Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

You can never really know who is posting, but on numerous occasions posters who where alledgedly members of staff have written in the first person, for example, "I have never filed for bankruptcy" "I owe no debts to anyone" etc. I think its a safe assumption to make MB wrote at least parts of those posts./QUOTE]

I've not seen that but you might have a point if thats the case.

There you go lasertrader. 18th May 2011, babypips.com

"To Whom it many concern
Posts within this link refer to me as being bankrupt. This is factually wrong.

I was involved in litigation, similar to many other human beings, with Robins Futures and I lost the case. I will not discuss its merits
Upon advise of my legal counsel and in order to protect my assets I filed for a Chapter 11 Protection Order so that I could protect my assets and at the same time be able to negotiate a fair and reasonable settlement. The document posted is an affidavit or a sworn testimony and NOT a judgement.

I have negotiated successfully, and I chose to prepay the whole settlement in full and in cash.

I voluntarily withdrew and the case was dismissed. The statement and the case no longer exist.

I am not bankrupt, nor have I filed for Bankruptcy. Nor am I involved in any litigation with anyone around the globe. Nor do I owe anyone a dime.

Unfortunately competitors out there and others who have nothing to offer but Fluff and are in Fear of what we deliver - resort to these underhanded techniques."


Read more: Mike Baghdady - Training Traders

In my view, it is equally unfair to say someone filed for bankruptcy in the past and there were inaccuracies in an advert therefore the training etc is a scam, con etc. Remember there is not a list of customers on here complaining about the product or not getting the product. The people who started the thread and perpetuating it have been show to have a malicious intent as ex company people.

Wrongdoing against someone you accuse of wrongdoing does not make it right.

Funny maybe, accurate - not!
When exactly did you attend the free training?
Were the turtles there and did you get to ask them anything?

Long time before turtles ,January or February 2011 .

Could you remember your enthusiasm?

I was the only guy in the group of 6-7 not loosing money on forex .You should remember me because I told you I'm trading succesfully sport on betting exchanges (Betfair).

And some space in your office this time was called "trading floor" .But I haven't seen the traders .Only we were trading US open ,on demo 🙂))))))))))))
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Oh, this would be the same lasertrader who has made a total of 23 posts - all of which have been about Mahmoud Baghdady!!!!!

"and do not see the value in being dragged into a discussion to perpetuate this thread"

23 posts - all about Baghdady and you don't see the value in perpetuating this thread!!!

Its all falling apart - is it not.

I would like to point out that I have not backed or supported Baghdady in my posts and I am certainly not getting paid by him to post.

You guys really need to learn to read between the lines if you are going to be successful in life. Spite, anger, revenge and the ‘forum ego syndrome’ are doing you no favours. Just because I did not join in the attack does not mean I am against you.

Let me put things a more obvious way. There were some good valid points raised at times on this thread, but you guys blew it.

The guys who started the thread were not upfront and try to mislead and were later exposed as ex-employees so they lack credibility, which does not makes this thread a good place to make a valid point.

The valid points which were made were diluted so much by over posting (repeatedly reposting and quoting) and attempts to validated other unfounded claims by association. This resulted in them loosing all impact. Illustration: The first time I tell you “George stole a car” it has impact, the second time I tell you the impact is halved, when I tell you a third time it starts to look like I have an issue and I am in the wrong.

Then we have the stupid stunts. Pasting posters on buildings, harassing webinars and the childish name calling. You may as well have bought a shredder and fed your credibility through it. This is probably the biggest mistake, had the site moderated better you could have been saved some of the self harm.

Basically you turned this thread into a pantomime farce and destroyed any good points you had. Baghdady must be laughing his socks off at this thread. I would not be surprised if he or someone connected to him makes the odd post, the longer this goes on the better it is for him.

If you look back at my posts you will see I identified the points above (maybe not obviously enough) and gave you every chance to try and recover ground. But mindless bitching and forum ego appear to be more important, which is why you have lost my support.
This thread does not help Baghdady, if it did he wouldn't have put so much effort in having this information deleted from T2W. Anybody with half a brain knows to stay away from him, sadly there are still a few retards that will give him their money and ignore all the evidence.
I would like to point out that I have not backed or supported Baghdady in my posts and I am certainly not getting paid by him to post.Don't tell me he is giving you 'free' tutoring or mentoring?

You guys really need to learn to read between the lines if you are going to be successful in life. Spite, anger, revenge and the ‘forum ego syndrome’ are doing you no favours. None of these are factors. Telling the truth is and ensuring that the general public are aware of Mahmoud Baghdady & his 'colourful' past and false advertising claims. He rides rough shod over the truth in exploiting unwitting victims to part with their cash. Once they have, he leaves them to rot once complaints come inJust because I did not join in the attack does not mean I am against you.

Let me put things a more obvious way. There were some good valid points raised at times on this thread, but you guys blew it.

The guys who started the thread were not upfront and try to mislead and were later exposed as ex-employees so they lack credibility, which does not makes this thread a good place to make a valid point.I think it's safe to say that the numerous members of staff and Turtle who have posted on to this site have been VERY critical of Mike Baghdady, his utter lack of integrity and his failed trading methods

The valid points which were made were diluted so much by over posting (repeatedly reposting and quoting) and attempts to validated other unfounded claims by association. This resulted in them loosing all impact. Illustration: The first time I tell you “George stole a car” it has impact, the second time I tell you the impact is halved, when I tell you a third time it starts to look like I have an issue and I am in the wrong.You couldn't be more wrong. It's not about creating an impact for shock value or anything like that, it's about creating awareness that people should not consider spending their hard-earned money on Mike Baghdady. The best example of this is to type Mike Baghdady into Google. The first two suggestions are the TT website and his own. Third is this forum. Further down is the babypips forum where he said that he didn't owe a dime to anyone. There are related links at the top and the bottom of the Google search that say 'Mike Baghdady Scam' and 'Mike Baghdady Bankruptcy'. There are plenty of alarm bells there to concern enough members of the public. There are so many things that Mike Baghdady has done that is always good to refresh everyone's memories

Then we have the stupid stunts. Pasting posters on buildings, harassing webinars and the childish name calling. You may as well have bought a shredder and fed your credibility through it. This is probably the biggest mistake, had the site moderated better you could have been saved some of the self harm.Again, please see my previous point about it. It is amazing that you have such a limited view on reality that that you think it is our credibility that has been shredded. We're not the ones who have abandoned our office, fled to a foreign country, registered our businesses in Cyprus and STILL endeavoured to run the same scam. I think that the moderation of the site has been perfectly acceptable as T2W were obviously threatened by the legal might of Mike Baghdady, as he was using the Queen's law firm Harbottle & Lewis. However, Baghdady failed to pay his legal bills and everyone learnt a lesson

Basically you turned this thread into a pantomime farce and destroyed any good points you had. Baghdady must be laughing his socks off at this thread. I would not be surprised if he or someone connected to him makes the odd post, the longer this goes on the better it is for him.Again, please see my earlier point about Google. This is NOT a case of no publicity like free publicity / All publicity is good etc. The longer this forum continues, the worse it gets for Mike Baghdady. I'm sorry to say this, but you're quite wrong on this point. On other matters, we may disagree, but this time I'm unequivocally correct

If you look back at my posts you will see I identified the points above (maybe not obviously enough) and gave you every chance to try and recover ground. But mindless bitching and forum ego appear to be more important, which is why you have lost my support.Are you politically disaffected by the forum? I never realised I was campaigning for your support.

pipsplease and Digbyarbuthnot

to some point working for Baghdady you praised his "21 RULES BASED TRADING " .

Does these 21 rules exist at all ?

If the answer is YES ,lets list the rules and move to discuss that it doesn't work .

If the answer is NO you are both liars ,no difference between MB and you both.
I would like to point out that I have not backed or supported Baghdady in my posts and I am certainly not getting paid by him to post.

You guys really need to learn to read between the lines if you are going to be successful in life. Spite, anger, revenge and the ‘forum ego syndrome’ are doing you no favours. Just because I did not join in the attack does not mean I am against you.

Let me put things a more obvious way. There were some good valid points raised at times on this thread, but you guys blew it.

The guys who started the thread were not upfront and try to mislead and were later exposed as ex-employees so they lack credibility, which does not makes this thread a good place to make a valid point.

The valid points which were made were diluted so much by over posting (repeatedly reposting and quoting) and attempts to validated other unfounded claims by association. This resulted in them loosing all impact. Illustration: The first time I tell you “George stole a car” it has impact, the second time I tell you the impact is halved, when I tell you a third time it starts to look like I have an issue and I am in the wrong.

Then we have the stupid stunts. Pasting posters on buildings, harassing webinars and the childish name calling. You may as well have bought a shredder and fed your credibility through it. This is probably the biggest mistake, had the site moderated better you could have been saved some of the self harm.

Basically you turned this thread into a pantomime farce and destroyed any good points you had. Baghdady must be laughing his socks off at this thread. I would not be surprised if he or someone connected to him makes the odd post, the longer this goes on the better it is for him.

If you look back at my posts you will see I identified the points above (maybe not obviously enough) and gave you every chance to try and recover ground. But mindless bitching and forum ego appear to be more important, which is why you have lost my support.


You are now becoming a little detached from reality if you believe that Baghdady will be enjoying having many of his false claims, lies and misrepresentations being exposed for anyone who is interested to discover..

Apologies for the longish post but the reality of the business case and whether his system works needs to be fully aired. This should answer your claim to want to address the issue of whether his system works. No name calling, no personal stuff just a simple anaysis of the business case.

He has in the past gone to extraordinary lengths to give the impression that all he says and claims is in fact the truth. He has used all means available to him to try to prevent the truth being exposed including contracting various expensive lawyers to attempt to supress the truth. He has obviously failed and many who otherwise would not have known about what he really is like would have possibly been taken in by his claims.

Just look at the current Training Traders website to discover continuing fraudelent claims. There are a number but the most disturbing one must be the claim that his Turtles scheme was a success and that it only stopped as a consequence of the PFG Best situation. This in anyones judgement is a simple, plain lie. Even Turtles have exposed him as a lier stating that they did not get the funds promised to trade, were in constant losing positions, had their accounts closed without warning and that Baghdady did a runner without explanation leaving Ben Tuckey to tell them "that its over" by email. Some even had to pay up to £50,000 to take part despite Baghdady claiming on TV that it would cost them "not a cent". All of this many months before the PFGBEST situation was exposed. Its just such an obvious lie. Can you not ask yourself why he has to resort to such fraudelent claims to solicit business??

If his system worked would you not think that he would have thousands of loyal and paying clients on his books??? Would they not be paying monthly mentoring fees to stay in touch with what the great master trader had to say? After all, if they were making the number of pips Baghdady claims every time he opens his mouth I would pay to be on the contact list and make the same - would you? So why is this not the case then?
The reality is that he lost almost all of his paying clients when operating out of London and could not generate enough new business to cover his costs resulting in him doing a runner. He has to constantly add new clients to his list as the "churn rate" is so high. Let me explain "churn".
"Churn" is the number of clients lost per month as a proportion of the total client base. This is so obviously high with Baghdady resulting in the never ending need to find new clients to top up his client list. This results in his never ending need to make fantastic claims (300% return) hundreds of pips per week, "anyone can do it", etc.

You claim to want to focus on whether his system works. Look at the business evidence for the answer. His business in London had failed long before this forum or any other managed to expose what he was up to. That is the ultimate "market" proof of the success or otherwise of his system. Do not point out his claimed "client list". Do not look more foolish please.

The point of this and other forums is to expose such behaviour and alert the unwary to the facts. This is being done and hopefully some have been alerted to the need to carry out more due dilligence.

Oh and rest assured that Baghdady will be constantly monitoring this and a few other forums as he sits in his den in New York. He cannot control the internet and he cannot control the truth. No matter how many he sends to defend his actions he will find many more prepared to come on here and other places to tell the truth and say how it actually is.

If his system worked he would be rolling in clients. Instead he is constantly trawling the world looking for new uninitiated victims to put into the top of his funnel and extract what he can for however long he can. When they are out of it he then needs to get more into the funnel. A process used by many internet information providers and a classic way to make money. The question is as always. Do you get what you paid for? If you did then the likelyhood is that you would continue to pay and get more of it. In Baghdadys case this does not seem to be the case despite the false claims and lies. Draw your own conclusions......
Let me put things a more obvious way. There were some good valid points raised at times on this thread, but you guys blew it.

Nobody has blown anything.

This is an internet message board in case you hadn't realised and the threads are often haphazard in nature. Some people get rowdy, others repeat their message, some post silly things and jokes, others come across as a**holes (possibly me 🙂 ) Whatever the case the foundations of the thread keep coming through.

As for Macdaddy loving the thread, thanks for giving me a laugh :cheesy:
pipsplease and Digbyarbuthnot

to some point working for Baghdady you praised his "21 RULES BASED TRADING " .

Does these 21 rules exist at all ?

If the answer is YES ,lets list the rules and move to discuss that it doesn't work .

If the answer is NO you are both liars ,no difference between MB and you both.

I don't know the 21 rules that Mike Baghdady claims he teaches. What I do know is the the 21 or so Turtles were following those rules, under Mike baghdady's instruction, didn't make money. The whole thing collapsed.

I think that's the best proof that Mike Baghdady's trading system, 21 rules or whatever he claims DOES NOT WORK
I concur.
Mahmoud Baghdadys turtle scheme collapsed just like a set of Doninoes!!!!
The man then took a taxi a long, long way away and blamed everyone else as usual.

As for the rules - anyone who ever paid for his course would have been told what they were. Problem is, when applied they did not work consistently - a fact bourne out by the turtles who spent their last days eating Domino's Pizza.
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As for the rules - anyone who ever paid for his course would have been told what they were. Problem is, when applied they did not work consistently - a fact bourne out by the turtles who spent there last days eating Domino's Pizza.

So you are confirming they exist ,your workmate is saying the opposite .

I'm asking from one reason -I have seen the course which was on trott.tv and couldn't hear the rules .

I know that Opening Range breakout is working ,there is no doubt about it -but the Devil is in the details .
So you are confirming they exist ,your workmate is saying the opposite .

I'm asking from one reason -I have seen the course which was on trott.tv and couldn't hear the rules .

I know that Opening Range breakout is working ,there is no doubt about it -but the Devil is in the details .


I said 'I don't know the 21 rules that Mike Baghdady claims he teaches', not that about their existence. I said that the failure of the Turtles proves that his rules do not work.

I am not the workmate of Pipsplease either.




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Hi all
I am new to this forum and I'd like to tell you a short story.
A couple of days ago I found a trading course from macdady on a filesahring site.
I downloaded it and took a short look at the content. I really liked how he explained structure.
I believe strongly in structure trading too. So I started to research who this Macdady was and where I could take a course with this guy. I stumbled on some Forums over a couple of claims that he was not for real and that he went bankrupt. But I never found this forum talking about him. So I just emailed spyglass saying that I was interested in training and what his rebuttle is regading the Bankruptcy and and several other Claims I found regarding his person.

Uhh... I received a very very unprofessional answer. I would even call it childish!
So I researched further and found this t2w forum thread.
I have not read this whole thread.... just the last couple of pages..
I just want to say that the way he looks at structure is real and I think he knows what he's talking about.
Hi all
I am new to this forum and I'd like to tell you a short story.
A couple of days ago I found a trading course from macdady on a filesahring site.
I downloaded it and took a short look at the content. I really liked how he explained structure.
I believe strongly in structure trading too. So I started to research who this Macdady was and where I could take a course with this guy. I stumbled on some Forums over a couple of claims that he was not for real and that he went bankrupt. But I never found this forum talking about him. So I just emailed spyglass saying that I was interested in training and what his rebuttle is regading the Bankruptcy and and several other Claims I found regarding his person.

Uhh... I received a very very unprofessional answer. I would even call it childish!
So I researched further and found this t2w forum thread.
I have not read this whole thread.... just the last couple of pages..
I just want to say that the way he looks at structure is real and I think he knows what he's talking about.

What did they say?