marsman's Project X

At IB I have a USD account, but I can also deposit EUR to my acct.
In fact I now did this, and now have also a EUR position in my account.
Anybody know how I can convert that EUR position into USD?
Do I need to do that via the FX market? Ie. buying USD?
To be honest: I've never traded currencies yet 🙂 Have no experience in this stuff yet... Help welcome... TIA.
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I'm now present also on Twitter
Still here marsman - I thought you'd had enough of us! Your time out is very brief.

I've reported your post to the Mods as you're clearly trying to drive T2W members to other sites / social media where you're active and can pursue your stated goal of trying to get punters to make you a millionaire in 6 months. I'm not a Mod', so it's not for me to say what they will or won't do. However, knowing them as I do, I suspect you're treading on very, very thin ice. If you want to remain here and avoid a permanent ban, I suggest you accept the guidelines as clearly explained in our Community Constitution and contribute something useful to the site. Just posting highly abridged statements showing account gains is of zero value to anyone.
Still here marsman - I thought you'd had enough of us! Your time out is very brief.

I've reported your post to the Mods as you're clearly trying to drive T2W members to other sites / social media where you're active and can pursue your stated goal of trying to get punters to make you a millionaire in 6 months. I'm not a Mod', so it's not for me to say what they will or won't do. However, knowing them as I do, I suspect you're treading on very, very thin ice. If you want to remain here and avoid a permanent ban, I suggest you accept the guidelines as clearly explained in our Community Constitution and contribute something useful to the site. Just posting highly abridged statements showing account gains is of zero value to anyone.

You are talking BS man. We have the year 2016, everybody nowadays has a twitter or fb or g+ account etc.
Would you also cry if I posted my presence here on T2W at twitter? I actually did that, ie. promoted T2W.
You are a little bit too paranoid, dear friend. You belong to the fossil age I would say. Stop your unfounded idiocy against me.
. . . Stop your unfounded idiocy against me.
I may be a fossil but, in case you've not noticed, I'm also a member of staff. I was merely trying to help you by pointing out that you're in breach of our Community Constitution. Of course there's nothing wrong in having Twitter or Facebook accounts; I'm not suggesting there is. What's wrong is to use T2W to drive traffic to them so you can sell your services. That's not idiocy; it's called having a duty of care towards our members.
I may be a fossil but, in case you've not noticed, I'm also a member of staff. I was merely trying to help you by pointing out that you're in breach of our Community Constitution. Of course there's nothing wrong in having Twitter or Facebook accounts; I'm not suggesting there is. What's wrong is to use T2W to drive traffic to them so you can sell your services. That's not idiocy; it's called having a duty of care towards our members.

I must say I admire your optimism on how many read this thread and are likewise potential punters. I fear it is just a few wiser souls who wouldn't give money or anything else away.
I may be a fossil but, in case you've not noticed, I'm also a member of staff. I was merely trying to help you by pointing out that you're in breach of our Community Constitution. Of course there's nothing wrong in having Twitter or Facebook accounts; I'm not suggesting there is. What's wrong is to use T2W to drive traffic to them so you can sell your services. That's not idiocy; it's called having a duty of care towards our members.

Just prove what you say! I've not even a business yet. I'm just a private trader, nothing more!
In other words: your accusations are unfair and also unfounded! Ie. paranoid.
And: you are discriminating me, who should have the same rights like any other of the users here!
Just prove what you say! I've not even a business yet. I'm just a private trader, nothing more!
I'm just telling you what virtually everyone else has said and thinks. If we're wrong about you - then I'm delighted to hear it. But the onus is very much on you to prove to us (not the other way around) that your intentions are honourable and that you're here for the right reasons. Namely, to contribute to the community in a way that's beneficial for all. You'll know why you're here and if (as most people suspect) it's just to promote your business and find customers, then you can expect the BS to continue. Your choice.
I'm just telling you what virtually everyone else has said and thinks. If we're wrong about you - then I'm delighted to hear it. But the onus is very much on you to prove to us (not the other way around) that your intentions are honourable and that you're here for the right reasons. Namely, to contribute to the community in a way that's beneficial for all. You'll know why you're here and if (as most people suspect) it's just to promote your business and find customers, then you can expect the BS to continue. Your choice.

I did in a short time many contributions than most others.
I have said to everybody and to even many veteran naysayers that there is big profit to make in the markets.
I even proved it publicly first with a paper account, and then even with a live account.
Does this all count nothing? I have discussed my method over many months, I gave the links to the discussions. So what more am I supposed to provide?
I'm now a fulltime trader, my time is limited to participate on such boards. I still do what I can. I think I have answered all questions asked. Of course I cannot answer the same questions again and again; for this there are the archives...
As time passes then not more new questions remain...

I'M NOT INTERESTED TO RECRUIT ANYBODY HERE TO INVEST IN ME OR MY "FUND". I DON'T NEED THE MONEY OF ANYBODY. I just had offered that people profit from my high profits. But since I learned that such calls are unwanted here then it is ok with me. Otherwise give proof where I have supposedly violated any of your rules, or just shut up finally!

It is you who has to provide the evidence that a member has violated the rules.
I'm curious about what you have collected so far against me, and surely not only me...

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I've just defended myself. If it was rude, so be it. That's simply me. Have I to be like anybody else, ie. like a pussycat bowing to every unfair accusation by some idots without any manners? Of course not!
People seem to be frustrated because they can't replicate my performance... 🙂
That's good for me, because it proves me of the edge I have found. 🙂
People seem to be frustrated because they can't replicate my performance... 🙂
That's good for me, because it proves me of the edge I have found. 🙂

We didn't see any performance just picture making.
Any real trades and in advance might help.
People seem to be frustrated because they can't replicate my performance... 🙂
Lord, give me strength.
If you genuinely think this marsman, then you don't need T2W. Indeed, you wouldn't even bother to read these boards, let alone post to them. You'd be busily making the billions you've assured us you're going to make. The only person who's frustrated is you because no one takes you seriously or believes that you can trade for toffee. I and others have gone out of our way to tell you what you need to do to if you wish to reverse this widespread (unanimous?) opinion about you and all you do is respond with insults. As I've said already, you can ignore everyone if you want and carry on posting as you have previously but, if you do, you can expect the tongue lashing to continue and, quite possibly, to incur the wrath of the Mods.
People seem to be frustrated because they can't replicate my performance... 🙂
That's good for me, because it proves me of the edge I have found. 🙂
hey @itspossible: I told you: don't spam my thread with your stupidity. I have not seen any other poster that stupid like you, really!
You are in my ignore list. Just don't participate in any threads of mine!
I'll never understand why staff needs to participate in user discussions...
Same with mods...
They are just killing the discussions with their presence as participants in discussions...
Similar to a group in an english pub drinking and talking, and 2 bobbys observing and jumping into the discussions all the time...
Is this normal? Of course not...
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