Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

This is hilarious! Looks like Training Traders really have their tails between their legs now!!

Good riddance Afganbaggy (or what ever his name is)
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One of the main problems Macdaddy has now is his name, it's uncommon so Google will zero in on it. If his name was John Smith he's be in luck.

So how about a renaming/re-branding of the name? He's going to need a new one if he wants to vendor, sorry I mean 'train' again.

Mike Attachédady

Mike Backpackdady

Mike Briefcasedady

Mike Carry-ondady

Mike Casedady

Mike Duffeldady

Mike Handbagdady

Mike Knapsackdady

Mike Pouchdady

Mike Rucksackdady

Mike Saddlebagdady

Mike Suitcasedady

Mike Samsonitedady
New on the scene after all this time - I wonder????
Baghdady lackey, or is it the amazing Malcolm in a new guise???? Or is it maybe the new sales guy that Baghdady has on board?
Tell us please, did you ever have anything to do with Baghdady??????
You have done the world of naive traders a power of good by keeping Baghdady and this subject alive and should help the search engines to find the material that exposes Baghdady and what he does. Well done sir..
Well lets not let the facts get in the way, so for your benefit here are the facts.

The World Trading Champion does appear to be a big issue on here. I have seen the video from 'World of Trading' where Baghdady wins the competition in front of a large crowd, so I think it fair to assume he won 'World of Trading' competition. I am not sure a play on words, deliberate or not, in advertising qualifies as Fraud.

Its a very, very big issue. Baghdady claimed in various interviews that he was "The World Trading Champion". He also put this claim on his promotional website. He used the claim in various TV adverts and newspaper adverts. He also used it to attract paying clients to his business. He also used it to attract the "Turtles" - some of whom actually paid serious amounts of money to be in the company of the self proclaimed "World Trading Champion".
This in any jurisdiction is pure FRAUD. It was done intentionally and when challenged he maintained the claim despite the organisers of the little trading competition in Germany stating quite clearly that it was just that. A little trading competition. Oh, and they refused to have him back or to have anything further to do with him. In the end Bloomberg pulled the TV advert. Would you not agree that this is an objective reflection of how serious this false claim was.

Have you got indisputable proof that the testimonials were fake? Without a statement from the claimed hedge fund managers I am not sure you can show they were not what they said.

Do you really expect Ben and Joe Tuckey to come on here and make an admission that what they claimed was not completely accurate??? What planet are you on?

A number of companies have used fake testimonials, I believe you identified OTA previously on this site. But in this case I don’t see any proof.

Are you colour blind??

As for the 50k relating to a turtle, I am not sure where the 50k comes into play, but as I understand it the Turtle program was in place and being delivered and stopped due to the failure of the PFG broker, so that is more a circumstance than failure to deliver.

The Turtle scheme/programme was pulled long before the PFG failure and the ending of it had nothing to do with PFG. Baghdady and Ben Tuckey did not have the money to fund the Turtles as they had publically stated. The Turtles were losing money (despite the daily presence of "The World Trading Champion". They were unable to take trades and were twiddling their thumbs when Baghdady told Tuckey to close the accounts. Baghdady then did a runner back to the USA whilst claiming to be going "to visit his sick mother in Egypt". He was never seen in London again!!!
Baghdady is now blaming the failure of the Turtles on PFG. Another lie and this is consistant with what he has done all along. Please refer to the publically available court documents from the USA that clearly show Baghdady is a lier. Is this proof acceptable to you and if not what level of proof do you require to see the light?

What concerns me is that this whole issue seems to be motivated by a desire to put a company out of business. From what I can see the company provided and delivered a service (training) which, based on a lack of customer complaints, it delivered well.

Human behavior is strange in that many of the people who paid Baghdady (some of them paid a lot) have clearly drawn a line and moved on. They have no interest in coming out and admitting that they were conned. There are very many of them. In case you doubt me refer back to the postings from one of the Turtles. He/ she laid it on the line. They were conned!


New on the scene after all this time - I wonder????
Baghdady lackey, or is it the amazing Malcolm in a new guise???? Or is it maybe the new sales guy that Baghdady has on board?
Tell us please, did you ever have anything to do with Baghdady??????
You have done the world of naive traders a power of good by keeping Baghdady and this subject alive and should help the search engines to find the material that exposes Baghdady and what he does. Well done sir..
Well lets not let the facts get in the way, so for your benefit here are the facts.

Human behavior is strange in that many of the people who paid Baghdady (some of them paid a lot) have clearly drawn a line and moved on. They have no interest in coming out and admitting that they were conned. There are very many of them. In case you doubt me refer back to the postings from one of the Turtles. He/ she laid it on the line. They were conned!

did you used to work for him?
If you look through the piles of posts (wear gloves there is a lot of BS and tainted sharp edges) PP (Pipsplease) was identified as Les Johnston a former employee of trainingtraders (ref to another post on this site: Please feel free to visit us or email [email protected]). By the way I don’t think that email address is still valid.

I know him and he is not me.

This is the Les Johnston who was removed from his job at a major retail chain due the huge losses incurred through his actions (MK... I best not name it).

Er, wrong again. He resigned after falling out with his majority shareholder.Read the nespapers of the time. They would have been the Icelandic mob that have subsequently been proven to be a bit dodgy. The company was profitable when he left.

It appears that when he departed Training Traders he hatched a revenge plot using this forum (check his history on this forum, he has only posted on this thread) and is on cctv gluing posters to the Training Traders offices. An indication of the intelligence is the fact he drove his own silver 4x4 to the scene and stuck the posters in full view of cctv.

Er, wrong again. He is not that tall and those that have seen the CCTV (some of the Turtles and I have spoken with a few of them - have you?) say that the person doing the deed was a bit on the large side i'm afraid. As for his "intelligence" well as he was not there and therefore his car was not there - what point are you trying to make?

The cctv also shows Les's partner in crime Howard Abernethy (reportedly Digbyarbuthnot) who apparently worked for Training Traders doing marketing and publicity and when asked to leave stated he would bring down the company. I am not sure illegally sticking up posters and driving a forum campaign is a good approach for marketing and PR but you have to credit the guy for the campaign.

You name and claim fasley but remain anonymous. How interesting? Again wrong. Mr Abernethy walked - had enough of Baghdady. And yes I have met him - have you?
LaserTrader you are getting a bit personal here with your comments restricted to two people. This is despite the fact that there are thousands of comments with many contributers. Your recent registration and briefing from elswhere are obvious. "Intelligence" well I should take a look nearer home if I were you.

The reason I made this post is to point out 2 things.
First - A forum thread of 'should I take a course' with an initial post about an office being dirty and smelly is ridiculous. The fact that it is followed with a number of attacking posts is obviously a plan (especially when a number of new members suddenly appear and support the attack, almost like they are the same people with different names).

Who are/ were the new members please? Seems to me that plenty of people with issues jumped in once the door was opened. You make many false (and can be proven to be) claims about others with amazing consistency. "Agenda" comes to mind.

Second - Not all of us traders are bitchy grumpy farts who are failing at trading and need to find a target to take out our frustration. If the people posting were any good, they would have better things to do (maybe even post some helpful trading info instead of just bitching).

Who claimed to be failing at trading - or even trading ? And if you are trading why have you just registered and come straight on to this thread? A bit strange don't you think!

There are a number of people who are good and successful at trading, these are the people I want to hear from in a forum, not some bitching moaning, name calling people who are running a campaign to try and get some importance in their life. To those noise makers: grow up, focus on your trading and you will be more successful and have better things to do.

So why do you not find another thread that has nothing to do with the fraud that is Baghdady and find what you want there??? I am afraid LaserTrader you are a bit obvious.

Prediction - I will be accused of being someone from the company, personally attacked, name called, there will be claims of proof all of which will relate to one item used to justify every rash claim and accusation. Not to mention a flurry of posts reiterating previous postings to bury this post.

You got it in one so there is some hope for you.
The claims made on this forum by myself I stand by. Other claims, well you pay your money and take your choice. No intention of trying to bury your post. You are doing a grand job of keeping the Baghdady fraud alive and the search engines just love it.
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Ben Tuckey, a fellow director, appeared on a TV ad claiming to be a hedge fund manager that Baghdady had trained. The hedge fund mentioned (alpine capital or similar) did not exist. A similarly named limited company did exist but had been declared dormant for several years. Tuckey was not FSA regulated. In addition Joe Tuckey (Bens brother) appeared in the ad claiming he had become an 'institutional trader' based on the training, again a fabrication. .

In fairness I don’t know enough about hedge fund managing to really comment. Is it possible for someone to manage a hedge fund without being FSA regulated?

'Institutional Trader' covers a wide spectrum of possibilities, I think it would be difficult to disprove such a claim, can you prove it?

Are you his new 'online reputation management' guy? I hope you don't end up like the last one.

Certainly not !

Forgive the self quoting:
"Prediction - I will be accused of being someone from the company, personally attacked, name called, there will be claims of proof all of which will relate to one item used to justify every rash claim and accusation. Not to mention a flurry of posts reiterating previous postings to bury this post".

This whole issue came to my attention on a certain FXStreet webinar, which was 'cyber attacked' so to speak. The funny thing is despite claims of victory from certain people on here, the reaction of attendees was to tell the attackers to shut up and let the guy speak.

You feel you have a moral obligation to let the world know about a court case years ago and some questionable claims in advertising, that’s fair enough. Equally I feel I have a moral obligation to identify wrong doing and what appears to me to be a deliberate attempt to attack and close a business.

Is this really a moral cause identifying an issue and allowing chance for correction, or an attack and power trip ?

I have to quote Pipsplease
Human behaviour is strange in that many of the people who paid Baghdady (some of them paid a lot) have clearly drawn a line and moved on. They have no interest in coming out and admitting that they were conned. There are very many of them.

That has got to be the funniest and most ridiculous statement on this whole post. So basically, no one complained, it’s his cause and he just imagines people support him and are doing nothing. Time to call the men in white coats!!!

There is nothing wrong and indeed it is a good thing to point out inaccuracies (I don’t know for sure if they are deliberate or how false) to make people aware. The same can be said for pointing out old court cases which may or may not be relevant, my view is the case was before the business was setup and not related directly to business activates so low relevance, but valid background information.


Les Johnston (Pipsplease) and Howard Abernethy (Digbyarbuthnot) have been exposed as a couple of ex-employees who have used this forum to launch a vicious deliberate attack with the aim of destroying a business in a vengeful manor. The 'Human behaviour' quote above shows the single mindedness and disregard for reason and proof. A range of wild accusations, insults and childish name calling have been used in a defamatory and offensive manor to paint a false picture.

They are deliberately going out to destroy a business and a person.
This is very wrong and in my view much worse than anything that Baghdady has done.
You got it in one so there is some hope for you.
The claims made on this forum by myself I stand by. Other claims, well you pay your money and take your choice. No intention of trying to bury your post. You are doing a grand job of keeping the Baghdady fraud alive and the search engines just love it.

Ref PBoyles post.
Yes you are right about the identity of PP, don't know about any of the other stuff. He did in fact threaten us all here with legal action for exposing Baghdady 2 or 3 years ago so it's a bit ironic that he's now running round trying to er, expose Baghdady on T2W.

Les Johnston (Pipsplease) and Howard Abernethy (Digbyarbuthnot) have been exposed as a couple of ex-employees who have used this forum to launch a vicious deliberate attack with the aim of destroying a business in a vengeful manor. The 'Human behaviour' quote above shows the single mindedness and disregard for reason and proof. A range of wild accusations, insults and childish name calling have been used in a defamatory and offensive manor to paint a false picture.

They are deliberately going out to destroy a business and a person.
This is very wrong and in my view much worse than anything that Baghdady has done.
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Ref PBoyles post.

Les Johnston (Pipsplease) and Howard Abernethy (Digbyarbuthnot) have been exposed as a couple of ex-employees who have used this forum to launch a vicious deliberate attack with the aim of destroying a business in a vengeful manor. The 'Human behaviour' quote above shows the single mindedness and disregard for reason and proof. A range of wild accusations, insults and childish name calling have been used in a defamatory and offensive manor to paint a false picture.

They are deliberately going out to destroy a business and a person.
This is very wrong and in my view much worse than anything that Baghdady has done.

The business was already destroyed before they started posting.
Ref PBoyles post.

Les Johnston (Pipsplease) and Howard Abernethy (Digbyarbuthnot) have been exposed as a couple of ex-employees who have used this forum to launch a vicious deliberate attack with the aim of destroying a business in a vengeful manor. The 'Human behaviour' quote above shows the single mindedness and disregard for reason and proof. A range of wild accusations, insults and childish name calling have been used in a defamatory and offensive manor to paint a false picture.

Please point out anything that I have stated that is defamatory.I would of course remove any such comment without hesitation if that were the case. So please point me in the right direction in the interest of fairness.

They are deliberately going out to destroy a business and a person.

This would be the person who owned the business that destroyed the dreams of many and lied and cheated. This would be the person who owned the business that left a great many people out of pocket and did a runner leaving the mess to the liquidators. This would be the person who owned the business who owed money in the Middle East, Australia and the UK who claimed he was not a bankrupt!!!

As PBoyles has pointed out the business was dead in the water before this thread got underway.

This is very wrong and in my view much worse than anything that Baghdady has done.


As was asked LaserTrader, if what you were looking for was information, hints, tips etc on trading why oh why are you on this forum attracting attention to Baghdady and his deeds and seemingly aiming your ire at certain individuals.??

There are many, and some quite good threads on this forum that will assist in building your knowledge so why this thread old boy???

Obvious I would think! Keep going its entertaining.
Quote from LaserTrader.

"There is nothing wrong and indeed it is a good thing to point out inaccuracies (I don’t know for sure if they are deliberate or how false) to make people aware. The same can be said for pointing out old court cases which may or may not be relevant, my view is the case was before the business was setup and not related directly to business activates so low relevance, but valid background information".

The relevance is as follows.
Extract from court judgement.

"10. In conjuction with the written agreement, RFI provided Baghdady with an account application, and Baghdady completed that application.
11. One of the questions on the application asked if Baghdady had ever left a debit balance at a brokerage firm.
12. RFI's purpose in asking Baghdady and all potential customers about debit balances is to protect the firm from liability.
13. Baghdady checked the box marked "no" to this question.
14. Baghdady had previously left a debit balance at the brokerage firm of Lind Waldock & co.
15. Baghdady's bankruptcy recrods show a "trade loss" claim of $5,500,000.
16. Baghdady disputes that the "trade losses" of $5,500,000 refers to a loss left at a commodtity futures or securities brokerage firm.
17. Baghdady's bankruptcy records aslo show a "Judgement against Debtor and Barka Trade Losses in 1989" claim of $100,000.
18. The court heard no further testimony regarding the $100,000 trade loss claims listed on Baghdady's bankruptcy records.
19. Before his account was opened, Baghdady stated to the Robins parties that he had not borrrowed funds to open the account.
20. On August 1, 1997, Baghdady had signed a promissory note in the amount of $750,000 to his mother.
21. If the Robins parties had known about Baghdady's prior bankruptcy or the debit balances contained therein, his debit at Lind Waldock, or his promissory note of August 1, 1997, they would not have opened his trading account. "

Trading losses of over $5,500,000 way back then.
Fraudulently opened an account giving false information.
He then denies that the trade losses (item 16) a common trait it seems.
Then he goes and does it again at Robins Futures.

The relelevance should be obvious to anyone that wished/ wishes to pay this man to learn to trade. He is trying to extract payment from members of the public to teach them how to trade. He has major losses, has lied to Brokerage houses and was made bankrupt. Now everyone can be aware of his background if they care to do some research. Its then their choice to proceed or not.
Baghdady made many false claims in his advertising and interviews. That is misleading. Now you can also be aware of his background. Make your choice from an informed position, one that he has gone out of his way to keep very quiet.
LaserTrader, what is your motive for posting here?

Good question.

As I said I was in the FXStreet webinar and witnessed the attempted cyber attack. I do not believe it is right for someone to launch a vengeful attack with the aim to destroy a business or person. As far as I can see there have not been any complaints from customers and it is more a case of someone using a deluded view as a reason to attack.

I don’t think it is wrong to identify previous court cases even not relating to a company directly as it is background information and allows people to make their own conclusion as to relevance. Nor is it wrong to point out inaccuracies in advertising claims.

The goal of this thread appears to be not to correct but to destroy for personal (or commercial) reason, which I think is wrong.

What concerns me is that this whole issue seems to be motivated by a desire to put a company out of business. From what I can see the company provided and delivered a service (training) which, based on a lack of customer complaints, it delivered well.
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Les Johnston (Pipsplease) and Howard Abernethy (Digbyarbuthnot) have been exposed as a couple of ex-employees who have used this forum to launch a vicious deliberate attack with the aim of destroying a business in a vengeful manor. The 'Human behaviour' quote above shows the single mindedness and disregard for reason and proof. A range of wild accusations, insults and childish name calling have been used in a defamatory and offensive manor to paint a false picture.

Check the history of 197 posts on this thread by pipsplease to see the vicious attacking nature of the posts.
Hey LaserTrader, does your mirror look like this!?

Maybe this is what Slap Boobies sees in his dreams every night?



    201.9 KB · Views: 241
Les Johnston (Pipsplease) and Howard Abernethy (Digbyarbuthnot) have been exposed as a couple of ex-employees who have used this forum to launch a vicious deliberate attack with the aim of destroying a business in a vengeful manor. The 'Human behaviour' quote above shows the single mindedness and disregard for reason and proof. A range of wild accusations, insults and childish name calling have been used in a defamatory and offensive manor to paint a false picture.

They are deliberately going out to destroy a business and a person.
This is very wrong and in my view much worse than anything that Baghdady has done.

They have every right to expose this charlatan.

Its rather unfortunate that they where not more successful in their endeavors

I'm sure mikes many creditors are wishing that they hadn't done business with this buffoon, and that he'd been shut down sooner.

I'm sure that many of the ex turtles are wishing they'd never got involved, and that someone had closed the crazy scheme down before it started

I'm sure there are many disgruntled clients who regret paying 5K to a fraud with a history of failed business and bankruptcies, due to trading losses.

There may even be one or two in the media regretting the day that they provided exposure this charlatan (the ones who didn't get paid)

This particular cockroach needs to be crushed.
They have every right to expose this charlatan.

Its rather unfortunate that they where not more successful in their endeavors

I'm sure mikes many creditors are wishing that they hadn't done business with this buffoon, and that he'd been shut down sooner.

I'm sure that many of the ex turtles are wishing they'd never got involved, and that someone had closed the crazy scheme down before it started

I'm sure there are many disgruntled clients who regret paying 5K to a fraud with a history of failed business and bankruptcies, due to trading losses.

There may even be one or two in the media regretting the day that they provided exposure this charlatan (the ones who didn't get paid)

This particular cockroach needs to be crushed.

I agree. And I love how LaserTrader comes on here saying that a few posters on a forum can bring a company down! Incongruous beyond belief.

Surely a man who hadn't acted in such a poor manner would be able to take a bit of questioning and stand up for himself. Instead, he ran off to New York without even saying goodbye to the Turtles. I guess he couldn't live with the shame of it any more and scarpered. 👎

Cerberus is one of many people owed money and then seen first-hand how, when you take Baghdady to court, he issues a malicious writ against you, which takes ages to be dismissed and then, once the judge has ruled in your favour and thrown out his case, he's abroad and out of reach of the law. He did it with Robins Futures and has done it again with Cerberus. 👎

To other people, he has taken their money through fraudulent claims and outright lies, and dismissed them as morons. 👎

But, according to Mike Baghdady, his business failed because he was targeted by a few bitter ex-members of staff? :idea:👍

Mike Baghdady claiming to be the victim?! It's beyond ridiculous, but I guess it shows what sort of a (con)man he is