Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

The fake posters here are laughable.

So c'mon guys, the 'gushing recomendation new poster' strategy might have worked in 1998 when the this internet thing was a bit new for most people, but now it does more damage than good.

I especially like the guy who knew nothing about trading, now 3 months later after the course he's taking regular money from the market partipants who've been crafting their skill over 10+ years.

Folks, there's only so much profit to go around and the experienced traders are NOT on balance going to let new and inexperienced traders get it, let alone keep hold of it.

This is what many miss who are new to the game, the pros know how you're being taught, they know how the chart patterns and indicators work and they're masters at STEALING YOUR POSITION, ie get you long, then run the market against you stopping you out and them in, that's how they steal your positions and for them it's often as easy as taking candy from a kid.

So it's not normally a case of you against the market, it's you against the other market participants and in the world of trading there are some very very sharp and talented people with major money behind them. This is a key point to understand and realise.
PBoyles call me a ‘new member, with one post’ but I have joined these forums today with all my real information to speak fact and truth about this topic. Unlike certain ‘new members’ on this post.

I am sub contracted at training traders, to deal with web & server management. I run my own successful company and simply invoice TT for the work required.

Not once, has my company received a late payment or have had to chase Mr Baghdady for the payment.
I have been in the office, which is not in a shabby lay off street in Tower Hamlets. It’s surrounded by RBS Head offices, Sky head offices and Maersk Offices. Do you think the likes of these companies would situate themselves in “(one of the most deprived boroughs in the UK)?” quote Digyarbuthnot this is a complete exaggeration and stretch of the truth.

I think it’s ironic that Digyarbuthnot is a new member since Jan, and cooljoe new since Feb. 2012 and their total posts only exist in this thread. As a rant, towards training traders. Digyarbuthnot if you get your facts straight you initially said you went to mikes offices. Then later on you quote that you read most of this stuff online. Then, all of a sudden you have contacts and inner links with staff at training traders. Please present emails back and forth from your inner links that prove one word of what you are saying.

This whole thread seems like sour apples are trying to get some payback/dig at Mr Baghdady. People latch onto success, and weather that in the form of an invoice for 3 paragraphs of web text former employee presented to mike which lead to the dismissal of his services or a sour ex director who is bitter about the way things ended.)

Bailiff’s explanation: This is complete and utter nonsense, there has been no instance of bailiffs turning up at the TT offices. What so ever.
Mr Digybarthnot ‘he is blacklisted from media owners’ please do share an official blacklist that media companies use to decipher who they will and will not work with. Do not PM please post it to the world.

This topic has gone far from the truth and far from its original subject. Mr Digybarthnot you have contradicted your circumstances several times during this thread and for that I think nothing but a fraud of yourself, trying to attack a certain individual. This is an act of flam and I can assure you Mike won’t need to send a cheque in to remove this thread. Such ‘flam’ is not welcome on any forum.
If you wish to see bank statements and invoice dates of which my company billed and received the cash from Mr Baghdady I invite you to you ask.
People come and go from business it’s how things work, if we had a PR for everytime a sales manager was fired the internet would be overloaded with useless junk.

Stop digging into the useless name changes of companies too, people register, strike off, and rename companies daily its part of protecting brand names and moving forward with your company.

A Chapter 11, can PBoyles or anyone else tell me what the definition of a chapter 11 is?
Firstly you have a chapter 11 and a chapter 7.

A chapter 7 ceases operations of a business and requires the trustee to sell all of its assets and give them to the creditors anything left over is returned to the company.

A chapter 11, allows the debtor to remain in control of his assets and stops anyone else filing litigation against the business. While a settlement is reached.

This chapter 11 case which you all reference so strongly has been settled, money paid in cash and case is closed.

Why would anyone with common sense, allow your assets to be ceased if you can save them, and potentially settle outside of court. This is business remember you don’t just hand over your possessions if you can hold onto them .

So please stick with facts not stretched lies and petty sour seeds.

PBoyles i some how respect the time you have spent on these forums protecting people from loosing money, but dont fall blind to posts you go about protecting people from. Lies. Most of what is written here i have good faith to believe is personal not general public.
This has now been cleaned with all posts from multi-nics, responses to multi-nic posts and off topic posts removed. Please keep this thread on topic whichever side of the discussion you are aligned to.
PBoyles call me a ‘new member, with one post’ but I have joined these forums today with all my real information to speak fact and truth about this topic. Unlike certain ‘new members’ on this post.

I am sub contracted at training traders, to deal with web & server management. I run my own successful company and simply invoice TT for the work required.

Not once, has my company received a late payment or have had to chase Mr Baghdady for the payment.
I have been in the office, which is not in a shabby lay off street in Tower Hamlets. It’s surrounded by RBS Head offices, Sky head offices and Maersk Offices. Do you think the likes of these companies would situate themselves in “(one of the most deprived boroughs in the UK)?” quote Digyarbuthnot this is a complete exaggeration and stretch of the truth.

I think it’s ironic that Digyarbuthnot is a new member since Jan, and cooljoe new since Feb. 2012 and their total posts only exist in this thread. As a rant, towards training traders. Digyarbuthnot if you get your facts straight you initially said you went to mikes offices. Then later on you quote that you read most of this stuff online. Then, all of a sudden you have contacts and inner links with staff at training traders. Please present emails back and forth from your inner links that prove one word of what you are saying.

This whole thread seems like sour apples are trying to get some payback/dig at Mr Baghdady. People latch onto success, and weather that in the form of an invoice for 3 paragraphs of web text former employee presented to mike which lead to the dismissal of his services or a sour ex director who is bitter about the way things ended.)

Bailiff’s explanation: This is complete and utter nonsense, there has been no instance of bailiffs turning up at the TT offices. What so ever.
Mr Digybarthnot ‘he is blacklisted from media owners’ please do share an official blacklist that media companies use to decipher who they will and will not work with. Do not PM please post it to the world.

This topic has gone far from the truth and far from its original subject. Mr Digybarthnot you have contradicted your circumstances several times during this thread and for that I think nothing but a fraud of yourself, trying to attack a certain individual. This is an act of flam and I can assure you Mike won’t need to send a cheque in to remove this thread. Such ‘flam’ is not welcome on any forum.
If you wish to see bank statements and invoice dates of which my company billed and received the cash from Mr Baghdady I invite you to you ask.
People come and go from business it’s how things work, if we had a PR for everytime a sales manager was fired the internet would be overloaded with useless junk.

Stop digging into the useless name changes of companies too, people register, strike off, and rename companies daily its part of protecting brand names and moving forward with your company.

A Chapter 11, can PBoyles or anyone else tell me what the definition of a chapter 11 is?
Firstly you have a chapter 11 and a chapter 7.

A chapter 7 ceases operations of a business and requires the trustee to sell all of its assets and give them to the creditors anything left over is returned to the company.

A chapter 11, allows the debtor to remain in control of his assets and stops anyone else filing litigation against the business. While a settlement is reached.

This chapter 11 case which you all reference so strongly has been settled, money paid in cash and case is closed.

Why would anyone with common sense, allow your assets to be ceased if you can save them, and potentially settle outside of court. This is business remember you don’t just hand over your possessions if you can hold onto them .

So please stick with facts not stretched lies and petty sour seeds.

PBoyles i some how respect the time you have spent on these forums protecting people from loosing money, but dont fall blind to posts you go about protecting people from. Lies. Most of what is written here i have good faith to believe is personal not general public.

May I ask why you chose today to share this with us? I see the other three new members have had their posts deleted. Don't you think its a big coincidence that all of you should have chosen this afternoon to post?

I'd like you to go through the posts I made and tell me which of them are untruthful and not backed up by documents or other facts. Regarding the bankruptcy you'll see I said he had filed for bankruptcy, nowhere did I say he was bankrupt.

The real significance is not the bankruptcy filing itself but the fact that it discloses his debts as far back as 1999. Now you may well be right that businesses wish to protect their assets but can you tell me what excuse there is for a 'millionaire trader' to owe money on his student loans from 1999?

Likewise the filing shows zero income from trading, only training courses. Again this is only significant because he falsely claims to be world trading champion. If you can prove he is the world champion I'm ready to withdraw that statement.

Of course none of this address the issues from 2010, the false claims made in the Bloomberg TV ad and the fact that Ben, the other director, appeared in the ad pretending to be a hedge fund manager. In fact it was the fake TV ad that really kicked this all off.
It seems nobody has asked the obvious question. Have the turtles made any money? Are they actually trading live accounts and would they even know if they were still on demo accounts? OK that's three questions but anyhow can anyone comment?

blimey looks like the thread was alive today, always seem to miss the fun.

so apart from 1 poster claiming to be a live turtle, was there any other turtle claims i've missed? to my mind they should be rubbing the threads nose in it by now. if not, why not? :whistling
Yes there was another one with tutu in their user name but the post was deleted. It seems it may have been a multi nik. I'm expecting the cleaners to post tomorrow morning to say what a great guy Mike is.
Hi Matt

Welcome to the forum and well done for writing a load of information that makes no great sense. However, on a personal note, it seems as though you're in a small minority of people who Mike Baghdady pays on time. Well done. Please thank the other turtles for coming on here and frothily adulating about Mr Baghdady. You must feel like a North Korean with such illustrious eulogizing.

We've gratefully had posts by you & the Turtles but in your lengthy prose, you have failed to answer any of the main questions. These are 1) How are the Turtles doing (please provide independently verified data) 2)Were they each funded with £100,000 as was promised in the press?
These are the main questions we want answers to, not a lengthy copy & paste description of Chapter 11 rules.

I will attempt to answer as many of the questions/accusations you threw out at me....
1. I came to a workshop earlier this year to look into the idea of doing a course. I didn't find the location - a dead end side street in Tower Hamlets too thrilling.BTW - The Sky office is not their head office, but their systems network office i.e. Broadband NOT TV which is in Isleworth, nor is it the RBS HQ which is opposite Liverpool St Station . Not only was the office shabby, but Tower Hamlets is one of the most deprived boroughs in the UK (scroll down to Economic Profile and read the very first line) London Borough of Tower Hamlets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. I became a member of this site earlier this year because of the unsure feeling I got from attending a workshop. No other trading school I've looked into makes the claims Training Traders does without visibly backing them up. A lot of the other information I've gathered since can easily be found on a Google search. In fact, before you finish typing 'Mike Baghdady' into Google, the options to complete the search came up as 'scam' and 'bankruptcy'. This surprised me and, in looking at those pages further in my due diligence, I read about the Chapter 11 case with Robbins Futures and how he likes to close down threads on forums by threatening legal action.

3. Yes I have been to his office and, yes, I have been on Google. Sorry if you think that makes me contradict myself, but I've never denied going to the offices nor Googling Mike Baghdady. You would have learnt this had you read the threads properly instead of writing what Mike Baghdady told you to.

4. Obviously I'm not going to send you emails with your staff members. To do so would be so insane and a gross breach of the trust that has been put in my hands by people who are doing the morally correct thing. Mike Baghdady claimed that the Turtles would be successful traders. He made these claims very publicly and across much media to promote the Turtle Traders. If they were trading profitably, I'm sure we would have heard about it. Also, were they given the £100,000 each into their trading accounts that was so publicly promised by Mike Baghdady. This is the proof. I made no claims about my prowess in that respect so all I'm asking for is verified results about the Turtles. As well as how much money was given to each one. I don't think that me requesting information from Mike Baghdady is unrealistic given the claims he made when getting thousands of people to sign up for the programme.

5. I'm sorry that Mike Baghdady seems to think that he's suffering from tall poppy syndrome and being targeted as a result. He's not. I have no problem with successful people - if they really are successful in the first place. He's being targeted for his outlandish claims (World Trading Champ, using his staff members to appear in a Bloomberg TV ad, stating he has zero income from trading on one hand whilst claiming to be a millionaire trader on the other etc etc) and seemingly unable to back any of them up when asked. BTW 'weather' should be 'whether'.

6. 'Bailiff’s explanation: This is complete and utter nonsense, there has been no instance of bailiffs turning up at the TT offices. What so ever.'
Are you standing by this statement or are you willing to withdraw it? You have made this statement publicly and I want to know if you stand by it. Please check with Mike Baghdady about who is telling the truth as I'm kindly giving you a chance to withdraw it.

7. The media blacklist is a website that is available to media owners and media agencies. Training Traders was put on the list by City AM for non payment of invoices. The total in the region of £30,000 and Training Traders were removed the day after I posted the information on this thread. This means that Training Traders have started paying the debt, but City AM would have sent legal letters and given Mike Baghdady plenty of time to pay. I should have taken a screen grab but sadly never thought about it until Training Traders had started paying off its debts to City AM, at which point, Training Traders were taken off the blacklist.

I hope that helps you Matt. As I said, please let me see independently verified accounts of the Turtles as well as how much each account was funded.

I totally understand that you're writing things that Mike Bagdhady and Ben Tuckey are telling you so I have been very careful to be very level with you, as you're being loyal to your invoice-paying boss. Which is nice for you but I know of many others who are chasing Mike Baghdady for money.
No doubt the cleaners will have a full explanation of US bankruptcy laws for us in the morning as soon as they finish the hoovering.
Yes there was another one with tutu in their user name but the post was deleted. It seems it may have been a multi nik. I'm expecting the cleaners to post tomorrow morning to say what a great guy Mike is.

to my mind they indeed would show up as multiple entities if posting from the same location. how do you think the prop guys, sb outfits etc look like to the t2w system? lol though the mods are good sorting the wheat from the chaff, so i think they've been sussed for posting crap.
This has now been cleaned with all posts from multi-nics, responses to multi-nic posts and off topic posts removed. Please keep this thread on topic whichever side of the discussion you are aligned to.
I think to keep people on topic you will need to rename the topic from “Mike Baghdady – should I take a course or not” to “A personal attack on Mike Baghdady”.

I was surprised to say the least that Trade2Win allowed a post asking if anyone wanted Mike Baghdady's home address. Hopefully that posting was one of the ones cleaned out.

Most posts, with the exception of a couple of pboyles posts were full of unsubstantiated claims mainly from two people Digbyarbuthnot and pipsplease who joined about the same time and have only posted on this thread.

As I understand it, people were commenting on the lack of comment from people in Mike Baghdady's company, Digbyarbuthnot claimed staff had been made aware of the site and invited to post. Unfortunately Trade2Win have decided that if more than one employee or Turtle from Mikes company posts they should be removed. Shame on you Trade2Win, it took me just a few minutes to check one post from TuTu was legitimate and you removed it.

So on the one hand we have a couple of people allowed to make any unsubstantiated claim they like to smear and on the other hand we have supportive posts removed. Not really a fair debate.

As for the original topic “.. should I take the course or not” I would say yes. Lets face it a couple of people on here are determined to trash the company, but they have not been able to trash the course so it must be sound. All the talk of a con, fraud etc yet no one has claimed people were not given what they paid for or that they did not get good value for money.
Hello, my name is Cherita,

Like a few of the other posts you've received in this thread today, I too have decided to come forward to speak of my dealings with Mike Baghdady and Training Traders.

I am the Web Administrator for all of Training Traders / Spyglass web sites, I've worked with Mike on and off since Spyglass began; after a year long sabbatical to deal with an illness in the family, Mike asked me to help when he was ready to launch Training Traders a couple of years ago. I have worked with Training Traders non-stop for just over 2 years, since it's launch.

Like Matt, I am issued payment on a monthly bases, and have been paid without fail and without delay for ALL services rendered.

I have worked in the web industry and have run my own business for many years.

I do have a slightly different perspective than most, in that I am not in London… I work from the states, and have for as long as their sites have been live.

I am not in the office working side by side with Mike or the traders, but I imagine like anyone in any working environment, they are going to have good days and bad days.

When I decided to take on the role of Web Administrator, I did so with the understanding that I would not play games, my dealings would be up front and honest, and if at any time I was uncomfortable with how things were going, I would leave. No harm no foul.

So far, I'm still here.

I was hesitant to post here today, I thought for sure that I would be blasted simply because I was speaking in favor of Mike. However, I decided to read other unaffiliated posts on the forum… after which, I decided that I would post only my opinion about Mike. It is my truth, my words… I absolutely refuse to spout words of adulation, without reason for the sake of any person or company.

I've read over and over again, the question of "how the turtles are doing", all I know is what I hear from them. Today, they spoke highly of Mike and Training Traders. There were a couple of "real" turtles who posted today, however, they were accessing the Forum from their Training Traders location, and my guess is that their use of a shared IP may have been confused as MultiNic.

You also asked if they received the funding to their accounts; again, I am not there, but it is my understanding that "yes" their accounts were funded as promised. They are all trading with Mike's money, side by side with Mike. I would imagine that if he had withheld the promised funds, that would be a google search away. In this golden age of technology, that would not be something hidden.

It you do in fact have a contact "inside" Training Traders, than I hope that they conveyed to you that Mike wanted us to only tell the truth. He did not spoon feed us what to say. He was adamant about the fact that we ONLY tell what is truthful and from our own perspectives. No Lies.

Although I work closely with Matt to make sure the sites function and are updated regularly, Matt's opinions are uniquely his own, as are mine.

So, here are MY opinions, which if Mike is reading the Forums, will be the first time he's hearing them too…

1. Mike is the hardest working person I know. When getting the company up and running, we were often Skyping well into the wee hours of the morning UK time. This was his brain child, and he wanted it to be a success.
2. Mike has always been up front with me. I can only judge a person by my own interactions with them, any thing more or less is speculative and without merit.
3. Mike believes in what he's doing. Whether done perfectly or not, he's doing it because it's what he loves and what he truly believes in. He believes in this methodology so much that he was willing to put up his own money and reputation to either prove that it works or be proven that it doesn't.
4. Mike is not infallible, but I I respect him. Not in some robotic godlike fashion. I respect him, because, in spite of imperfections, Mike has always shown me respect.

He is, like the rest of us, human and therefore, fully capable of error. No successful person came out of the womb that way. They made mistakes, they lost money, they started over… why should people expect Mike to be any different?

I will end here, lest I be accused of touting "Mike-speak".

These are my words, imperfect though they may be, this is in fact, my truth…. freely spoken.

Peace be with you all.
hi sappy, so you're the web person, the one in charge of the updating of the training traders/new turtles web site, yes?

if yes, then i'm sure you're the one to ask as to why the new turtles web site stopped updating it's news feed on new turtle activities.

last entry was september 11

27 Excellent Profits Banked Already
New Turtle Traders Update: With live trading accounts the turtles have taken a variety of positions across the commodities and financial markets. Some have already banked some excellent profits whilst others are maintaining a level position. They say the first trades is the hardest as one has to live through the emotions of seeing profits and losses. Spirits are high and as always the mentoring being provided by the Training Traders team is top notch.

one would have thought that the news feed would have been kept up to date a little more often perhaps.
Hello, my name is Cherita,

Like a few of the other posts you've received in this thread today, I too have decided to come forward to speak of my dealings with Mike Baghdady and Training Traders.

I am the Web Administrator for all of Training Traders / Spyglass web sites, I've worked with Mike on and off since Spyglass began; after a year long sabbatical to deal with an illness in the family, Mike asked me to help when he was ready to launch Training Traders a couple of years ago. I have worked with Training Traders non-stop for just over 2 years, since it's launch.

I will end here, lest I be accused of touting "Mike-speak".

These are my words, imperfect though they may be, this is in fact, my truth…. freely spoken.

Peace be with you all.

and peace be with you Cherita..........

I respect your efforts to maintain your workflow.....dont worry he will keep paying you whilst he is generating income from customers as you are a Key Supplier..try to expand your client base though so that he is not a Key Customer


** Key Supplier..........if the customer doesnt pay the Supplier then the Supplier can easily withdraw/sabotage services and the customers business will suffer signifcantly

** Key Customer.....if the Customers business fails this will significantly effect the income of the Supplier concerned
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I think to keep people on topic you will need to rename the topic from “Mike Baghdady – should I take a course or not” to “A personal attack on Mike Baghdady”.

I was surprised to say the least that Trade2Win allowed a post asking if anyone wanted Mike Baghdady's home address. Hopefully that posting was one of the ones cleaned out.

Most posts, with the exception of a couple of pboyles posts were full of unsubstantiated claims mainly from two people Digbyarbuthnot and pipsplease who joined about the same time and have only posted on this thread.

As I understand it, people were commenting on the lack of comment from people in Mike Baghdady's company, Digbyarbuthnot claimed staff had been made aware of the site and invited to post. Unfortunately Trade2Win have decided that if more than one employee or Turtle from Mikes company posts they should be removed. Shame on you Trade2Win, it took me just a few minutes to check one post from TuTu was legitimate and you removed it.

So on the one hand we have a couple of people allowed to make any unsubstantiated claim they like to smear and on the other hand we have supportive posts removed. Not really a fair debate.

As for the original topic “.. should I take the course or not” I would say yes. Lets face it a couple of people on here are determined to trash the company, but they have not been able to trash the course so it must be sound. All the talk of a con, fraud etc yet no one has claimed people were not given what they paid for or that they did not get good value for money.

If the course is so good then why does he have to use false advertising and ridiculous claims to get people to join? Like you say I posted proof of this but of course nobody will address these issues. By the way there are plenty of people that have said they did not get what they paid for. They may not be on this thread but there are plenty of them.
Hi Cherita

Thank you for your post and honest approach. Whilst I'm very grateful for your character reference, is it true that you have NEVER met Mike Baghdady? I'd be very grateful if you confirm or deny this.



PS I agree with Lightning McQueen, perhaps as the person in charge of the web, we could get a few updates on progress?
I think to keep people on topic you will need to rename the topic from “Mike Baghdady – should I take a course or not” to “A personal attack on Mike Baghdady”.

I was surprised to say the least that Trade2Win allowed a post asking if anyone wanted Mike Baghdady's home address. Hopefully that posting was one of the ones cleaned out.

Most posts, with the exception of a couple of pboyles posts were full of unsubstantiated claims mainly from two people Digbyarbuthnot and pipsplease who joined about the same time and have only posted on this thread.

As I understand it, people were commenting on the lack of comment from people in Mike Baghdady's company, Digbyarbuthnot claimed staff had been made aware of the site and invited to post. Unfortunately Trade2Win have decided that if more than one employee or Turtle from Mikes company posts they should be removed. Shame on you Trade2Win, it took me just a few minutes to check one post from TuTu was legitimate and you removed it.

So on the one hand we have a couple of people allowed to make any unsubstantiated claim they like to smear and on the other hand we have supportive posts removed. Not really a fair debate.

As for the original topic “.. should I take the course or not” I would say yes. Lets face it a couple of people on here are determined to trash the company, but they have not been able to trash the course so it must be sound. All the talk of a con, fraud etc yet no one has claimed people were not given what they paid for or that they did not get good value for money.
Hi There

I don't think it's solely the people from the Training Traders office who have been deleted as they come from the same IP address. JMPower & Matt's post remained, so it's not like you're being silenced. I think the 'victim' mentality is interesting given that Mike Baghdady claims to have the best trading course. The reason why we haven't bothered to talk about the course is that the Turtles are supposed to be the litmus test to prove - once and for all- whether his methodology works. As there has been such a deafening silence, this means that we are obliged to be dubious about the people who sit with Mike Baghdady and trade alongside him. Do you see what I'm saying?

I'm perfectly aware that no system is faultless and that trading takes a while to master. But the fact that Mike Baghdady said that he could take people off the street and turn them into successful traders without providing ONE IOTA of proof that the Turtles are achieving any modicum of success beggars belief. This is my point - if Mike Baghdady can prove, via the Turtles trading record, that his system works, then that would vindicate taking his course. Whilst we are met with a wall of silence about the Turtles' trading record, we are left with only one sensible conclusion - that the Training Traders course & method doesn't work.

I hope you know understand the point made here and why I have been looking into other aspects of Mr Baghdady. When you make large-scale and public claims like this, you HAVE to back them up with fact. This is not boasting in the pub with your mates, this is real life - and a lot of people's lives (Turtles, staff, people who take the course etc) are directly affected by the claims made by Mike Baghdady.
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On the subject of deletions everyone should remember that Baghdady was the one who forced T2W to delete dozens of posts and even entire threads about him. For him now to complain about information being deleted is hypocritical in the extreme.
This has now been cleaned with all posts from multi-nics, responses to multi-nic posts and off topic posts removed. Please keep this thread on topic whichever side of the discussion you are aligned to.

why was my post yesterday deleted? and several others who were prasing Mike's good work.

I logged in from home and only have one user account?
But the fact that Mike Baghdady said that he could take people off the street and turn them into successful traders without providing ONE IOTA of proof that the Turtles are achieving any modicum of success beggars belief. This is my point - if Mike Baghdady can prove, via the Turtles trading record, that his system works, then that would vindicate taking his course..

I'm not sure its quite so simple.

I know without a shadow of a doubt that I could take 20 people off the street, teach them the method that I trade day in day out, and as a group, they'd be profitable. However, that isnt the same as turning 20 indviduals into profitable traders.

Whilst I doubt that Mr Baghdaddy has a cat in hell's chance of pulling off this stunt, I would point out that the majority of t2w's members have quite unrealistic expectations regarding returns etc. If the accounts where funded around September, they're only 4 months in, so it a little early to be jumping to conclusions.

Out of interest, last friday I watched the most appalling webinar that Mr Baghdaddy recorded for one of t2w's competitors in which Mr Baghdaddy "trades the New York session". Amusingly the webinar consisted of Mr Baghdaddy retrospectively pointing out trades alledgedly taken in the past, and generally illustrating the fact that he really doesnt have much of a clue.

One interesting point was that Mr Baghdaddy was claiming to make more in one typical trade, than I make in a whole year. At one point, Mr Baghdaddy shows a trade and claimed a percentage return from that single trade that was actually greater than my total returns over the last 3 years.

Of course, his turtles will claim I'm a crap trader, and I am, but thankfully not quite that clueless that I have to resort to Mike Baghdaddy's turtle program 😆