Medved QuoteTracker

for indices, volume is usually returned as a separate symbol. You can try Scottrade - we just added them as an index source in the beta version of QT (streaming). I know they have that symbol

I have QT & IQ Feed working like a dream this morning, thanks to the help from the techsupport chaps & can I say I am most impressed with the software & the tech help...this goes for IQfeed as well in case anybody is wondering, their messenger helpline is very good, quick & helpful.

one tiny question : when putting in trendlines on a single chart, is there anyway u can select different colours for different trendline's ?. if not would this be a possible for the future.......also , this is probably overstepping the mark, would it be feasable to have a 'background shading difference' between 2 set trendlines i.e. a 'range indicator' ?

Many Thanks


When trading Nasdaq stocks on Time and Sales there are 3
colours red, green and white. Do white trades represent trades
transacted between bid and ask or something else ?

Also you occasionally see a negative volume figure appear on
T & S, is this people shorting stocks or something else ?



Right now, there is no way to color individual trend lines. It may be somethng thats added in the future.

Shading difference between 2 trend lines - not likely. Doing something like that with some channel indicators - maybe.

Trader333 - The specific colors are dependent on the color scheme, and also on where you are looking. For PRICE column, its exactly what you said. For bid/ask, it indicates when the bid/ask changed and in which direction. While on the raw data window, hit F1

Negative volume should not happen. Basically means that QT received a quote with a volume value that is lower than the volume on the previous quote for that symbol. If it happens often, email our support and indicate which QT version and quote source you are using.

Thanks, thats great

another small one, I have opened a tick chart with contract Volume displayed at the bottom & the top of the Volume spikes r sometimes lost into the bottom of the price graph......until a larger one comes in & scales it down......this is not a problem , but just wondered if there was a way to adjust this.

Jay, not 100% sure what you mean. You mean that one big spike basically changes the scale so the rest are too small to see? If so, then on OPTIONS/Edit Preferences menu, CHARTS tab, Misc... sub tab, there is a setting for volume filtering. Default is 4. Try 3.

yes sorry, bit difficult to explain, but actually the other way round........what I mean is sometimes I am looking for certain patterns in the volume level, but it appears I cannot always see the very top of the spikes until a much higher spike comes in & scales it down smaller.

it is not a major problem & I will have a play with what u suggested & see if I can tweak it

p.s Top marks for the assistance it is certainly appreciated

🙂 cracked it Jerry, went the other way round, made the limit bigger & I can see what I am after now.

p.s. c u come from the Land of my hero, the late great ''Stevie Ray vaughan .......excellent!

is there a facility in QT to track the most traded price of contract or stock in a given day, & price with highest Volume?

if this was so, in the 'indicators' I see u can select 'horizontal line' & then a value , open etc. would there be a possiblity for the future to enable it to track this most traded price for that day?

there is no such facility right now. To do that, we would need to plot volume VS Price, which we are considering

My T&S screen is reporting different prices from those shown in the LII screen and different on the charts!!!

Any suggestions?


The Level II screen shows quotes only and not the actual trades
going through. The actual trades are shown on Time and Sales
which the chart should represent.

I hope this helps

On chart in qt there is a button for link and unlink. What is the use of this facility?Thanks for help

It allows you to click on a stock in your portfolio and all charts you
have and level II screens will change to the newly clicked on
stock. If not linked the charts wont change when you click on a
new stock.


Thanks for the reply.

I didn't make myself clear. It isn't the trade going through that I was referring to. I also run the bid & ask columns so I can see at a glance the up and down movement over the last X changes in the quote in the bid / ask.

It is those prices that do not coincide with the inside prices on the LII screen.

Oldum, note that the bid/ask size displayed on the Level I quote represents the size of the best order on the bid/ask side, not the total size of the orders at that price. Therefore, if you are comparing, you need to compare to only the top order on the bid/ask side of the level II window, assuming you have QT set to display the orders in PRICE/TIME order (sorting is user configurable)