Medved QuoteTracker


This is excellent news and a credit to all at Medved. Is this on a new download ?

its on a beta release - at least i think it is

do a web-update

if it picks up ver 3.3.2b then you have the latest release

if not you will need to enable beta up-dates in Preferences/Misc

beta updates should only be done outside trading hours

and is at you own risk to loss of data

without asking Jerry it appears it is a full release

[email protected]
If you are at all worried about using beta updates
i recommend you backup the whole of the quotetracker directory

just copy the directory into a tempory folder then do an update

VWAP is plotted like a moving average line
Point & Figure - yes, we do want to implement that.

VWAP - it is in the 3.3.2b version - NOTE: That version is NOT beta. It is the production version of QT. We just had to update the production version a couple times since the intial release last week
i didn't get an automatic update for the latest release Jerry
so wasn't sure if it was beta or not.
Had to do a manual update to pick it up.

Thanks for implementing VWAP

You mentioned P&F charts - how about Kagi charts

Kagi would be a valued addition
and i believe easier to implement.
VWAP - next version is going to have one more option for VWAP - you will be able to select Horizontal Line indicator and peg it to VWAP. On the chart, it will draw one line on each day at the VWAP point.

Kagi - remind us after we implement P&F 🙂.

is that remind you after P&F - cos you would rather
include P&F first or...

do you need a reminder how Kagi is plotted ?

its very simple - just working on it in excel for EOD

its also available on all the major platforms
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top marks on the VWAP.

I am having a little clitch with the open prices on the DAX future, feed is from IQ feed.

basically I am getting a quote from the night before's close fed in just after 8-00 am & the bar charts r taking this as the open price. the open price is displayed correctly in portfolio & with indicator bar, but not with bar chart.

I have contacted techsupport & they explained that the bar draws from 8-00 regardless which I understand, but the first price I have in the morning is clearly the last close.

I am not trying to blame I am just trying to figure out whether it is a 'timing setting ' issue that I need to address in quotetracker, or something that I need to contact IQ feed about.

I have checked it against other people's data & there is obviously something not quite right, u can view the thread

appreciate any help

Jay, the problem is, IQFeed datafeed does not include seconds on the timestamp that is sent with the quotes. Because of that, QT has to use system time (time when the quote came in) for the quote time instead. If you get a quote just prior to market open, it will contain the previous day's quote, but will show on the current day.

In the next version of IQFeed client (major version, not minor fix update), they will have seconds in the quote time stamp, thus eliminating this issue. For now, not sure what you can do other than manually removing the offending quote (in raw data window)

many thanks for that

this is fine & I can live with it as it is not a major problem really I just thought I must have some settings wrong or something & was getting frustrating.

now u have explained it I understand & it is ok

thanks for the help Jerry

p.s. now we have VWAP & as u say soon the ability to tag a straight line to it, will the ability to select different colours for individual trendlines be possible in the near future ?

next version will also have Volume by Price as well. May color code VWAP on there too. Don't know about the individual colors on the trend lines

sounds interesting.

Just registered so can now display more data, good stuff. Having the ability to select different colours for different trendlines would be a major help.........even if there were just 5 colours, as it displays 5 days of data u can then tell different sup/res ranges for different day's

as it is they r all red so becomes a bit confusing, this will be another one in the eye for the other packages out there



Does anyone know how to get nasdaq emini futures in QT. I have tried entering the symbols NQ03Z and NQZ3 but to no avail

I use QT with the feed


Thanks Paul & Jerry

One other simple Question
i have just got a second screen and trying to set QT up accross both.

I have managed to set it all up. Although when you close down Qt and reopen all the charts etc. come back up on One Screen (Primary Monitor)


ianh, this is usually caused by certain video driver settings. If you mave something that is supposed to "remember" window locations for you (usually something that comes with the video card), turn it off. That is interfering with QT.
Thanks for the recent improvements Jerry. I like the translucent settings and the way I can now have more space on the horizontal and vertical axis. Add P&F charts and more than 5 days data and quotetracker will be hard to beat.