Master class in hind site trading

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Don't mind me!...Just making more pips all live called in advance.
I took the short. 1.1270
taking 62% off here at 1.1244 for +26!

Lots of the traders on other FX threads are Robin Van Persie at best, but i'm Lord Bendtner. Different levels. I was born at the coal face with a data feed and a cheap laptop. You either got good or you died!
Can I show you how I do this? Sure. But first you must turn your will and your life over to me. Surrender yourself to the Trading Doctor. The Man with the golden D1ck. Dr. C0ck and balls. The reverse Apache Master. Scotty PIPpen. Sirpipsalot. Morgan Edge. Trader

Oh jesus with my strengthmeters I do worship thee :-0
eu longs over 1.1250, shorts under 1.1249.

scalp both ways in between but only if its in the proper time window.

I know this shǐts important, because someone said so.


The time window in the dax is very short thats why i only make 100-200 daily ...




aha. So i'm assuming the short was about here at the cross in the time window?
good for 200 pips
great call, Tar!!!


  • dax.jpg
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aha. So i'm assuming the short was about here at the cross in the time window?
good for 200 pips
great call, Tar!!!

i can see you are using my method Morgan, it has an indicator on the chart and it has time can everyone see the power of my master class?

One more for teh dissers.
Currently 120.08
looking for scalpy shorts below 120.00, 99 and 97
Longs abouve 120.15, 16
this time just a 3 pip stop!

Closing 80% here at 119.72 for +28 🙂

Euro is currently1.1214
I have a little range i've been monitoring.
High of the range is 1.1235
low is 1.1195
My stop will be just 5 pips!! Nice tight stop.

I'm looking for a possible long above the top of the range and a possible short below. If it chops around and breaks both levels but never gets anywhere, well.....

I'll let you know how I got on.

Closing half here at 95
on 5 pip risk

Allow me to divert your attention to cable.
Current price. 1.5393
current price structure suggests longs of 1.5401, 02, 03. I f we can hold this leve we will be long
also, shorts beloew 1.5382, 81, 80
4 pips stop

Get ready for some more easy money, peasants

Already +16 in the bag

closed 78.75% here for +16 pips

If it's not clear by now that i'm an expert, it never will be/!

Dax is possible longs over 20, 21 and 22
short below 10, 09 and 08
4 pips stop

daxy 🙂

Taking 56.6% off here at 9990 for +20! :)

Was this not a live in advance call????
If not, We must be on different planets!! Bloody dissers/spoilers!
Maybe if I told you that i've got 17 years at the coal face you'd then understand that i'm an expert and thus able to make these sorts of unbelievable trades?!

now trading at 9968
closing more here for +42!! 🙂

Was this not live in advance call?! If not, you need specsavers. Last time I checked 09.00am is before 09.42am

rest of here at 9930 for +80 pips!! 🙂 🙂

Everyone's favourite: EU
currently 1.1275
Possible scalp shorts according to the PA below 1.1270, 69 and 67 if in one of my 'duration windows'
Possible longs above 1.1281, 83.
Stop will be just 4 pips

Don't mind me!...Just making more pips all live called in advance.
I took the short. 1.1270
taking 62% off here at 1.1244 for +26!
wackypete2 is a good trader but he is not as good as me , if he commits to this thread for 12-18 months he may become like Morgan ...
wackypete2 is a good trader but he is not as good as me , if he commits to this thread for 12-18 months he may become like Morgan ...


just look at my entries! All called in advance of course, I just didn't post them in advance.
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