Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

And lets not forget the role of those who protected baghdady for years including certain trading forums who shall remain nameless
I was trained by Mike, i paid for his course and his software and couldnt recomend him highly enough. fxsundays. wordpress .com is my blog if you think im talking **** have a look!
I was trained by Mike, i paid for his course and his software and couldnt recomend him highly enough. fxsundays. wordpress .com is my blog if you think im talking **** have a look!

Interesting that you should post here telling everyone to check out your blog on the same day that you added a DONATE button and promptly submitted a post mentioning it that shows up on the page you linked us to.

Are you using Mike's software you purchased?

Ummmmm and i why would i not whack a link on for some awareness eh?? Plus ive ran that for nearly a year now for free and will keep it for free but if people wanna donate then cool if not what do i care to be honest, the results speak for themselves, if people want to use them then they can simple as. I do use his software yeah but i do not need his software no but it does make my life easier rather than having to mess about inputting data myself.
Just makes me laugh so many people slagging him off when what do they really know???
Just makes me laugh so many people slagging him off when what do they really know???

Good question, what do we really know ?

Well we know from official court documentation that he's been bankrupted several times, usually for incurring largish trading debts. I think we can safely assume he knows jack sh1t about position sizing and leverage

By the way, that assumption is supported by numerous webinars where he boasts of making 300% per trade. I'll left you do the Maths. All I will say is that obviously the odd loser that he admits too would of course blow his account at the leverage he's applying to the winners. Unfortunately some of do this **** for a living and tend to spot these inconsistencies

What else do we know ?, well there's a pretty useful paper trail from UK companies house that shows a history of failed businesses, and a growing list of unhappy creditors.

Of course there's the false advertising. On top of that, we have video evidence from MB which is totally contradictory to the information he supplied to the courts in the USA. So either he lied in court, or he lied on TV ads (that where subsequently pulled by the network). That shouldn't come as a surprise, he has previous form, what was he found guilty of again ?, oh yeah, common law fraud

That's stuff we know about from official sources that can be trusted.

Then we have the unofficial stuff that we need to take with a pinch of salt. For example comments from fourum owners and admin who inform us of the pressure exerted on them to remove posts and threads, and the threat of legal action should they not comply

Then we have the claims of his UK creditors, backed up by documentation at companies house, creditors reports etc

Then we have anecdotal evidence from ex members of staff, suppliers and turtles. The funniest being those who turned 180 degrees in opinion once they realized they where the ones who where shafted, rather than helping mike shaft others.

I would argue we know rather a lot

It takes anyone with half a clue 5 minutes to see through this clown, and anyone without a clue with 15 minutes to spare could verify for themselves that his various claims regarding employment, past performance history etc where total bollox

I would even start on the company registration in Cyprus. That lulz needs to be left for another day
Ok so the thread is Should i take the course or not????
Ok so im telling you i have taken the course etc etc etc etc etc, and im telling you how good it was and now im a fulltime trader and run a blog where you can see my trades etc etc etc etc etc.
Now any man with an once of intelligence would just get on with his trading making money rather than spending how many hours trying to find stuff out about a particular person so he can slander them, he should also now there is a left and right and somewhere in the middle the truth shall be found, but to be honest who gives a ****????My suggestion to anyone here is get on with your trading rather than worrying about other peoples ****, and yes i back Mike up as a person and as a trainer, as a trader i dont know, as a businessman i dont know and you know what i dont care, the lad done me well and taught me the the most productive way to trade while many others spend hours with fancy **** i spend one hour on a Sunday and im ready for the week.
And a last note if any of those Turtles are not professional traders now then they must of been really **** because the education they received i know was bang on!!
Ok so the thread is Should i take the course or not????
Ok so im telling you i have taken the course etc etc etc etc etc, and im telling you how good it was and now im a fulltime trader and run a blog where you can see my trades etc etc etc etc etc.
Now any man with an once of intelligence would just get on with his trading making money rather than spending how many hours trying to find stuff out about a particular person so he can slander them, he should also now there is a left and right and somewhere in the middle the truth shall be found, but to be honest who gives a ****????My suggestion to anyone here is get on with your trading rather than worrying about other peoples ****, and yes i back Mike up as a person and as a trainer, as a trader i dont know, as a businessman i dont know and you know what i dont care, the lad done me well and taught me the the most productive way to trade while many others spend hours with fancy **** i spend one hour on a Sunday and im ready for the week.
And a last note if any of those Turtles are not professional traders now then they must of been really **** because the education they received i know was bang on!!

So why doesn't Mike make money trading then? Surely if he did he would not have to keep filing for bankruptcy.
Ok so the thread is Should i take the course or not????
Ok so im telling you i have taken the course etc etc etc etc etc, and im telling you how good it was and now im a fulltime trader and run a blog where you can see my trades etc etc etc etc etc.
Now any man with an once of intelligence would just get on with his trading making money rather than spending how many hours trying to find stuff out about a particular person so he can slander them, he should also now there is a left and right and somewhere in the middle the truth shall be found, but to be honest who gives a ****????My suggestion to anyone here is get on with your trading rather than worrying about other peoples ****, and yes i back Mike up as a person and as a trainer, as a trader i dont know, as a businessman i dont know and you know what i dont care, the lad done me well and taught me the the most productive way to trade while many others spend hours with fancy **** i spend one hour on a Sunday and im ready for the week.
And a last note if any of those Turtles are not professional traders now then they must of been really **** because the education they received i know was bang on!!

Full-time indeed.
Hey LaserTrader, does your mirror look like this!?


No definatly not.

And no my mirror does not look like Mr Bill Poster either

So lets see how my prediction is going:
Prediction - I will be accused of being someone from the company, personally attacked, name called, there will be claims of proof all of which will relate to one item used to justify every rash claim and accusation. Not to mention a flurry of posts reiterating previous postings to bury this post.

Accused of being someone from the company ... check

Personally attacked and name called ... not yet, although name calling has been used:
Quoting Digbyarbuthnot
"Maybe this is what Slap Boobies sees in his dreams every night?"

Flurry of reiteration ... check

Linking lots of claims and acusations back to one item of proof to try and justify .. check
No definatly not.

And no my mirror does not look like Mr Bill Poster either
View attachment 156298

So lets see how my prediction is going:
Prediction - I will be accused of being someone from the company, personally attacked, name called, there will be claims of proof all of which will relate to one item used to justify every rash claim and accusation. Not to mention a flurry of posts reiterating previous postings to bury this post.

Accused of being someone from the company ... check

Personally attacked and name called ... not yet, although name calling has been used:
Quoting Digbyarbuthnot
"Maybe this is what Slap Boobies sees in his dreams every night?"

Flurry of reiteration ... check

Linking lots of claims and acusations back to one item of proof to try and justify .. check

Terrible isn't it, makes me wonder why you waste your time.
Terrible isn't it, makes me wonder why you waste your time.

It makes me wonder if some people have a life. Some individuals have posted 200 posts just on this one thread. I emptied my ladders (trading speak) to chill for a few days and was curious about why these people are doing this.

So far as I can see
Baghadady is supposed to be a bad man and conned people into buying his training with inacurate (being careful with words) claims in advertising. But no customers have complained so it can assumed they are satisfied and were delivered what they paid for. Unless of course you are in a Pipsplease's deluded world where human nature means he knows better than the customers, despite the fact he is not a customer.

Also Pipsplease and Digbyarbuthnot have mislead as to who they are and their intensions.

So on one side a company is delivering what it is selling and no customers are complaining and on the other are a coupe of people attacking and determined to destroy.

Perhaps the best indication as to the validity of this whole thread is the name calling. That kinda sums it up, the fact that people are actually name calling to try and intimidate. Maybe they are actually 10 years old, that would explain a lot. 🙂

As people are still asking why I bother, what is my motive:

Les Johnston (Pipsplease) and Howard Abernethy (Digbyarbuthnot) have been exposed as a couple of ex-employees who have used this forum to launch a vicious deliberate attack with the aim of destroying a business in a vengeful manor. The 'Human behaviour' quote above shows the single mindedness and disregard for reason and proof. A range of wild accusations, insults and childish name calling have been used in a defamatory and offensive manor to paint a false picture.

They are deliberately going out to destroy a business and a person.
This is very wrong and in my view much worse than anything that Baghdady has done.
It makes me wonder if some people have a life. Some individuals have posted 200 posts just on this one thread. I emptied my ladders (trading speak) to chill for a few days and was curious about why these people are doing this.

So far as I can see
Baghadady is supposed to be a bad man and conned people into buying his training with inacurate (being careful with words) claims in advertising. But no customers have complained so it can assumed they are satisfied and were delivered what they paid for. Unless of course you are in a Pipsplease's deluded world where human nature means he knows better than the customers, despite the fact he is not a customer.

Also Pipsplease and Digbyarbuthnot have mislead as to who they are and their intensions.

So on one side a company is delivering what it is selling and no customers are complaining and on the other are a coupe of people attacking and determined to destroy.

Perhaps the best indication as to the validity of this whole thread is the name calling. That kinda sums it up, the fact that people are actually name calling to try and intimidate. Maybe they are actually 10 years old, that would explain a lot. 🙂

As people are still asking why I bother, what is my motive:

Les Johnston (Pipsplease) and Howard Abernethy (Digbyarbuthnot) have been exposed as a couple of ex-employees who have used this forum to launch a vicious deliberate attack with the aim of destroying a business in a vengeful manor. The 'Human behaviour' quote above shows the single mindedness and disregard for reason and proof. A range of wild accusations, insults and childish name calling have been used in a defamatory and offensive manor to paint a false picture.

They are deliberately going out to destroy a business and a person.
This is very wrong and in my view much worse than anything that Baghdady has done.

Actually plenty of people were complaining about the training, Baghdady threatened T2W and had it all deleted, this is going back 2 or 3 years perhaps
Actually plenty of people were complaining about the training, Baghdady threatened T2W and had it all deleted, this is going back 2 or 3 years perhaps

I 😆 wonder 😆 what 😆 happened 😆 to 😆 make 😆 them 😆 change 😆 their 😆 mind 😆 and 😆 allow 😆 people 😆 to 😆 post 😆
Major Lulz.

Head over to the following and pour yourself a long cool drink and watch the video. See if you can spot the errors, lies and deceipt.


Here Baghdady spends around 17.30 minutes using the failed Turtle scheme to promote himself and Training Traders.


He did not give them each £100,000
He did not even give them £25,000
He did not have the claimed £1.5 million to give
He actually charged a number of them up to £50,000 to take part
It did not last three years.
It failed around 9 months in.
They did not make money.
He dumped them and did a runner leaving Ben Tuckey to tell them "its over"

Despite the abject failure he is happy to use this misleading and false footage to promote himself and the new Training Traders set up online.

Anywhere this can be taken to have this fraudulent information taken down?
So why doesn't Mike make money trading then? Surely if he did he would not have to keep filing for bankruptcy.

If you look i said i cant comment on him as a trader and a business man, but as a coach and the software he provides i doubt you will see better.
Anyway this is the last time i comment on here, not really one for forums i prefer just to do my trading. fxsundays if you wanna see what Mikes coaching turned me into!! Cheers people and concentrate on your trading rather than bagging people you have never met 🙂
Oh and with trading you can teach the Man how to trade perfectly but only they can then take it to the next level, so if people on here heve been saying the course is ****, who they blaming?? Mike?? Or themselves?? Take a look in the mirror, easy to put the blame onto others!
If you look i said i cant comment on him as a trader and a business man, but as a coach and the software he provides i doubt you will see better.
Anyway this is the last time i comment on here, not really one for forums i prefer just to do my trading. fxsundays if you wanna see what Mikes coaching turned me into!! Cheers people and concentrate on your trading rather than bagging people you have never met 🙂

Interesting how his head trainer said that Baghdadys system did not work ( and he should know) and he traded differently. (and successfully) He also said that you did not need Baghdadys expensive software either.
Interesting how his head trainer said that Baghdadys system did not work ( and he should know) and he traded differently. (and successfully) He also said that you did not need Baghdadys expensive software either.
Who was his head trader?? As i said before i have Mikes software but i do not need Mikes software, it makes my life a lot easier yes. Now i weekly trade, not so much day trade, the opening ranges and marketside are good on his software for this as is the radar screen. Every trader will create his own style of trading. I have developed mine and do i think i could teach a better methodology than Mike, yes i do, but without him i would not of created my style!