Master class in hind site trading

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Tar. You trade Dax, right? What are teh official Dax time windows to make money? (i'm mainly just an FX expert)

I know this shǐts important, because someone said so.

Y.o.u all have mental health
Look.i.n.t.o. The g.i.f u will believe my live calls in a.d.v.a.n.ce.
so far only one person has given their soul over to me and that person's Tar
I will let you into my circle Tar, or if not you, somebody who will represent you

I only ask for certain qualities
complete and utter devotion
and only over 12-18 months trading FX...

i don't mind if you lie about 12-18 months because i can't see how on earth im ever going to enforce that, but the devotion is non-negotiable
Tar. You trade Dax, right? What are teh official Dax time windows to make money? (i'm mainly just an FX expert)

The time window in the dax is very short thats why i only make 100-200 daily ...



The time window in the dax is very short thats why i only make 100-200 daily ...




100-200 pips daily, but even if the bar for those 5 minutes just went up 20 points?
didn't Fugz ask that very same question on the thread when god was just an expert..
100-200 pips daily, but even if the bar for those 5 minutes just went up 20 points?
didn't Fugz ask that very same question on the thread when god was just an expert..

ok no I've got it now..the trend for me is only 3 points, so 100 to 200 is perfectly doable if the bar just went up 20. Duh
but what timeframe is that Tar?
Tick, 15 seconds or is a weekly tick chart your using?
ok no I've got it now..the trend for me is only 3 points, so 100 to 200 is perfectly doable if the bar just went up 20. Duh
but what timeframe is that Tar?
Tick, 15 seconds or is a weekly tick chart your using?

There are no time tick charts in Indices unlike FX ...
this is just too easy, and right in my time window (kt for all you non-believers)

ok time window now shut, no trading now but my next window has just opened so back in the game..morgan did you receive the statement from a random person i picked out of thin air to demonstrate my amazing prowess?
Have you been through the 21000 posts that should clarify it all up for you
if not then you will have to wade knee deep in the 10000 hours of complete and utter bullsh*** at the coal face (don't know about you guys, but if somebody had said diamond mines i'd have been more amenable to the idea, coal face really puts me off)

10,000hrs later.png
Today's statement in FX : 😎


  • 1000.jpg
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this from the other site just now...

"Just be looking at pending new contacts/ friends and having to leave them pending until I know more about them

Maybe they can introduce themselves on one of my other threads or PM with a a bit of background etc

I will not be leaving my PM's open as normally dont like using them - too time consuming

If your profile as got nothing about you - and you nic is like -

Fhater - NV's love child - Nics wife - etc etc - then i get the feeling you should not be coming over to this thread and will not accept you

If you can prove to me your not a multi nic along with your experience FX level then fine - no probs - come in on trial ;-)"

he's answering questions from our thread on his own
give us a wave Fomo...

omg I just thought, my question was timestamped and posted on here live in advance of his statement. Its a live call everyone!!
As if it wasn't already painfully obvious taht I know how to trade (Just a bit!!! That's like saying 'the sun's a little bit warm'!), here's another live in advance call to see if I can hit my 250 pips target and call it a day.
Everyone's favourite: EU
currently 1.1275
Possible scalp shorts according to the PA below 1.1270, 69 and 67 if in one of my 'duration windows'
Possible longs above 1.1281, 83.
Stop will be just 4 pips

Don't mind me!...Just making more pips all live called in advance.
I took the short. 1.1270
taking 62% off here at 1.1244 for +26!

Lots of the traders on other FX threads are Robin Van Persie at best, but i'm Lord Bendtner. Different levels. I was born at the coal face with a data feed and a cheap laptop. You either got good or you died!
Can I show you how I do this? Sure. But first you must turn your will and your life over to me. Surrender yourself to the Trading Doctor. The Man with the golden D1ck. Dr. C0ck and balls. The reverse Apache Master. Scotty PIPpen. Sirpipsalot. Morgan Edge. Trader
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