Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

Will you also be removing all remaining false information and claims by Mike Baghdady? I appreciate this may be a lot of work for you so I'll give you a clue where to start.

Our Training Traders Client List
I maintain the sites, as I would any other [client] site I maintain, I do not own them.

The information on the site is given to me by the company. If something on the site is false, please send an e-mail to the office and I will gladly follow through.

Thank you.
Just so we can be clear. You kindly gave a very long character reference for Mike Baghdady - and you have never met him!
What I gave was a lengthy post with 4 specific character references, all of which do not require me to be in his presence.

I am only posting from my perspective, however limited it is. My situation is not uncommon these days, Skype helps to bridge that gap.
What I gave was a lengthy post with 4 specific character references, all of which do not require me to be in his presence.

I am only posting from my perspective, however limited it is. My situation is not uncommon these days, Skype helps to bridge that gap.

Hi There Cherita (such a beautiful name)

I think I speak for people here to say we greatly appreciate your honesty and open approach. I'm sure that you can appreciate the hilarity of the situation that you wrote a long character reference for Mike Baghdady having never met him? On a forum where many aspects of his teaching integrity, marketing claims, business dealings etc have all been called into question? I'm sure everything you have written is done with an open and pure heart but I've rarely laughed so hard for so long.

I keep getting messages on Skype from scantily-clad ladies from Eastern Europe & Thailand who want to be my friend. I don't trust them. And nor does my wife!
What I gave was a lengthy post with 4 specific character references, all of which do not require me to be in his presence.

I am only posting from my perspective, however limited it is. My situation is not uncommon these days, Skype helps to bridge that gap.

Perhaps you can give us your opinion of his honesty based on the evidence already posted on this thread. More specifically do you approve of people making false claims about being hedge fund managers when they are in fact company employees?
Perhaps you can give us your opinion of his honesty based on the evidence already posted on this thread. More specifically do you approve of people making false claims about being hedge fund managers when they are in fact company employees?
More specifically do you approve of people making false claims about being hedge fund managers when they are in fact company employees?

In case he's stuck, I'll give him a clue, the answer is either YES, or NO
I keep getting messages on Skype from scantily-clad ladies from Eastern Europe & Thailand who want to be my friend. I don't trust them. And nor does my wife!

If a cute, slim, pretty, 41kg Thai girl called Sirikwan Skypes you - please let me know...

Can't trust 'em at all...
Perhaps you can give us your opinion of his honesty based on the evidence already posted on this thread. More specifically do you approve of people making false claims about being hedge fund managers when they are in fact company employees?

Let's call this 30 quid a fund. It's money I got selling a hedge I grew in my garden.

Here is the 30 quid, invest it in fish and chips for the people in the office.

There you have a hedge fund manager. It's quite legit.
Hi There Cherita (such a beautiful name)

I think I speak for people here to say we greatly appreciate your honesty and open approach. I'm sure that you can appreciate the hilarity of the situation that you wrote a long character reference for Mike Baghdady having never met him? On a forum where many aspects of his teaching integrity, marketing claims, business dealings etc have all been called into question? I'm sure everything you have written is done with an open and pure heart but I've rarely laughed so hard for so long.

I keep getting messages on Skype from scantily-clad ladies from Eastern Europe & Thailand who want to be my friend. I don't trust them. And nor does my wife!
I appreciate your honesty, and perhaps I am not the ideal spokesperson for Training Traders. I did qualify my post...
I do have a slightly different perspective than most, in that I am not in London… I work from the states, and have for as long as their sites have been live.

I am not in the office working side by side with Mike or the traders, but I imagine like anyone in any working environment, they are going to have good days and bad days.
I also expressed my hesitation to post, concerned that I would be blasted simply for posting in favor of Mike.

Though your responses to me have been fairly respectful, it does seem to me to be ramping up a bit. That is fine, however, I will not keep justifying what I clearly stated was my truth from my perspective.

Am I the only person who's ever telecommuted? In the web industry is a fairly standard practice.

The questions you asked are not questions I could answer about the last employer I had and and I was with them for 10 years and I worked in the office.

Maybe my perspective is too detached from what you are seeking, and okay, I respect that. What ever the case, I do stand by my own words, comforted by the knowledge that I was being honest.

Perhaps you'll find your answers elsewhere.

Thank you for the comment about my name, my mom will smile about that. 🙂
Let's call this 30 quid a fund. It's money I got selling a hedge I grew in my garden.

Here is the 30 quid, invest it in fish and chips for the people in the office.

There you have a hedge fund manager. It's quite legit.

In that case I'm wondering what sort of 'institutional trader' his brother Joe is.
It amazes me that a thread like this can go on for so many pages... It's obviously a scam - where's the need for a discussion?
In case he's stuck, I'll give him a clue, the answer is either YES, or NO

Sorry, I'm a "she", atleast my husband and daughter think so. 🙂

There is not yes or no when it comes to integrity. I always choose honesty. Short of seeing Ben's CV and calling his references, I have only speculation. If what's out there is truth or not, I hope it is resolved soon. That is all I can offer on this subject. Anything else would be speculative.
I think I will step back now, as I'm not sure I have anything more I can offer to this dialogue. I will continue to read for a bit, but if I am quiet it's simply because I'm not sure what else I can add.

I wish you all success in your trades.

Hi Everyone,

I've been trading for the last few years and invested a lot of time in reading books and trying out various methods. Overall, I'm still pretty flat, which is not too bad, but neither is it great! I've decided to bite the bullet and take a course. I know that you guys are rather vitriolic about most trainers, but trawling through all the online offerings, I'm more confused than ever. I discounted a load of people but did attend a workshop with Mike Baghdady at Training Traders. What a bizarre set up! His office is a shabby unkempt flea-pit down a side alley. The office was a shambles inside - very dirty, very soul-less and definitely not somewhere I felt comfortable spending my money. My student flat was nicer than Mike Baghdady's office so the prospect of paying him £5,000 is a joke! So, after all the time procrastinating about spending the money to do a course, I was wondering if anyone can help me out with recommendations and save me wasting my time with people like Mike Baghdady. I tried to do a search for him on this website but I found lots of references to the fact that he likes litigation. Also, on the New Turtle Traders Facebook page, someone requested an update at the beginning of the year but the silence from Training Traders was rather telling. Does this mean that his system doesn't work and Mr Baghdady is running scared of telling people? I'm sure we would be bombarded with daily updates if the turtles were making money using his system. Anyway, I 'd appreciate your thoughts and any guidance on Mike Baghdady please

First let me introduce myself, I am Malcolm Steel a director of Training Traders.

Official Response on behalf of Training Traders

Unfortunately there have been a number of misleading posts on this site containing misrepresentations of truths and unsubstantiated claims. We respect the right of people to discuss and criticize in an open and objective manor, however in this case there have been a number of misrepresentations and false allegations.

As a company we provide training courses for people new to trading and experienced traders in the Forex, Stock and Futures markets. In addition to the courses we also provide mentoring, live trading rooms, a graduates club and a weekly planning session to help support our clients. We also allow clients to re-take the course for free at a later date. We are not an anonymous web based training company, we perform our training in our offices and invite graduates back to our offices for continued support in our graduates club.
We have the confidence in our training to take a group of people and fund their trading based on the methodology we teach. This does attract criticism as no other training company has the confidence or backing to be able to do this.

We have nothing to hide and are happy to arrange a special workshop to invite Forum members to visit us and see for themselves who we are and what we are about and ask questions.

In response to particular comments:

Mr Baghdady’s chapter 11
Prior to Trading Traders existence Mr Baghdady entered into court action in the USA against a broker following mistakes resulting in wrongful liquidation in his account. After 12 years of litigation and despite the broker admitting to the mistakes in court, the court found for the broker as there was no malice. In mid 2010 Mr Baghdady was ordered to pay the brokers legal fees. Mr Baghdady then filed for the Chapter 11 in order to protect his assets during the financial settlement with the broker (standard practice in the US). Less than 90 days later once the settlement was agreed Mr Baghdady withdrew the Chapter 11. This case is closed (see attached word doc).

Misleading publicity, late payment of bills and staff turnover
It would not be right for us to comment on this in detail, mistakes have been made and we have taken action to try to ensure that the right people are in the right roles to improve this situation.

They are still here, a few of them are gainfully making money, most of the rest are even and couple are in negative territory. This is the normal life of a trader, keep in mind they started trading in the tough market conditions of the USA crash and the Euro problems. It is nice to know that people are following the Turtles progress, we will try to improve the postings to help you follow their progress.

Office environment
We believe than an office based training environment allows us to provide a high level of help and support to our clients. However we do not believe in inflating our prices just so we can lavish in luxury surroundings, so we provide facilities equal or better than most standard business offices. As stated above we are happy for people to come and visit to judge for themselves.


It amazes me that a thread like this can go on for so many pages... It's obviously a scam - where's the need for a discussion?

I have no idea, its plain for everyone to see, except the people that are actually on the inside looking out. For them its too painful a reality to contemplate therefore they search desperately for proof that its legit.

The offices are 'surprisingly well appointed' so it must be legit, they get free electric and heating so it must be legit, the bailiffs haven't visited three times so it must be legit...and so it goes on.

This is just like the boiler room scams, the people that lost the most money are always the last ones to accept reality. Its too difficult for them to accept that they lost so much money so easily even when faced with the evidence that proves it.
However we do not believe in inflating our prices just so we can lavish in luxury surroundings, so we provide facilities equal or better than most standard business offices.

So what are you charging per trade? I heard about 10 times as much as other prop shops?