Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

having watched some of the former TT clients using LMAX in the office, I would say... run away.. quickly

I was the fly on the wall
Might as well add this one to the list. 🙄

It has been alleged (see above) that there is a financial incentive for Training Traders to recommend this particular broker, in the form of a share of spreads and / or commissions incurred by clients. Further, it has been alleged that Training Traders might benefit by being given a percentage of client losses.

Can a Training Traders spokespoopy confirm or deny this? Please also state why this particular broker was chosen. Finally, if the allegation is correct, please explain why this very important fact was not properly disclosed at the outset to allow clients to make an informed decision. After all, it seems relevant to know whether someone who is recommending a broker has a financial incentive to do so. In fact, some people might see it as unethical not to make the situation plain without being asked. Perhaps the spokesploppy could comment on this, and give their opinion.

Maybe my lack of knowledge - but I thought that for any institution to be rewarded with pip shares they have to be authorised by their controlling authority (FSA in this case)?

So obviously LMAX should be regulated to be a broker / exchange but for Training Traders to get a pip share / split I think they would have to be regulated too?

I looked at the page that the email clicks through to and it is great. The best thing about it, is the fact that all enquiries are directed straight to Mike Baghdady himself. The great master of the universe has plenty of time on his hands to answer the questions of 'morons'. I guess this is symptomatic of a skilled con man - make yourself available to prospective clients and then ignore them when they come running after you?

Should we all email Mike directly with our questions? Besides 'what the f@ck is going on', what other questions could we ask?
1. Are you the world's foremost expert?
2. How are the turtles doing?
3. Can you explain price behaviour?
4. How much were they funded?
5. Did you punch Tony Michaels, your former sales director?
6. How can we all make 300% on a trade?
7. Will your mentoring be trading live? Because it wasn't on previous webinars you've done.

Emails to:-
[email protected]
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turtles did not use LMAX, but my flies eyes and ears watched and heard the paying clients struggle with it mainly on account if it not keeping up with real market data

It would have gaps in the charts, completely fail during news events and often just not accept orders at all
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It gets even worse. Baghdady has emailed his client list once again with an update of his amazing mentorship offer. Note that the account size with LMAX has been reduced to only £1,000. This is sheer desperation. I mean, how many trades can you place with only £1,000 in the account??? Baghdady would need many, many conned idiots to take up this offer and lose their money fast with more coming in to make any money.

This email was not written by Baghdady - its obviously the product of some marketing person. Hope they got paid in advance. Enjoy the read.

Exclusive offer to Alumni of Mike Baghdady's
Day Trading Methodology

Many of you have reached out in positive response my previous e-mail about the 6 Month Free Mentorship Offer.
First of all, no thanks are necessary. It's my pleasure—and my commitment to you—to be able to share the benefits of over three decades of trading experience with all of you.

Every comment and suggestion you send just contributes to that body of knowledge, and what we could offer you; so really, the thanks should go to you!

While most of you shared kind expressions of gratitude, constructive feedback and the earnest desire to get started, there were a few questions that came up repeatedly. Please find the answers to these questions below:

Is the cost of the Mentorship £2500?
The cost of the 6 Month Mentorship with me is FREE; there are no hidden costs or strings attached. The simple fact is you can’t learn how to trade using a demo trading account. You need a LIVE account.
I have negotiated with LMAX to accept a lower minimum amount to open your trading account with them. Plus for you to get our unique Price Behaviour trading software which is incorporated in their platform, so all of you can get also the software for Free to use for your trading.

I believe the most important aspect of Mike's training program is the mentoring sessions. They are most invaluable to me.

I am more disciplined, patient, and most important, confident. I am tremendously grateful to Mike for helping my development to become a successful and professional trader.

I strongly recommend his mentoring program to everyone. Being in the room with other traders, like myself, and Mike with his experience, and professionalism has been quite refreshing, and speaks volume about his integrity. Keep up the good work Mike.

B.W., Florida

What if I can't afford to deposit £2500 today to take advantage of this offer?
There is even more good news! I listened to your comments and I have managed to re-negotiate with LMAX again on your behalf. They have agreed to lower the minimum amount to open your trading account to a very low £1000. This is a very rare opportunity indeed!
Remember, you are opening and funding your own account so that you can trade … The account is yours .

Hi Mike,

I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say how impressed I was with your recent Day Trading Course. By taking the course I now have a serious day trading strategy and methodology.

This has given me the ability to enter a trade at the correct point and stay in the trade (which previously I have been unable to do).

That combined with the mentoring room means I now have a real chance of making money in the crazy Forex world. Many thanks and best regards

Many thanks and best regards
S.S. , UK

Why are you doing this?
First, because we started the journey together and I plan to continue the journey with you and remain on your side.
Second, to me, “Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, the opportunity, and the responsibility to give something back by becoming more”.

From having no prior background or knowledge of trading, I am now doing live trading both in Forex and Futures. This would not have been possible without Mike Baghdady's support and encouragement.

Doing both the long and short term courses was an excellent foundation to learn the rules of price behavior, but the most important aspect of my gaining confidence was joining the live trading mentoring sessions, which has been invaluable.

With his knowledge and experience and the excellent way that he shows how to read a chart, I continue to get more confident in analyzing and applying the rules of price behavior and determining the optimum entry and exit points.

From when I first started the course, I can recall Mike's words:
'If you can learn to drive, you can learn to trade' and now I can understand how true this is - all you need is hard work, determination and essentially a mentor like Mike.

Kind regards,

S. D. , UK

Now that you know the answers you were waiting for, what will you do next?

Well, they say the difference between Dreams and Success is Action. Your logical next step is to simply take action now!

Jump in with both feet and immerse yourself in an environment that will allow you to make the most progress in the least time - an environment that will leave you with the tools to continue growing for the rest of your life.

With me, you will learn to take control of your consistent emotions and begin to consciously and deliberately reshape your daily trading experience. You'll learn the skills and strategies to make it happen and you'll acquire the mind-set that will make it all possible.

Let me tell you, every day, every trader in the mentoring room contributes. And Inspiration feeds off of contribution. When you get inspired, and then you contribute, you set in motion an endless cycle of inspiration-contribution-inspiration that only you can stop.

I have experienced success through trading with Mike Baghdady. His unrelenting work ethic is a guiding light and inspiration to me.

When I get tired and think success will never come Mike is there with a willing ear and his enthusiasm for trading is contagious.

M.Z., London

This program will launch officially at 07.30 am [GMT] on the 25th of June 2012. To ensure you do not get left out on this unique opportunity to work with me personally and supercharge your trading, register here now!

Many Thanks,
Mike Baghdady

Trading under Mike's tutorage has been an eye opening experience. His experience and his great ability in teaching is just what I've been looking for for many years. Although I have a technical background and have a few years working at many investment banks, I have learnt things that have eluded me in the past from classes I have attended at banks. I can only put this down to Mike, his great teaching ability and encouraging and supportive approach. This is extended into the live trading sessions that are held on a daily basis. Without those the re-assuring tones in the chat room, I'm not sure sure that I would be able to have the courage to take some trades that I know I should take according to the Baghdady trading rules. Its early days for me, but with the knowledge I have picked up from the classes and the support from Mike and the other students I feel very confident that I will be able to develop the necessary sills to become a successful trader and take control of my own destiny which is after all, all I ever wanted.

Thanks again (looking forward to many years of success!!!!),


Training Traders | Central House, 3rd Floor - 25 Camperdown Street | London | E1 8DZ | United Kingdom
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Exclusive offer to Alumni of Mike Baghdady's
Day Trading Methodology

Many of you have reached out in positive response my previous e-mail about the 6 Month Free Mentorship Offer.
First of all, no thanks are necessary. It's my pleasure—and my commitment to you—to be able to share the benefits of over three decades of trading experience with all of you.

This from the man who calls his clients "Morons". The same "Morons" that have already shelled out £5k , £10k, £20k and are now being asked to further donate to the Baghdady bank!

Every comment and suggestion you send just contributes to that body of knowledge, and what we could offer you; so really, the thanks should go to you!

Please sign up - I need more of your cash.

While most of you shared kind expressions of gratitude, constructive feedback and the earnest desire to get started, there were a few questions that came up repeatedly. Please find the answers to these questions below:

What about those who paid for a course in advance before Baghdady did a runner?? They have been left out of pocket and with no course and no one to contact. I am pretty certain they would not express gratitude.

Is the cost of the Mentorship £2500?
The cost of the 6 Month Mentorship with me is FREE; there are no hidden costs or strings attached. The simple fact is you can’t learn how to trade using a demo trading account. You need a LIVE account.
I have negotiated with LMAX to accept a lower minimum amount to open your trading account with them. Plus for you to get our unique Price Behaviour trading software which is incorporated in their platform, so all of you can get also the software for Free to use for your trading.

This is a string attached. They have to sign up to a broker that Baghdady has done a deal with and contribute to Baghdadys bank every time they press a button, win or lose. Baghdady gets paid even if the client makes a loss.

I believe the most important aspect of Mike's training program is the mentoring sessions. They are most invaluable to me.

I am more disciplined, patient, and most important, confident. I am tremendously grateful to Mike for helping my development to become a successful and professional trader.

I strongly recommend his mentoring program to everyone. Being in the room with other traders, like myself, and Mike with his experience, and professionalism has been quite refreshing, and speaks volume about his integrity. Keep up the good work Mike.

B.W., Florida

Who is this? Cannot be identified therefore is a worthless testimonial and an example of the very worst type of marketing and sales. At least Baghdady remains consistent in this regard.

What if I can't afford to deposit £2500 today to take advantage of this offer?
There is even more good news! I listened to your comments and I have managed to re-negotiate with LMAX again on your behalf. They have agreed to lower the minimum amount to open your trading account to a very low £1000. This is a very rare opportunity indeed!
Remember, you are opening and funding your own account so that you can trade … The account is yours .

£1,000 account. Can the man be serious??? What sort of trading volume can be done with this amount. This is sad from someone who claims to be a top trader and the "Worlds foremost expert in Price Behaviour trading"

Hi Mike,

I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say how impressed I was with your recent Day Trading Course. By taking the course I now have a serious day trading strategy and methodology.

This has given me the ability to enter a trade at the correct point and stay in the trade (which previously I have been unable to do).

That combined with the mentoring room means I now have a real chance of making money in the crazy Forex world. Many thanks and best regards

Many thanks and best regards
S.S. , UK

Another useless testimonial from someone who cannot be identified.

Why are you doing this?
First, because we started the journey together and I plan to continue the journey with you and remain on your side.
Second, to me, “Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, the opportunity, and the responsibility to give something back by becoming more”.

Just like the way he did not fully fund the turtles. Just like the way he took money from people in advance of taking the course and then disappeared. Just like the many who paid for the software and were left without any support when Baghdady disappeared.

From having no prior background or knowledge of trading, I am now doing live trading both in Forex and Futures. This would not have been possible without Mike Baghdady's support and encouragement.

Doing both the long and short term courses was an excellent foundation to learn the rules of price behavior, but the most important aspect of my gaining confidence was joining the live trading mentoring sessions, which has been invaluable.

With his knowledge and experience and the excellent way that he shows how to read a chart, I continue to get more confident in analyzing and applying the rules of price behavior and determining the optimum entry and exit points.

From when I first started the course, I can recall Mike's words:
'If you can learn to drive, you can learn to trade' and now I can understand how true this is - all you need is hard work, determination and essentially a mentor like Mike.

Kind regards,

S. D. , UK

Another useless and worthless testimonial. Who advised Baghdady to print this rubbish?? It is quite the worst sort of sales pitch.

Now that you know the answers you were waiting for, what will you do next?

If you are smart - you should run - fast.

Well, they say the difference between Dreams and Success is Action. Your logical next step is to simply take action now!

The dream could become a nightmare pretty quickly.

Jump in with both feet and immerse yourself in an environment that will allow you to make the most progress in the least time - an environment that will leave you with the tools to continue growing for the rest of your life.

Give me your cash - quick!

With me, you will learn to take control of your consistent emotions and begin to consciously and deliberately reshape your daily trading experience. You'll learn the skills and strategies to make it happen and you'll acquire the mind-set that will make it all possible.

Let me tell you, every day, every trader in the mentoring room contributes. And Inspiration feeds off of contribution. When you get inspired, and then you contribute, you set in motion an endless cycle of inspiration-contribution-inspiration that only you can stop.

"contributes"? Contribute to the Baghdady gravy train.

I have experienced success through trading with Mike Baghdady. His unrelenting work ethic is a guiding light and inspiration to me.

When I get tired and think success will never come Mike is there with a willing ear and his enthusiasm for trading is contagious.

M.Z., London

No comment needed

This program will launch officially at 07.30 am [GMT] on the 25th of June 2012. To ensure you do not get left out on this unique opportunity to work with me personally and supercharge your trading, register here now!

Many Thanks,
Mike Baghdady

Trading under Mike's tutorage has been an eye opening experience. His experience and his great ability in teaching is just what I've been looking for for many years. Although I have a technical background and have a few years working at many investment banks, I have learnt things that have eluded me in the past from classes I have attended at banks. I can only put this down to Mike, his great teaching ability and encouraging and supportive approach. This is extended into the live trading sessions that are held on a daily basis. Without those the re-assuring tones in the chat room, I'm not sure sure that I would be able to have the courage to take some trades that I know I should take according to the Baghdady trading rules. Its early days for me, but with the knowledge I have picked up from the classes and the support from Mike and the other students I feel very confident that I will be able to develop the necessary sills to become a successful trader and take control of my own destiny which is after all, all I ever wanted.

Thanks again (looking forward to many years of success!!!!),


It just gets worse. "P" wtf????

Forward email

Training Traders | Central House, 3rd Floor - 25 Camperdown Street | London | E1 8DZ | United Kingdom
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A really feeble attempt to scare us.

Problem is Mike Baghdady - you would have to prove in court that all of these allegations are false. The onus would be on you to prove your innocence.
A really feeble attempt to scare us.

Problem is Mike Baghdady - you would have to prove in court that all of these allegations are false. The onus would be on you to prove your innocence.

I am not Mike Baghdady and certainly not acting on his behalf so I therefore ask that you retract that false allegation.

Internet Trolls: Websites Will Be Forced To Identify Cyber-Bullies Under Reform Of Libel Laws | UK News | Sky News

Websites Will Be Forced To Identify Trolls | LBC

BBC News - Websites to be forced to identify trolls under new measures

I think you will find that the onous will be on the Trolls to justify their action.
I think you will find that the onous will be on the Trolls to justify their action.

FFS this is supposed to be a trading forum, you need to man up and stop acting like a wuss..

Pointing out that a vendor is lying, and deceiving innocent people, and potentially wreaking havoc with peoples lives isn't cyber-bullying, its the moral duty of any decent citizen
FFS this is supposed to be a trading forum, you need to man up and stop acting like a wuss..

Pointing out that a vendor is lying, and deceiving innocent people, and potentially wreaking havoc with peoples lives isn't cyber-bullying, its the moral duty of any decent citizen

I do not think that what you are saying here is very fair Hare. Most of the comments and the large body of this forum is hearsay and wild accusations.
I do not think that what you are saying here is very fair Hare. Most of the comments and the large body of this forum is hearsay and wild accusations.

Nonsense and you know it

practically EVERY allegation has been backed up with official documentation that's available in the public domain. His multiple bankruptcies from "trading losses", a string of liquidated companies and angry creditors, not to mention his numerous wildly exaggerated claims, all of which have been proven to be untrue.

There's nothing wild about expressing the truth