm already trading on ZN, so my next bet would be ZW or EUR.

At the same, what looks so wonderful on a daily basis, ZW, looks scary on a weekly basis:


Wheat looks like it could keep on falling a lot lower

Instead ZN, on a weekly basis, doesn't look scary at all - quite reassuring in fact:


It is clearly saying "don't worry, this is the highest I can reach". You know, like for a high-jumper. You can he can exceed his previous record by a little bit, but he would not defeat the force of gravity and jump twice as high. One cannot say the same for other markets.

So here's what I'll do. I'll proceed to lower the takeprofits on ZN and keep that position open for a week longer.

I will then monitor all the following on a hourly-candles chart, and hop on the market that looks the most promising, considering the preferences expressed above, which are in this order:
wheat which looks good right now: two green candles on the hourly chart
Euro, which looks bad right now but also very oversold
CL, looking uncertain, but uncertain after a fall is good for a long
ZC is not looking ready for a trade yet - it looks like it could fall some more, to 711 and then it'd be perfect
NQ, which is extremely oversold, if you look at the last few months, but it is not slowing down, but if it reverses it could rise for weeks

Overall there's great opportunities today. And I would go long on any of the five markets above as soon as I see the right candle, such as a green candle or an inverted hammer.

I didn't mention copper because today I won't have the margin for it. If i could trade two thereby placing two simultaneous bets I'd try to pick the least correlated ones, so it's not just one bet, but as much as possible two.

I think I have an 80% chance of being right and making money on these bets, so to be wrong on two separate bets would require a chance of 0.2*0.2 = 0.04 = 4% chance of losing, because I only lose money if I am wrong on both, provided I don't pick correlated markets.

Let's study the correlations by looking at the daily charts. Hover on the picture to know which chart it is, so you don't have to open them and can look at them all together.






Unlike what I'd have expected (I am doing it by eye, but I know if it's reliable or not, by experience), wheat and corn are not correlated on a daily basis (it's different if you look at them on a weekly basis). Here's the summary of daily-candles correlations:


What I'll do is pretty simple. I am not trusting corn and wheat together, because the correlation is all there on the weekly basis. I will do either corn or wheat as the first bet, and eur, nq or cl as the second bet. Depending on the margin and on the timing available when I'll get home in one hour.

For example, now it's too late for CL, which just took off on the upside. But it could fall back down within the next two hours.

Right now both wheat and corn look very good, in that they're still falling and getting more oversold.

EUR and NQ are rising but still very slowly.

Given euro's margin (full margin all day long), my most likely bet right now would be NQ and ZW and I would keep them open until the close of US markets at 22 CET.
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more on petraeus:

stew and tom are saying that petraeus/broadwell are good (they were investigating money laundering by clinton and others), clinton is bad, and obama is in between. And that there was no affair between petraeus and broadwell. FBI evil, CIA good. Right now. It might change at any time.

If wikipedia titles it "petraeus scandal", it means it's not about the scandal, because wikipedia deceives us when they need to.

Petraeus scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So this means that today he either says nothing important or he's going to get killed as well:
David Petraeus hearing, scandal update (VIDEO): Former CIA director to testify about Benghazi attack

It wouldn't be the first time that a former CIA director gets whacked. Look here:
Why Was Former CIA Director William Colby Assassinated? : Steven Greer and John DeCamp : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
This was actually publicly and very briefly stated, but then, of course, it was written off as an "accidental" drowning while he was out canoeing on the Potomac River.
Now, in reality, it's very much like what's being portrayed where art now is imitating life in "The Manchurian Candidate", where there is a Senator who was going to blow the whistle on this transnational group that was running all this and he is murdered by this manchurian candidate in the Chesapeake Bay when he's out kayaking and it's made to look like a drowning accident and is reported out through the media shills (of course, most of the Big Media are shills for these kind of guys, or just extremely naïve), as an accidental drowning. So what's interesting is that this is precisely what happened to Bill Colby, and I've said this to a number of people who are actually in the media. And when my wife and I were sitting there looking at this movie, "The Manchurian Candidate," we were stunned. We looked at each other and went "Oh, my god!" because my wife, of course, knew in real time as this event happened and, of course, it was tragic and we were heartbroken, and of course, not long after that, my right hand assistant and best friend in all these efforts, Shari Adamiak was - uh, she died - and this colonel came to her wake that was held at her apartment in Denver and he just came up to me and he said, "You know, of course, Bill Colby was killed trying to get the truth out on this to help us, and you guys have had your own losses, but we can't look back, we can't dwell on the negative. We can't look back. We have to move forward."...

Another excellent link:

Let's check the dishonest wikipedia and see what they say:
On Saturday, April 27, 1996, Colby died in what appears to have been a boating accident near his home in Rock Point, Maryland. There was speculation that Colby's death was due to foul play or suicide. The Maryland state coroner, however, ruled that Colby had suffered either a heart attack or a stroke due to a discernible plaque build-up in his arteries, and had fallen into the water and drowned.[7] Most of Colby's family and his biographer viewed a suicide as completely inconsistent with his character. However, in a biographical documentary developed by Colby's son Carl Colby, he speculated that Colby had simply, "...had enough of this life."
Yep, sure enough, accidental death or suicide, according to these mother****ers. On each and every instance where it matters, wikipedia sides with the establishment: JFK, 911... everything that the US government ever did that is bad, for wikipedia was just accidental deaths, suicides, plane crashes, terrorists, lone gunmen, ridiculous. The only thing you can rely on wikipedia for is math.


In the meanwhile all the excellent trades I was looking at earlier, have taken off to the upside, and there's none of them that looks good anymore. Except Corn and the Eur, which probably have something wrong with them. We'll see what happens once I get home. I will not hop on a train where everyone's on board already.
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Yeah, I came home and it was a mess, as expected.

The systems started a trade on NG which is going pretty well, because luckily it is LONG.

Then they started a trade on QM, (half CL contract), but that sucks because they were way too late on it. But they're good at sitting tight, more than being right.

I managed to catch a trade on wheat (ZC), because it fell back down for a little bit, precisely for the last half hour. I am satisfied overall.

Let's hope that wheat will act according to my wishes.

WHEAT - YouTube


wow, damn.

the wheat trade was a big failure, and i was unable to exit it.

Once i got in, it kept falling, showing that my perceived support was nothing. It went right through it.

This means that even when you think the markets are running away from you, you could still have time, because they sometimes come back down.


the same applies to that ZN trade that I said could not go any higher. It did. Not much though. I really believe in that ZN trade. But with two contracts even a high-jumper slightly improving his record can be troubling.

ok, basically the point is that between ZN going up with me short 2 contracts, and wheat going the other way and me being long on it, my account balance is now at 9500

And the only trade that is going well is the one where the systems wanted to trade 2 contracts but couldn't because there wasn't enough margin: NG.


oh, and by the way, also NQ, YM, ES have fallen much lower than what I had perceived to be support. I was basically wrong on every single one of my predictions today.


All right, excellent. I turned it all around.

I went and closed my NG trade, which was still open, and traded an extremely oversold NQ, then sold it, then bought it again, on and on, until I've made about 400 dollars on it. Then I went and did a quick trade on ZN and closed it for a profit of 100 or so.

Then some more on QM, then i finally went and bought QM and NQ back at a cheaper price than I had momentarily sold them. So the systems didn't even notice that I momentarily closed their positions. And now instead of 9500 I have 10500.

Still will have to put up with a 300 dollars loss on ZW. But for today my discretionary trading was profitable.

The key to getting out of this mess and become profitable was not really how to get profit out of unprofitable trades, but rather how to close the unprofitable trades and move on to profitable ones. It's fun!

It's fun beating the sore loser that's in each one of us. And it's the only way to become profitable.


capital at 11000, still trading up to now, but I am now going to quit for the day, because I am about to lose it and blow out the account. I am feeling like god again. I can't even spot any opportunities anymore - I am just going to will the market to go where I want to go. So I am stopping now. I just placed my last trade on the EUR, because it hadn't risen much for the day and it's due for a rise.

will probably come back later to appraise the weekly performance of my systems.

You know why I had to stop? Because after waiting for weeks for the NQ to bounce up, I caught myself now looking for opportunities to short it. This shows my mad mad anti-conformism. Now that it's extremely oversold and everyone is going long on it, now, of course, I am trying to short it. Jesus. I've really lost it. I always lose it after just one hour of trading.

But what matters is learning to close out losing trades.


Ended the day above 11k of capital. The day was fun: missed some huge opportunities but i am learning and besides, the opportunities are there every day.

Trading is fun. It's almost as much fun as microsoft combat flight simulator 3. And it's one of the few video games where if you win, they pay you.

I got me 11 markets to monitor (18 if you count everything, but some are not practical for various reasons, correlations and margin among them):





These are good, too, but I still don't know them too well:


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I Feel Fine - Guitar Cover on a Gretsch G5122 DC - YouTube

gee, doesn't this make you feel like singing? here's the lyrics:

Baby's good to me you know,
She's happy as can be you know,
She said so
I'm in love with her and I feel fine

Baby says she's mine you know,
She tells me all the time you know,
She said so
I'm in love with her and I feel fine

I'm so glad that she's my little girl
She's so glad, she's telling all the world

That her baby buys her things you know.
He buys her diamond rings you know,
She said so
She's in love with me and I feel fine, MMM

Baby says she's mine you know,
She tells me all the time you know,
She said so
I'm in love with her and I feel fine

I'm so glad that she's my little girl
She's so glad, she's telling all the world

That her baby buys her things you know.
He buys her diamond rings you know,
She said so
She's in love with me and I feel fine
She's in love with me and I feel fine, MMM
About to do my weekly update on the systems. Probably nothing this week, because I have made a lot but the systems must have been breaking even. Can't wait to have one of those weeks where they make 10k. So far just drawdown or rather a two-month range in equity line.

Even if overall the systems made 3000 in 2 months, that is far from the 12k i was expecting. Besides, it's been 2 and a half months so it should be about 15k of profit.

They owe me 12k of profit. Can't wait to get it.

In ten minutes I will post this week's profit.


In the meanwhile, let me say this. This week I have learned that I am profitable and that I have nothing to fear from losses, because I am good enough to make all those losses back, provided I dont' get discouraged, and I shouldn't get discouraged simply because I am good at spotting opportunities. Not perfect, but good enough to be profitable. Finally.


These have been the weeks I've been trading my systems:



How much more do I have relative to the systems? About 600 dollars less, but that is partly caused by the fact that for the first 7 weeks out of 11, I traded two systems that I now removed, because they're not good enough and they're taking away my margin.

So, so far, thanks to my discretionary trading, I am totally in line with my systems. They have made about 3600 dollars. Which is way below expectations. As i said, I should have seen about 15k. Er... less, let's say 13k.

Anyway, next week I will bring myself very much ahead of the systems by taking advantage of my two ZN positions. I am counting on about 3000 of profit, which puts me ahead by 2400 relative to the systems. Plus I may come up with some more good trades.

You know what, if everything goes well, next week I might have as much as 15k. A capital which I haven't seen in years.

I am not afraid of trading anymore. To be profitable at trading you must not be afraid of taking losses. And to not be afraid of losses you must be confident that you can win enough to recover from those losses. I am not totally there yet, but I am getting there. I can feel it. I just must remember that I am usually right, BUT there can be ambushes and optical illusions. No trade is certain. Even the best-looking setup could be an ambush.

Here's the deal: my success at learning how to trade profitably is measured by how much i realize that closing trades at a loss doesn't make my trading unprofitable. In particular doesn't make my day unprofitable, because psychologically that is very important. The regularity of daily profit.

How many steps forward did I make? Huge ones. I am learning precisely to have unprofitable trades. Not every trade has to be profitable. It used to be a dramatic event for me, total panic. Until very recently I could not close a trade unless it was at break-even. This week, maybe for the first time or close to it, I close about 10 trades with a loss. It caused me pain but I am getting used to it.

At first I decided to close them at break-even. Then I said "hey, I made a mistake on this one, and i can take a 50 dollars loss". Today I took a 400 dollars loss on wheat, and 4 small losses on NQ. This didn't keep me from making almost 1000 dollars from discretionary trading today. So ok, basically the panic is decreasing as I am realizing that taking a loss doesn't destroy anything. Keeping it open because you can't take that loss is what's very very dangerous. In my case this is still a risk. Let alone the risk of doubling up when you're losing, which is something else I've been doing all these years and what lead me to blowing out my account so many times.

So, let's learn to take losses. Let's learn that it's not a tragedy to take a loss. Let's slow down the entry process and speed up the exit process. Exits should be quick. You should not be hypnotized by your trade, which is something that seems to happen to me.

All right, let's do it. I am getting there. But I need still dozens and dozens more losses to really be there.

It reminds me of someone who told me that the first thing to learn in boxing is to not be afraid of being hit (which I am and never will do any boxing of course). I guess this is very similar to trading. You must not be afraid of being hit. Just like in swimming, when I am trying to teach someone, the first thing they have to learn is to drink sea water. They must not be afraid of drinking sea water, because it will happen.

Raging Bull - "Hit me in the face!" - YouTube

In trading, you must not be afraid of losses.

I could never learn to trade on the simulator because what stops me in real trading is precisely what you cannot experience on the simulator.

1) you're not going to be waiting for as long on the simulator as if you would with real money, so you can never be profitable anyway. You're not investing real money so you're going to waste bullets.

2) you're not going to be afraid of taking losses, so you will take losses much more easily.

In other words, you will enter more easily and you will exit more easily. You can definitely see if your systems are profitable, but in that case you need a system, so we're not talking about discretionary trading. The difference is that with a system I cannot reproduce the shorter term trades that i open and exit based on my intuition. My programming skills are limited and also my capability of translating into words and concepts all that my mind is thinking when I trade. So a system is a good thing, but it cannot be as good as a mind, which doesn't have the problem of exiting at a loss. That problem is irrelevant to the system and that's one of its strengths. The weakness of my systems instead is that they will not perceive trading opportunities that last 10 seconds, or even a minute.

My systems also cannot perceive all the chart patterns I perceive with my mind. A lot more talking about this is needed, but I can be ok with just saying part of it here for the readers and for me (to keep track of my thinking), because the rest of this thinking is all in my mind. I know the implications of all this. I am getting there.
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Silencing General Petraeus
The evidence that Gen. David Petraeus, formerly the commander of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, the author of the current Army field manual, Princeton Ph.D. and, until last week, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, was forced to resign from the CIA to silence him is far stronger than is the version of events that the Obama administration has given us.

The government would have us believe that because the FBI confronted Petraeus with his emails showing a pattern of inappropriate personal private behavior, he voluntarily departed his job as the country’s chief spy to avoid embarrassment. The government would also have us believe that the existence of the general’s relationship with Paula Broadwell...
...In the modern era, office-holders with forgiving spouses simply do not resign from powerful jobs because of a temporary, non-criminal, consensual adult sexual liaison, as the history of the FDR, Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, and Clinton presidencies attest. So, why is Petraeus different? Someone wants to silence him...
...All this — the FBI spying on the CIA — constitutes the government attacking itself. Anyone who did this when neither federal criminal law nor national security has been implicated and kept the president in the dark has violated about four federal statutes and should be fired and indicted. The general may be a cad and a bad husband, but he has the same constitutional rights as the rest of us...
Judge Andrew Napolitano wrote this. He's usually very prudent. Keep reading.

Then there's Corbett:

Petraeus Updates, Headlines and Open Phones - YouTube
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Video: Seattle Police Will No Longer Arrest Anyone For Marijuana Starting Tonight

I have been debating with my other on this. We agree there's countless and endless conspiracies, but he's convincing me that the conspirators are not all united and therefore they don't have full control of the world, which is what many conspiracy theorists say. Think about this marijuana laws: they show they don't have full control, and this means they're not united. Elections aren't completely rigged either.