Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

Oh, and whilst we are at it - why Training Traders for at least the last six months has made false claims of running course that have a "waiting list" on the company events calender??

Is this false representation - ie, fraud????
Oh, and whilst we are at it - why Training Traders for at least the last six months has made false claims of running course that have a "waiting list" on the company events calender??

Is this false representation - ie, fraud????

No worse than some of the lies that were peddled here by his apologists back in 2010 and 2011. Nothing happened then so I imagine nothing will happen now.
For the record.

The guy assaulted by Mr. Baghdady was also owed money by Mr Baghdady and Mr. Baghdady refused to pay him.

The assault was witnessed and was unprovoked.

Mr. Baghdady paid all the money owing pretty swiftish after the arrival of the police. I wonder why??????

Two conflicting versions of events - which is correct? Given how terrible this looks, I'm surprised there hasn't been an official response. A simple denial of an unprovoked assault, and an assurance that all the turtles are still trading and have been given the funds that were loudly boasted about in a number of media outlets, at the very least.

This is turning into a soap opera. Lord only knows what prospective victims - sorry, I meant trainees and future "graduates" - must make of the whole bizarre saga.

And still no word from any of the "turtles". Very odd.
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This is a photo of an ambulance in Camperdown Street in London just before the police arrived.
Camperdown Street is where Training Traders are based.

The ambulance was called following the assualt of a member of Training Traders staff.
The staff member was assaulted by Mike Baghdady. The assault was unprovoked.
This was witnessed by members of staff and some of the turtles.

There will be no denial from Training Traders or their "official spokeman" because to so do, would be to tell an untruth.

That must have been a hell of a beating the guy took if the story is true - wasn't Mike World Fighting Champion 2009? 😆

Mind you, he could probably help him afterwards - wasn't Mike World First Aid Champion 2009? 😆😆
For the lovers of lulz, this sorry saga is developing into a genuine classic.

Maybe it's not quite into WASP / Mr Spreadbetting / Trading Elite Club / Howard Cohodas territory yet. But it's getting there, one day at a time.

Mike Baghdady - World Trading Champion 2009, Trading Forum Lulz Champion 2012.
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No I can't allow you to say such a thing. That title clearly belongs to two sturdy northerners from Grimethorp.

If you've ever been for a night out in Grimethorp, you'll understand the need for first aid skills !
Welcome to the forum, Mr. Baghdady.

You really have let a few things slip in here that you should not have.
With a name like "Kruger" I would have thought that your German would have been as good as your claimed expertise in Price Behaviour Trading!!!!

If you wish to trade in details you will lose - big time! Enough people witnessed the assault and a number of them were spoken to by the Police. Charges could still be brought. Sobering, is it not?

In terms of "condsidering other people" - this from a man who has unpaid creditors all over the place, employed people under false pretences, has fired staff without any valid reason, has had staff walk out en mass, has had directors desert him, has not fully funded the turtles and on and on and on.

You have chosen the wrong ground on which to attempt a delflection of the subject, believe me there is more to come.

Fot the record. The World of Trading Expo was not a World Trading Championship. There never was a World Trading Championship in Germany. The only person who made this claim was Mike Baghdady. Of course, when challenged by others and the Advertising Standards Authority in the UK Mr Baghdady changed the claim. Ring a bell????????

The organisers of the show did not invite Mr. Baghdady back to trade. They were less than pleased with the outragous claims made.

As you seem to know a lot about matters could you then please enlighten us on the justification for the claim to be "The Worlds leading expert on Price Behaviour Trading"? Probably not.

Or how about going to Australia and coming back with no business and owing people money and not paying them? Probably not.

Or how about being taken to court over unpaid invoices to the previous accountants. Probably not.

Not a very good attempt, but entertaining just the same. I am sure we look forward to your response.

Jst to be clear I am not Mike and and kruger comes from the name of a family pet
who happens to be 9 years old hence kruger9
Jst to be clear I am not Mike and and kruger comes from the name of a family pet
who happens to be 9 years old hence kruger9

I didn't think you were Mike, however can you answer my question about the turtles, are they gone?
Jst to be clear I am not Mike and and kruger comes from the name of a family pet
who happens to be 9 years old hence kruger9

Ah... I assumed that it was in reference to the Hollywood movie franchise 'cos you're obviously having a nightmare, Micky-boy.

I didn't think you were Mike, however can you answer my question about the turtles, are they gone?

They just have to be there. Its a once in a lifetime opportunity to work in such an environment.

They'd do well however to employ the principles of the ledgendary, index options credit spread trader Mr Howard Cohodas. I'm quite confident that Howard would advise that if you really must expose yourself to the risks of physical assault, then at least consider carrying a concealed weapon for protection.

I'm sure Howard could advise on a suitable make, model and calibre.

I'm not advocating shooting anyone, that would be irresponsible, but I'm sure a concealed weapon would provide peace of mind (I certainly wish I'd followed Howard's advice on my last visit to grimethorp)

No you shouldn't take a course with any training provider, they are extremely unlikely to make you successful.

Last night went to see Sandy's presentation - I was seriously tempted to go for one day training session. What do you think about his courses/training?

PS There were lot of attendees, I would say quite a few T2W members.
Last night went to see Sandy's presentation - I was seriously tempted to go for one day training session. What do you think about his courses/training?

PS There were lot of attendees, I would say quite a few T2W members.

Just save your money, none of these guys are the answer, there are no short cuts.
I would say quite a few T2W members.

I doubt its as good as the secret nazi box, but if t2w where promoting this event then I'd definately go for it without a moments hesitation ! I mean, what could possibly go wrong ?

I doubt its as good as the secret nazi box, but if t2w where promoting this event then I'd definately go for it without a moments hesitation ! I mean, what could possibly go wrong ?


You'd get banned from the event?

Just save your money, none of these guys are the answer, there are no short cuts.

I doubt its as good as the secret nazi box, but if t2w where promoting this event then I'd definately go for it without a moments hesitation ! I mean, what could possibly go wrong ?


Different opinions on Sandy's training.

Not to worry - I'll continue with my pursuit of the holy grail.