Medved QuoteTracker

Hi Jerry

It is possible to get a data feed accross a network connection?

I have Interactive Brokers Running on a separate machine, currently i have as the feed but dont see the point in paying for that if i can get the data from IB


ianh, sorry for not responding earlier. I was out of town at the Las Vegas Traders Expo (got to chat with ADVFN guys - that was adventurous to say the least)

You can run QT on one computer connecting to IB running on another, but you would need to get a custom IB configuration files for that - the default one will not allow that. Email [email protected] for that. As for replacing with IB, though that is an option, note that there are number of advantages to having a separate datafeed:
1) IB is max 40 symbols total across both TWS and QT. is max 80
2) returns every tick. IB does not
3) has backfill (free for some, paid for others). IB does not

Also don't know if you subscribe to this, but has streaming news as well. IB does not.

Jerry Medved
Hey Jerry... Happy Thanks giving 😀

I noticed money net are now supporting futures for an extra fee,
I wondering if you guys have any pricing special's for this new service :?:

Enjoy the holidays

Don't have a pricing special other than the discount QT users already get, though the futures can be used with QT. BTW, added futures at our insistance 🙂. Did it pretty quickly too. Played with it - full backfill support. Looks nice:


Thanks for the swift response 😀

Is the any way I can change the retracements settings.. ie I can set 57.7 or.707 ect...rather than just the defaults :?:

Yes I use harmonic, geo, ect....

Cheers a320
you can go to OPTIONS/Edit Preferences menu, click on CHARTS tab, then click on Fibonacci sub tab and select which retracements QT will show
Yes got that far, but the retracements levels I want to use are not shown :?: I just wondering if I can enter my own figures rather than the standard fib 🙂

Cheers a320
Its seems we getting our wires crossed here 😉

the methods I use... measure Rectracements based on geometry
fib is one form of measurement... but there are others based on root 2,3,5... all I want to do is enter some of these values, like most other charting packages allow 😀


Finlayson - those lines are Volume by Price indicator - shows you the relative volumee at each given price point.

a320 - as far as I know, Fibonacci retracements use a very standard set of percentage points to draw the lines - the ones we support. Will look at adding custom.
That's what I wanted to know 😀

Custom would be a great added feature :!:
thx for clearing that up...

I have to say you guys are the quickest I've dealt with 😎

Cheers a320
Hi Jerry,
while your in question answering mode,

I use L2 data from is it possible to
turn off the coloured bands ?
It would be very useful if each individual MM
could be highlighted any chance of that soon ?

Finlayson - the Volume By Price indicator was added in beta version of QT - and is available by right clicking on the chart, selecting "Select Indicator" then picking "Volume By Price" as one of the top indicators.

ianp - We don't have an option to turn that off. An oversight

MM highlighting - we will be making enhancements in Level II in the future - will see about the MM highlighting at that time.
"Beta Version"

😕 do I need to uninstall my current version first .......or should it just install over the top?

No need to uninstall. Just run the new install and let it install right over the existing version. All settings/portfolios will be retained

u r a top man :arrowu: , can I get a description somewhere of exactly what the settings increment & No. of bars I know exactly what I am displaying, basically I would like one line to track the Most/heaviest traded price/contract for a future's Market.

Happy Thanksgiving BTW

right think I get it , set it to increment1, it actually displays bar at that increment level, or No. of bars. for some reason if I have it on 1 bar the highlighted bar is in different position to the highlighted bar when having increment of 1........not sure why this is.

seems like when I have it on increment=1 this is the highest traded price, but when I just have No of bars=1 it does not match this must be displaying something different.

not problem as this is excellent, but would be great if it could just display 1 bar to track the current highest traded price.........& eventually maybe the ability to 'tag' a corresponding line at a set distance away from this.
