Medved QuoteTracker


The best thing to do is to right click on the chart and select "Clear The Chart" Then select all. After this click back on the stock in your portfolio and get it backfilled again.

jerry.isee on quotetracker that if you register the bandwidth will change.what does this mean/
jerry.i have just been to website qtextender.the only thing i can see of any value is the scanner they are testing.please let us know when it will be available and how will it compare to the esignal scanner.$100 a year is good value.
also cannot close my charts down even though i go to window dropdown and click on close all charts,this means i have to right clik on symbol which then says open intraday chart
QT Extender is a product by a separate company. It adds advanced portfolio management, lots of features for handline options and trade logging, Trade Queing, etc.

As for charts, why would you need to right lick on symbol to close a chart? What QT version are you using? Are you able to close individual charts?

You may want to email support about that one
Just started using the free version, fantastic value!!! Is it possible to show an EMA price channel (not Bollinger)as per Elder ie 95% of price within the band, and adjust it to suit. I know CMC allow you to do it on their charts. Apologies if the answer is obvious and staring me in the face 😱
Also can anybody recommend a free back fill feed on the dow ie for when I get in late and need a full intraday chart
paulrockhopper, what is the exact formula that you are looking for?

As for backfill, you can use Scottrader - free registration but need to provide them with a US address, not that they check that.
Thanks for your reply
I will quote the formula as per Elder

Upper channel line = EMA + EMA . Channel coefficient
Lower channel line = EMA - EMA . Channel coefficient

On CMC's charting software you select a value for the deviation of the MA channel until the it fits youre requirements, if you understand my meaning. Hope this helps
I have just downloaded this program and have a question. Can you display stock prices in pence i.e 435 instead of 4.35. I am using ADVFN for price data and have tried selecting prices in pence but this does not seem to do anything.

Any suggestions would be most welcome.
crm199, that should work, but note that the setting only affects new data that comes in after you make the change, not the data that has already been retrieved.

If you still have an issue there, please email our support.

Jerry Medved
Hi Jerry

I have had the update for quotetracker & all good , top marks, apart from the fact that now on my 'tick chart' the VWAP value does not reset itself each day. it works OK on the Bar charts & it used to be ok on the tick chart but now it appears if it is just accumulating over the days instead of clearing down each day.

any ideas as to why this is?

