Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

Who was his head trader?? As i said before i have Mikes software but i do not need Mikes software, it makes my life a lot easier yes. Now i weekly trade, not so much day trade, the opening ranges and marketside are good on his software for this as is the radar screen. Every trader will create his own style of trading. I have developed mine and do i think i could teach a better methodology than Mike, yes i do, but without him i would not of created my style!

"Anyway this is the last time i comment on here, not really one for forums i prefer just to do my trading"

What, back already!!!!!! Twice!!!!!
Your game is a bit too obvious. But what you need to understand is that the vast majority of people on here get your game so why don't you just go away and trade, as you are so successful and leave us poor sad b------s to get on with our fun, eh!
"Anyway this is the last time i comment on here, not really one for forums i prefer just to do my trading"

What, back already!!!!!! Twice!!!!!
Your game is a bit too obvious. But what you need to understand is that the vast majority of people on here get your game so why don't you just go away and trade, as you are so successful and leave us poor sad b------s to get on with our fun, eh!

lol ok dude as you wish 😆
Your game is a bit too obvious. But what you need to understand is that the vast majority of people on here get your game so why don't you just go away and trade, as you are so successful and leave us poor sad b------s to get on with our fun, eh!

I think people are aware of the game you are playing pipsplease.

Les Johnston (Pipsplease) and Howard Abernethy (Digbyarbuthnot) have been exposed as a couple of ex-employees who have used this forum to launch a vicious deliberate attack with the aim of destroying a business in a vengeful manor. The 'Human behaviour' quote above shows the single mindedness and disregard for reason and proof. A range of wild accusations, insults and childish name calling have been used in a defamatory and offensive manor to paint a false picture.

They are deliberately going out to destroy a business and a person.
This is very wrong and in my view much worse than anything that Baghdady has done.
I think people are aware of the game you are playing pipsplease.

Les Johnston (Pipsplease) and Howard Abernethy (Digbyarbuthnot) have been exposed as a couple of ex-employees who have used this forum to launch a vicious deliberate attack with the aim of destroying a business in a vengeful manor. The 'Human behaviour' quote above shows the single mindedness and disregard for reason and proof. A range of wild accusations, insults and childish name calling have been used in a defamatory and offensive manor to paint a false picture.

They are deliberately going out to destroy a business and a person.
This is very wrong and in my view much worse than anything that Baghdady has done.

The near 130,000 views are a good measure of the public good that has been done. Keep it coming my friend and we will get to the 200,000 sooner than you think. The more the merrier don't you think!!!!

Mike Baghdady must be loving this - not!!!
I think people are aware of the game you are playing pipsplease.

Les Johnston (Pipsplease) and Howard Abernethy (Digbyarbuthnot) have been exposed as a couple of ex-employees who have used this forum to launch a vicious deliberate attack with the aim of destroying a business in a vengeful manor. The 'Human behaviour' quote above shows the single mindedness and disregard for reason and proof. A range of wild accusations, insults and childish name calling have been used in a defamatory and offensive manor to paint a false picture.

They are deliberately going out to destroy a business and a person.
This is very wrong and in my view much worse than anything that Baghdady has done.

I love the fact that in exposing the fact that Mike Baghdady has
1. Convictions for fraud, unpaid bankruptcy debts (which he got from trading so unsuccessfully),
2. Lied in his advertising (if he wasn't lying in his advertising then he committed perjury pertaining to the court documents filed with Robbins Futures as the two accounts contradict each other),
3. Convinced a load of people to leave their jobs & careers to be underfunded as Turtles (without proper training from Baghdady as he couldn't train them)
4. Used the false advertising claims to convince members of the public to part with £5000+ for his courses & software
5. Was never the head trader at NYBOT (they never had such a position, but he was a non-trading analyst there)

etc etc ad infinitum

Yet LaserTrader, for all his/her wisdom, still thinks that PipsPlease & myself should take the blame for bringing down Baghdady's House of Cards? Well slap my wrist for being such a naughty boy in the face of the Mike Baghdady's open & honest nature.... 😉

I think that LaserTrader is being Baghdadyish (a new adjective to add to the lexicon) with the truth by claiming that no-one complained about what they were taught by Baghdady. There were a large number of people who rented desks to trade from the great smeg-hole of the Training Traders office. Very few of them hung around very long because they kept losing money, their software was frequently broken and they decided to give up because it was obvious that Baghdady's methods did not work.

But what do I know? I'm the bad one for pointing all of this out. Surely Training Traders was built on more solid stuff so that a few website postings on a forum would not bring it down? Surely the house that Mike built, with honesty, money and integrity had better foundations than that?

Oh no, that's right, the house of cards, built on a foundation of lies, crumbled, Mike ran off to NYC (but told everyone he was visiting his sick mother in Egypt) and is now telling people that Training Traders fell apart because of PFG, which happened about 4 months later.
and you are supposed to work in Public Relations Howard, more like Cheap Tricks.
This thread is not about exposing anything, it is all about character assassination.
Last edited:
and you are supposed to work in Public Relations Howard, more like Cheap Tricks.
This thread is not about exposing anything, it is all about character assassination.

Baggies sole friend and promotor is back again👎
Baggies sole friend and promotor is back again👎

The Chronicles of Riddick

I love the fact that in exposing the fact that Mike Baghdady has
1. Convictions for fraud, unpaid bankruptcy debts (which he got from trading so unsuccessfully),
2. Lied in his advertising (if he wasn't lying in his advertising then he committed perjury pertaining to the court documents filed with Robbins Futures as the two accounts contradict each other),
3. Convinced a load of people to leave their jobs & careers to be underfunded as Turtles (without proper training from Baghdady as he couldn't train them)
4. Used the false advertising claims to convince members of the public to part with £5000+ for his courses & software
5. Was never the head trader at NYBOT (they never had such a position, but he was a non-trading analyst there)

etc etc ad infinitum

Yet LaserTrader, for all his/her wisdom, still thinks that PipsPlease & myself should take the blame for bringing down Baghdady's House of Cards? Well slap my wrist for being such a naughty boy in the face of the Mike Baghdady's open & honest nature.... 😉

I think that LaserTrader is being Baghdadyish (a new adjective to add to the lexicon) with the truth by claiming that no-one complained about what they were taught by Baghdady. There were a large number of people who rented desks to trade from the great smeg-hole of the Training Traders office. Very few of them hung around very long because they kept losing money, their software was frequently broken and they decided to give up because it was obvious that Baghdady's methods did not work.

But what do I know? I'm the bad one for pointing all of this out. Surely Training Traders was built on more solid stuff so that a few website postings on a forum would not bring it down? Surely the house that Mike built, with honesty, money and integrity had better foundations than that?

Oh no, that's right, the house of cards, built on a foundation of lies, crumbled, Mike ran off to NYC (but told everyone he was visiting his sick mother in Egypt) and is now telling people that Training Traders fell apart because of PFG, which happened about 4 months later.

Digbyarbuthnot and PipsPlease. Thank you so much for showing everybody what scam artist this guy is. You're doing everyone a favour. LaserTrader you're an absolute shambles of a person. Pipe down. Don't play with fire or you'll clearly (and obviously have been) get burnt.
Digbyarbuthnot and PipsPlease. Thank you so much for showing everybody what scam artist this guy is.


I went to the Trainging Traders office for the free intro presented by an american guy, can't remember his name and then a short demo by Mike himself, but we were forewarned that Mike wouldnt be trading in the demo. At the start of it, the yank said 'we dont do this, dont do that.., dont curve fit, etc, etc,' then shortly after did just that.. I smelt the faint waft of a rat during my afternoon there and refused to sign up to anything before going home and doing further research, which brought me here. After a few days, I had already received offers from TT for reductions in the cost of the course by approx. 50%, which to me, puts them in a league lower than double glazing or orthopedic bed salesmen. I doubt very much I would've signed up for anything TT had to offer, even if I hadn't found this forum due to my own suspicions based on my short afternoon there, but even so, I am hopeful that there are others out there that Digbyarbuthnot and PipsPlease have prevented being sold something that wouldn't have either been delivered or was substandard to start with.

Just my 2cents.. 😉
I can confirm that there were many complaints from customers with regards to software, mentoring, desks and the general state of the office.

All these complaints were handed to MB and we regularly asked for feedback from new grads. Not being a trader myself, I can not comment on whether or not his system works but there was only one person I know that made money from trading, and he was a grad that decided not to use MBs method.

I personally signed up one turtle to the tune of £50k and was aware of another 2 that had paid to be there. It was very hush hush as it went against the spirit of the turtle program. Mikes plan was to use their money to fund the other 15.

Again not being a trader, everything I knew about TT and MB had come direct from him. I had done my due diligence and before taking the position I questioned MB on the bankruptcy and the negative press I had uncovered.

I was told a long story about it was all a misunderstanding, a chapter 11 in the US that came about because some famous trader was not allowed to enter so he entered via his daughter, some US actress. By then end I was convinced that all was well and anyway saying anything to the contrary was a competitor that wanted to ruin TT.

9 months past and I watched as traders left the floor, directors left the company, creditors visited regularly, accountants changed every few months, court cases with former employees that were never paid and then I became one of the statistics. Having never received payslips, a contract or a p45 when I left, an employment tribunal awarded me monies owed.

Mike obviously did not honour this and I am now listed as a creditor with the liquidators.

MB replaced me with his American "friend". An extremely talented salesperson with years of experience. Unfortunately even he was unable to "polish a turd" and also left TT after having been assaulted by MB.

I am more than happy to answer any questions anyone has with regards to MB or the TT set up as I knew it. However I can only comment on his trading style as hearsay.

My advice is to not put yourself at risk. Very few financial controls were in place and customers card details and personal info were not held securely. Although this was regularly questioned, MB was not interested. He had their money already.

His trading may or may not work but unfortunately it is impossible to believe anything that comes out of his mouth. Only trust people that are willing to show you their actual trading results, not theoretical results.

Some people on here have defended MB and have a decent amount of knowledge about the goings on in the TT offices so if they wish to test me then feel free. Only MB or people on his payroll defend his actions. If his trading method works for you then great. But I guarantee for every happy customer that feels they have invested in their education, there are another dozen that feel robbed.