I am intrigued by this whole posting.
Firstly I am brand new to this site so for give any minor protocol errors. I am looking to trade to fund my early retirement and found this site while researching courses and trading information.
Initially I thought the first post (by Digbyarbuthnot) was from a disgruntled employee due to the style and wording (I quoted on one of the many such comments). According to the initial posting Digbyarbuthnot just attended a workshop and did not invest any money, so I could not understand the indignation caused by just a messy office or the level of detailed company information.
There is no such thing as bad publicity and with Digbyarbuthnot on at least one occasion replying to their own comment to keep the thread going, I am a little bit suspicious. Could this be a clever publicity ploy on the lines of the Marmite love it or hate it, try it idea? 🙂
Those who are successful make noise about themselves, those who are not make noise about others.