my journal 3

some update on my automated trading

These have been the last few weeks, after removing GBP_ID_02, which caused me break-even trades and uses up all my margin, so I have decided to get rid of it:


since I've resumed my trading in early september I am at about break-even, but i still have two ZN trades open, which will probably be closed next monday

of course i haven't traded all these weeks that are shown above, but i am just showing them for a recent track record (which could go back for longer than a year)

what i must add though is that i've become quite good at trading - except for the stoploss of course, which means in some cases i will lose everything

i feel very drawn to trading because i have always wanted to make money quickly with discretionary trading and I think I am good at it

of course i know that i have that big problem of not exiting losing trades so despite being quite good at picking tops and bottoms (which is my type of trading), sooner or later i am bound to blow out my account

so i am going to try something in between, which guarantees my exiting trades

i will trade within the signals provided by my systems, thereby tampering with the systems but in a good way:

1) say i find a trade that has entered short and i can see that the future is oversold. Then i exit that trade and resume it after it has bounced

2) similarly, if the trade is about to close (time exits in all my systems), then i might exit it early

This usually doesn't cause me any damage, i might even have become pretty good at this, so to increase the profit of my systems. But what matters is that it makes me feel like I am getting some action, and it keeps me from doing something worse, which is outright discretionary trading, aka compulsive gambling.

so, to recapitulate, i will add some discretion to my systems and trade within them - not always but whenever i can't hold it

what would be ideal would be to just forget about my systems and go out to a movie, but i still don't have enough capital to be so carefree

if a system loses 2000, i cannot be indifferent about it and my systems have too much leverage to relax and yet i cannot do otherwise, because you can only trade 1 contract minimum, and if i didn't trade given systems, i simply wouldn't get anywhere in the short term, and by short term i mean a year - i don't want to sit for a year without... a year or longer without getting anywhere - i'd rather increase the risk of blowing out and decrease the risk of being idle
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i have a feeling that i have developed a sixth sense for the markets that I can't even describe, but there is something

it is not just by looking at the chart, because that is only half of the picture

time of the day matters, politics, day of the week, what's behind us, season of the year, vacations ahead and behind... there are so many things in my head that i can't even describe what i am doing and sensing as i trade

at the same time there is one dangerous ingredient in all this, actually two:
1) the optical illusion of the chart: price is at its lowest right now but it could fall lower, but it never looks that way and going long and making money seems easier than it really is

2) ingredient most dangerous for me is the inability is to exit with a loss, by admitting i made a mistake

i can solve the first by waiting longer until i am really sure. I can solve the second by trading within the systems.

Actually waiting for the systems signal would solve both. You can't enter unless the system has entered (paper trading for most of my systems, as i am only trading the best 30 of 120 systems) and you cannot stay longer than the systems (time exits).
Must See!!! - Understanding America - From Revolution, Today's Economic Collapse and After - YouTube

odd lecturer, for his background, presentation and yet very interesting lecture on economics and the coming collapse

he looks like anthony quinn in revenge but he's actually an intellectual:
In college, I majored in political science with a focus on East Asia (B.A. University of California at Davis, 1966). My in-depth study of economics did not occur until much later. In the 1990s, I became curious about the Great Depression and in the course of my study, I realized that most of my preconceptions about money and the economy were just that — preconceptions. I, like most others, did not really understand the nature of money and the economy. Now, I have some insights and answers about these critical matters...

CrossTalk on Ireland: Killer Of A Debt - YouTube
More on Alex Jones and his being a suspected COINTELPRO agent:

Pete Santilli vs Alex Jones on The Vinny Eastwood Show 2 Nov 2012 2 of 3 - YouTube

Pete Santilli vs Alex Jones on The Vinny Eastwood Show 2 Nov 2012 3 of 3 - YouTube

Best part of the second video is at 15 minutes into it.

This video contains very precious information. Among the other things, it confirms that Deep Underground Military Bases exist. I just talked to my father about it, the other day, and he said we don't have them in Italy. But this is the same person who told me that we don't have chemtrails, because a general told him so.

Anyway, vinny eastwood is a good researcher. Just because alex jones is his friend, if there is a serious and credible radio host who seems to say something important and true, then he goes on and hosts him on his radio program. Regardless of the consequences.


Pete Santilli two days later did a show on the same subject:

Episode #259 - Robust Debate On Corruption In Alternative Media - YouTube


early pete santilli show, when he wasn't famous:

Conspiracy? Massive Quantities Of BP Stocks Sold Prior To Disaster - YouTube

good stuff

his first radio show:
Episode #001 – Inaugural Podcast

very interesting person, former US marine, as he says all the time

at minute 30 the message gets very very powerful and it explains why he has so many listeners now: he's the most revolutionary of the radio hosts actually (listen to minute 30). He tells people to buy guns and use them to defend the constitution against "all enemies, foreign and domestic" (in this case domestic).

at minute 31, he also talks about us "accountants": "...even some skinny dude, that's an accountant, get a gun and some ammunition..."

minute 32-33: "I want veterans to join me". I don't know if he'll get away with this message if he says it now that he has more listeners.

minute 35: "... go get the ****ing banksters. quit messing with the poor people... law enforcement, military, let's go get the ****ing banksters!"

minute 35 to later: his fascinating biography

he really seems to be a good person


There's just one problem with pete santilli - he's too ****ing loud and he swears too much.

I need much more calm and reasoning and research, less sensationalism, and less excitement... he's very close to being exactly like alex jones, in terms of being obnoxious
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Chemtrail_Geoengineering Programs discussed on the Discovery Channell - YouTube

interesting, chemtrails on mainstream media: let's see if it's there to debunk them or if at least they leave the question open

wow. the actor reading is a retard - it's hilarious how he keeps stressing the term "conspiracy theorists" as if he were saying "convicted criminals", or maybe "nobel prizes" or some term he doesn't even understand - you can tell he hasn't written what he's reading

5 minutes into it they mention the CME's weather derivatives. I need to check them out:
Weather Products

Potentially I should even look into trading them. Let's see what the most traded one is.

Weather derivative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Weather Data Inventory
Daily Exchange Volume and Open Interest - CME Group
Weather Daily Exchange Volume & Open Interest
Forums - Weather derivatives market depth
12-09-11 12:04 AM

The liquidity and spreads are terrible. Stay away from the weather futures market unless you want your ass handed to you slowly and painfully. Only an idiot would try to trade them.

for this reason, almost every futures broker in the business will NOT offer access to those instruments for trading.

12-09-11 07:53 AM

They're primarily used by electricity companies who can afford to cross the spread out of hedging requirements. It's not a retailers game.
Ok, enough with the weather derivatives.

I am at minute 9 of the short clip, and, by the (right) people they're interviewing, it is clear where the documentary is going to go: that chemtrails exist and weather manipulation is happening. No matter how much of a retard the actor and the screenwriter are, the mind behind the show is in favor of chemtrails being exposed.

Only two minutes to go and the argument is strong for chemtrails. The opposite view hasn't been shown so we could even say that it's biased in favor of the "chemtrails exist" argument. The sensationalistic tone used by the actor however is one for science fiction. You know what I mean- it's not the scientific tone of "60 minutes". It sounds more like they're selling some mouthwash. Culture doesn't need to be sold. This tone is counterproductive.
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2012 Something Is Going On! - YouTube

I was just talking the other day about the "doomsday cult" with my dad, who has a background in sociology, and he said that this cult has existed for centuries, and it's connected with religion, just as the person who made this video seems to be.

Doomsday cult - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Doomsday cult is an expression used to describe groups who believe in Apocalypticism and Millenarianism, and can refer both to groups that prophesy catastrophe and destruction, and to those that attempt to bring it about.[1] The expression was first used by sociologist John Lofland in his 1966 study of a group of Unification Church members in California, Doomsday Cult: A Study of Conversion, Proselytization, and Maintenance of Faith. A classic study of a group with cataclysmic predictions had previously been performed by Leon Festinger and other researchers, and was published in his book When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group that Predicted the Destruction of the World...
The way I see this, is that I am bored at the office and doomsday would not be a bad thing compared to the office routine.

At the same time, ever since becoming a "conspiracy theorist", I come across this group of people frequently, but you know, as they say, just because we're paranoid about this, it doesn't mean that people aren't out to get us. It might be that in this case we're being paranoid about it, because there are reasons to foresee some major event happening, other than simply our boredom at the office.

Although i admit that many of us doomsayers are actually hoping for doom to happen. So we're definitely biased.

For starters because I'd like the neighbours and my colleagues to be exterminated, and because my conscience is so clean that i don't fear anything from doomsday.
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Robert W. Welch, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Robert Henry Winborne Welch Jr. (December 1, 1899 – January 6, 1985) was an American businessman, political activist and author. He was independently wealthy following his retirement and used that wealth to sponsor anti-communist causes. He co-founded the conservative group the John Birch Society (JBS) in 1958 and tightly controlled it until his death. He became a highly controversial target of criticism by liberals, as well as some leading conservatives.

Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America - YouTube

wow, sounds like ron paul and alex jones and g edward griffin, maybe because all three belong to the john birch society?

John Birch Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robert Welch's 1958 Predictions Against American Liberties
In 1958 Robert Welch, founder of the John Birch Society, made some startling predictions against American Liberty. He believed there was a group of insiders intent on “the surrender of American sovereignty piece by piece and step by step to various international organizations of which the United Nations is the outstanding but far from the only example.” He laid out his predictions in 10 points and repeated them in a 1974 conference:

1. Greatly expanded government spending for every conceivable means of getting rid of ever larger sums of American money as wastefully as possible.

2. Higher and then much higher taxes.

3. An increasingly unbalanced budget despite the higher taxes.

4. Wild inflation of our currency.

5. Government controls of prices, wages and materials supposedly to combat inflation.

6. Greatly increased socialistic controls over every operation of our economy and every activity of our daily lives. This is to be accompanied naturally and automatically by a correspondently huge increase in the size of our bureaucracy and the cost and reach of our domestic government.

7. Far more centralization of power in Washington and the practical elimination of our state lines. There is a many faceted drive at work to have our state lines eventually to mean no more within our nation as our county lines do now within the states.

8. The steady advance of federal aid to and control over our educational system leading to complete federalization of our public education.

9. A constant hammering into the American consciousness of the horror of modern warfare. The beauties and the absolute necessity of peace, peace always on communist terms of course.

10. The consequent willingness of the American people to allow the steps of appeasement by our government which amount to a piecemeal surrender of the rest of the free world and of the United States itself.

The Truth in Time by Robert Welch.flv - YouTube

John Birch Society - Conservapedia
The organization was founded by Robert Welch in 1958 to fight subversive infiltration of the United States.[4] He designed the Society like the Communist movement, with a strong leader at the top (himself), with each lower level following the orders they were given. Society literature denounced collectivist infiltration from Communists, the United Nations, and various front groups. Welch himself decided that the root cause of most of the troubles was a two-century-long conspiracy of the "Illuminati," a group supposedly founded in Bavaria in 1776. He declared it was responsible for the French and Russian Revolutions and the two world wars, as well as evils of Lincoln's income taxes, Wilson's Federal Reserve, and Roosevelt's New Deal. Most insidious of all was the United Nations. It also controlled the Communist party and the Trilateral Commission. The only member of the Illuminati he could identify by name was Nelson Rockefeller. Reagan was suspect because he picked for vice president the choice of the Illuminati, George H.W. Bush. Welch argued that the Illuminati was subversive of good government, destructive of religion, and used professional agitators and massive terror to destroy the good people, while manufacturing smears to destroy the brave souls who tried to expose it.
Oh, that's where these conspiracy theories are partly coming from, the john birch society, including the campaign against water fluoridation.

I think most of what alex jones says and the terms he uses come from studying this Robert Welch.
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been thinking after consulting with a reader about my diet and lifestyle

been thinking that maybe i should not listen to the conspiracy radios before going to sleep - maybe that's what's keeping me from sleeping well

some of these shows predict an imminent financial collapse (dollar first), others an impending collision with nibiru, others predict world war 3, others all of them together

I am not sure if this is keeping me from sleeping or if it's giving me hope - what matters to me is that my neighbors and my roommate get killed first

reader argues against this "pastime", that it's unhealthy

i don't know if I consider this entertainment or research - i think regular tv is outright entertainment and mine is research instead - of course no one has advised me to watch tv either

it is true that even in my research work, there is some element of entertainment, or rather a way of keeping myself "busy" rather than entertained.

nothing else much to say - just that this exchange made me think

maybe i'll cut down on some of these radios a little bit - it is true that on top of everything, it is keeping me from engaging in long term research - in this sense it is close to entartainment, in that i am not searching for information but i am waiting for it to be delivered to me

whatever I'll do and whatever i'll remove, i won't replace it with regular television for sure, because that's like being in a coma

I'll start by replacing these radio with some music, at this precise moment (i was listening to a program about nibiru)

Something is evolving.

I am about to get past another intellectual phase of my life and move on to something else


ok, i'll give you that. conspiracy radios don't help me relax - fine.

but they may be telling some truths that i still ignore

that they're telling truths, there's no doubt

the question is if they're telling truths that i still ignore, after all these months of research

I think i got to a point where these guys are starting to repeat themselves

yeah, i need to step back


I changed my mind.

I will go where my curiosity leads me. There is no way i can forbid my mind anything.

If my mind is curious about these conspiracy theories and even about the doomsayers, then i will listen and read up on them.

They might be right. I want to expand my horizons.

You can't rule anything out. Not even breatharianism. Actually just yesterday I enrolled on facebook in a breatharian group.

And if I believe in doomsday, I should keep believing in my dreams. Keep dreaming until they come true. Maybe I should even try to help the powers that be in their effort to exterminate the human race.

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Otherside [Official Music Video] - YouTube
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