"Error exporting report (20027). Unable to open clipboard."
Spending a whole day solving a Tradestation 2000i bug. Still not solved yet. The problem is that it won't export the strategy report (on excel).
I suppose that many people had the same problem, but few talk about it on the web - actually only one person talks about it, and another person replies he's solved it and how (didn't work for me):
Installed, uninstalled, done acronis, changed data, changed data names, changed .orw names, changed strategy, changed computer, installed updates, rebooted computers... I've tried everything I could think of in the past few hours and it still gives me that same error. The only thing left is to try and change today's date, artificially.
One thing that amazed me is that I didn't have this problem on the other computer, the two computers didn't exchange files, and now I have the same problem on the other computer.
Nope: even changing today's date won't solve the problem. The good thing is that now I can focus on just one computer since the other computer shows the same exact problem. I've had this problem before and solved it by reinstalling tradestation over itself, but this time it didn't work.
Since I only have to create another 10 systems and then I'll be done, I will probably just take snapshots of the performance reports, and then forget tradestation 2000i for the rest of my life. And either stop creating systems or use new programs, which are not 10 years old.
**** **** ****!
Just as I was editing this post, and adding above:
I suppose that many people had the same problem, but few talk about it on the web - actually only one person talks about it, and another person replies he's solved it and how (didn't work for me):
I double-checked the only method suggested by one person on the web, and guess what: it worked. So I actually solved the problem - after trying for hours - simply because, thanks to explaining the problem out loud here, I double-checked the solution suggested by the one person who helped the one person who's written about this problem. This is definitely the first time something like this happens.
So I opened up Internet Explorer, copied some text from this page and pasted it onto an excel sheet, and then tried using tradestation and exporting a report and it worked. Now I can finally go back to work. Thanks,
Mats Bengtsson (a Swedish computer science professor):
...If you have some other applications, try cutting and pasting between them using the clipboard...
How could I ever imagine something like this would work? I don't know jack **** about how computers work. I had tried it earlier, but I didn't copy across applications: just from notepad to notepad, saw it worked, and yet that it didn't solve my tradestation problem. Always double-check things. That's one quality of compulsive people.
Later edit:
In the meanwhile the mother ****ing problem has happened again and the solution suggested by Bengtsson is not working any more. So maybe it never had worked and it's something else that worked but I don't know what.