Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

There is someone on this thread right now who claims to be a turtle. Yet not even a simple statement such as "We were provided with £X to trade with. We have not been ordered to liquidate all positions. I did not see any bailiffs on the dates when they were alleged to have visited recently etc".

Why not?

well done for pulling it back there leopard 😀
There is someone on this thread right now who claims to be a turtle. Yet not even a simple statement such as "We were provided with £X to trade with. We have not been ordered to liquidate all positions. I did not see any bailiffs on the dates when they were alleged to have visited recently etc".

Why not?

Maybe the bailiffs took the keyboards as collateral?

Here is some "evidence" associated with the main topic of this thread.

A cuddly toy for the person that correctly ties this evidence to an event that has recently occurred.
Here is some "evidence" associated with the main topic of this thread.

A cuddly toy for the person that correctly ties this evidence to an event that has recently occurred.

Try again.


  • Ambulance.jpg
    358 KB · Views: 183
Does anyone know how the 10 people that Mike Baghdady took on are getting on with their trading?

We don't know for sure but we've heard that two have left and that the others were told to stop last week. We also heard that none of them got the promised 100k. Apart from that it seems we will have to wait until one of them speaks up and tells us or the facts come out in court or elsewhere.
Does anyone know how the 10 people that Mike Baghdady took on are getting on with their trading?

Several left before the others were told to close all their positions last week.
There are no turtles in Training Traders offices and they are not trading.

Says it all really.
Try again.

This is a photo of an ambulance in Camperdown Street in London just before the police arrived.
Camperdown Street is where Training Traders are based.

The ambulance was called following the assualt of a member of Training Traders staff.
The staff member was assaulted by Mike Baghdady. The assault was unprovoked.
This was witnessed by members of staff and some of the turtles.

There will be no denial from Training Traders or their "official spokeman" because to so do, would be to tell an untruth.
Several left before the others were told to close all their positions last week.
There are no turtles in Training Traders offices and they are not trading.

Says it all really.

They've all left the program or they've moved to a different office? It's not 100% clear. So is that it, has it finally fallen apart?
This is a photo of an ambulance in Camperdown Street in London just before the police arrived.
Camperdown Street is where Training Traders are based.

The ambulance was called following the assualt of a member of Training Traders staff.
The staff member was assaulted by Mike Baghdady. The assault was unprovoked.
This was witnessed by members of staff and some of the turtles.

There will be no denial from Training Traders or their "official spokeman" because to so do, would be to tell an untruth.
I was at the trading trainings office when the incident happened. It was not unprovoked and the first slap/punch came from the other party involved who then claimed to be attacked it was more like handbags at 20 paces. he then calmly called an ambulance claiming to been beaten up and was also having an heart attack! there was not a mark on him.
the police arrived with the said victim who had some how got over his heart attack in about 3 minutes flat. the incident was cleared up and the police left after realising it was apile of rubbish. The guy then returned demanding money and offered baghdaddy outside which i thought was not a bad effort seeing as he was claiming to have been beaten up and had a heart attack, I wish my powers of recovery were that good.

World of Trading 2011 // 21.10 - 22.10.11 // Messe Frankfurt This is all I could find on the trading championships which apparantly have been going on since 2007 and is now sponsored by Alpari. The championship does exist, not sure about world championship to be honest as my German is about as good as some of the comments on here shizzer!
Its amazing how you got a photo of the ambulance either you were lucky to be in the area or just another cant help yourself sticking the knife in again and again and again. Ive seen alot of what has gone on in the last few weeks and the guys that walked out or who were sacked your are a total disgrace. You havent only tried to ruin Mike you havent once considered the other people that work there or were trading from there. Also rememeber when you werent doing your job properly and went with the begging bowl who paid you?????????
before you ask im neither a turtle or employee just someone thats was quiet happy to do the course and trade.
Honestly please dont come back to me with comments about this that and the other as I couldnt give 2 .... what you think. I was there saw the lot and know what happened
By the way any more photos of a certain individual in a mankinni asking where his dog is? you might want to let your wife know that your sending them to blokes or does she already know you bat for both teams.
auf weidersen

World of Trading 2011 // 21.10 - 22.10.11 // Messe Frankfurt
I was at the trading trainings office when the incident happened. It was not unprovoked and the first slap/punch came from the other party involved who then claimed to be attacked it was more like handbags at 20 paces. he then calmly called an ambulance claiming to been beaten up and was also having an heart attack! there was not a mark on him.
the police arrived with the said victim who had some how got over his heart attack in about 3 minutes flat. the incident was cleared up and the police left after realising it was apile of rubbish. The guy then returned demanding money and offered baghdaddy outside which i thought was not a bad effort seeing as he was claiming to have been beaten up and had a heart attack, I wish my powers of recovery were that good.

If Mr B can guarentee that sort of entertainment, I might even consider paying for a course !

I was at the trading trainings office when the incident happened. It was not unprovoked and the first slap/punch came from the other party involved who then claimed to be attacked it was more like handbags at 20 paces. he then calmly called an ambulance claiming to been beaten up and was also having an heart attack! there was not a mark on him.
the police arrived with the said victim who had some how got over his heart attack in about 3 minutes flat. the incident was cleared up and the police left after realising it was apile of rubbish. The guy then returned demanding money and offered baghdaddy outside which i thought was not a bad effort seeing as he was claiming to have been beaten up and had a heart attack, I wish my powers of recovery were that good.

World of Trading 2011 // 21.10 - 22.10.11 // Messe Frankfurt This is all I could find on the trading championships which apparantly have been going on since 2007 and is now sponsored by Alpari. The championship does exist, not sure about world championship to be honest as my German is about as good as some of the comments on here shizzer!
Its amazing how you got a photo of the ambulance either you were lucky to be in the area or just another cant help yourself sticking the knife in again and again and again. Ive seen alot of what has gone on in the last few weeks and the guys that walked out or who were sacked your are a total disgrace. You havent only tried to ruin Mike you havent once considered the other people that work there or were trading from there. Also rememeber when you werent doing your job properly and went with the begging bowl who paid you?????????
before you ask im neither a turtle or employee just someone thats was quiet happy to do the course and trade.
Honestly please dont come back to me with comments about this that and the other as I couldnt give 2 .... what you think. I was there saw the lot and know what happened
By the way any more photos of a certain individual in a mankinni asking where his dog is? you might want to let your wife know that your sending them to blokes or does she already know you bat for both teams.
auf weidersen

World of Trading 2011 // 21.10 - 22.10.11 // Messe Frankfurt

And Team Baghdady comes staggering off the canvas with some irrelevant punches. Like a punch drunk fighter unable to do anything than try a few windmills in the vain hope that something lands....😴
I was at the trading trainings office when the incident happened. It was not unprovoked and the first slap/punch came from the other party involved who then claimed to be attacked it was more like handbags at 20 paces. he then calmly called an ambulance claiming to been beaten up and was also having an heart attack! there was not a mark on him.
the police arrived with the said victim who had some how got over his heart attack in about 3 minutes flat. the incident was cleared up and the police left after realising it was apile of rubbish. The guy then returned demanding money and offered baghdaddy outside which i thought was not a bad effort seeing as he was claiming to have been beaten up and had a heart attack, I wish my powers of recovery were that good.

World of Trading 2011 // 21.10 - 22.10.11 // Messe Frankfurt This is all I could find on the trading championships which apparantly have been going on since 2007 and is now sponsored by Alpari. The championship does exist, not sure about world championship to be honest as my German is about as good as some of the comments on here shizzer!
Its amazing how you got a photo of the ambulance either you were lucky to be in the area or just another cant help yourself sticking the knife in again and again and again. Ive seen alot of what has gone on in the last few weeks and the guys that walked out or who were sacked your are a total disgrace. You havent only tried to ruin Mike you havent once considered the other people that work there or were trading from there. Also rememeber when you werent doing your job properly and went with the begging bowl who paid you?????????
before you ask im neither a turtle or employee just someone thats was quiet happy to do the course and trade.
Honestly please dont come back to me with comments about this that and the other as I couldnt give 2 .... what you think. I was there saw the lot and know what happened
By the way any more photos of a certain individual in a mankinni asking where his dog is? you might want to let your wife know that your sending them to blokes or does she already know you bat for both teams.
auf weidersen

World of Trading 2011 // 21.10 - 22.10.11 // Messe Frankfurt

Welcome to the forum, Mr. Baghdady.

You really have let a few things slip in here that you should not have.
With a name like "Kruger" I would have thought that your German would have been as good as your claimed expertise in Price Behaviour Trading!!!!

If you wish to trade in details you will lose - big time! Enough people witnessed the assault and a number of them were spoken to by the Police. Charges could still be brought. Sobering, is it not?

In terms of "condsidering other people" - this from a man who has unpaid creditors all over the place, employed people under false pretences, has fired staff without any valid reason, has had staff walk out en mass, has had directors desert him, has not fully funded the turtles and on and on and on.

You have chosen the wrong ground on which to attempt a delflection of the subject, believe me there is more to come.

Fot the record. The World of Trading Expo was not a World Trading Championship. There never was a World Trading Championship in Germany. The only person who made this claim was Mike Baghdady. Of course, when challenged by others and the Advertising Standards Authority in the UK Mr Baghdady changed the claim. Ring a bell????????

The organisers of the show did not invite Mr. Baghdady back to trade. They were less than pleased with the outragous claims made.

As you seem to know a lot about matters could you then please enlighten us on the justification for the claim to be "The Worlds leading expert on Price Behaviour Trading"? Probably not.

Or how about going to Australia and coming back with no business and owing people money and not paying them? Probably not.

Or how about being taken to court over unpaid invoices to the previous accountants. Probably not.

Not a very good attempt, but entertaining just the same. I am sure we look forward to your response.
For the record.

The guy assaulted by Mr. Baghdady was also owed money by Mr Baghdady and Mr. Baghdady refused to pay him.

The assault was witnessed and was unprovoked.

Mr. Baghdady paid all the money owing pretty swiftish after the arrival of the police. I wonder why??????