Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

If you'd put in as much effort to warn them as I did you'd probably be a bit more riled. I wouldn't be surprised if they blamed me for it all failing.

Whilst I'm sure you're riled for them not listening to you in the first place, imagine how annoyed and exceedingly riled they are for falling for a scammer like that? They made their decisions and now it's cost them - their pain is considerably larger than yours. If I got riled every time my wife ignored my sage wisdom my blood pressure would be immeasurable!
Of course, but it's still annoying, especially when I think of the abuse I got for trying. I suppose they will repent at leisure.
The Hare may have been technically wrong about the TT directors but to be honest these guys have got off very lightly when it comes to criticism about their own actions. It was only a week or two ago that they were bombarding us with stories about the integrity and generosity of the Great Brother Leader.

For heavens sake, I did not imply he was a director of TT, he's a director of New Turtle Traders LLC. The remarks that I made where aimed fairly at his role in New Turtle Traders LLC

As a turtle, he knew the financial positon of New Turtle Traders LLC, he knew if the company was adequately capitalised, and he knew his own performance, and the performance of the group.

He saw Mr Baghdaddy publically claim that each of the turtles had been funded with a full £100,000, that claim was made time and time again. He also knew that Mr Baghdaddy made claims regarding the magnitude of returnss that his trainees where making.

What happens to TT Ltd is irrelevant. If the turtles where fully funded, and making the magnitude of returns Mr Baghdaddy claimed, then the demise of TT or any other business sharing the same address would have been irrelevant, or at worst a minor inconvinience.

If any of the claims made by Mr Baghdaddy where untrue, JMC and the other turtles had a moral, and legal reponsibility to put that right. For all we know, the next step in this fiasco might have been soliciting for funds for the turtles to trade, based on completely fraudulent claims.

As you pointed out, once bailiffs are involved it would be practically impossible to share business premesis and not be aware.

The key point is JPM and Co where happy to mislead others at t2w practically up until the last minute. Their motivations for doing so need to be questioned.
True, they did mislead others up to the last moment. Not that any of us believed them but the intent was there certainly and others less familiar with the whole story may have believed them. Time will tell I suppose, maybe someone will turn up saying they bought a course based on what a turtle told them. Then it would get embarrassing.
Time will tell I suppose, maybe someone will turn up saying they bought a course based on what a turtle told them. Then it would get embarrassing.

If thats the case, and if TT are in administration or liquidation, then they need to make that very clear to the liquidators, and they need to name names.

It could be argued that those posts where a deliberate attempt to mislead creditors too.
If thats the case, and if TT are in administration or liquidation, then they need to make that very clear to the liquidators, and they need to name names.

It could be argued that those posts where a deliberate attempt to mislead creditors too.

The First Gazette has been issued so it seems it's on it's last legs.
So after 94 pages (and counting, I am sure), what I wanna know is...Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?
Thanks folks, I'm on to it quicker than a warthog to a mudbath - where do I sign?

:-0 you've not signed up yet? i fear you may be too late! the rest of us got in at the nick of time i reckon.

i patiently await my mail confirming mentoring in their apprenticeship program :smart:
i can only presume mr bahgdady rueing the day he let mary loose on interwebs in the name of training traders.

lolol 😛

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i can only presume mr bahgdady rueing the day he let mary loose on interwebs in the name of trading traders.

lolol 😛

That was one big mistake for sure, the TV ad was another, why is it so easy to catch them out? Is every trading vendor also an idiot that can't even tell a good lie?
That was one big mistake for sure, the TV ad was another, why is it so easy to catch them out? Is every trading vendor also an idiot that can't even tell a good lie?

you know i've been thinking that there's a huge prospect and career opportunity here. truth and content continuity advisors, they'd make a mint! though a truth advisor might be stretching it a bit far :whistling
you know i've been thinking that there's a huge prospect and career opportunity here. truth and content continuity advisors, they'd make a mint! though a truth advisor might be stretching it a bit far :whistling

The problem is that they normally need to lie to sell the stuff, though admittedly there's lies that would be impossible to disprove, unlike what we have seen here. I understand the likes of Baghdady and co spend a fortune on reputation management to counter these problems. I'm sure it would be cheaper to pay someone to cut out the idiotic lies and exaggerations that will eventually come back to hunt them (and maybe replace them with lies that wont).

Also engaging people on forums is asking for trouble, threatening people on forums is suicidal.
I cant help but drop my 2 cents here...

All these nicknames reminds me of Nigerian scammers. any wise dude will realize nickname such as "Malcolm Steel" is fabricated by low iq brain. I couldnt stop laughing about "tutu". Wtf couldnt ghey come up with a better one.

Baghdady is a con man; and stinks from telling so much lies. I wonder where he is hiding now; perhaps in his alledged sugar plantation in Egypt; or still in London hiding in a ghetto, eating water melon; and ready this thread and laughing: i got you mother ****ers!
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